

PDA TR60 工艺性能确认PPQ的设计策略:使用已有的知识和第一阶段的数据来支持PPQ

4.3 Design Strategy for Process Performance Qualification (PPQ)


4.3.1 Use of Prior Knowledge and Stage 1 Data to Support PPQ


In a lifecycle approach to process validation, sources of data and information outside of the PPQ batches may be used to support a high degree of confidence in an ongoing state of process control. Prior knowledge

is that which has been gained from similar products and processes. It may come from experience with a portfolio of similar molecules, where platform manufacturing strategies have been developed using existing facilities and equipment (e.g., platform manufacturing processes for monoclonal antibodies), or from similar process and unit operations. Leveraging the body of data from similar products and processes may provide an additional level of confidence in the process control of a product and process that uses a similar control strategy and unit operations.



By contrast, first-in-class molecules and/or products manufactured in new facilities/equipment will not have a similar depth of prior knowledge and data prior to development. In these instances, increased emphasis on data gathering in Stage 1 may be applied to support PPQ readiness. To gather sufficient data to demonstrate an acceptable level of confidence in the commercial manufacturing process when little prior knowledge or Stage 1 data are available, the scope and extent of PPQ may be greater. The rationale and

scientific justification for the use of existing data (prior knowledge) to support the PPQ Stage should be documented in the process validation master plan. All prior knowledge and Stage 1 data used in to support PPQ must be retrievable, traceable, verified, and generated using good scientific practices.


Figure 4.3.1-1 illustrates the relationship of the amount of knowledge to Stage 1 and 2 activities. Where there is greater prior knowledge or process design for a new product or process, PPQ studies may be decreased. Less prior knowledge will require more Stage 1 and/or PPQ data.


Figure 4.3.1-1 Relationship of Prior Knowledge to the Amount of PPQ Data Required

图4.3.1-1 已有知识与要求的PPQ数据量的关系

Some examples of cases where prior knowledge may be useful to for PPQ include:


· Setting of acceptance criteria in PPQ studies: For example, bioburden and endotoxin in-process acceptance criteria in cases where facility history and limits for other processes can be applied to similar processes that employ the same facility and equipment. (Assumes the limits for the previous product are appropriate for the quality of the new product.)

PPQ研究中可接受标准的设定:例如,生物负荷和内毒素中控可接受标准的设定, 若其他工艺的限度和设施历史可被应用于使用相同设施和设备的相似产品。(假设前一产品的限度对新产品的质量是适当的。)

· Use of data from other product PPQ supportive studies: For example, in platform purification operations where same or similar buffer formulations will be used in the same vessels, buffer hold studies already performed for a different product can be used to support the PPQ for buffers used for the

new product.


· Using prior experience on similar processes: In non-sterile solid and liquid dosage manufacturing, such as granulating and film coating solution preparations, or bulk solution mixing and filling, prior experience with similar solutions or filling equipment may be applied to justify the number of PPQ

batches for those unit operations.Past knowledge of common excipients, such as fillers, binders, disintegrants, lubricants, and preservatives in the formulation and process is also an important factor.

使用相似工艺的先前的经验:在非无菌的固体或液体制剂生产中,例如制粒和薄膜包衣溶液的制备,药液混合或灌装,可以应用相似溶液或灌装设备的先前的经验来合理说明验证这些单元操作的PPQ 的批次数目。。通用辅料的过去的知识也是一个重要的因素,例如处方和工艺中的填料、粘合剂、崩解剂、润滑油和防腐剂。

Use of Stage 1 Data for PPQ

第1 阶段的数据用于PPQ

Processes and products for which there is little or no prior knowledge may require a greater emphasis on Stage 1 and PPQ activities to demonstrate an acceptable level of confidence in the process control strategy. Data from Stage 1 process characterization studies and clinical manufacturing are generally used to support the establishment of the control strategy for new products, as discussed in Section 3.0. Stage 1 data may be used to support PPQ if sufficient scientific evidence for its use is available. At a minimum, the studies claimed to support PPQ should represent the commercial manufacturing scale (e.g., be scale independent) or derived from qualified small-scale model(s) proven to represent the full-scale process. In some cases, data from clinical manufacturing batches may be used in conjunction with that gathered during PPQ to increase the amount of data that can be used to achieve an acceptable level of confidence in the process. Some examples of the use of Stage 1 data to support the PPQ include (see Section 7.1 for details):

对于仅有极少或没有已有知识的工艺和产品,可能要求更强调第1 阶段和PPQ 活动来证明工艺控制策略的可接受的置信水平。如第3.0 节所讨论,通常可以用第1 阶段工艺特性研究和临床用样品生产的数据来支持新产品控制策略的确定。第一阶段的数据可被用来支持PPQ,如果其使用有充分的科学证据。声明支持PPQ 的研究至少应代表商业生产规模(例如,应是规模独立的)或是来自已证明代表全规模工艺的经过确认的小规模模型。在某些情况下,可以联合使用临床用样品生产批次的数据与PPQ 期间收集的数据,以增加用于实现工艺的可接受的置信水平的数据的数量。使用第一阶段数据来支持PPQ 的一些例子包括(有关详细信息,请参见第7.1):

· Large molecule example


· Past experiences in clinical, and stability, and pilot batch manufacturing. Process evaluation batches help determine the amount of PPQ data. For example, in an oral solid dosage form of multiple strengths, at least 8 Stage 1 batches with the same commercial formulation were from clinical supply manufacturing, stability, pilot, process evaluation/design, and plant demonstration batches. The firm had extensive experience with the components, equipment, and unit operations for the dosage form: wet granulation, fluid-bed drying, milling, blending, compression, and film coating. These 8-plus batches played instrumental roles in the justification of the number of PPQ batches.



In some cases, Stage 1 data that supports PPQ may be supported in some cases by adding stricter testing for a defined number of batches to confirm the results obtained in the Stage 1 studies and the PPQ batches. For example, small-scale column lifetime studies may be used to support column reuse limits. These are then confirmed with a heightened level of impurity monitoring until the reuse period has been reached at full scale.

在某些情况下,可通过对规定的批数增加更为严格的检验来支持用于支持PPQ 的第1 阶段的数据来证实第1 阶段研究和PPQ 批次中获得的结果。例如,可用小规模的柱寿命研究来支持柱重复使用的限度。可在之后通过加强杂质监测来证实,直到重复使用时间达到全量。

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