

EMA上市后变更问答之 变更分类之 质量12问201706


Classification of changes: questions and answers 变更分类问答


2.1. Introduction of a new manufacturing site forthe finished product. What changes can I submit under a single type II scope?(Classification category B.II.b.1) 引入新的制剂生产场所。在单一II类变更范围内我能提交什么变更?(分类B.II.b.1

The following complex related changes could be considered for submissionunder a single type II scope B.II.b.1 - Addition of a new finished product (FP)manufacturing site: changes to the manufacturing process, batch size andin-process controls to adapt to the new manufacturing site settings.


Complex related changes submitted under a single type II should always beclearly identified in the application form as following: a clear description ofall the related changes should be provided in the precise scope. All therelated changes should be listed in the present/proposed table.


Changes affecting the FP not directly related to the introduction of thenew manufacturing site such as changes in excipients, specification parameters/limits for the FP, container closure system including suppliers should besubmitted as additional variation scopes.


Any pre-submission queries of any intended submission of complex relatedchanges under one single type II scope should be addressed to the appointedProcedure Manager.


2.2. Introduction of a new manufacturing site foran active substance. What changes are covered by a single type II scope?(Classification categoryB.I.a.1) New June 2017 引入新的活性物质生产场所。单一II类范围覆盖哪些变更?(分类B.I.a.1

The introduction of a new manufacturing site for an active substancesupported by an ASMF should be submitted under a single Type II scopeB.I.a.1.b. The introduction of a new manufacturer of the active substance notsupported by an ASMF that requires significant updates to 3.2.S should besubmitted under a single Type II scope B.I.a.1.g).


It should be noted that in cases where the introduction of the new activesubstance manufacturer has an impact at the level of the finished productmanufacturer (e.g. changes to the active substance specifications or relatedanalytical methods) separate variations have to be submitted under thecorresponding B.I.b. categories and may be grouped together, if related to theintroduction of the new active substance manufacturer.


Any pre-submission queries related to upcoming submissions pertaining tosuch changes should be addressed to the appointed Procedure Manager.


2.3. How should a change to Module 3.2.S or theupdate of an ASMF, which is part of Module 3 (human) of a marketingauthorisation be submitted? (B.I.z) New June 2017 作为上市许可申报资料中模块3(人药)一部分的模块3.2.S.变更或ASMF更新的变更应如何提交?(B.I.z

The update of Module 3.2.S can be submitted as a grouped variationapplication, if conditions 5 or 6 of Annex III of the Variation Regulation (EC)No 1234/2008 apply.


An update or change of a stand-alone ASMF is not foreseen and can only beaddressed in connection with a marketing authorisation. The type of thevariation(s) is dependent on the type of the single changes introduced in theupdated version. The update – including changes to the open and /or restrictedpart - can be submitted as a grouped application, if condition 5 of Annex IIIof the Variation Regulation (EC) No 1234/2008 applies.


However, in case of substantial changes in the updated version of Module3.2.S or the ASMF it is recommended to submit a single type II variation undercategory B.I.z. However, it is a prerequisite for the validation of thesesingle variations that the “present/proposed” section of the application formis filled in correctly and completely.


In all cases, updates of the ASMF must be submitted by the ASMF holder(open and closed part to EMA, open part to marketing authorisation holder)whilst the variation as such has to be submitted by the marketing authorisationholder. We encourage a close dialogue between MAH and ASMF holder to establishthe correct classification of all the changes introduced within a new versionof an ASMF to avoid validation issues.


Any pre-submission queries related to upcoming submissions pertaining tosuch changes should be addressed to the appointed Procedure Manager.


2.4. How should I submit an updated Certificateof Suitability (CEP)? (Classification category B.III.1) 我应该如何提交更新后的CEP?(B.III.1类)

In line with the Marketing Authorisation Holder’s (MAH) obligation to keepthe dossier up to date, a new or updated Certificate of Suitability (CEP) foran active substance (AS), excipient or starting material/reagent/intermediateused in the manufacturing process of the AS should be submitted as a variation.It is however understood that only the versions of the CEP (i.e. updatedcertificates) which were used in the manufacturing process of a batch offinished product (FP)/ AS need to be included in the dossier.


CEP updates should be submitted under the appropriate variationclassification scope within subsection B.III.1. Each CEP update should besubmitted as a variation scope, i.e. an update covering more than one CEPversion should be submitted as a grouped variation.


When applying for an update of an approved CEP, the MAH should refer to thepreviously agreed version of the CEP within the ‘Present/Proposed’ section ofthe application form.


If with the submission one or more revisions of the CEP are omitted, theMAH should confirm in the variation application form (section ‘Precise scopeand background for change’) that substance/material from the omitted CEPversion(s) was not used in the manufacture of the FP and/or AS during thevalidity of this certificate(s). Additionally it should be confirmed that anychanges introduced by the omitted CEP update(s), do not affect the quality ofthe AS and/or FP. In case such confirmation is missing, a negative Type IAnotification may be issued.


The MAH should also clearly indicate in the ‘Present/Proposed’ section allchanges introduced in the CEP between the latest approved version and the new revision,including all revisions that were not notified. Any changes e.g. tomanufacturing sites, additional residual solvents introduced in the CEP bysubsequent updates should be declared.


Example: 举例

Submission of an updated CEP version for an already approved manufacturer:R0-CEP-xxxx-xx-rev.02 when the current certificate in the dossier is:R0-CEP-xxxx-xx-rev.00.


If during the validity of R0-CEP-xxxx-xx-rev.01, material of the CEP wasused in the manufacture of the FP and/or the AS, then the MAH should submit agrouping of two IA variations to include both certificates (rev. 01 and rev.02) in the Module 3. The foreseen conditions for each of the respectivevariations should be met.


If during the validity of R0-CEP-xxxx-xx-rev.01, material of the CEP wasnot used in the manufacture of the FP and/or AS, the MAH should only submit asingle Type IA variation to include the updated certificateR0-CEP-xxxx-xx-rev.02 in Module 3. The foreseen conditions for the variationshould be met.


The MAH should also confirm in the variation application form thatmaterial/substance from R0-CEP-xxxx-xx-rev.01 was not used in the manufactureof the FP and/or AS during the validity of this certificate and that changesintroduced by the revision R0-CEP-xxxx-xx-rev.01 do not affect the quality ofthe AS and/or the FP. MAH should also clearly list within the‘Present/Proposed’ section of the application form all changes introduced tothe CEP with revisions 01 and 02.


2.5. What is considered to be a non-significantin-process control or specification parameter? (Classification categoryB.I.a.4.c, B.I.b.1.d, B.I.c.2.c, B.II.b.5.c, B.II.c.1.c, B.II.d.1.d, B.II.e.2.cand B.IV.2.f) 什么样的中控和质量标准参数可以认为是不重要的?(分类B.I.a.4.c, B.I.b.1.d, B.I.c.2.c,B.II.b.5.c, B.II.c.1.c, B.II.d.1.d, B.II.e.2.c B.IV.2.f

Variation scopes B.I.a.4.c, B.I.b.1.d, B.I.c.2.c, B.II.b.5.c, B.II.c.1.c,B.II.d.1.d, B.II.e.2.c and B.IV.2.f of the 'Variations Guidelines’ 2013/C 223/01, deal with thedeletion of a non-significant in-process control (IPC) test or specificationparameter. Provided all relevant conditions and documentation requirements aremet, all these variations fall under the Type IA category (do-and-tell).

变更指南2013/EC 223/01的变更范围B.I.a.4.c, B.I.b.1.d, B.I.c.2.c, B.II.b.5.c, B.II.c.1.c,B.II.d.1.d, B.II.e.2.c B.IV.2.f,是关于不重要的中控(IPC)检测和质量标准参数删除的。如果满足所有相关条件和文件要求,则所有这些变更都属于IIA类(先实施后告知)。

For the categories listed above and other variations related tospecifications of active ingredients, excipients, finished product, packagingmaterial or measuring or administration device, the deletion of an obsoleteparameter is given as an example. For finished products, this is furtherexemplified by mentioning of odour and taste. Although it is not possible togive similar examples for all of the categories mentioned above, these examplesserve as an indication of the types of changes considered to fall under thisvariation category, regardless if this is related to in-process controls orspecifications. This is therefore intended to be used for truly obsolete teststhat are no longer part of normal specifications for newer products, but haveremained for historical reasons in older products.


This variation category is not intended to include changes in relation torevisions of the control strategy with an intention to minimise redundanttesting of parameters and attributes (critical or non-critical) that are testedat different stages during the production, or cases where process/ productcharacterisation performed after authorisation has shown that the attribute/parameter is non-critical. Such changes require regulatory assessment and areto be handled as Type IB or II variations as appropriate.


2.6. When applying for a new pack size, what isconsidered to be within /outside range? (Classification category B.II.e.5) 在申请新包装规格时,哪些认为是范围内哪些是范围外的(分类B.II.e.5)? New Jun2017

The introduction of a new pack size (i.e. in addition to currently approvedpack sizes) should be submitted as a variation under scope B.II.e.5.a).


A range is defined from the smallest to the largest approved pack size(i.e. not from ‘0’) for the same pharmaceutical form and strength. The packsize equals to the number of units of the pharmaceutical form (e.g. tablets,sachets, ampoules, etc.) contained in the outer packaging. Pack sizes notincluded within this range are considered to be outside of the range.


For the addition of a new pack size where the number of units of the packis within the range of the currently approved pack sizes for the strength andpharmaceutical form, applicants should submit a IAIN variationB.II.e.5.a.1.


For the addition of a new pack size where the number of units of the packis outside the range of the currently approved pack sizes for the strength andpharmaceutical form, applicants should submit a IB variation B.II.e.5.a.2.


In support of a timely introduction of new pack sizes to the market, EMAaccepts the following approach for the introduction of various pack sizesfalling outside the range within a single grouped submission. The biggest or thesmallest pack size per strength outside the range should be classified as IBvariation B.II.e.5.a.2. This presentation defines the new limits of the rangeso that any intermediate pack size for the strength and pharmaceutical form canbe classified as IAIN variation B.II.e.5.a.1.


Example 1 举例

The “Medicinal Product A” has currently two approved pack sizes of 30 and60 tablets for the pharmaceutical form“film coated tablets” and the strength“20mg” and the MAH intends to apply for two new pack size(s) of 90 and 120tablets at the same time.


The introduction of a new pack size of 120 tablets for the “20mg” strengthis considered outside the range of packs and should be classified as variationB.II.e.5.a.2 (IB). This pack size defines a new limit for the range (30-120),so that the introduction of a pack size of 90 tablets as a grouped (or alatter) submisison can be classified as a variation B.II.e.5.a.1 (IAIN).

为“20mg”的剂量引入新的包装规格120片是超出包装范围的,应作为B.II.e.5.a.2 (IB)变更提交。此包装规格定义了一个新的范围限度(30-120),因此引入90片包装规格就可以作为一个组合(或后者)申报以B.II.e.5.a.1 IA立即通知)提交。

The MAH should therefore apply for a grouped variation of 1 x Type IB -B.II.e.5.a.2 variation and 1x type IA B.II.e.5.a 1 variation.

因此,MAH应申请一个IB B.II.e.5.a.2组合变更,一个IA B.II.e.5.a 1变更。

Example 2 2

The “Medicinal Product B” has currently two approved pack sizes of 2 and 10pre-filled syringes for the pharmaceutical form “solution for injection” forboth strengths of “20mg” and “40mg”.The MAH is applying for four new packsizes:5 prefilled syringes for the “20 mg” strength; 30 pre-filled syringes forthe “20 mg” strength; 5 prefilled syringes for the “40 mg” strength; 30pre-filled syringes for the “40 mg” strength.


For the “20mg” strength, the introduction of a new pack size of 5pre-filled syringes strength is considered within the range of approved packs(2-10) and should be classified as variation B.II.e.5.a.1 (IA) and theintroduction of a new pack size of 30 pre-filled syringes is considered outsidethe range of approved packs (2-10) and should be classified as variationB.II.e.5.a.2 (IB).

对于“20mg”剂量,引入5支装新的包装规格是在批准的包装规格内(2-10),应作为B.II.e.5.a.1(IA)变更提交。引入新的包装规格30支装则是在批准范围外(2-10),应作为B.II.e.5.a.2 (IB)变更提交。

For the “40mg” strength, the introduction of a new pack size of 5pre-filled syringes strength is considered within the range of approved packs(2-10) and should be classified as variation B.II.e.5.a.1 (IA) and theintroduction of a new pack size of 30 pre-filled syringes is considered outsidethe range of approved packs (2-10) and should be classified as variationB.II.e.5.a.2 (IB).

对于“40mg”剂量,引入5支装新的包装规格是在批准的包装规格内(2-10),应作为B.II.e.5.a.1(IA)变更提交。引入新的包装规格30支装则是在批准范围外(2-10),应作为B.II.e.5.a.2 (IB)变更提交。

The MAH should therefore apply for a grouped variation application underthe scopes referred above.


It should be highlighted, that for variations introducing additional presentationsor pack sizes for centrally approved products, each additional presentation orpack size attracts separate fees (x additional presentations = x separatefees). Each presentation and pack size should therefore be declared as aseparate variation on the variation application form under the section‘variations included in this application’.

要强调的是,如果是集中审评程序批准的药品,引入更多的形式或包装规格的变更中,每个增加的形式或包装规格要单独计费(增加X个形式= X倍单独费用)。因此,在变更申报表格中“本申请中包括的变更个数”部分要为每个形式和包装规格单独计数。

Changes to strength, pharmaceutical form and route of administration are tobe submitted as an Extension of a marketing authorisation.


For additional guidance on changes to existing presentation that cantrigger new EU number(s) please see the EMA post-authorisation guidance for Type IA, Type IB and Type II variations.


2.7. How should I submit a new working cell bank(WCB)? (Classification category B.I.a.2 a) New June2017 我应该如何提交新的工作细胞库(WCB)?(分类B.I.a.2.a

If a new WCB is introduced using the limits/conditions as detailed in anapproved qualification protocol, the new WCB is covered by the existing qualityassurance system and there is no need to submit a variation.


If the documentation of the WCB in the dossier does not include an approvedqualification protocol for introducing new WCBs, the MAH should file avariation B.I.a.2 a type IB (as condition 5 is not met).


To introduce a qualification protocol for preparation of a new WCB, the MAHshould file a variation type II B.I.a.2.c. The addition of the new WCB can becovered as part of this single variation type II.

如果引入新WCB制备确认方案,则MAH应提交II B.I.a.2.c变更。增加新的WCB可以作为此单独的II类变更的一部分。

Changes to an approved standard procedure (protocol) should be filed usinga variation type IB B.I.a.2.a, or a variation type II B.I.a.2.c, as relevantdepending on the complexity of the change. The addition of a new WCB can becovered as part of this single variation.


2.8. How should I submit a newreference standard for a biological medicinal product? 我应该如何提交一份新的生物药品对照品?New June 2017

If a new reference standard is introduced using the limits/conditions asdetailed in an approved qualification protocol, the new reference standard iscovered by the existing quality assurance system and there is no need to file avariation.


If no qualification protocol has been approved and the old material isstill available and the MAH is able to provide comparability test results usingboth reference standards, the MAH should file a type IB variation either underB.I.b.2.e for Active Substance or under B.II.d.2.d for Finished Product.


If no qualification protocol has been approved and the old material is not availableanymore and therefore no direct comparison new/old material is possible the MAHshould file a type II variation either under B.I.b.2.d for Active Substance orunder B.II.d.2.c for Finished Product.


To introduce a qualification protocol for the preparation of a newreference standard, the MAH should file a variation type II either underB.I.b.2.d for Active Substance or under B.II.d.2.c for Finished Product. Uponapproval of the variation, the introduction of a new reference standardaccording to the protocol will be covered by the existing quality assurancesystem.


2.9. What changes in manufacturing sites,buildings and rooms are covered by the company Quality Assurance System (GMP)? 生产场所、建筑和房间的哪些变更是覆盖在公司质量保证体系(GMP)内的? NewJune 2017

Provided that module 3 is not impacted, with the exception of section3.2.A.1 (for biotech medicinal products), the changes listed below (not anexhaustive list) are covered under the company’s quality management system anddo not require a variation to the Marketing Authorisation:


·        Transfer of amanufacturing activity from one building to another in the same authorised site

·        在经过批准的相同场所内将生产活动从一幢建筑物转移至另一幢建筑物

·        Transfer of amanufacturing activity from one room to another in the same authorised building

·        将生产活动从一个房间转移至已批准的相同建筑物内另一个房间

·        Transfer of QCactivity from one building to another in the same authorised site

·        在经过批准的相同场所内将QC活动从一幢建筑转移至另一幢建筑中

·        New filing lineidentical to an already approved one in an authorised room, building,manufacturing site

·        已批准的房间、建筑物、生产场所里增加与已批准的生产线相同的新生产线

·        New isolator in anauthorised building

·        已批准的建筑中新的隔离器

·        New media orbuffer preparation room in an authorised building

·        已批准的建筑中新的培养基或缓冲液制备间

·        Changes in thelayout of an authorised manufacturing site

·        已批准的生产场所内平面布局变更

If as a result of any of the changes listed above, any amendments areintroduced to module 3 (with the exception of section 3.2.A.1 for biotechmedicinal products), such as changes to the manufacturing site address detail,changes to the manufacturing process, changes to the batch size, etc., the MAHshould file the appropriate variation(s).


2.10. Changes in equipment used in themanufacturing process. What changes are covered by the company QualityAssurance System (GMP)? 对生产工艺所用设备进行变更,哪些类型的变更是覆盖在质量保证体系(GMP)中的?New June 2017

Provided that the new equipment is equivalent to the one currently used,and operates in the approved range of process parameters, the change is coveredby company’s quality assurance system.


If the introduction of new equipment has any impact on the processes anddetails registered in module 3 (with the exception of section 3.2.A.1 forbiotech medicinal products), the MAH should submit the appropriatevariation(s).


2.11. How should I update section 3.2.A.1 forBiotech medicinal products?  我应该如何更新生物药品的3.2.A.1部分呢?New June 2017

Notice to applicants for Medicinal products for human use (Eudralex –Volume 2B) establishes that information on facilities and equipment should beincluded in Appendix 3.2.A.1 for biotech medicinal products.


Any update of this section can be included as part of any upcomingvariation affecting Module 3. In case the MAH wants to update this section anddoes not foresee any upcoming variation affecting Module 3 in the short/mediumterm, the MAH may consider submitting a Type IB variation (B.II.z).


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