

收藏! WHO:非无菌制剂暖通空调GMP指南:第二部分









Contents 目录

Section 1 and 2. Introduction and Scope 

第一、二节 简介与范围

Section 3. Glossary 

第三节 术语

Section 4. Premises 

第四节 厂房

Section 5. Design of HVAC systems and components 第五节 暖通空调系统和部件的设计

Section 6. Full fresh air and recirculation systems 

第六节 全新风及再循环系统

Section 7. Air filtration, airflow direction and pressure differentials 

第七节 空气过滤、气流方向和压差

Section 8. Temperature and relative humidity  

第八节 温度和相对湿度

Section 9. Dust, vapour and fume control 

第九节 粉尘、蒸汽和烟雾控制

Section 10. Protection of the environment 

第十节 环境保护

Section 11. Commissioning

第十一节  试车

Section 12. Qualification 

第十二节 确认

Section 13. Maintenance 

第十三节 维护

Section 1 and 2 : Introduction and Scope

第一、二节 简介与范围

This document represents Part 2 of the HVAC systems guidelines. It contains non-binding examples, drawings, technical representations and interpretation in support of Part 1 of the HVAC systems guidelines.


It is intended to be a basic and explanatory guide for use by pharmaceutical manufacturers and GMP inspectors. It is not intended to be prescriptive in specifying requirements and design parameters but it attempts to facilitate a harmonized understanding of expectations for HVAC systems for manufacturers of non-sterile products.


Part 1 and Part 2 focus on good practices for HVAC systems for non-sterile products. Where applicable, some of the principles referred to may be considered in the HVAC design and approach for other dosage forms. These two documents are, however, not intended to be used as enforceable criteria for the design or review of HVAC systems for, e.g. APIs or sterile products.


Other relevant national and international standards, as applicable, should be considered when Part 1 and Part 2 are used. These include, but are not limited to, the current publications such as ISO 14644 and ASHRAE standards.

当使用第一部分和第二部分时,应考虑适用的其他国家和国际标准。这些标准包括但不限于当前已发布的ISO 14644和ASHRAE标准。

In general, HVAC systems can play an important role in facilitating a suitable environment for the manufacture of quality pharmaceutical products. Therefore careful consideration should be given to the design of the HVAC system. When designing an HVAC system, careful consideration should also be given to the building design and layout of areas as these may influence the decision and design relating to, for example, the number of air handling units (AHUs), components in AHUs, room pressure, pressure differentials, pressure cascades, levels of filtration, humidification, dehumidification, heating and cooling of air. These may in turn have an impact on the quality of materials and products as well as the functioning of equipment and instruments.


The conditions of areas should be defined and should be appropriate for the storage, manufacturing and use, as appropriate, for equipment, instruments, materials and products. It should further ensure that comfortable conditions are maintained for operators.


Risk assessment 风险评估

In line with the current approach in GMP, risk identification should be done for utilities such as HVAC systems. A science-based, comprehensive exercise of risk assessment should be used to determine risks related to possible failure of the HVAC system and AHUs (including their components and subcomponents). An appropriate risk assessment tool such as failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) or fault tree analysis (FTA) should be selected. Controls should be identified to eliminate the risks, or minimize the risk to an acceptable level. For example, the effect of the failure of one or more AHUs in the HVAC system; the failure of dust extraction systems; the failure of AHU components such as filters, heating coils, cooling coils and fans should be assessed and appropriate controls should be identified and implemented.


For more information on risk assessment, refer the current WHO guidelines on Quality risk management.


Design parameters  设计参数

Manufacturers should define the design parameters of the HVAC system to ensure appropriate operation and functioning of the system that is needed for all the areas. Special consideration should be given to the required conditions for storage and handling of materials and products, equipment and instrument functioning, personnel requirements and contamination control.



Section 3. Glossary

第三节 术语

For definitions and abbreviations, see Part 1. 



Section 4. Premises

第四节 厂房

Premises design 厂房设计

Both the architectural design of the building and that of the HVAC system should be carefully considered when attempting to achieve the general objectives of preventing contamination, cross-contamination and ensuring an appropriate environment for the production and control of pharmaceutical products. The layout of the premises should facilitate unidirectional flow of material and personnel; building finishes should not result in contamination (e.g. through shedding of particles) and should ensure that the required environmental conditions, cleanliness and containment are achieved and maintained.


Air infiltration of unfiltered air into production areas should be prevented. Manufacturing facilities should normally be maintained at a positive pressure relative to the outside, to limit the ingress of contaminants. Where facilities are to be maintained at negative pressures relative to the ambient pressure, special precautions should be taken。


Where necessary, air locks, change rooms and pass-through hatches may be considered and provided with effective ventilation and filtered air. Special attention should be given to door design as gaps between doors and floors, doors opening into low pressure areas and sliding doors can result in changes in pressure differential between areas. An interlocking system and a visual and/or audible warning system may be used to prevent the opening of more than one door at a time where required.


In addition to the design of the premises, general controls should be in place to ensure protection of materials, products and personnel. The HVAC system can play a role in achieving this objective. Where identified, areas should be maintained within defined limits for temperature, relative humidity, viable and non-viable particles. In such cases, the areas are considered to be “clean areas” (also referred to as “zones, rooms”, etc.). To ensure that the clean area is maintained at the defined limits, areas are normally classified. When classifying the area, the manufacturer should state whether the classification is for the “as built”, “at rest” or “in operation” condition. For details including definitions, see ISO 14644.

除了厂房设计,用来保护原材料、产品和人的一般控制也应到位。HVAC系统在实现这一目标方面起着至关重要的作用。可以确定的是,区域的温度、相对湿度、活性及非活性粒子保持在限定的范围内。在这种情况下,这种区域被认为是“洁净区”(也可称为“区域、房间”等)。为了保证洁净区维持在确定的范围内,区域通常要进行分类。在对区域进行分类时,制造商应说明该分类是针对“建立状态”、“暂停状态”还是“运行中”条件进行的。定义的等详细信息请参阅ISO 14644。

The following describes approaches (and illustrations by means of diagrams) of different room arrangements and room pressures.


Weighing/dispensing and sampling areas 


A room for weighing (e.g. dispensing of materials), should be of appropriate design. It is often advantageous to have several rooms associated with the weighing activity. These may include a pre-weighing staging area, personnel airlock, material airlock, weighing area with a containment booth, post-weighing staging area, washing area and provision for waste removal. The HVAC system for such areas should ensure that the areas have at least the same area classification as other production areas where materials and products are exposed to the environment, logical flow of material and personnel, appropriate number of AHUs, pressure differentials, containment, dust control, and air exchange rate.


The objective of having a booth in a weighing room is to provide dust containment and operator protection. For example, the dust generated at the weighing location should be extracted through a perforated worktop, thus protecting the operator from dust inhalation, but at the same time protecting the product from contamination by the operator by means of the vertical airflow stream. The airflow velocity should be such that it does not disrupt the sensitivity of balances. The operator should neither obstruct the airflow nor become a source of contamination of the materials or products.


Figure 1. Example of a weighing area 图一 称量区域示例图

Figure 2. Example of a weighing area 图二 称量区域示例图

Similar aspects may be considered when designing a sampling area, as materials and primary components may be exposed to the environment during sampling.


Sampling of materials such as starting materials, primary packaging materials and products, should be carried out in the same environmental conditions that are required for the further processing of the product.


Figure 3. Example of a sampling area 图三 取样区示例图

Figure 4. Example of a sampling area 图四 取样区示例图

A clean corridor concept is usually recommended for non-sterile oral solid dosage form production areas where there is then a higher pressure in the corridor compared to airlocks or production rooms. This is to facilitate containment of dust and contaminants that may have been generated in production rooms (see also the principles mentioned in the section on sampling and dispensing).


To further support containment, consideration may also be given to have material airlocks (MAL) and personnel airlocks (PAL), where needed, for entry and exiting processing areas. Appropriately designed airlocks can assist in ensuring containment. Additional controls such as pressure differentials between areas, an appropriate number of air changes in an area and sufficient filtration of air should be in place.

为了进一步提高密闭性,还可考虑在需要时为进入和退出生产区域设置物料气闸室(MAL)和人员气闸室(PAL)。 适当设计的气闸室有助于确保密闭性。 额外的控制措施,如区域之间的压力差,适当数量的区域内的空气变化和充足的空气过滤应当到位。

 Figure 5. Example of a change room and some production areas图五 更衣室和一些生产区的示例图

Figure 6. Example of a compression cubicle with MAL and PAL (also used as an area to change garments)

图六 带有物料气闸室和人员气闸室(也用做更衣间)的压力间的示例图

Washing areas should be designed and used in such a manner that equipment and components will not be re-contaminated after cleaning. The system supplying and extracting air from the area(s) should be suitably designed to ensure that this objective is achieved. Principles that may be considered include (but are not limited to) filtration of air, pressure differentials between areas and airflow directions.

清洗区域的设计和使用应确保清洗后设备和配件不会再次受到污染。 应适当设计从该区域输送和抽出空气的系统以确保实现此目标。可能考虑的原则包括(但不限于)空气过滤,区域之间的压差和气流方向。

Figure 7. Example of a washing area  图七 清洗区域示例图

Section 5. Design of HVAC systems and components 

 第五节  暖通空调系统和部件的设计

The HVAC system should be appropriately designed, taking into consideration the design of the facility with various rooms or areas for the storage of materials and in-process materials or products, processing, movement of materials, products and personnel. The required cleanliness classification should be achieved, as well as other parameters such as airflow direction, air filtration, air exchange rate, airflow velocity, air volumes, pressure differentials, temperature and relative humidity, viable and non-viable particle counts and containment. Conditions and limits should be specified based on need. Manufacturers should determine and define limits for these. These should be realistic, appropriate and scientifically justifiable. In determining these, relevant factors and risks should be considered including but not limited to possible failures of AHUs, seasonal variations, properties and types of materials and products, number of personnel and risks of cross-contamination.


Other aspects such as the number of AHUs, dust collecting or dust extraction systems, the need for recirculation of air, percentage of fresh air (in the case of recirculated air) and the level of filtration of air should be defined by the manufacturer when considering the design of the facility and activities in different areas and rooms.


Manufacturers should maintain schematic drawings of the HVAC system, AHUs and components. These should reflect the initial design and installation, as well as the current situation. Changes made during the life cycle of the system should be reflected in change control records and qualification protocols and reports as appropriate.

制造商应保存HVAC系统,AHUs和组件的设计图。 这些应该反映最初的设计和安装以及目前的情况。在系统生命周期中所做的更改应适当反映在变更控制记录、资格协议和报告中。

The components selected in an HVAC system should be of sufficient capacity to ensure that the design objectives are met (e.g. for heating, cooling, humidification, dehumidification, air flow volumes), taking impacting factors into consideration such as loss of air due to leakage and seasonal variations. Materials of construction for components and their placement should be such that these do not become the source of contamination. For example, components should not shed particles and the sequence of components should be logical, e.g. filters should be placed in such a manner that any possible contaminants generated in the system can be retained by filters and not be introduced into the production area.


组件的结构材料和放置位置应该保证其不会成为污染源。例如,组件不应该脱落颗粒,组件的顺序应该是合乎逻辑的;例如, 过滤器的安装方式应使得系统中产生的任何可能的污染物都能被过滤器过滤下来,而不会进入生产区域。

To prevent contamination of areas, access to components such as ventilation dampers, filters and other services should be accessible from outside the manufacturing areas (such as service corridors).


The overall design should be such that there is no possibility of undesired, unfiltered air or contaminants entering into manufacturing areas.


Containment  密闭性

Manufacturers should ensure that appropriate measures are taken to contain product dust in a manufacturing area, thus preventing or minimizing the risk of contamination of other areas and possible cross-contamination. In some cases, it may be advisable to have airlocks or pass through hatches between rooms or areas. In addition, sufficient dilution, pressure differentials (recommended minimum values of 5 to 15 Pa) and airflow directions can further support containment in an area.



Cleanliness 清洁

Areas should be maintained at the defined levels of cleanliness and classifications. The HVAC system can support this through, e.g. appropriate levels of filtration of air, airflow directions, dilution, dust removal and air exchange rate. Equipment, containers, personnel and other related components should be appropriately located or placed in areas so as not to obstruct airflow and effectiveness of the HVAC system.


Recontamination should be prevented by ensuring that material and personnel movement is within the same area classification and not back and forth between areas of different classification. Where such back-and-forth movement is unavoidable, appropriate controls should be identified and implemented to ensure that moving from a higher class to a lower classified area and back to a higher classified area will not result in contaminants being brought into the cleaner classified area.



Automated monitoring systems 自动监测系统

The performance of the HVAC system achieving and maintaining the desired results for parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, airflow and pressure differential should be carefully controlled and monitored. This is to ensure that there is no departure from these limits during manufacturing. Monitoring systems should be in place to ensure that the system operates within its design limits. Manual or automated (computerized) systems may be used.


Manual systems of monitoring may not always provide sufficient proof that the system is able to maintain all conditions throughout the manufacturing period.


Automated monitoring systems may provide ongoing monitoring possibilities with better assurance of compliance with the defined limits. Where these automated systems are considered to be GXP systems, these should be appropriately validated. The scope and extent of validation of the computerized system should be determined, be justifiable and appropriately executed. This includes, but is not limited to, access and privileges to the software, setting of limits, monitoring and acknowledging alarms, audit trails, controls, monitoring and reporting.



Switching off of AHUs   关闭空气处理装置

It is recommended that the HVAC system be operational on an ongoing basis. Where a manufacturer decides to use energy saving modes or switch some selected AHUs off at specified intervals such as overnight, weekends or extended periods of time, care should be taken to ensure that materials and products are not affected. In such cases, the decision, procedures and records should be sufficiently documented and should include risk assessment, standard operating procedures (SOPs), records and validation. This includes procedures and records for the start-up and shut-down sequence of air handling units.


It will continue.未完待续

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