



家庭教育专家Carol Gary通过对数百个家庭(包括自己的家庭)的研究和调研,总结了4种学习者类型。下面,让咱们一起来看一看这4种学习类型到底是什么,看看你家的孩子属于哪一类——


Four types of leaners 


Chanelle: Hello and welcome to Read With You Presents. I'm your host ChanelleNeilson, and we are so excited about our guest today, Carol Gary. Carol, how are you? 

Chanelle: 大家好,欢迎收听陪你读书。我是主持人 Chanelle Neilson,我们对于今天嘉宾 Carol 的到来感到非常激动,Hi Carol,你好吗?

Carol: I am doing very well. Thank you.

Carol: 我非常好,谢谢

Chanelle: We're so excited to have you. Carol is known as an expert, a home school expert. And she has done lots of things to really make the homeschooling process come together, I feel like. she has a program called The Balanced Home Schooler Mentoring Program. I've heard from moms who homeschool that it's very helpful to have someone to look to and I know that you are definitely looked upon as an expert in your field of home schooling. She has homeschooled her own children and as well as helping other parents through the home school process. She's done many things with the Home Education Council of America. She served as the Arizona state ambassador and her husband is the community ambassador for the Home School Foundation. So lots of great things that she's doing for the homeschool community. So tell us a little bit more, Carol, about your personally, about your background, your education and kind of what got you into home schooling. Chanelle: 我们非常荣幸可以请到您,Carol 作为一名知名的在家教学方面专家,我觉得 她已经为在家教学发展的事业已经做出了非常多的贡献。她有一个名为平衡家校教导的 项目。我之前听过很多在家教书的妈妈们说,拥有一个可以参照的人是多么有帮助的一 件事,而且我还知道你绝对是在家教学领域的可以仰仗的专家人物。她曾经在家教她自 己的孩子功课并且帮助其他的父母们经历这个过程。她与美国家庭教育委员会一起做过 很多事,她是亚利桑那州大使并且她的丈夫是家庭学校基金会的社区大使。她为家庭学校社区做了非常多的好事,Carol, 能不能告我诉我们更多关于你的信息,你的背景,你 的教育经历还有是什么促使你开办家庭学校的呢?

Carol: Sure, Well, it's interesting, because I'm a native to Arizona. So I actually went to school here in the central Phoenix area at Grand Canyon university and got my undergrad in business, in marketing. And then years later, I went back and got my masters in business administration. And so we had kids later in life that our peersaround us. And so I was definitely on a career track. And then after our oldest son was born, we basically had decided that we wanted to be the ones to raise our, our kids. And so we had. We were fortunate that we could work on one income make that work out. And so I have been at home with the kids for almost 20 years and we Just have no regrets about that decision. But that being said, I remember when our oldest was a couple of years old. Some of our friends who had older children had basically started charter schools at the time and they were kind of a new thing, and our friends knew that we were interested in some kind of alternative to public school and so when we started looking into all those choices. I I'm a researcher by heart. So I was researching, and I basically thought well I'm looking at these options, but that doesn't seem right. I don't like that. And I kind of got through all the end of the stack of what I was looking at. I thought, Well, why don't I just do it? You know, and I had this kind of vague understanding of what home schooling was I had. I had one reference of ah, distant cousin in California who did it. And other that I had no clue. But I knew it was legal, so I thought, Well, that's it. Carol: 当然了,我的经历还挺有意思的,因为我是亚利桑那州人,所以我是在中央凤凰 城区的大峡谷大学上的学然后拿到我的市场商业本科学位。然后过了几年,我重回学校 拿了我的工商管理研究生学位,所以我们比周围同龄人要孩子更晚。那时我正处于我的 事业轨道上,在我大儿子出生后,我们一致决定我们想成为教育孩子成长的那个人,而 且我们也是这样做的。我们非常幸运我们可以一同工作,可以在一起奋斗。所以我在家 陪伴孩子将近二十年并且我们一点没有后悔过。但是那同样意味着,我记得当我们的大 儿子几岁的时候,我们身边的几个朋友的孩子岁数更大一些,他们那时开始上特许学校, 而特许学校那时还是一个很新鲜的事。我的朋友们知道我们那时对公立学校以外的教育选择很感兴趣,所以我开始对这些其他教育方式开始做调查。我从内心底是一个很爱深 入调查的人,在我开始调查的过程中我发现这些选择似乎都不是那么正确,我并不喜欢 这些教育方式而且我好像已经把所有其他的教育方式都摸透了。所有那时我想为什么我 自己不去试一试呢,那时我对家庭学校还只是有点模糊的认识,我只知道有一个远房表 哥在加利福尼亚做这件事,除此以外我没有任何头绪。但是我知道这是合法的事情,所 以我想,对,我要做这件事。

Chanelle: That's a good step. Chanelle: 这是一个很好的开端。

Carol: Yeah. So, uh, and we just kind of peeled back the onion one layer at a time. And for us um, sometimes in educational realms the thought is, Well, if, if you're if you're for home school, you must be against other things. And it's really not about that. It's about really appreciating school choice and making a decision that's right for your family in the season that you're in. Because when we started, we really didn't know you know, well are we going to do this all the way or just use it for a little bit of time? I just remember that when our oldest was two years old. I just had that thought of I can't believe I'm gonna have to give him over to somebody else for the better part of his waking hours in just a few years. And you kind of have this fleeting thought. And so when we had the ability to to have me stay at home and teaching is one of my special gifts,  that's one of my things I love to do. So it just seemed to all fit very well that we, we had the privilege of being able to not only you stay at home, um, but also to to add the educational component to it as well. A lot of, a lot of parents will say, Well, I could never home school, but really, we all do home school to some extent we all teach our kids the basic things of life and we help them with their homework and so forth, so there's just there's a difference in the volume of what homeschooling parent does versus, versus a parent who chooses another education option. But I appreciate you inviting me to be on here because there's definitely things that we can all do as parents that really help our kids have a Better overall educational experience in their, in their career. You know, it took that typical 12 year career that our kids have under our roof with their own education and kind of navigating all those roads. So anyway, so that's kind of how it how it started for us. And we've never looked back. Our youngest two are still in school, so they're 13 and 15. And so they’re, kind of on the latter end of it by now. Carol: 对,所以我们是一步步慢慢来的,对于我们来说,在教育王国的通常看法是,如 果你是做家庭学校的,你就必须要反对其他事情,但其实这是不对的。家庭教育的根本 是感激学校给提供的机会并且在正确的时机选择对于你家庭最好的选择。当我们开始的 时候,我真的不知道我们会全身心投入还是只是作为兴趣来做这件事,我只记得当我大 儿子两岁的时候,我不能相信我要在未来几年时间里把他交给其他人让其他人陪他度过 最美好的时候。当我有这些一闪而过的念头,并且我也有能力去做这件事,教书是我的 专长。所以那时我们具备了一切条件 ,不仅仅是呆在家里,更能加入家庭教育的部分在 里面。许多家长都会说我永远不可能在家教书,但是其实上某种程度上我们都在家庭教 育,我们都在教孩子基本的生活常识,辅导他们功课,我们与那些选择其他方式教育孩 子的家长的区别仅仅在于体量的不同。我很感激今天能把我邀请来因为我相信作为家长 有很多事我们可以做,这对孩子的成长提供全面的教育是很有帮助的。我们也需要花费 通常的12年来教育孩子所以这就是我们如何开始家庭教育的故事。我们从未想过回头, 我们最小的孩子还在学校一个 13岁一个 15岁,他们现在还是在教育的晚期。

Chanelle: Okay. Very cool. Well, I love that you've kind of made it inclusive for everyone because not everyone does will choose to homeschool. And yet, as you pointed out, we are all teaching our children. And so I really like that, the idea and also the way that you went into it because we all need to choose. You know, you talked about appreciating school choice. And we all need to choose as parents what is best for our kids and what is really going to work out to get them educated and to be the best for our family, as you pointed out. So I like that. Um, Now you have done some work and you teach parents about different styles of learners. And I think that this is something I'd really like to talk about that because I feel like it's really valuable for everyone. Anyone who works with children can learn from this. So can you talk to us a little bit about the different styles of learners? And what, what you mean by that?

Chanelle: 好的。很酷。嗯,我喜欢你对每个人包容的态度,因为不是每个人都会选择 家庭学校。然而,正如你所指出的,我们都在教导我们的孩子。所以我真的很喜欢这个 想法以及你开始的方式,因为我们都需要作出选择。你知道,你谈到了欣赏学校的选择。正如你所指出的那样,我们作为父母都需要选择最适合我们孩子的,以及让他们接受教 育并成为对家庭最好的人的方法。所以我喜欢那样。嗯,现在你已经完成了一些工作, 你教会父母成为不同风格的学习者。我认为这真的是我很想探讨的事情,因为我觉得这 对每个人都很有价值。任何与孩子一起工作的人都可以从中学习。那么你能跟我们谈谈 不同风格的学习者吗?

Carol: Sure. Well one of the things that that uh, when, when I personally went to start the homeschooling process with, with our boys and trying to navigate these waters and I don't have obviously like a traditional teaching background. But just from studying and learning and doing a lot of research and reading, I had done a lot of reading about learning styles and nearly every resource you pick out a pick up out there about learning styles that they have four different buckets of how they classify them, and and mine is no different in that way. Carol: 当然。嗯,你知道,当我自己亲自开始家庭学校的时候, 我和我的孩子们一起尝 试在这个领域发展,但很明显我并没有传统的教学背景。但是,仅仅是通过学习以及进 行大量的研究和阅读,我已经做了很多关于学习风格的阅读,几乎所有你接触到关于学 习方式的资源都有四种不同的学习方式,他们对学习方式的分类与我的分类方式其实没 有什么不同。

But what I found was when I was looking at some of the other options, I found that a lot of the discussions about learning styles were kind of more labels in a limiting way. Like, Oh you know, this, this is a learning style that my child seems to exhibit and therefore I need to stay within this, this wheelhouse in order to be effective. and what I really found in working with really literally hundreds of families, homeschooling families over the years and then also within our own family. What I really found is that learning styles are really kind of like love languages. We have a kind of, uh suite of different types to consider, but we tend to have, like, one that's really primary and then a secondary, and then some of the other two we maybe dabble in those as well, but they're just not as strong. And so in my experience, looking at them more that way, that it's really more of a matter of pecking order of preference more than exclusivity, that really started to make a big impact in our, our own personal homeschooling experience. And then also, as I was working with other parents as well. So what I endeavored to come up within my research and my development process of articulating what these learning styles seemed to be to me is hopefully what has left people who have enjoyed applying them with something that's practical as well as a perspective to understand that learning styles are just one of many elements that we bring together to really reach our kids and that it's not 100% all about learning styles. It's learning styles along with other things like, Like How the child is wired, what their passion is, what their love languages are. Do they work best with people or information? You know, for those for people of faith spiritually giftedness plays into that. So really, I tried to encourage families to look at It as one piece of a holistic pie. 

但我发现当我看到其他一些选项时,我发现很多关于学习风格的讨论都只是一些限制性 的标签。就像,哦,你知道,这似乎是我的孩子展示的学习风格,因此我需要留 在这个 领域以便使我的方法奏效。我在数百个家庭以及我自己的家庭学校教育的过程中发现学 习风格真的就像是喜欢的语言。我们需要考虑多种学习方式,但是我们倾向于拥有一个 主要的学习风格然后一个次要的,然后我们可能会涉及到其他学习风格的一些,根据我 的经验,以这种方式看待它们,这更像是一种优先顺序而不是排他性,这真正开始对我 们自己的家庭学校经历产生重大影响。然后,因为我也和其他父母一起工作。所以我努 力地在我的研究和发展过程中希望给别人带来的是享受,让他们知道,学习方式只是一 种引领孩子的众多方法之一。我们知道,学习风格只是我们聚集在一起以真正吸引孩子 的众多元素之一,而且学习风格并非 100%全部。学习方式固然重要,但是还要配合其 他的方面,比如,孩子们之间是如何沟通的,他们的兴趣是什么,他们喜欢的语言是什 么。他们适合与人交谈吗?你知道,对于那些有信仰的人,灵性天赋就是这样。所以, 我真的试图鼓励家庭把教育方式只是视为教育整体的一部分。

Chanelle: Yeah, which is huge. It's important because, like you said, sometimes learning styles can be seen in a limited way, and I like that this broader view as just one part that helps you understand your child and understand how best to reach them as a part of the bigger whole. So what, specifically, what are these learning styles? Chanelle: 是的,这是很巨大的一件事。这很重要因为就像你说的那样,有时学习风格 被有限的方式看待,我更喜欢你这种更广泛的观点,学习方式只是帮助你了解你的孩子 的一部分。那么,具体来说,这些学习风格是什么?

Carol: Sure. Well, the terms that I have coined is let me. I'll just go ahead and give the four right now and then we can step through them way. We have the moving Learner, the structured Learner, the analytical Lerner and the community Learner. And just to give a brief, I know we have some limited time, so I won't go into full detail on all of these things because there's all kinds of ways you can examine How to help them set goals and run their schedule and things like that, but just to give kind of an overview of each one, The moving Learner is a learner that likes to live and learn outside the box. There are they are kids that don't color in the lines. They appreciate you know, the creative subjects, things like the arts, literature, things like that, other kinds of subjects, like, let's say, history or science that might be a little bit duller for this student, you can you can kind of make it more exciting by having them participate in group events or having them do Science fairs, history fairs, things like that, even for students who are not necessarily in love with a certain subject. And it kind of feels like a struggle to encourage them to do that subject. Understanding What motivates each one of these learners is a is a key. 

Carol: 当然。我创造的含义是“让我”。我现在就可以开始解释四种方法,然后我们可以 逐步完成它们。我们有活跃的学习者,结构化的学习者,分析性的学习者和社区学习者。简单来说,我知道我们的时间有限,所以我不会详细讨论所有这些事情,因为有各种各 样的方法可以检查如何帮助他们设定目标并实现,我这里只是给种定义一个概述,活跃 的学习者是一个喜欢跳脱出固化模式学习并生活的学习者。他们不会生活在条条框框里。他们感激一切有创造性的事物比如艺术,文学之类的东西,其他的一些,比如历史或者 科学对于这些学生来说可能就有些反应比较滞后,你可以通过让他们参加团体活动或让他们参加科学博览会,历史博览会等类似的活动使他们能激发兴趣。甚至这能鼓励对某 一事物完全不感兴趣的孩子去做这件事,理解每个学习者的动机是关键。

So, for example, for a moving Learner, they are going to be motivated by things like being involved in sports or dance or other kinds of things where they are out and moving and being able to express themselves in a physical way. But that's a release for them that actually helps produce a greater level of productivity. So this is a student you’ve probably heard about the different kinds of methods, whether somebody is visual, auditory, kinesthetic. 

因此,举例来说,对于一个活跃的学习者来说,当他们参与体育或舞蹈或其他运动的事 情时,会受到更多的鼓舞,他们更能在身体方面表现出自己。他们在身体上的释放实际 上更有助于提高他们的工作效率。所以这只是一个学生的例子,你也可能听说过其他不 同类型的方法,无论是视觉,听觉还是动觉。

Chanelle: Right. 

Chanelle: 是的。

Carol: This is a kind of Learner that really is unique in the fact that they seem to be the ones that really can get a benefit out of all of those methods. And so, for this Learner, if you have a variety of ways that you can deliver information to them, they are going to be able to make a greater use of that than some of the other learners that tend to be a little bit more geared towards one or the other of the ones that I mentioned. So, so keeping that in mind and helping them have a variety of ways that they get information in whether it's auditory, kinesthetic, or, or visual it’s a great thing to keep in mind so that we don't limit them. These are learners that are super creative, enthusiastic, flexible and they tend to have pretty developed observational social skills. So those are our great strengths of our moving learners that we can encourage. And at the same time, if we flip that over and look at some of the things that they tend to struggle with a little more, we can help them overcome issues that they have with things like organization or moving Learners, for example, sometimes struggle with long term focus or self control,independent learning, things like that can be a little bit of a struggle for, for a moving learner. So this is just a really kind of a 10,000 foot view of this of this type of learner. But if we can observe when this learners succeeds and what they appreciate, what motivates them Vs. what things tend to hold them back. This is a learner that you can really help a lot, especially as they get older. Because, honestly, when you look at kids at a young age, it's a little bit hard to discern learning styles until they get maybe roughly third grade or so,around there. Because, really, when they’re super young, they all seem like moving learners, right? 

Carol: 这种学习者确实是独一无二的,因为它们似乎真正能从所有这些方法中获益。因 此,对于这种学习者来说,如果你有各种各样的方法向他们传递信息,他们将能够比其 他我提到的学习者更能适应。因此,记住这一点并用各种各样的方式无论是听觉,动觉, 或视觉来帮助他们,让他们获得信息,我们不能限制他们。这些学习者具有超级创造性, 热情,和灵活,他们往往具有非常发达的观察社交技能。所以这些是我们可以鼓励的活 跃学习者的强大优势。与此同时,活跃学习者对组织,长期关注或自我控制,独立学习, 这样的事情可能会有点困难,如果我们反过来看,我们可以帮助他们克服。所以,对于 这种类型的学习者来说,这只是一个大概的视图。但是,如果我们能够观察到这些学习 者何时成功以及他们对什么感兴趣,他们的动机是什么,什么东西会阻止他们。你就可 以真正帮助他们,特别是随着年龄的增长。因为,老实说,当你看着这些年轻的孩子时, 要分辨他们的学习方式是有点困难的,直到他们可能大约三年级左右才能看个大概。因 为,真的,当他们很小的时候,他们似乎都是活跃学习者,对吗?

Chanelle: They're all moving. Yes, I taught preschool for a long time. And yes, definitely. 

Chanelle: 是的,他们都很活跃。我曾教过学前班的孩子们他们确实很活跃

Carol: I mean, technically, they're like moving all over the place learners, and you know, so so it is a little bit hard to discern until they get a little bit older. But I have a learner in my house who, this is kind of a secondary for both of our youngest sons. So you know, it's something that again we don't necessarily look at the children and say, Oh, they just grow out of it and therefore are able to work at their best if they're doing tons and tons of hours of strictly seat work. They aren't necessarily at their best. They learned how to cope with that because of maybe the requirements of what they're doing. But again, if we can help them have a way to vary up their schedule or vary up things that they're doing throughout the day so they can incorporate movement into what they're doing and how they're learning, then that's something that we can help with and watch as parents, especially if you have your child, like in a public school or private charter and they're in a typical classroom setting throughout the day, just recognizing that sometimes this environment can be a little bit of a struggle for a moving Learner can help you come up with ways to kind of address that when they come home and they're doing homework and they're studying, and they're trying to get things understood. Again, expecting that learner to sit for longer periods of time at home and successfully study and take in information, there may be a better way to do that, then, having them continue the model of what they've had all day. So that's so that's an example some thoughts about the moving Learner. 

Carol: 我的意思是,从技术上讲,他们就像移动到各个地方的学习者一样,而且你知道, 所以在他们年龄更大之前,有点难以辨别。但我家里我们这两个最小的儿子来说,他们 是我所提到的这种学习者。所以你知道,这也是我们不一定会看到孩子并说,哦,如果 他们做了很多的工作量,就能从中学到东西并成长。他们不是必须要做到最好,他们学 会了如何应对他们需要面对的事情。但是,如果我们可以通过某种方式帮助他们改变他 们的日程安排或者改变他们一整天都在做的事情,那么他们可以将这种方法融入他们正 在做的事情以及他们如何学习,这就是我们作为父母可以照看孩子做的事情,特别是如 果你有了你自己的孩子,就像在公立学校或私立学校典型的教室环境中,意识到有时候 这种环境可能对一个活跃的学习者来说是有些挑战的,这种意识会帮助你想出一些方法 帮助孩子们做家庭作业或理解一些事情。再次,期望这种学习者能够在家中长时间坐着 并成功学习和接收信息,可能需要有更好的方法来做到这一点。所以这就是一个关于活 跃学习者的一些例子。

The structured Learner is a learner that likes to live and learn inside the box. This is your child who tends to be concerned about being right. You know, having the right answers,likes the black and white subjects, tends to like things like math or science if it's yes or no black or white questions. Even grammar and languages can be appealing to a structured learner, because if there is a best way to do it, or a right way to do it versus opinion oriented subjects. So opinion oriented subjects that require discussion or development of an opinion or a thesis that can be a little more challenging for our structured learners because they tend to have a struggle, sometimes, going in depth over subjects because again structured learners from a, from a schedule standpoint, they tend to like to be the ones that check the boxes and just get stuff done.

 结构化的学习者是一个喜欢条条框框中生活和学习的学习者。这些孩子往往关注的是自 己是否做的是正确的。就像拥有正确的答案,喜欢非黑即白,他们往往喜欢像数学这样 的东西或者是科学,因为如果有最好的方法,或者正确的方式去做,即使是语法和语言 也可以吸引结构化的学习者。但是对于这种意见导向的学科,需要讨论或发展意见或总 结出论文对于我们的结构化学习者来说可能会更具挑战性,因为他们往往会深入研究学 科,因为结构化的学习者更喜欢完成日程安排好的事情,他们更倾向于完成任务。

Chanelle : Right. 

Chanelle : 是的。

Carol: And so not necessarily.  It’s so they can see on the surface structured Learners can seem very efficient and very focused, which is actually two of their strengths. But at the same time, sometimes that goal to be efficient and structured and check the boxes can be where we see quality lacking in the level of thinking or depth or work that the student is doing because they kind of want to be done more than they want to be kind of endeavoring over something. So this this is a , uh, learner who, when you think about methods to apply, generally speaking, structured learners are the more visual learners. And what's interesting is we have another learner coming up who's also a visual. But there's a little bit of a difference. Structured learners tend to really appreciate visual learning that is very vocabulary driven. So when you have, for instance, note cards with vocabulary terminology or you have lists of things to learn oroutlines, though for instance, like if they're learning grammar, this kind of ah, of a learner might appreciate learning how to edit language like write in a sample paragraph. More so than like traditional diagramming for example. So, so again they’re visual, but they tend to be visual in terms of language and lists and words, so helping them with drill or memory work for example, at home. That's something you can keep in mind that a structured Learner can really make good use of, of memory cards and things that are very language driven versus drawing out like a diagram, for example. 

Carol: 结构化的学习者看起来非常专注并且有效率,这实际上是他们的两个优势。但与 此同时,有时候想要有效率和结构化是一件质量低下,缺乏思维或深度的工作。因为这 些学生比起想要做什么人来说更想把工作完成的更多,一般来说,结构化学习者是更直 观的学习者。有趣的是,我们接下来的另一种学习者也是视觉学习者。但是有一些区别。结构化学习者更倾向于受词汇驱动的视觉学习。所以,当你有一个带有词汇术语的记事 卡,或者你有要学习或概述的东西列表时,如果他们正在学习语法,这种学习者可能更 会学习如何编写语言。所以他们是视觉的,但它们是在语言,列表和单词方面是视觉的, 因此在家里帮助他们进行深度挖掘或记忆工作。你可以记住,结构化的学习者可以真正 充分利用存储卡或语言驱动的东西比如单词卡或图表。

Chanelle: Okay, that's a good tip. I'm as you're describing these. I've got a son that's a moving learner. I've got a daughter that's a structured Learner. Let's go on and see what other kids I've got that fit into these. There may be got one of each. 

Chanelle: 好的,这是一个很好的提示。就像你在说的,我有一个儿子, 他是活跃学习 者。我有一个女儿她是结构性学习者。让我们继续看看我其他的孩子们适合哪种类型的 学习者。可能每个人对应一种。

Carol: Maybe so. I had a gal oncein our mentoring group we went through this and she's like, Oh, my gosh, all for my kids are never seen. Ah, though, but this yet and again just wrapping up in the structure learner obviously, this is a kid who's good at time management organization and so forth. But again, depth, flexibility, So sometimes this is the student who has a hard time having any interruption to their normal schedule and Sometimes social skills can be a little tricky for the structured learner.

Carol: 可能会的。我有一个朋友在我们的指导小组,我们谈论了这个之后她就像,哦, 我的天哪,我竟然都不知道我的孩子的这些方面。这种学习者是很擅长时间管理组织的。但同样,深度,灵活性,打断他们的日常安排对他们可能会造成干扰。有时,社交技能 对于结构化学习者来说可能有点棘手。

The 3rd one is what I call the analytical Learner. So this is a student who likes to live and learn while staring at the box. Okay, so this Learner, sometimes you kind of wonder –we, in our home we have nothing but boys in our house. So in our home, we call it being out in Narnia. Are You in Narnia right now? Okay. Are you there? You know, the analytical Learner can sometimes seem like they're out to lunch all the time. And this is the, This is the student where sometimes even as a parent, you think sometimes in our smugness, we think. Okay, well, I'm going to see if you're really listening, and so you help them work through a lesson or you read a chapter of something that they're reading, and you think yourself. Okay, Now I'm going to ask them questions, and they won't be able to answer it. And sure enough, they show you wrong because they can answer everything you're saying, 

第三种是我称之为分析学习者。这种学生喜欢时刻盯着规则生活和学习。好吧,所以这 个学习者,有时候你有点奇怪 ,我们家里都是男孩子, 所以在我们的家里,我们称之为 再纳尼亚外。分析学习者有时候似乎总是在外面吃午饭。有时甚至作为父母,我们沾沾 自喜地认为孩子们是否真的在认真听课,所以你帮助他们完成一个课程,或者你给他们 读他们正在读的东西时,你想的是你自己。你会认为好的,如果现在我要问他们问题, 他们将无法回答。但是,他们证明你错了,因为他们可以回答你所说的一切,

Chanelle: Ok. That has So that has happened to me so many times. 

Chanelle: 对,这已经在我身上发生好几次了

Carol: And so we tend to sometimes we look at the analytical learner like they're really, really checked out, but in fact, they are actually the opposite.

Carol: 你知道,有时候我们会把分析学习者看作是真的会被逮到没有好好听课,但事实 上,他们恰恰是相反的。

The clinical learner can really kind of have that mad scientists go down a rabbit trail and stay there a long time. So where the structured Learner kind of struggles with depth, the analytical Learner thrives on it. So the analytical Learner can go into great depth and a subject and to the point where they will struggle with things like time management and learning how to prioritize getting their things done. And so the analytical learner they could easily take the whole afternoon to work on history subject. And you might be thinking, I mean, as a home schooling parent, You're thinking, OK, we've got these other things to do, or maybe as a parent, where your child comes home and there they got a bunch of homework to do, but they're really, really enjoying and going down This deep, path into something that they’re researching for a science project or whatever so you can see the pluses of that is that they can really have the opportunity to get very engaged in a subject and very interested in it and That's one of the things that analytical learners thrive on is really being engaged in something that's genuine. Your analytical learners do not like busywork. Whereas structured Learners don't mind busy work because it feels like they're doing something productive. Analytical learners can see past that veil and say this is actually not contributing to anything that I see That's valuable. So therefore, I'm not going to value it. So this is an area as a parent that sometimes we have to teach our kids the balance of that because unfortunately you know, sometimes they do get asked to do busy work. And it's just helping them navigate that to where well, I can see where you're coming from. However since this is part of the overall scope of what somebody an authority has asked you to do, we're going to make it a priority. Even though I can, I hear you. I hear we're coming from. So analytical learners really appreciate the genuine experience of being listened to,so that their opinions are valued. At the same time we have to help our analytical learners learn that they need to know how to have an exchange and have a discussion and so the analytical learners also are one that likes to explain things, go in very great detail to explain things too. But they don't necessarily have the same sort of motivation and skill to have two way dialogue with you. And so, for instance, this this Learner might have difficulty in like a speech and debate forum, for example, because unless they are specifically taught that skill of exchange and that give and take and compromise, it's a little bit harder for that learner to deal with that sort of environment versus some of the other learner's. But theanalytical learner is very focused, very logical, very thorough, all pluses, very independent on their learning, which is a great plus. A lot of times that can be a struggle for other learners, learning how to learn independently, and also these learners tend to be very good at the technical subjects, so they can be very motivated by things like being involved in a robotics club or an engineering kind of project, those sorts of things. But again, organization can be an issue, time management. They're not necessarily the ones who love doing literature and writing related subjects. And so again, that's a skill that we just have to encourage them through, even though it may not be in their, their normal path of enjoyment and This learner too Just like the structured Learner can sometimes struggle with social skills just because they are so content being on their own. And so helping them to pull out of that and get involved in things in a group setting is there is a really good strategy for the analytical Learner. 

临床学习者颇有一种疯狂科学家的偏执。因此,往往结构化学习者斗争的事情恰恰是分 析型学习者擅长的。因此分析型学习者可以潜心深钻某一主题,直到他们在时间管理和 学习如何优先完成他们的事情等方面遇到困难。所以分析学习者,他们可以轻松地花费 整个下午研究历史学科。你可能会想作为一个家庭教育者的父母,我们还有其他的事要 做,你的孩子回家了,他们有一堆功课要做,但他们真的很享受做功课以及深入研究某 一科学项目,分析学习者真正感兴趣和愿意为之付出的事是真实的事情。分析型学习者 不喜欢繁忙的工作。而结构化的学习者恰恰相反,因为他们能感觉到他们正在做一些富 有成效的事情。分析型学习者可以看到过去的并说,你知道,这实际上并没有促成任何 我认为有价值的东西。因此,我不会重视它。所以作为家长,因为不幸的是有时他们会 被要求做很忙碌的工作,所以我们必须教育我们的孩子学会平衡。但是,由于这是权威机 构要求你去做的事情,我们将把它作为优先事项,尽管我知道你并不想这样。因此,分 析型学习者对被倾听的真实体验是感到感激的,这会使他们的意见得到重视。与此同时, 我们必须帮助分析型学习者了解如何与别人进行交流,他们喜欢很详尽地解释事物,但 他们并不一定有同样的能力和技巧与你进行双向对话。对于这种学习者来说,像演讲和辩论这样的事情是有些困难的,与其他学习者相比,除非他们被特别教授技巧或是以某 种方式妥协学习,这些事情对他们来说是很困难的。但是分析型学习者有很多优点比如 他们非常专注,有逻辑性,做事很彻底,能独立学习。很多时候,对于其他学习者来说 是很痛苦的事情,反而对于分析型学习者是非常擅长的项目,他们可以通过参与机器人 俱乐部或者工程类项目那类事情受到鼓舞。对他们而言,组织和时间管理依旧可能是一 个问题。他们不一定喜欢做文学和写作相关的事情,但这些事情我们可以鼓励他们去学 习,即使这可能不是很让他们享受。这样的学习者也就像结构化的学习者一样,有时候 他们太沉浸在自己的世界里然后会被社交问题所困扰。因此,帮助他们摆脱困境并参与 团队环境中是一个非常好的方法。

Chanelle: Okay, Yeah, that makes sense. I have one of those too, we’re three for three. 

Chanelle: 好的,是的,这是很有道理的。我的孩子其中一个也是这种学习者,现在有 三种了。

Carol: Wow. Yes. And we didn't plan this did we? 

Carol: 哇,是的,我们可事先没有沟通啊

Chanelle: No, no. Yeah. I'm learning as I go like Oh, yep, yep, yep, 

Chanelle: 对我们没有沟通,我就是一边听一边觉得说的话都是准确的

Carol: That is so… Well, let's see if we can get a full sweep here. So the last learner type that I detail out in discussions with parents is the community Learner. And this final Learner is the one who lives and learns by talking to the box. This is the talker. They don't necessarily even have to have a person in the room with them. And sometimes you can see this early on when our kids are very young because they're very content having big, long drawn out conversations with their stuffed animals and just and their, younger sibling infant siblings who can't possibly understand what they're saying. So you know this, this Learner really does well when they're able to engage in a social way, to learn their material. Now, obviously, this is not always practical. And so again, this is something that you help to augment them on their strengths and at the same time help them to address you know where they do need to actually learn this skill of being more independent. But the community learners, they love knowing that the work that they're doing will somehow be exposed in a public manner. And so, for example, if you have a student who's been assigned an essay that they need to write on some history subject and it's something that they needed, let's say it's not a group project, that that's something that they need to do on their own. That can be kind of a drag to the community learner, but I and I have, My youngest is a community Learner, and so from experience, one of things that we've done over the years, which helped him A great deal when, especially in those middle years, where he knew that. Okay, I'm going to study this. I need to write about this. But then I get to record a video about it and then send it to my grand parents and share it or if they have a chance, like in a school setting. But they know they're going to present something in the class. So ah, lot of times the community Learner just loves to be able to engage in a way where they can have the attention drawn to them. So not so they can necessarily not really a pride thing, but that they generally want to share some experience they've had or something that they've learned with other people and by being able to explain it. How many of us have had that experience where if I can explain something to you, that means I understand it. 

Carol: 就是这样的,让我们看看我们是否可以完全覆盖各种类型。我与家长讨论时最后 一种学习者类型是社区学习者。最后这种的学习者是通过与别人交谈而生活和学习的人。他们是说话者。他们甚至不一定别人和他们呆在一起。有时你可以在我们的孩子很小的 时候看到这一点,因为他们非常满足于与他们的毛绒动物进行很长的对话,而且,你知 道,他们年幼的兄弟姐妹谁也不可能理解他们在说什么。这种学习者确实可以做到以社 交方式获取自己的学习资料。但是现在显然这并不总是实用的,这需要你去帮助他们增 强他们的优势,同时帮助他们解决你知道他们需要实际学习更独立的技能的问题。但是 社区学习者,他们喜欢将正在做的工作以某种方式公开给别人。例如,如果你有一个学 生被分配要写一篇关于历史主题的文章,而且这不是一个小组作业。这对社区学习者来 说可能是一种拖累,我最小的孩子就是是社区学习者,从经验来看,我们多年所做的事 情就是告诉他要独立学习某一事情。这样他就知道他要做这件事情,他要把这个写下来,然后他录制了一段关于这个事的视频,然后发送给他的祖父母,他们有机会就会把做的 事情分享给别人,就像在学校里一样。他们知道他们会在课堂上展示一些东西。所以, 很多时候,社区学习者喜欢能够以一种别人可以被他们吸引的方式参与其中。所以不是 - 不是这样,他们必然,你知道,社区学习者就是希望可以分享他们所拥有的一些经验 或他们与其他人学到的东西,哪怕不是什么值得骄傲的事情,你知道我们当中有多少人 有过这样的经历,如果我能向你解释清楚一些事情,那就意味着我明白了。

Chanelle: Definitely.

Chanelle: 绝对是

Carol:  And that's really what the community learner very much can latch onto. So, for instance, as a parent if you have a community learner who is trying to study, for instance, for a science exam or something like that. Whereas your structured Learner can do very well in in in a room by themselves just studying vocabulary cards or an analytical learnerI didn't talk about this too much but they also are visual- and analytical Learners can be in their room independently studying diagrams. They love visual when it comes to diagram and pictures, and so again, that could be a very independent thing. well a community Learner can be asked to do those things, but they will thrive better if you work with them and ask them Okay, please explain this to me. Please demonstrate this to me. How would you put this in your words? And so that is something that's going to help the community Learner internalize what they're supposed to be either mastering or getting some exposure to better than if they're just sent off to do things on their own. So obviously, a community learner, they're going to be very motivated by things like social clubs and maybe drama or other kinds of settings where they can be involved in a regular basis with other people. The thing with community learnersis because they talk so much, auditory methods seemed to be the best way to reach them. And so these are the kids, for example, that are going to do quite well with auditory books. And sometimes as parents we shy away from audiobooks, thinking it's quote not legit. But it actually can be super helpful. So for my I have a community learner, my youngest son's a community learner and so one of the Things that has really helped him is we'll get the audio book of something, but he'll also, I will require him to read along with it. So he has an audio that has for science and history and some of things he does, But then he also reads along with it, so it reinforces his reading Skills understanding of certain pronunciation of terms and things like that. But it also helps him retain the information into an incredible level of detail because he's hearing it auditorily as well as helping him visually, which is not his first go to for learning. So obviously they're excellent communicators. They can be very calm when asked to do public presentations. So the first time I remember he ever got up to do a piano recital. I'm thinking I would be shaking my boots. if I was that 5/6 year old kid upon stage and he just was-no problem. So that tends to not shake those kinds of learners. Whereas maybe a structured Learner might be very nervous about that. A community Learner, they can really thrive on that. The main thing we can also keep in mind for community Learner is also just how can we help them with some of their maybe potential weaknesses? And so the main thing that ah community learners can struggle with, which becomes more apparent as they get older, especially in the high school years, is how do we help him promote independent learning? And also the focus and the thoroughness that are required, especially at the upper levels, subjects and ages. So all of these things are areas that we can really you know, be mindful of not that we have to really draw a huge amount of attention to it, but just to be mindful of and to gently help our kids, especially as they get to those teenage years to self recognize. You know, here's some things that are, I tend to have strengths in, which is a good thing, and we want to maintain that. But here's also some things that I know, I have a self understanding that I know I have a little bit of different difficulty being maybe more easily distracted than another kid.  I'm going to, for instance, some children when they do their homework, when they’re a community learner they can actually do better when they have music going on. That actually helps them to feel like that They're kind of in community even though there's nobody else there. Interestingly enough, that sort of technique can also work OK for the structured learner, because the structured Learner tends to have difficulty doing their school work in a place where there's chaos. So if there's lots of you know, siblings running around and loud noises and things like that, a structured Learner can get very frustrated and so they, too, could benefit from havingbut they would probably benefit more from Just music just with a you know, without lyrics and just with kind of a constant beat in the background, like a classical or march music or something like that. So you kind of have to play with these things to discover what can we do to either improve their environment, to be, to be the most helpful thing for what helps them learn? But also, in a communication standpoint, from parent to student how can we best support some of these different techniques that that will more successfully help them to learn and maintain and retain information versus just kind of assuming that all of our kids need to be learning in the same in the same fashion. 

Carol: 这就是社区学习者非常关注的内容。作为家长,比如您的孩子是一个社区学习者 并且正在尝试学习科学或类似的东西。而你另一个结构化学习者孩子可以自己在一个房 间里独立地学习词汇卡,我刚才没有特别的提到其实分析型学习者也是视觉类学习者, 分析学习者可以在他们的房间里独立学习图表。当谈到图表和图片时,他们喜欢用视觉 的方式,因此,当社区学习者也被要求做那些事情时,如果你和他们一起工作并且让他 们向你解释、证明演示时,他们会表现的更好。所以,这将有助于社区学习者更好的掌 握学习,而不是只让他们被派去自己做事情。很显然,作为一名社区学习者,他们会受 到社交俱乐部和戏剧之类的激励,他们可以定期与其他人一起参与。社区型学习者因为 他们说得太多,用听觉类的方法似乎是与他们沟通的最佳方式。有时作为父母,我们会 回避有声读物,认为它的引用不是合法的。但实际上他是非常有用的,我最小的儿子是 一个社区学习者,所以其中一个真正帮助到他的事情是我们用到了有声读物,我会要求 他一起阅读。因此,他有一些关于科学和历史的音频文件,但是同时他也会跟着阅读, 这会强化他的阅读技巧并帮助他理解某些术语和类似的发音。这也有助于他理解令人难 以置信的细节,因为他听到的同时也在视觉上帮助到他。他们是优秀的传播者。当被要 求做公开演讲时,他们可以做到镇定自如。所以,你知道,我记得他第一次做钢琴演奏 会。我想我会无聊到摇晃我的靴子。如果我是那个 5/6 岁的孩子在舞台上,我会觉得没 有大问题。我们不会去动摇那些学习者。虽然结构化的学习者可能对此感到非常紧张。然而一个社区学习者他们真的可以很从容对待。因此,对于社区学习者而言,我们还应 该记住的是我们如何才能帮助他们解决一些潜在的弱点?对社区学习者来说,随着年龄 的增长这些困难会变得更加明显,特别是在高中阶段,我们该如何帮助他们独立学习?如何帮助他们学会专注和做事的彻底性。因此,所有这些我们真正能够了解的领域, 请注意不要吸引大量的关注,而是要循序渐进地帮助我们的孩子,尤其是因为他们到青 少年时期才能自我意识到。例如,当他们做家庭作业时,如果是社区学习者,他们可以 在有音乐的环境中做得更好。这实际上有助于让他们感到自己在一个社区中,哪怕周围 并没有人。有趣的是,这种方法对于结构化学习者来说也是奏效的,因为结构化的学习 者往往难以在混乱的地方完成工作。比如当周围兄弟姐妹四处吵闹奔跑,大声喧哗时, 结构化的学习者可能会感到非常沮丧,此时他们可能会从音乐中学到更多,哪怕没有歌 词,只是有节拍的背景音乐,比如如古典音乐等。所以你必须要通过这些事情来发现我 们可以做些什么来改善他们的环境,帮助他们学习到最有用的东西?

Chanelle: Well, that is fascinating stuff. I love learning about that because I think it's just so interesting to have an extra insight into what makes our kids tick and to really and for the record, my second grader. He's still- the jury's still out, right? He's not in third grade, but he is definitely leaning towards community. So I think my fifth is a baby still. My 1st four it looks like I've got one of each. But it's been very interesting to hear you describe these because I hear each of my children even the things you were saying about music and for community, performing they all just fit into these structures. And it's very interesting because as a parent, it gives me insights on how can I best help them to learn and to grow. And also what are realistic expectations because my son that struggles to sit there and do homework after school it's okay to recognize that that is not his strength and to maybe do other things with him to figure out a different way that's going to help him to thrive and help him to really get those things done. And of course, he still needs to get it done, but to approach it in a different way. I think that that is very helpful. In the last little bit we have left, any final tips for parents as they’re hearing this and learning these styles, any ways that you would tell people to use this information? 

Chanelle: 嗯,这是很有趣的事。我喜欢了解这些是因为我觉得拥有一种深入的洞察力是 一件很有趣的事,这能够更好地了解是什么让我们的孩子更好的发展,我的孩子是二年 级学生。他不是三年级,但他绝对在向社区型学习者发展。我第五个孩子还是个婴儿, 目前我前四个孩子好像分别各是一种类型的学习者。听到你描述这些真的是非常有趣,因为我倾听我的每个孩子说的话还有你刚刚所说的有关音乐的事情,这些社区型,表演 好像都很符合我孩子的特征。这非常有趣,因为作为家长,这让我了解如何才能最好地 帮助他们学习和成长。还有什么是现实的期望,我的儿子放学后做作业很努力坐在那里, 但是你可以认识到,这不是他的兴趣所在,也许和他一起做其他的事情,想出一个不同 的方式会更能帮助他真正完成这些事情。当然,他仍然需要完成这件事,但要以不同的 方式去完成。所以我认为这非常有帮助。在我们最后剩下的时间里,为父母听到这些并 学习这些风格的任何最终提示,你能告诉作为父母的人一些关于学习风格的信息以及使 用这些信息的方式吗?

Carol: you know, other than some of the things that we've talked about, which is just having a sensitivity to realize that your child is probably going to display one of these more than the other three, but that the other three are not necessarily absent. We talked about that a little bit at the beginning. So, first of all, looking at these in such a way as we're not putting the child into these compartments were using this as a tool to help our child to be able to be assuccessful in the multifaceted requirements of life that they need to be. because we don't want to always be augmenting their strengths to the point of saying, Well, we're not going to talk about the weaknesses. But we also don't want to do the flip side, which is to constantly nag them about the things that are not intuitively natural to them, and then ignore all the things that are really positive about that learning style. I will tell you that the one thing that was probably the single biggest eye opener for me when I went through this process was after I actually did journaling for awhile. I made observations. I looked at what each one of them do when nothing else is expected of them. That tells you that helps to tell you what motivates the different ones and so forth. So I was making all these notes and things about kids and getting that figured out. And then I applied it to myself, and I learned the truth that I think is so important, I realized, because I am a structured learner by nature, that's my primary. And I realized that I was the hardest on my structured learner son than I was my other sons who were other styles as their primary. I realized that I was making less of an effort to work with him and reach him in a way that would work well, because I had these kind of unspoken expectations of, Well, you and I are similar learning styles, so you should just get this. Or this should be something that, um, is clear to you, Because it's clear to me, and so that's one of things that, to me, was a big eye opener, Is that even when we share similarities in our, in our learning styles with our kids that we still have to recognize that because of the other differences there are between our ourselves and our kids, there are other, There are other factors that go into how this child best learns, including season of life and male/ female and all these other things that needed to be taken into consideration so that I learned very quickly how to really give grace across the board and be basically allow myself to be humbled in a way that said, you know what? I need to not go in with so much preconceived notion about how best you know to reach each of these, each of these boys, because there are this is one tool in a stack of many that can really help the overall process. 

Carol: 你知道,除了我们之前谈过的一些事情之外,这只是为你意识到你的孩子可能拥 有其中一种风格而比其他三种多一些提供了敏锐性,但其他三种风格不一定是完全没有 的。我们在开始时就谈到了这一点。所以,首先,我们需要这样看待这件事:我们不能 把孩子们仅仅是机械地放入某一种分类里,把它作为一种分类工具。我们不想总是把他 们的优势放大,我们不会总是谈论他们的弱点。但是我们也不想做极端反面的事情,即 不断地唠叨他们关于那些对他们来说不直观的事情,然后忽略那些对这种学习风格非常 积极的事情。所以我会告诉你,当我经历这个过程时,让我最吃惊的事是在我记录了整 个过程并总结之后。我做了,他们每个人都会做什么,这有助于告诉你他们做事的动机 是什么,所以正是在制作关于孩子的所有这些笔记和事情之后让我弄明白这一点。然后 我把它应用到自己身上,我了解到我认为非常重要的事实,我意识到,因为我是一个天 生的结构化学习者,这是我的主要学习风格。而且我意识到我对我的结构化学习者儿子 是要求最严厉的。我意识到我没有付出太多努力和他合作,我认为这样就够了,因为我 对他有一种无言的期望:你和我有相同的学习方式,所以你应该知道这个,或者这对你 来说这应该是清楚的,因为这对我来说是清楚的,因此对我而言,这是一个令人震惊的 事实之一,即使我们的学习风格和孩子的相似,但我们仍然必须认识到,我们自己和孩 子之间还存在其他差异,还有其他各种因素可以影响到这个孩子最好的学习方式,包括生活季节和性别以及所有其他需要考虑的事情。所以,我不需要考虑到这么多先入为主 的观念,我要保持谦逊,感恩,我要学习如何做才能最好地了解每一种学习者。

Chanelle: That's a perfect note to end on. I loved the idea of applying it to yourself, of really seeing where you are and then letting your children be where they are also. I think there's a lot to learn from this, and I think that that's a wonderful thing to end on that. You know, that take away. I appreciate that very much. Well, Carol, this has been great. I've loved learning about this and seeing pieces of my family as you've described each of them. That's been fun for me. So thank you so much for being on the show. And thank you, everyone for listening to Read With You Presents. Chanelle: 这是一个完美的结束语。我喜欢应用到你自己身上的这种想法,真正了解你 的位置,然后让你的孩子更好的学习。我认为我们可以从中可以学到很多东西,我认为 这是一件很棒的事情。我非常感激。我听了你讲的事情仿佛就是在讲每一件关于我家庭 的事。这对我来说很有趣。非常感谢你参加这个节目。谢谢大家聆听陪你读书。

Carol: Thank you. It was a pleasure. 

Carol: 谢谢,这是我的荣幸。










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