




Annie: Who's that girl, Polly?

Polly: Which girl, Annie?

Annie: The girl over there. That tall girl with the Jenkins family.

Polly: Oh, that's Claire, our new neighbour. She's an art student.

Annie: Oh, she's a very pretty girl.

Polly: Yes, she's clever, too. She's a nice girl.

Annie: Where's she from? Is she English?

Polly: No, she isn't. She's American. She's from Washington.

Annie: Is her family here, too?

Polly: Yes. Her father's an accountant and her mother's a famous photographer. Look! Tha't her mother over there.

Annie: That woman in the expensive car?

Polly:That's right.

Annie: She's very pretty.

Polly: Pretty? She's beautiful!

Annie: What about her husband? Is he handsome?

Polly: Wait and see!



相信心细的读者看到粗体部分的Pretty? She's beautiful!"时,一定会心生疑问:pretty和beautiful不是都表示漂亮吗?Polly怎么会强调Claire的妈妈不是pretty,而是beautiful呢?




  1. 柯林斯词典(http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/pretty):pleasing or appealing in a delicate or graceful way

  2. 牛津英语词典(http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/pretty):(Of a person, especially a woman or child) attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful

  3. 英语词源词典(http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=pretty):beautiful in a slight way



a pretty little girl with an engaging grin(一个有着迷人笑容的漂亮小姑娘)


由滚石公司于1989年出品的爱情喜剧片《风月俏佳人》的英文名为Pretty Woman,为什么不用Beautiful Woman呢?因为beautiful往往让人想到的是外貌的惊艳,而pretty则会让人不禁去问:这个妓女出身的女人身上到底有什么魅力,让一个身家百万的企业巨头最终不顾悬殊的身份差距和世俗的鄙夷偏见,像骑士般的变女主人为幸福的公主?



先从单词讲起,以下单词都可以用来替换beautiful,所以你可以根据具体情况,这么来夸赞你的女神了:You're so ...

  • gorgeous

  • stunning

  • cute

  • hot

  • sexy

  • attractive

  • handsome

  • appealing

  • admirable

  • beauteous

  • charming

  • classy

  • dazzling

  • delightful

  • divine

  • elegant

  • enticing

  • alluring

  • exquisite

  • excellent

  • fair

  • fascinating

  • fine

  • foxy

  • good-looking

  • grand

  • lovely

  • magnificent

  • marvelous

  • ravishing

  • sightly

  • statuesque

  • well-formed

据说,最常用来表示漂亮的近义词(The Most Common Synonyms For Beauty)是这16个(各色美女,随机配上,呵呵!):

1. Cute can be used to describe a dog, a baby, or a person you are attracted to in a romantic or non-romantic way.

2. Adorablehas the same sense as cute, but it’s a bit stronger. It’s a way to talk about a lighter, more playful form of beauty that can be applied to pets, babies/kids, and people for whom you may or may not have a romantic attraction.

3. Attractiveis the most generic and objective way to say that another person has a pleasing appearance.

4. Good-lookingis one of the most common ways to describe a person who is attractive.

5. Beautifulis the classic way to describe a feminine beauty (at least when talking about people), which often expresses both outer and inner beauty.

6. Handsomeis a word that is traditionally used to describe an attractive man.

7. Prettyis similar to beautiful in meaning, but in a more innocent and/or physical way.

8. Gorgeousis another synonym for beautiful that denotes a very powerful physical attraction.

9. Lovelyis a synonym for what is generally a feminine beauty that describes an elegant and/or radiant beauty.

10. Exquisitemeans to be beautiful in a very delicate and refined way.

11. Stunningis a surprising and/or shocking appearance, which supposedly may even cause the loss of consciousness.

12. Foxyis another word that is used in English to describe a very attractive woman or man.

13. Radiantis a bright, or shining kind of beautiful that is specifically used to describe feminine beauty.

14. Sexyis a word that I believe translates into other languages and most people have an understanding of.

15. Hotis similar to sexy in that it’s an attractiveness that provokes sexual interest or even lust.

16. Babeis noun used to describe a very beautiful woman (or in rare cases, a man).



  • You’re very beautiful!

  • You’re very pretty!

  • You look as pretty as always!

  • You’re so adorable!

  • You look drop dead gorgeous!

  • You have the most beautiful eyes (or another feature that you like e.g. smile, nose, lips etc.)!

  • I think you’re very attractive!

  • Wow, you’re gorgeous!

  • I think you’re stunning!

  • I think you’re super cute!

  • You look hot!

  • I love the way you look today/tonight!

  • You have looks to die for!

  • You look so radiant!

  • You look absolutely fantastic!

  • You look great!

  • You’re beyond gorgeous!

  • Watching you is like listening to angels sing!

  • You look out of this world!

  • You make my heart melt!

  • I can’t take my eyes off of you!

  • Your smile melts my heart!

  • I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world!

  • I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you!

  • Your beauty is incomparable!

  • You look like an angel!


1. "You have a freckle on your neck. Did you know that? It's rather cute."(长颗痣也可以成为美的理由!)

2. "You are absolutely, astoundingly gorgeous and that's the least interesting thing about you."(说人家长得那么漂亮,却又假装说这是人家身上the least interesting的,人家不是太完美了吗?小编想,这样的美女也只有像下面这位女神才够格了!)

3. "Your hair is so free, never change it. Your hair just adds to your gorgeousness."(一头秀发,因自然而美,却又美得自然!)

4. "You are always so happy and kind to people, it's like a big breath of fresh air when I walk into the building and see you here!"(因善良而美丽!姑姑这是这么善良而美丽!)

5. "You haven't worn make up all week? Damn, you are gorgeous!"(化妆盒落在朋友家里了,一周都还没找到?!你还这么漂亮!这-这-这,你得有多天然美啊!)

6. "You carry yourself with much more maturity than that."(因成熟而散发出来的无穷魅力!虽然咱们这位谋女郎年纪其实也不小了,呵呵!)

7. "I don't know why I've been saving it- I've had a reason to celebrate for 365 days now."(一瓶葡萄美酒,珍藏多年,就是舍不得喝。今天是我们相识相爱一周年,我终于找到每天都应该为此喝上一杯的理由了!)

8. "Damn, that confidence looks sexy on you."(自信的女人,美得自信!)

9. "I love seeing your smile, it brightens my day every time."(你的笑容,总能点亮我的生活!)

10. I wish I could make you laugh like that more often. You're beautiful all the time, but when you smile like that, I swear my world stops."(美女幸福的笑容,永远那么富有吸引力!)

看够了吗?!赶紧的,背熟了,约上女神,麻溜地,speak —— tell —— say!!!



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