





1. The field of late Victorian sporting and social life.

2. For his basic education.

3. He founded the Amateur Athletics Club.

4. They inducted him into the Boxing Hall of Fame.

5. He rowed beside him.






Drama is a literary genre that shares many features of other forms of literature, but possesses a characteristic that makes it distinct. Like novels and short stories, dramatic works tell a story by employing the seven elements of fiction, which are a setting, characters, a problem, a plot, suspense, a point of view, and a theme. However, what sets drama apart from other literature is that it is performed by actors on a stage or in a film in front of an audience. The performers speak the dialogue, perform the actions of their characters and wear costumes to help portray their characters. To set the tone of the play or film, the stage is decorated to make the setting look like the setting of the story. In addition, lighting is used to draw attention to certain characters or parts of the stage and influence the mood of the dramatic work, and music is used to influence the mood as well.

Conversely, most forms of literature, such as poetry, short stories, and novels, are read. Novels and short stories are often written in the form of books, which sometimes contain pictures to help illustrate the story. But, illustrations in books do not often portray the entire story, as in drama. On the other hand, like drama, poems can be performed on a stage in front of an audience. However, this is the only similarity between poetry and dramas because poets do not actually perform actions, do not wear costumes, there is no music, and there is less emphasis on lighting. Furthermore, unlike drama, poets who read their poems are on their own, whereas in drama, there is a cast of actors on stage.

Drama can be a very entertaining form of literature. In contrast to reading literature, where you visualize the story in your mind, watching a drama unfold before your eyes is quite interesting and is a different experience. If a play or film has a talented cast who portray their characters well, and has a well-designed set, in addition to lighting and music that fit the dramatic work well, it can be a spectacle to watch.


1. literary:文学的

2. genre:风格

3. distinct:显著的

4. suspense:悬念

5. theme:主题

6. conversely:相反地

7. emphasis:强调

8. furthermore:此外

9. whereas:然而

10. entertaining:娱乐的

11. in contrast to: 与...形成对照

12. visualize: 使可视化

13. unfold: 展开

14. cast: 全体演员



1. What are the seven elements of fiction that a dramatic work employ?

2. What is the main difference between drama and other literature?

3. What is used to influence the mood of the dramatic work?

4. What is the only similarity between dramas and poetry?

5. What are the four elements that decide whether a drama is good or not?


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