

FindSounds Palette
Search the Web for Sounds
FindSounds Palette
FindSounds Palette is the ultimate software program for finding sounds! Its WebPalette feature provides greater access to sounds on the Web than FindSounds.com, and its MyPalette feature makes it easy to organize and search your own sound collection.
Search for audio files by name, description, category, genre, source, copyright, format, size, number of channels, resolution, sample rate, duration, key, and tempo. For any example sound, asounds-like search can automatically find similar sounds on the Web and in your sound collection.
Audition sounds using the built-in audio player. Record your own sounds with the built-in audio recorder. Edit sounds using the built-in audio editor. The colorful Comparisonics waveform display helps you to "see" what you are editing.
Hollywood sound designers know well that useful and interesting sounds can be obtained by changing the speed of an audio recording. FindSounds Palette makes it easy to change speeds, and for each audio file in your collection, the sounds of 25 different speeds can be searched. This turns a collection of 10,000 audio files into a searchable database of 250,000 sounds!
You can also search audio files on the Web at multiple speeds, which gives you access to an enormous and growing collection of 1,000,000+ sounds!
FindSounds Palette Version 2.2 is currently available for Microsoft Windows and supports audio files in WAVE, AU, and AIFF uncompressed and mu-law compressed formats. This program is available in three editions: FindSounds Palette 1000 enables you to organize and search up to 1000 audio files stored on your local hard drive. FindSounds Palette 10000 supports up to 10,000 local audio files. FindSounds Palette Pro allows more than 10,000 local audio files.
All three editions provide full access to sounds on the Web and complete audio-editing capabilities.
FindSounds Palette 1000 Regular Price $50.00
Internet Special $19.99
FindSounds Palette 10000 Regular Price $150.00
Internet Special $49.98
FindSounds Palette Pro Regular Price $300.00
Internet Special $99.97
FindSounds Palette is a product of Comparisonics Corporation, the world leader in sound-retrieval technology and the inventor of the Comparisonics waveform display. For more information, see the articleSearching for Sounds.
Have questions? Send e-mail topalette@comparisonics.com.
Get a FREE 15-day trial!
Click here to download FindSounds Palettefor Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows Me
Main Window
Audio Editor Window
Text Search Window
There are FindSounds Palette customers in more than 30 countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States.
Note to Macintosh users: We don‘t yet have a Macintosh version of FindSounds Palette, but we invite you todownload the Comparisonics Audio Player for Macintosh.
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