

Subject: 12 Buildings that Wake Up at Night

Some structures are designed so they are not beautiful creations of architecture, but are also dynamic and changing.

One of the ways to achieve this effect is by light and color,

that every night transform buildings like the ones you are about to see into unique and exceptionally beautiful structures.

Lotus Building in China

This colourful building sits at the heart of a lake,

and each night it 'opens' anew and lit with a beautiful array of colours.

Helix Bridge, Singapore

This special bridge is designed in a sling-like form and is lit every night with thousands of light bulbs whose light reaches the sky.

Busan Cinema Center, South Korea

The lights on top of this unique building can change into an endless array of different patterns.

Royal Pavilion, England

This impressive building used to serve as a royal resort.

Today it is owned by the municipality of Brighton,

which conserves it as a popular tourist spot.

Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort, China

This extravagant hotel is considered one of the finest resorts and health spas in the country, and the way it looks

definitely gives credence to that claim.

Canton Tower, China

This impressive tower reaches a height of 600 meters

and is the tallest in the country. Every night it is

illuminated with many colors and can be seen from

almost any point in the city of Guangzhou, where it is located.

Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, Kazakhstan

Inside this gigantic structure you'll be able to find

an artificial beach, a shopping center, a mini-golf track and

grassy fields to sit and relax on at any time of day or night.

Beijing National Aquatics Center, China

During the daytime, this may seem like a graceless cube,

but at night this huge structure comes alive with water colors,

and has been nicknamed 'the ice cube' by local residents.

Adelaide Entertainment Center, Australia

This leading entertainment attraction in Southern Australia

boasts an amazing glass ceiling that is 'repainted' every night.

Lisbon Oriente Station, Portugal

This central train station is impressive during the day,

but at night one can truly appreciate the splendor of this structure.

Banpo Bridge, South Korea

This amazing bridge holds the world record for being

the longest bridge fountain in the world or in history.

The fountain creates new patterns of movement and color every night.

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