













































英译【English eddition】(Translated by Lina)

《The man is always  standing》

  This article is rooted in  the book 《Love motherland》 that  Academician Lu YongGen gave me . This book records  Mr Lu’s  life under the cultivation of the Party ,his loyalty and contribution to the motherland and the people.

    Academician Lu’s  ancestral home  isbiHH Huadou Guangdong,he was born in Hongkong in 1930 。1949 he joined the Communist Party of Chinese in  Hongkong through the underground organization, then appointed by the party to return to Guangzhou to participate in the revolution movement. In his youthhood he actively joined the revolution movement already,  Japanese invaders and other foreign   powers  bullied China, this reality educated him。he vowed to do his best for the revival of the motherland .

     when Academician Lu came back to Guangzhou  from Hongkong,he  entered the University of South of the Five Ridges。 While studying, he engaged in the party's underground work such as to organize  students to carry on various revolutionary activities.

    In 1952, during the national adjustment  of colleges and departments between universities , he was in  third grade of Horticulture Department of Agricultural College  under University of South of the Five Ridges ,then jointed  into the Southern China agricultural College,later  he became a teacher after graduating   until now.

    After participating in  work ,Lu Yonggen followed  Professor Ding Ying(academician) , Dean of Southern China College of Agriculture and Dean of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,under the influence of Professor Ding Ying,he made rapid progress in thought and academically . He had been a leader of the  key national disciplines - crop genetics and breeding discipline in South China Agricultural University for many years, and has become a famous agricultural scientist, crop geneticist and educator .

   From November 1983 to May 1995, Lu Yonggen served as the president of South China Agricultural University。 In the meantime, he proposed to myself: both as a party member and  a university leader , one should  be a party member first, then the president。He believed that to be a good  party member first , then might  be  a good   principal; between a principal and a professor,  principal first ,then  to be a professor, which is to consider and do  work well to be a principal ,then do his  research of business. He has  motto to  constraint himself  , and wrote it in a notebook: do a little more, take a little less, with a hard , speak louder.

   During his presidency, he did a lot of useful work for the development and expansion of the school。Especially in how to build a first-class university or subjects, did a lot of good things, tried his best to support the bright research projects by funded . For example, when the Department of Veterinary Medicine created veterinary medicine which had good development prospects and make great achievements,  president Lu did  everything possible to raise 100 thousand yuan to reward the clerks. In addition, he  paid much  attention to discovering and developing potential talents, once found,  cultivate them actively, give exceptional promotion. The practice has proved that the young teachers who had been promoted by him have become the top talents.

   In December 1993 Lu Yonggen was elected as academician of  the Chinese  Academy of Sciences , since he is eighty-seven years old now , is an old scientist, senior academician. However, he still acts like an aged strong  pine, standing in the snow, and lush, many people praise and appreciate him.  A number of media such as "," Nanfang Daily "Guangzhou daily", "people's Daily" have been reported him.

   WeChat of   "People's Daily"  said: such an old scientist  interpreted  the meaning of life with silent action , is worthy of praise. Lu Yonggen, a academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who has a serious illness now , lived in a hospital, but he is always obsessed with the cultivation of his party and his motherland. The amount of  880 millions yuan  he saved are donated to the country's Educational Undertakings (donated to the education foundation of South China Agricultural University) to reward excellent poor students and outstanding young teachers. He said: "my country cultivated me and  I will develop my personal property to the state , this will be  the  final contribution from an old citizen."  In March 2017 , Lu ,under the support of Professor Xu Xuebin, his wife ,came to  bank to transfer all deposit of more than 10 passbooks into the account of South China Agricultural University .  Totally  he  donated  8809446 yuan rmb 。

     However, his home is very simple . The furniture in their home is  still maintained  the 80s style of  last century: the old wooden sofa, the old style TV set, the ironed  bed is rusty, several chairs still used, tied with iron wire again and again .On weekdays, the old headmaster often took a outdated lunch box, line up with  students in dormitory , One meat ,one vegetarian and  little rice . In an insignificant position,  ate up  the food  quietly.

     Those money is the couple Lu academician  saved little by little 。For poverty alleviation and education, two elderly professors are very generous, donated money every year. In 2014 Lu Yonggen and his brother also quietly donated  two shops and an ancestral house to the local primary school.

    Lu Yonggen has a daughter, but his property is not left for her . He said that my child had grown up and self reliant, and his personal property should eventually be contributed to the society.

     Academician  Lu attaches great importance of respecting teachers and teaching. He was very respectful for Ding Ying and other aged scientists. For students and young teachers he is always enthusiastically to cultivate. Many of his former students and  young scholars who  were promoted to pull embankment , have now embarked on academic leaders, leadership positions. Academician Lu is direct, frank, and sentiments。 To ordinary teachers and workers he is   also very enthusiastic and approachable, is a very respectable qualify president. In the campus, everyone is in praise of him。I was touched by his valiant record and noble quality, how poetic it is , this made me to write one poem to admire them by my pen。 

The pen also gave praise to academician Lu Yonggen and Professor Xu Xuebin.

offer up one poems.


A smile  should  be   the success’s  part ,    

 the work he did was deadly  hard

Younger generations keep great  ambition ,  

 national rejuvenation will make  they go far.

     Academician Lu Yonggen is a scientific and technological talent . He is not only doing the administration work to be excellent, but his research is also very successful. He  has made outstanding contributions in the field of rice genetic research. He proposed a new academic viewpoint of "specific affinity gene" in rice, which has been playing an important role in the practice of rice breeding. In the past 5 years, the research team led by Lu Yonggen has selected 33 new crop varieties, with a cumulative area of more than 10 million mu.

    In addition, Lu Yonggen also is leading his research team  to carefully protect more than 7000 rices and more than 900 wild rice resources.For  many precious rices ,he and  his students  found one by one in remote mountains and valleys . In 2001, he heard that a wild rice was found on a mountain top  in Fogang Guangdong, though more than 70 year ,Mr Lu  went  to find it . There was on roadwith thorns covering , halfway up the hill。He was too tired, but he still insisted on going to the scene, the students had helped him go on slowly , when he saw the wild rice he smiled very happily。

It's true:

Respecting and inclusiveness in schooling  he completely   cares,

he really did a remarkable job in the past sixty years.

Loving motherland loving the party,      

 donating all his  property ,for charity he   is always there.


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