

一、 名词的分类
   可数名词的复数有规则和不规则两种变化。规则的名词,只要在单数名词之后加“s”,“es”或去“y”加“ies”就行,如:anumbrella, twelve umbrellas;a factory, threefactories。不规则的名词变化则要靠积累记忆,如:a mouse, ten mice;a policeman, sixpolicemen。
   有少数可数名词,如sheep,works(工厂),Chinese等,它们的单复数同形:a sheep, four sheep;achemical works, five chemical works。
   英语名词中还有一些合成词,它们的复数形式有三种可能:1)后面的部分变成复数形式:grown-ups,boystudents,grandchildren。2)前面的部分变成复数形式:passers-by,lookers-on,sons-in-law。3)前、后都变成复数形式:mendoctors,women drivers。
   不可数名词没有单复数的变化,前面也不能加a/an,或数词。但是我们可以用量词来表示不可数名词的数量,单复数表现在量词上,如:apiece of paper;two pieces of paper。
   在有些情况下,不可数名词也可用a/an,表“一种”、“某种”的意思,如have a wonderful time,receive agood education,be made into a fine paper。
   英语中有相当一部分的名词,既可以是可数,也可以是不可数,它们的意义有时略有不同,有时则完全不同。如:difficulty,success, time, work,paper,glass,等。
   跟可数名词连用的如:few, a few, many。
   跟不可数名词连用的如:little, a little, much。
   可数与不可数都能用的是:a lot of , plenty of。

  eg.. To see is to believe.
    Seeing is believing.
    What he said was different from what he did.
  eg. Twenty years is quite a long time.
    10kilometers doesn’t seem to be a long distance to Mira.
    300 dollarsis too much for this old coin.
  eg. Two plus five is seven.
  eg. The Times is published daily.
    The United States is a big country.
5)前面用a kind of, a sort of或this kind of, this sort of等词组的名词。
  eg. This kind of tree(s) often grows well inwarm weather.
6)代词either, neither作主语。
  eg. Either of the plans is good.
    Neither of them was carrying a weapon.
7)many a/ more than one 加单数名词,或one out of加复数名词作主语。
  eg. Many a young man has tried and failed.
    More than one employee has been dismissed.
    One out often thousand computers was infected with the virus.
1)一些只有复数的名词如clothes, trousers, police等。
  eg. These trousers are dirty.
但要注意比较:A new pair of trousers is what you need。
  eg. Both of them have received higheducation.
1)代词all, some,作主语。
  eg. All is ready. (= Everything is ready.)
    All are present. (= All the people/students... are present.)
2)a lot of, lots of, plenty of, some, any, 20% of, halfof...等词组作主语。
  eg. 70% of the surface of the earth is coveredwith water.
    90% of the graduates from the high school go to university.
3)关系代词who, which, that作主语。
  eg. The student who is talking with theprincipal is Tom.
    The students who have chosen physics will have a testtomorrow.
  但要注意one of ...与only one of...所修饰的先行词。
  eg. He is one of the students in our class whohave been to Beijing.
    He is the only one of the students who has been to London.
4)一些表示集体意义的名词如family, team, class等。
  eg. Happy families are all alike; every unhappyfamily is unhappy in its own way.
    My family are all early risers.
  Both Kate and Jean are football players.
2)用or, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...butalso...连接的两个名词,由靠近动词的名词决定单复数。
  Either you or I am to go.
  Not only the students but also the teacher hasto observe the rules.
3)用as well as, (together) with, like, besides, but,except等连接的两个名词,由第一个名词决定单复数。
  eg. His eyebrows as well as his hair are nowwhite.
    No one but these two peasants has been there.
    eg. Tom andMary are primary pupils.
  b) 在有every ... and every ..., each ... and each... 的时候;或用and连接的两个名词表示的是一件东西或一个人时,看作单数。
  eg. Every boy and every girl in our country hasthe right to go to school.
    Bread andbutter is what he eats for breakfast every day.

   一般   进行   完成   完成进行
现在   do/does   is/am/aredoing   have/has done   have/has been doing
过去   did   was/weredoing    haddone    *hadbeen doing
将来    shall/willdo   *shall/will bedoing   *shall/will havedone    
过去将来    woulddo         

  eg. He gets up at six every morning.
    There is a big tree in the back yard.
 B)常用的时间状语:always, often, usually, sometimes,seldom, never, every day, once a week,等。
  eg. The scientist explained that the earth goesround the sun, but no one believed him then.
  eg. If he is not busy, he will come to the partytomorrow.
2. 一般过去时态
 A)意义:过去的动作或状态。注意,即使是刚刚发生的事情,时间非常短,也要用过去时态。如:Why!It’s you—Mary! I didn’t know you were here!
 B)常用的时间状语:yesterday, last week, 3 years ago, justnow, 等。
B)常用的时间状语:tomorrow, next moth, in two weeks, 等。
 a) is/am/are going to do,意为“打算、准备、马上就要”。
  eg. It’s going to rain.
 b) is/am/are to do,意为“(计划好/安排好)要......”
  eg. The new underground railway is to be openedto traffic next year.
 c)is/am/are about to do,意为“马上就要”。
  eg. Hurry up! The plane is about to takeoff.
  eg. The train leaves for Beijing at 8:30 thisevening.
    He is going to London next week.
 B)常用的时间状语:now, these days, at present, at themoment, 等。
 C)有时可以和always, constantly,forever等时间状语连用,表示说话人的某中特殊的感情。
    eg. He isalways thinking of others.
      Mrs Smith is constantly quarrelling with her neighbours.
   eg. The old man isdying.
 E)英语中有些表示状态、感觉、心理活动的动词没有进行时态,如know, understand,believe, like, love, see, hear, seem, 等等。
 B)常用的时间状语:this time yesterday, at 9:00 lastnight, 等。
    eg. I wastold that she was leaving for Australia the next morning.
 B)常用的时间状语:this time tomorrow, at 9:00 next Sundaymorning, 等。
   eg. What will you be doing at9:00 on June 7next year?
A)意义:a. 表示过去某个时刻开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态。(只有部分延续性动词,如live, work, study,等可以表示这一意义)
          eg. I have lived in Shanghai since I was born.
              He has been married for half a year.
       b. 表示过去做过的某一个动作对现在的影响。
          eg. I have seen this film. It’s fantastic!
             Jack is playing video games, because he has done hishomework.
 B)常用的时间状语:a. since 1990, for 9 years,等。
                  b. already, yet, just, now, this week, never, ever, so far, up tillnow, lately, in the past/last few years, 等。
  eg. 1) He went to Beijing two days ago.
      He has gone to Beijing.
    2) Henry lost his mobile phone yesterday, but found it later.
      Henry has lost his mobile phone again.
  eg. 他离开上海已经三天了。
     He has left Shanghai. He left three days ago.
     He has been away from Shanghai for three days.
     It is three days since he left Shanghai.
  eg. He had learned English before he went toCanada.
 B)常用的时间状语:by the end of last year 等。
  eg. He asked the girl, “Where have youbeen?”
→ He asked the girl where she had been.
    He said, “I cleaned the classroom yesterday.”
→ He said that he had cleaned the room the day before.
 D)有些动词(如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean,suppose等)的过去完成时态可表示过去事实上没有实现的希望、计划等。
  eg. I had hoped to attend the party, but I wastoo busy.
 B)常用的时间状语:by the end of next year等。
   eg. You will have studiedEnglish for 10 years by the time you finish high school.
 B)常用时间状语:since ..., for ..., so far, up till now等。
   eg. I have studied here for 3years.  = I have been studying here for 3years.
   试比较: The little boy has readthe text.(小男孩已经读过课文了。)
           The little boy has been reading the text.(小男孩一直在读课文。)
              I have been doing my homework since 9 in the morning.
              I have done today’s homework.
  eg. He had been searching for the watch for ahalf hour when we came back.
  eg. He told me that he would read the book asecond time.
 英语中的动词可分为及物动词和不及物动词,以及系动词。及物动词有主动语态和被动语态;不及物动词或动词词组(如happen, belongto, take place等)和系动词(如become, seem, sound, look,taste,等)没有被动语态。
   一般   进行   完成
现在    is/am/aredone   is/am/are beingdone    have/hasbeen done
过去    was/weredone    was/werebeing done   had been done
将来    shall/willbe done      shall/will be done
过去将来    would bedone      
  eg. The villagers took good care of the woundedsoldier.
    → The soldier was taken good care of by the villagers.
  eg. We begin our class at 8:00 every morning. →? Our class is begun ... ?
    Our class begins at 8:00 every morning.
  eg. The book sells poorly.
    His translation reads better than yours.
    Who is to blame for the accident?

一、can, may, must
   根据意思与习惯用法,我们可以把can, may, must分成以下两组用法,方便学习与掌握。
   词义   肯定   否定   疑问   过去式
can   能、会   can   can’t   Can...?   could
may   可以   may   mustn’t/maynot   May...?   might
must   必须   must   needn’t   Must...?   must/had to
A) can
 a) can的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句:
eg. Computers can do a lot of things for us.
    Money cannot buy everything.
Can you speak French?
I could run very fast when I was young.
 b) can与be able to
can与be able to的意思相近,经常可以互换使用,但是be ableto除了有一般现在与过去时态之外,还有将来、完成等时态,所以要表示将来能够或已经能够做什么事,就要用be able to。
  eg. You will be able to communicate withforeigners fluently if you finish the course.
    The baby has been able to one or two simple sentences.
   在用过去式的时候,could与was able to的意思不同,could表示的是“当时能够做某事”的意思,而was/wereable to表示的是“当时能够,并且成功地做到了”的意思。
    Einstein wasable to flee Germany when Hitler came into power.
    I could passthe examination, but I was too careless.
 c) could在疑问句时用意表示请求,意义同can,是一种比较客气的表达方式。
  eg. Could you give me a hand?
B) may
a) may的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句:
  eg. You may choose anyone here you like.
    —May I leavenow?     —Yes, of course/Sure. Go ahead.
                           —No, you mustn’t. (注:口语中也能用cannot。)
I was told that the boss might come to the office before 9
b)mustn’t与may not.
   mustn’t一般是说话人表示“不可以”或“禁止”,而may not一般是指按规定“不允许”的意思。试比较:
    You mustn’t leave the bike here.
    The sign on the wall reads, “Visitors may not feed the animals inthe zoo.”
  c) may可放在句首,表示“祝愿”。
   eg. May our friendship lastforever.
d) might有时用在疑问句中,只是一种比may更客气一点,而非过去式。
   eg. Might I have a few wordswith you, sir?
C) must
  a) must的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句:
   eg. Everyone must obey therules.
     —Must I finish the work today?  —Yes, youmust.
                                 —No, you needn’t/don’t have to.
     He told me he must/had to see a doctor tomorrow morning.
  b) must与have to
   用must更强调主观上“必须”,而have to 更强调客观上的“不得不”。
   在间接引语中,主句动词是过去式时,用had to多,但must也可以用。
  c) must有时可以表示“偏偏”“非...不可”的意思。
   eg. Why must you make such amess when the visitors are coming?

   词义   肯定   否定   疑问   过去式   进行式
can   可能/一定     cannot   Can...?   can’t havedone    can’t bedoing
may   可能   may   may not     may have dong   may be doing
must   一定   must       must havedone    must bedoing
a) can, may,must的第二种用法,是用来表示说话人的一种推测。其中may与must的区别其实是说话人对可能性大小所做判断的区别,觉得可能性大,就用must,可能性小,就用may。而can与may,must是肯定、否定、疑问分工的不同。
—Can Tom be in the classroom?
    —Yes, he must be there.
    或—Yes, he may be there, but I’m not quite sure.
    或—No, he can’t be there, because he hasn’t come to schooltoday.
    I must havebeen asleep. I didn’t hear your footsteps.
    David becameangry at the meeting. He may have misunderstood what I meant.
    James can’thave forgotten the examination yesterday. There must have beensomething wrong with him, I believe.
 c)表示可能性,也可以用might和could,但并非may和can的过去式,而是表示说话人觉得可能性实在是比较小了,有虚拟的意味。跟may与can一样,might用在肯定句,could用在否定句和疑问句。mightdo的过去式是might have done,could的过去式是could have done。
  eg. —Could it be Susan at thedoor?  —Yes, it might be her.(现在口语中也可用couldbe回答)
 *d) could havedone也可以用在肯定句里,表示过去有这种可能,但事实上没有发生(虚拟语气的用法)。
  eg. It was dangerous to do so. You could havekilled yourself!
二、shall, will, would
  eg. Shall turn on the TV?
    Shall my brother go with us?
    Will/Would you do me a favour?
  eg. You shall do it at once!
    He shall have the money when he finish his work on time.
    You shall fail if you don’t work hard.
    If Shylock breaks the law, everything he has shall be taken awayfrom him.
  eg. I will help you at any time ifnecessary.
    The captain will land you safe in Liverpool, if you will beman.
  eg. Oil will float on water, because it islighter.
    He wouldtake a walk after supper when he lived here.
  上面例句中的would可以用used to来替换。used to也表示“过去常常”,但usedto还隐含了“现在不再这样了”的意思。而would则没有这种意思。
  eg. He used to smoke, but he has given it upnow.
三、should/ought to
   eg. You should/ought to paymore attention to your spelling.
2.可以表示一种推测,解为“应该是”。用于任何人称的肯定、否定、疑问句。它还有进行和完成两种形式:should/ought to bedoing(对现在正在进行的动作的推测)和should/ought to havedone(表示与过去的事实相反,“本来应该”的意思)。
  eg. They should be here by now.
    The students should be doing the experiment in the lab.
    You should have come here ten minutes earlier.
  eg. I have never imagined that he should say soat the meeting.
 A) 作为情态动词时,多用于疑问句和否定句。
    eg. —Need Ido it again?  —No, you needn’t.
   注意:与Must I do itagain?的意思相近,但用need问,问的人一般希望得到的是否定的回答;而用must问,问话的人一般希望得到的是肯定回答。
 B) 作为实意动词,可用于各种句型,是及物动词,可以跟名词做宾语。
    eg. We needanother five workers to do the work.
 C) needn’t have done与didn’t need to do的区别
    needn’t havedone和didn’t need to do分别是情态动词用法与实意动词用法的过去形式,但是所表示的意义不同。needn’t havedone意思是“本来不必”,言下之意是“做了不必要做的事了”;而didn’t need todo意思是“当时不必要”,言下之意是“当时不必要,因此可能就没有做”。
  试比较:She was too nervous to reply, butfortunately she didn’t need to say anything.
         You needn’t have mentioned it to him, because he had been toldeverything before.
 A) 作为情态动词时,多用于疑问句和否定句。
   eg. Dare you say that to yourboss?
     The little boy dare not face his teacher.
   但是dare的固定词组“I daresay...”,用在肯定句中。
   eg. He’ll come again, I daresay.
   eg. They dared not laugh infront of their manager.
   eg. They didn’t dare (to)laugh in front of their manager.

     eg. Your school is so different from ours (= our school).
2.英语中第一、第二、第三人称代词在句子中的排列次序:单数时为you, he and I;复数时为we, you andthey。
  A) —Who is it/that speaking? —It’s Mary speaking.
  B) —What’s wrong with the baby? —It’s cryingloudly.
  在英语中经常会碰到双重所有格的情况,如a friend of mine,theinvention of his等,这种表达法的意思与my friend, hisinvention基本相同,只有细微的差别。
  另外,名词也有双重所有格的表达法,如a friend of my father’s, theinvention of Professor Brown’s等。
  试比较:The policeman caught the thief by thearm.
         The young lady carried a small baby in her arm.
6.We students与Our students的区别
  Westudents中文为“我们学生”,“学生”是“我们”的同位语,用这一词语的时候,说话人是学生。而Ourstudents其实是“我们的学生”,说话人不是学生。当然,用We students的时候,Westudents必须是主语,如果是宾语,则用us students。
  eg. We students should learn more than bookknowledge at school.
    Good teachers always bear us students in mind.
    eg. We mustlearn to adjust ourselves to the new situation.
    eg. Jane’s mother stared at her in the mirror.(Jane的母亲望着镜子中的Jane。)
       Jane’s mother stared at herself in the mirror.(Jane的母亲望着镜子中的自己。)
          Please take good care of yourself.
          Teachers will take good care of you in the kindergarten.
  eg. I myself would never do such a thing. (= Iwould never do such a thing myself.)
    We talked with the mayor himself.
    by oneself单独,独自  eg. He finished the task by himself.
    for oneself为了自己   eg. She cooked a meal forherself.
    betweenourselves就我们之间    eg. This is a secret between ourselves.
    teachoneself sth. 自学... eg. Lenin taught himself English when he was inSiberia.
    seat oneself= be seated  eg. He seated himself at the back ofthe room.
    devoteoneself to = be devoted to  献身于
1.this, these经常指下面要讲的东西,而that, those经常指前面讲过的东西。
  eg. He always begins his story like this: “Onceupon a time, there was a ...”
    He was ill. That’s why he didn’t come.
  eg. The boy told me his story and also that ofhis sister’s.
    Weather in Shanghai is warmer than that in Beijing.
    The products produced this year are different from those producedlast year.
  eg. I didn’t expect the exam would be thiseasy.
    I can only go that far, to the riverside.
  I have lost my cell phone and I have to buy one(= a cell phone).
  I have bought a new cell phone. I bought it inHong Kong.
2.any, some, anyone, someone, anybody, somebody, anything,something
   eg. —Have you anyquestions?  —No, I haven’t any.
     Please buy some apples if there are any.
    eg. This iscommon knowledge. Any pupil knows it.
    eg. Wouldyou like to have some drinks? (= Have some drinks, please.)
      试比较:Have you bought any drinks?
    eg. I haveread it in some magazine. (= in a certain magazine.)
 C)anyone, someone, anybody,somebody都是指人,anything, something都是指物。无论是指人还是指物,都是单数性质。
3.another与the other等的用法见下表:
   单数   复数
泛指    another =another one   other ones = others
特指    the other= the other one   the other ones =the others
  eg. I don’t like the colour of the shirt. Willyou please show me another (one/ shirt)?
    There were only two shirts left in the shop. I didn’t like the blueone. So I took the other.
    We have been told that only three of us have passed the exam, andthe others have to do it again next week.
    There are many children in the park. Some are singing, others aredancing.
  eg. Each of the hats cost 30 dollars. (= Thehats cost 30 dollars each.)
There are shops on each side of the street.
    At the meeting, each student expressed his or her own idea.
    Every one of the students agreed with me.
5.everyone与every one
   eg. No one is absent today.Everyone is here.
     All the pictures are beautiful. I like every one of them.
  这三对代词的区别是一样的,在与指代数量上的不同。all, any,none都是指代三个或三个以上,both, either, neither都是指代两者。
  eg. All the students like my idea.
    Both his parents are ordinary workers.
    There are many books in our library. You can borrow any ofthem.
    I have two dictionaries. You may take either one.
    None of my classmates will go there with me.
    Neither of his two brothers could help him during that time.
7.no one, nobody, nothing和none。
  no one =nobody,都是指人;nothing指物;none既可指人,也可指物。
  no one, nobody,nothing都是单数性质,none作主语,如指代不可数名词,看作单数,如果指代可数名词,既可看作单数,也可看作复数。
  在作否定回答时,用none回答有针对性的人或东西,用no one, nobody,nothing回答无针对性的人或东西。
  eg. —Who did you see in theoffice?  —No one/ Nobody.
    —Is there anything in the room?  —Nothing..
    —Is there any water in your bottle?  —None.
    —How many students have been chosen in your class thistime?  —None.
8.not与all, both, every连用
not与all, both, every连用时都是部分否定,意思是“不全是”。
eg. All that glitters is not gold.
   Not every student can solvethe problem.
   Both of his parents are not athome, today.
    Don’t spit____ (anywhere/ everywhere).

规则的变化,短的词(单音节及部分双音节的词)一般是在词尾加“er”或“est”(其中重读闭音节要双写最后的辅音字母;e结尾只要加“r”或“st”;“y”加辅音结尾的去“y”加“ier”或“iest”)如:big,bigger, biggest;late, later, latest;early, earlier,earliest等,较长的词(部分双音节及多音节的词)在前面加上more或most,如:careful, more careful,most careful;clearly, more clearly, most clearly等。
不规则变化的词为:good, well, bad, badly, ill, many, much, little, old,far。变化见下表:
原级   比较级   最高级
good, well   better   best
bad, badly, ill   worse   worst
many, much   more   most
little   less   least
old    older,elder    oldest,eldest
far    farther,furthest   farther, furthest

 A) 用原级形容词、副词的句型:
  a) as... as...“和......一样......”
   eg. Try to make as fewmistakes as you can.
     He speaks English as fluently as you.
  b) not as/so... as... “不如.......那样......”
   eg. People’s brains cannotwork as fast as computers.
   eg. Tibet is twice as large asTexas. (= Tibet is twice the size of Texas).
     My handwriting is not half so good as yours.
 B) 用比较级形容词、副词的句型:
  a) ...er than... / more ... than...“比......更......”
   eg. It’s cheaper to eat athome than
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