







      不过鉴于初次建站,我没有选择那些大的程序,以及平台,反而选择了简单的小网页程序,最初定下的目标是博客程序,原因就是操作简单,对于一个初次建站的人来说,是一个好的起点,虽然这时候建立博客站点似乎落后点了,不过作为一个跳跃平台,我还是觉得这个比较好。如果你想像精华之家一样建立一个博客的话,那么你可以看看国外的免费的博客建站平台,这里精华之家推荐几个吧,国内的相信大家不用我说了,百度一下就知道了,针对国外的大家认识少,我顺便说几个,Etribes.comLiveJournal.com ,Blogabond.comBlogsome.comWordPress.comBlog.com

Blogger.comBlogr.com -,Netcipia.com -,Windows Live SpacesTooum.com,,



    不过由于没建立过网站,所以想先试试怎么建立,所以当初就满地的找空间,只要看到免费的空间,都想去尝试一下,看看哪些免费的午餐好,艰辛的尝试只要一个答案,那就是免费的几乎找不到好的空间,问题贼多啊,不过对于新手建站拿来练习还是非常不错的,这里我试过的几乎都忘了,很多根本没记住站名,不过印象最深的还是 000webhost,Hosting24旗下的000webhost,自称“比收费虚拟主机更好”的免费空间,他的口碑也确实不错。免费提供350M空间,100G流量,FTP、Web方式上传管理文件,支持PHP5,提供2个MySQL数据库,功能强大的cPanel管理面板,管理面板中可一键安装WordPress、phpBB2、Drupal、Joomla等几种热门PHP程序,免费提供1个二级域名,可以绑定自己的域名,速度不错,无广告。但需要使用VPN代理才能成功申请。这个空间用一段时间毛病很多,用了的人都知道,不过今天刚刚看到的一个不错的空间,这里也顺便推进一下,来自700Megs的1.4GB无广告免费PHP、MySQL网站空间。

700Megs.com提供使用者免费的网站空间,注册后共有1.4GB(1400MB)的容量和每月7GB的频宽、单档20MB的上传限制。网站提供的是 Layered Panel 介面,此外,700Megs.com还支持PHP、MySQL 5个、FTP、无广告,绑定个人网域名称的功能。相信的信息请看下面的图片:





000WebHost.com – Unlimited full domains, 250MB of disk space, 100GB of bandwidth and cPanel controls. There is no forced advertising to clutter up your pages.

110MB – Get 24×7 server monitoring, 24×7 customer support, no forced ads, 10 MySql databases, 2GB of web space and front page extensions for free.

200MB Host – Their free plan comes with 150MB of disk space, 4GB of data transfer, one domain, one MySql database, Microsoft FrontPage support and more.

50Webs.com – Free hosting plan comes with support for unlimited domains, unlimited bandwidth, 60MB of disk space, 1 email address, file manager and a WYSIWYG file editor.

AgilityHoster – Free hosting provider that gives you 200MB of disk space, 5GB data transfer, PHP, Perl, CGI and MySQL, 5 email accounts and more.

ATB Host - They offer free web space, free hosting, and paid hosting for all of your needs with your own domain or subdomain.

AtSpace.com – Here is a free web hosting company that gives you unlimited traffic, 50MB of web space and no forced advertising. All accounts come with POP3 email, free data backups, free FTP and instant account setup, to get you started.

AwardSpace.com – Their free accounts give you access to 200MB of disk space, 5GB of data transfer, 2 domains and 5 sub-domains, 5 POP3 email accounts and webmail.

Awesome WebSpace - A provider of free web hosting with no forced banner ads on your site. All free accounts come with 8GB of file storage, 8GB of transfer, PHP5, MySQL and more.

Bravenet – Now hosting over 1 million websites, a free account gets you 1.5GB of bandwidth, 50MB of disk space, website builders and your site is ad supported. They also have a referral program that pays you up to $100 dollars for every person you refer to their service.

DotEasy – Their $0 dollar hosting plan comes with 100MB of storage, 1GB of bandwidth, 10 email accounts and no forced advertisements.

FatHippoHosting - Free hosting plan comes with 10GB of disk space, 5GB of data transfer, free domain hosting, free sub-domain, PHP 5, FTP and AW Stats for keeping track of your visitors.

FateBack – Free hosting plan comes with 60MB of disk space, free FTP, unlimited bandwidth, the ability to host unlimited websites and more, running on Linux servers.

Fortune City - Free ad supported web hosting. 100 MB of storage, web and FTP access, easy blogging tool and more.

Free Hostia - A free account gives you 250MB of data storage, 5GB of bandwidth, 3 POP3 email accounts, access for up to 10 sub-domains, free one click install scripts, video tutorials for easy learning and more.

Free Hosties – Their free hosting comes with PHP 5, MySql, 5 sub-domains, FTP access, automatic script installer and the backend is powered by Vista Panel. They do not place forced advertisements on your site.

FreeHostingNow – With a free account you will get 10GB of bandwidth, 10GB of disk space, one click install on 20 applications, PHP MySql, no forced advertising and more.

Free Hyper Space – Get a free account with 1000MB of storage, 10GB of bandwidth, free FTP account, easy to use control panel, 24×7 support and more.

FreeWeb7 – 24×7 monitoring, 7GB of disk space, 100GB of data transfer, FTP accounts, MySql, PHP and no advertisements.

Free Webs – They currently have over 17 million meMBers around the world. A free account gives you access to over 300 pre-made website templates, a WYSIWYG editor, mailing lists, forums, guest books, chat rooms and more, to get your website going.

Google Page Creator – Build and host your website with Google. There is no knowledge of HTML required and you can edit your pages within your web browser. Sites are only allowed sub-domains.

HostRocket.com – Free bannerless web hosting that includes 25MB of storage, 2GB data transfer, web-based control panel and more.

HostWQ - Offers free web hosting, paid hosting, dedicated servers, web support, and many more services. Their free hosting plan comes with 10GB of data transfer, 300MB of storage and FTP access.

HostZeroCost - All accounts have 10GB web space, 10GB bandwidth, 3 MySQL Databases, PHP scripting and a free subdomain.

HyperPHP – Their free bannerless hosting plans come with 250MB of disk space, 6GB of data transfer, up to 5 add-on domains, 1 FTP account, PHP MyAdmin and more.

IFastNet - They have a nice free package that includes 300MB of disk space, 6GB of bandwidth, PHP scripting support, free MySql database, instant account activation and more.

IpowerHosts - Get your site online with 25MB of disk space, 2GB of bandwidth, free web based email, free data backups, web control panel, guest book, file manager, online website builder and more.

LeadHoster - They have easy one-click-installation tools helping you to setup web-based open source applications like phpBB forums, Joomla content management, AdvancedGuestBook, WordPress, PhpFusion, Xoops Portals and many others.

Mister.net – Free hosting plan comes with your own personal domain name, 250MB of disk space, 5GB of bandwidth, unlimited POP3 email accounts, shared SSL, PHP, CGI and more.

MyFreeWebhost - All accounts have 120MB space, 1000MB bandwidth, 3 MySQL Databases, PHP scripting and no advertisements.

My-Php.net – A free PHP and MySql hosting provider. Free hosting includes the popular cPanel control panel, 300MB of disk space, 6MB of bandwidth, FTP account and more.

MyRobotix.com - Offers 50MB of free hosting space to it’s users. You also get 500MB of bandwidth and a free online web page editor. Plus no forced ads or pop-ups.

NoFeeHost-Free Windows hosting with 100MB of disk space, ASP support, FTP access, an online control panel and more.

PHPNet – Their free PHP enabled hosting plan comes with 300MB of disk space, 6GB of monthly transfer, automatic script installer, no setup fee and instant activation of your account.

RipWay – Full PHP scripting support, 30MB of storage, no forced banners, unlimited access to your files and dedicated customer service.

SiteSled.com – Offers a free high performance account that includes one sub-domain, 250MB of disk storage, 1GB of bandwidth per day, FTP access, browser based HTML editor and more.

StoneRocket.net - Free web hosting service with PHP, MySQL for domains/subdomains. Including cPanel 11, Fantastico, FTP, POP3, free parked domains, 150MB web space and 15GB bandwidth with 98% uptime guarantee.

StormLoader – Free plan comes with 50MB of web space, free page building tools, unlimited bandwidth, free online support, FTP access and more.

StormPages – They will give you a free hosting plan that comes with 50MB of disk space, website building tools, unlimited bandwidth, free online support and this plan is ad based.

T35 Hosting - Free plan comes with unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, FTP access, free domain hosting, a control panel and more. There hosting is ad supported, meaning they will be placing advertisements on your site.

TopCities - They offer 150MB of free web space and lots of free tools for you to build your own web site.

Tripod - Their entry-level plan gives you 20 MB of disk space, 1GB of monthly bandwidth, shorter URLs and easy to use building tools.

WebNG - They provide their members with 350MB of free web space, 10GB of bandwidth, and FTP uploader, without forced advertisements. Some other features they have are a free photo album service, access to scripting languages like ASP with MS Access database, image hosting, and more.

Webmaster Networks – A free account gives you 100MB Space and 1GB of Bandwidth, advertisement free and the popular cPanel control panel. You have the option of using your own full domain or they will give you a sub-domain.

WebSaMBa – If you love Windows, here is your opportunity for free ASP hosting. They give you 30 MB of disk space, unlimited bandwidth, and an FTP account all on Windows 2000 servers.

WebSpawner – Their hosting plans come with a free site builder so you will not be needing any programming or HTML knowledge, free support, free promotion guide and more.

X10 Hosting – Here you can get up to 45GB of bandwidth and the popular cPanel controls with their ad enhanced plan or choose the Ad free plan with 10bg of bandwidth. Both account types allow placement of your own advertisements.

XM.com – Aside from hosting HTML files they will also host your multimedia files, give you a free FTP account, host unlimited domains, up to 10 email addresses and webstats.

XP Host - Comes with unlimited bandwidth and 400MB free disk space, a WYSIWYG editor, FTP access, a file manager and more.

Yahoo Geocities - Yahoo gives you a free sub-domain, free tools like Page Wizard, Page Builder and File Manager, their custom blogging tool and 15MB of disk space.

ZendURL – Free PHP web hosting with no forced advertising. All accounts come with 500MB of storage, 15GB of bandwidth, 2 databases and 1 FTP account. Some of the other features are free POP email, an auto script installer, PHP MyAdmin and an email forwarder.







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