

2019 IEEE虚拟现实大会今日开幕,为你细数历届最佳论文

1993年创立的IEEE虚拟现实大会是计算机图形学与多媒体领域的重要国际会议;2004年IEEE用户界面研讨会(3DUI)首次作为IEEE虚拟现实大会开场;2018年,VR和3DUI合并为IEEE虚拟现实大会(IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces),简称IEEE VR。


IEEE VR 2019将是历年来最大会议,包括140个oral talks,200多个posters,35个research demos和18个workshops。与会者达到900多人。

本文选取了IEEE VR的历年部分Best Paper进行介绍:


IEEE VR 2017


Wide Field of View Varifocal Near-Eye Display using See-Through Deformable Membrane Mirrors


Accommodative depth cues, a wide field of view, and ever-higher resolutions all present major hardware design challenges for near-eye displays. Optimizing a design to overcome one of these challenges typically leads to a trade-off in the others. We tackle this problem by introducing an all-in-one solution – a new wide field of view, gaze-tracked near-eye display for augmented reality applications. The key component of our solution is the use of a single see-through, varifocal deformable membrane mirror for each eye reflecting a display. They are controlled by airtight cavities and change the effective focal power to present a virtual image at a target depth plane which is determined by the gaze tracker. Thebenefits of using the membranes include wide field of view (100° diagonal) and fast depth switching (from 20 cm to infinity within 300 ms). Our subjective experiment verifies the prototype and demonstrates its potential benefits fornear-eye see-through displays.


David Dunn, Cary Tippets, Kent Torell, Petr Kellnhofer, Kaan Aksit, Piotr Didyk, KarolMyszkowski, David Luebke and Henry Fuchs

IEEE VR 2014


Mixed Reality Virtual Pets to Reduce Childhood Obesity


Novel approaches are needed to reduce the high rates of childhood obesity in the developed world. While multifactorial in cause, a major factor is an increasingly sedentary lifestyle of children. Our research shows that a mixed reality system that is of interest to children can be a powerful motivator of healthy activity. We designed and constructed a mixed reality system that allowed children to exercise, play with, and train a virtual pet using their own physical activity as input. The health, happiness, and intelligence of each virtual pet grew as its associated child owner exercised more, reached goals,and interacted with their pet. We report results of a research study involving 61 children from a local summer camp that shows a large increase in recorded and observed activity, alongside observational evidence that the virtual pet was responsible for that change. These results, and the ease at which the system integrated into the camp environment, demonstrate the practical potential to impact the exercise behaviors of children with mixed reality.


Kyle Johnsen, Sun Joo Ahn, James Moore, Scott Brown, Thomas P. Robertson, Amanda Marable and Aryabrata Basu

IEEE VR 2013


Immersive Group-to-Group Telepresence


We present a novel immersive telepresence system thatallows distributed groups of users to meet in a shared virtual 3D world. Ourapproach is based on two coupled projection-based multi-user setups, eachproviding multiple users with perspectively correct stereoscopic images. Ateach site the users and their local interaction space are continuously capturedusing a cluster of registered depth and color cameras. The captured 3Dinformation is transferred to the respective other location, where the remote participantsare virtually reconstructed. We explore the use of these virtual userrepresentations in various interaction scenarios in which local and remoteusers are face-to-face, side-by-side or decoupled. Initial experiments withdistributed user groups indicate the mutual understanding of pointing andtracing gestures independent of whether they were performed by local or remoteparticipants. Our users were excited about the new possibilities of jointlyexploring a virtual city, where they relied on a world-in-miniature metaphorfor mutual awareness of their respective locations.


Stephan Beck, André Kunert, Alexander Kulik and Bernd Froehlich

IEEE VR 2012


Haptic Palpation for Medical Simulation in Virtual Environments


Palpation is aphysical examination technique where objects, e.g., organs or body parts, aretouched with fingers to determine their size, shape, consistency and location.Many medical procedures utilize palpation as a supplementary interaction techniqueand it can be therefore considered as an essential basic method. However,palpation is mostly neglected in medical training simulators, with the exception of very specialized simulators that solely focuson palpation, e.g., for manual cancer detection.

In this article we propose a novel approach to enable haptic palpation interaction for virtualreality-based medical simulators. The main contribution is an extensive user study conducted with a large group of medical experts. To provide a plausible simulation framework for this user study, we contribute a novel and detailed interaction algorithm for palpation with tissue  dragging, which utilizes amulti-object force algorithm to support multiple layers of anatomy and a pulse force algorithm for simulation of an arterial pulse.

Furthermore, we propose a modification for an off-the-shelf haptic device by adding alightweight palpation pad to support a more realistic finger grip configuration for palpation tasks. The user study itself has been conducted on a medical training simulator prototype with a specific procedure from regional anesthesia, which strongly depends on palpation. The prototype utilizes aco-rotational finiteelement approach for soft tissue simulation and providesbimanual interaction by combining the aforementioned techniques with needle insertion for the other hand. The results of the user study suggest reasonable face validity of the simulator prototype and in particular validate medical plausibility of the proposed palpation interaction algorithm.


Sebastian Ullrich and Torsten Kuhlen

IEEE VR 2011


Stable Vision-Aided Navigation for Large-Area Augmented Reality


In this paper, we present a unified approach for a drift-free and jitter-reduced vision-aidednavigation system. This approach is based on an error-state Kalman filter algorithm using both relative (local) measurements obtained from image based motion estimation through visual odometry, and global measurements as a result of landmark matching through a pre-built visual landmark database. To improve the accuracy in pose estimation for augmented reality applications, we capture the 3D local reconstruction uncertainty of each landmark point as a covariance matrix and implicity rely more on closer points in the filter. We conduct a number of experiments aimed at evaluating different aspects of our Kalman filter framework, and show our approach can provide highly-accurate and stable pose both indoors and outdoors over large areas. The results demonstrate both the long term stability and the overall accuracy of our algorithm as intended to provide a solution to the camera tracking problem in augmented reality applications.


Taragay Oskiper,Han-Pang Chiu, Zhiwei Zhu, Supun Samaresekera and Rakesh Kumar

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