


Self-driving tour from Chengdu to Beihai (4). (Beihai Yintan Scenic Area, Weizhou Island Dripping Danya, Nanwan Crocodile Mountain, Rainbow Beach and Shell Beach Scenic Area) Written by Xie Wenyi



During the Spring Festival holiday in 2018, 'Chengdu-Beihai Self-driving Tour' (4). (Visit Yintan Scenic Spot in Beihai, Guangxi Province. Visit Dishuidan Cliff, Crocodile Mountain Crater, Catholic Church, Rainbow Beach and Shell Beach Scenic Area in Weizhou Island).

Xie Wenyi wrote



On the morning of February 22, we arrived at Beihai Silver Beach from Beihai downtown. When you first enter the beautiful beach park in Beihai yintan, you can see a large round steel sculpture called 'tide'.

'Chao' sculpture was designed and completed by Professor Wei Xiaoming who was born in Beihai when he was teaching at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1992 and was completed in 1993. Its scale is magnificent, with a total height of 25 meters and a steel ball diameter of 20 meters. At that time, it was also called 'Asia's First Steel Carving'.


It is a large musical fountain sculpture, the base of which is made up of more than 5,000 colored lights. Every night when the lights are on, the music of Youyang is accompanied by the sound of the sea waves, coupled with the reflection of the colored lights. It is beautiful, as if it takes the whole silver beach to the city of night. Its scale was so large that it was reputed as the 'largest music fountain in Asia' at that time.


The overall shape of the large-scale steel-plastic tide is like a pearl in the North Sea that is famous overseas-'South Pearl'. Its outer lines are carved with wavy lines, symbolizing the image of the tide in the South China Sea. There are 7 beautiful pearl-picking girls outside, surrounded by the large-scale 'South Pearl' of steel and plastic 'Chao'. They are floating in the air, with different shapes and verve, and holding ears of wheat, which indicates that this year will be another harvest year.



The 'tide' in Beihai yintan and the 'soul of the south pearl' in beihai Beibu gulf plaza, together expressed beihai people's love for the south pearl and their worship for the sea.

It is a landmark city cultural symbol of Beihai City, and is also a city symbol and landmark symbol of Beihai City.


Tourists are trying to hold up this huge 'South Pearl' with both hands.



Due to the erosion by sea breeze, the internal structure of the 'Chao' sculpture in Beihai yintan is rusted and the characters are also damaged, which seriously affects the safety and landscape. it is urgent to dismantle, rebuild or reinforce the sculpture.

It is reported that starting from October 30, 2018, the reconstruction project has already started and the 'Chao' sculpture has finally returned magnificently. The new sculpture sphere material is made of 316L stainless steel, which is currently of high international standard, and is made by a brand-new stamping technology. The seven pearl-picking girls surrounding the sculpture have been cast in bronze again, and the durability of the whole sculpture can reach more than 100 years.


(The above picture refers to relevant network pictures. )


We reached the broad beach of Silver Beach, saw the boundless sea again, and felt very happy in Jennifer.

  眺望着蔚蓝无垠的大海,景色非常的美丽。大海是那样美,那样的宽广!看,那 远处蓝蓝的天和蓝蓝的海水成了一色,相互映衬着,真使人一望就感到心旷神怡。白白的云点缀蓝蓝的天,让天空更加生动;海面上船舶点点,使大海充满了生机,……。

Overlooking the boundless blue sea, the scenery is very beautiful. The sea is so beautiful, so wide! Look, the blue sky and the blue sea water in the distance have become the same color, reflecting each other, which really makes people feel relaxed and happy when they look at it. White clouds dot the blue sky, making the sky more vivid; The little ships on the sea make the sea full of vitality.


The famous Silver Beach is named after its rare thin and white beaches.


There are many tourists on the beach of Yintan.


Sightseeing speedboat rides have also been carried out by the seaside, and some tourists are getting on boats to play.


There are also some children playing with sand on the seashore.


After visiting Yintan, we were lucky enough to find a restaurant in Zigong, Sichuan (Chuanxiang Garden of Zigong Family) in the drinking area on the shore, which enabled us to eat authentic Sichuan Sichuan Sichuan style pork and Chengdu Mapo tofu on a journey thousands of miles away. What's more fortunate is that, after running out, a fisherman just happened to send a sea shrimp to the river pavilion, which made us lucky enough to watch this huge sea shrimp in close quarters.


Tourists are competing to take photos with the shrimp in the sea, so as to leave precious commemorative photos in the silver beach tour of Beihai.



We booked the ticket to Weizhou Island this afternoon (special reminder: the ticket to Weizhou Island should be booked in advance, otherwise we may not get on the boat). Will we take the bus to the island after a visit to quan heng? Finally, considering that there are buses, taxis and small tricycles on the island, and the traffic is very convenient, our cars are stored in the parking lot not far from the wharf.

We arrived at the dock to Weizhou Island on time to pick up the tickets we booked.


We got the tickets to Weizhou Island that we had already booked at the ticket office of the wharf, and then entered the wharf.


There are a large number of ships moored in the harbor.


We took the cruise ship Beiyou No.12 to Weizhou Island.



Weizhou Island is not only a famous national geological park, but also a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction. Weizhou Island faces Beihai Yintan across the sea. It is the largest and youngest volcanic island in China formed by volcanic eruption in ancient times.

Weizhou Island has wonderful landscapes such as sea erosion, marine sediments and karst rocks. The highest elevation of the island is 79 meters. The scenic spots on the island include 'Crocodile Mountain', 'Drip Danping', 'Shiluokou', 'Catholic Church' and 'Rainbow Beach'.



There is also a coral reef national marine park near Weizhou Island. It is one of the 10 national marine parks approved for construction in China, which was established on December 21, 2012 with the approval of the State Oceanic Administration.

Weizhou Island coral reef ecosystem is a regional characteristic ecosystem in the South China Sea, the northernmost coral reef in the southern sea area of China, and the only coral reef group along the coast of Guangxi. The proven corals in this coral reef group belong to 43 species belonging to 26 genera and families, which have high ecological, economic and scientific research value. The main protected object of Ocean Park is the coral reef ecosystem, which plays an important role in maintaining biodiversity, maintaining fishery resources, protecting coastline and attracting sightseeing and tourism.


There is also a shuttle bus around the island, which brings convenience to play.




After going to the island, we quickly found the Linhai Hotel, which is located in Dishui Village, Weizhou Island by the sea. The hotel is in a good position. You can see the vast sea by opening the of the room. Moreover, you can walk down the stone ladder to the beach, which is the famous scenic spot of Dishui Danping in Weizhou Island.

'Drip Danping' is a great wonder on the volcanic island of China, where there is the most striking, spectacular and unique sea erosion landform. On the cliff rock next to it, there are water drops dripping down the cliff all the year round, which are glittering and translucent in the sun and shining with beautiful light, so it is named 'Dripping Water'. Therefore, the fishing village next to it is also named 'Dripping Water Village'.

The following is an introduction to the scenic spot 'Drip Danping' beside the 'Drip Village'.


The beach is wide, and the scenic spot has also launched a beach car tourism project here. The beach is covered with rutting marks.



The rocky coast in the scenic area of 'Drip Danping' has been eroded and collapsed by waves for a long time, forming a steep cliff.

On the top of the cliff, the Brawly is entangled, and the red flowers and green leaves hang upside down on the cliff. The spring water on the cliff is dripping like beads all the year round, and it is crystal clear. The exposed rock is infected by water seepage rich in iron oxide for a long time, and it is latosolic red like a huge red screen, hence the name 'Drip Danping'.


On the coast and beach, there are wide sandy beaches on one side and brown-black volcanic rocks and sea erosion stones on the other.


We have finished swimming on the beach of 'Drip Danping', and it is almost evening. Several fishermen on the seashore sell us seafood they have just caught from the sea.


Our innkeeper has a restaurant downstairs. After we paid a small amount of labor to our boss, we tasted delicious fresh seafood that night.


In the evening, we went out to visit the night market in this seaside fishing village. The seafood dry goods in the night market are really rich.


The next morning, before everyone got up, I got up early and walked down the stone steps near the hotel to the beach. This time period seems to be a low tide period, the sea water is receding, and the beach is wider ...


There are already several tourists who get up early and take a walk on the beach.


Take a walk on the beach at low tide in the morning, except to breathe the fresh air of the sea in the morning; Listen to the waves of the sea; Seeing the breadth of the sea and watching the fishing boats dotted on the sea, there are unexpected gains from time to time: sea fishing and sea clams left on the beach when the tide ebbs at night, and several tourists who get up early and go for a walk by the sea also pick up sea cucumbers and starfish.




After walking back to the hotel, everyone went downstairs to the hotel hall to eat the morning meal, and then started today's new day's tour.

As the 'Crocodile Mountain' volcanic scenic spot is not far from the mountain on the back of Dishui Village, a tricycle was called in the village (Note: There are many tricycles on the island, so the traffic is convenient. But it usually only takes four people. The four of us brought a few years old children, said some good things to become a business. ) and went to the 'Crocodile Mountain Volcano Park in Nanwan' scenic spot.

South Bay Crocodile Mountain Volcanic Park is located in the southwest of Weizhou Island. Crocodile Mountain is like a huge green crocodile lying in the water, with its feet stepping on the crater and its eyes staring at the sea tightly, as if looking for something. ……。


        景区以美丽的海岛风光;典型的火山地质遗迹;奇特的海蚀 地貌景观和丰富的生态旅游资源闻名海内外。景区主要由“鳄鱼山”和“五彩滩”两部份组成。景区内有位于涠洲岛最高海拔79.8米处的“涠洲灯塔”、“汤翁台”、“火山口遗址”、“贼佬洞”、“百兽闹海”、“平台听涛”、“汤翁台”、“情人”、“海枯石烂”、“五彩沙滩”、“海蚀平台”、“海蚀洞”等重要景观。”

'South Bay Crocodile Bay Scenic Spot' is located in the southernmost part of Weizhou Island, with a total area of 3.8 square kilometers. It is the essence of Weizhou Island, one of the 'Top Ten Beautiful Islands', and was rated as a national AAAA tourist scenic spot in 2009.

The scenic spot has beautiful island scenery; Typical volcanic geological relics; Unique marine erosion landscape and abundant ecotourism resources are well-known both at home and abroad. The scenic spot is mainly composed of 'Crocodile Mountain' and 'Rainbow Beach'. There are 'Weizhou Lighthouse', 'Tangwengtai', 'Crater Site', 'Thief Cave', 'Hundreds of Beasts Disturb the Sea', 'Platform Listening to the Tao', 'Tangwengtai', 'Lover', 'Sea withered and Stone rotten', 'Colorful Beach', located at the highest altitude of 79.8 meters in Weizhou Island. '




'Weizhou Island Lighthouse' scenic spot.

'Weizhou Island Lighthouse' is located on the mountain of 'Crocodile Mouth' scenic spot on the top of Weizhou Island. It was originally set up by the naval forces in 1956, which was originally an iron structure, and was converted into a stone tower in 1969. Because the original construction was rather crude, which was not commensurate with the tourist attractions of Weizhou Island, in 2002, Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration allocated more than 1 million yuan to rebuild the beautiful reinforced concrete 'Weizhou Island Lighthouse'.

The 'Weizhou Island Lighthouse' is 22 meters high, with exquisite design and fine construction technology. It is a rare architectural masterpiece of the lighthouse, and has become a scenic spot in the scenic spot.



'Ancient Fort' scenic spot.

Not far from the lighthouse, there is an ancient fort covered with rust during Jiaqing period of Qing Dynasty. It was unearthed on the southwest beach of Weizhou Island in 2004, which shows that in Jiaqing period of early Qing Dynasty, the local people had set guns on this island to defend their homeland and country.




'Tangwengtai' scenic spot.

Down the tour path, you come to 'Tang Weng Terrace' in the middle of the mountain. Tang Xianzu (September 24, 1550-July 29, 1616), whose word meaning is still the same, is called Hai Ruo, Ruoshi, Taoist Qingyuan, etc., and he is a Chinese dramatist and writer in Ming Dynasty. Originally from Yunshan Township, Linchuan County, he moved to Tangjiashan (now Fuzhou City).

Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare, both masters of drama, are representatives of the development of British and Chinese drama. Tang Xianzu's main masterpiece is Peony Pavilion (also known as Revival), which, together with Handan, Nanke and Purple Hairpin, is called 'Four Dreams in Yumingtang' and 'Four Dreams in Linchuan'. Some of his plays are not only loved by the Chinese people, but also spread to many countries such as Britain, Japan, Germany and Russia, and are regarded as treasures of world drama art.



        明.汤显祖《阳江避热入海,至涠洲,夜看珠池作,寄郭廉州》一诗,让涠洲这个小岛从此被世人所识。因此,“涠洲岛 ”也因历史上曾留有汤显祖的足迹而引以为豪,故汤显祖被景区塑像记念,成了景区的重要景点之一。

Tang Xianzu was relegated to the post of xuwen county in the 19th year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty. When he went to Weizhou to see Zhuchi to avoid heat, he wrote a poem for Weizhou Island, 'Yangjiang avoids heat into the sea, goes to Weizhou, looks at Zhuchi at night, and sends it to Guo Lianzhou'.

Poetry says: 'Spring county is still hot, and Gaozhou sea is as cool as cold. When the earth falls, the thunder turns to the side, and the sky falls into the bucket. Twilight wanders in the air, and it is too wild to float. Wu Yi hides niggers and sticks to the Dragon King. The sun shines on Weizhou Guo, and the wind inclines to the island ocean. Hand over the pool to hang the treasure, and shine at night. Sparkling milky way white, ying ying smoke yellow. Qi is like rainbow jade, and shadow is like candle and silver. To reflect Wu Meifu, look back at Han Meng's taste. When you get rid of it, you will cry, and the dish will drop your dress. ' .

Ming Tang Xianzu's poem 'Yangjiang avoids heat into the sea, goes to Weizhou, watches Zhuchi at night, and sends it to Guolianzhou' made Weizhou a small island known by the world from now on. Therefore, 'Weizhou Island' is proud of the footprint of Tang Xianzu in history, so Tang Xianzu was remembered by the statue in the scenic spot and became one of the important scenic spots in the scenic spot.

  “火山口” 景点。



'Crater' scenic spot.

From the 'Weizhou Island Lighthouse' on the 'Crocodile Mountain', you can see the famous 'crater' on the 'Weizhou Island' by going down the steep sightseeing road to the seaside below. This crater is just one of the five craters in Weizhou Island. Ten thousand years ago, magma ejected from the crater covered the whole coast, creating Weizhou Island, a beautiful volcanic island.

Now, on the coast near the crater, dark brown volcanic rocks can be seen everywhere. These dark brown rocks cooled by magma have been washed away by sea water for a long time, and have become pitted, forming some large and small sea erosion pits near the crater.




The stone scenic spot 'Love determines Weizhou'.

Because the lava rock of volcano is so hard that it can withstand wind and rain, some people compare it to the emotion and love of two people. Therefore, the scenic spot has built the scenic spots of 'Qing Ding Wei Zhou', 'Lover's Bridge' and 'Sea Dry and Stone Rotten' around the lava rocks of sea erosion.

The following is the stone scenic spot of 'Qingding Weizhou'.



'Lover Bridge' scenic spot,.

Many pairs of tourists have passed by here.



'the seas run dry and the rocks crumble' scenic spots,.

Hee hee! A pair of husbands are talking about love beside the stone: 'If you last forever, the sea will dry up and the rocks will rot!' ,……。



        由于洞口不到2m宽,并掩隐在灌木中,所以不易被发现。相传在几百年前,活动于 涠洲岛 海域的一伙海盗,被官兵围剿时逃入此洞,后被官兵用火烟熏出,据说洞中尚遗留有大量财宝,更增添了“贼佬洞”的神秘(本节主要来源于景点介绍)。

'Zanglao Cave' scenic spot,.

'Thief Cave' is a kind of sea cave. This is a small fault zone. Due to the damage of the fault, the rocks in the fault zone are relatively loose, and the waves in the tidal process erode along the fault zone all the way forward, thus forming a deep sea cave.

Because the hole is less than 2m wide and hidden in shrubs, it is not easy to be found. According to legend, hundreds of years ago, a group of pirates who lived in the waters of Weizhou Island escaped into this cave when they were encircled by officers and men, and were smoked by officers and men with fire. It is said that there are still a lot of treasures left in the cave, which adds the mystery of 'thief cave' (this section mainly comes from the introduction of scenic spots).

  “月亮湾” 景点。


'Moon Bay' scenic spot.

There is a bay with an arc-shaped sea cliff called 'Moon Bay'. The top of the cliff is covered with cactus, which is suitable for tourists to take pictures. 'Moon Bay' has some dark brown volcanic sea erosion stones; There is also a small piece of white coral sand beach by the sea. The small white sand beach has a different view on the dark brown beach.


        “百兽闹海”是一独特的海蚀地貌。此处的海蚀平台主要由玄武质沉凝岩和火山角砾岩构成,其上有海蚀坑,海蚀沟,海蚀 通道 等微地貌发育,加上垮塌的岩石块体,经风化,潮流及海浪的冲蚀,形成众多奇特的形似动物的造型,故名“百兽闹海”,……。

Scenic spots of 'the sea is troubled by beasts'.

'Hundreds of animals make trouble in the sea' is a unique sea erosion landform. The marine erosion platform here is mainly composed of basaltic tuffaceous rocks and volcanic breccia, on which micro-landforms such as marine erosion pits, trenches and channels are developed. In addition, the collapsed rock blocks have been weathered, washed away by tidal current and sea waves, forming many peculiar animal-like shapes, hence the name 'Hundreds of beasts make trouble with the sea'.




'Tibetan Turtle Cave' scenic spot,.

The 'Tibetan Turtle Cave' is also a sea cave. As it happens, there is a rock block shaped like a glans at the mouth of the cave, and its body is hidden in the cave, with the glans toward the outside of the cave, hiding in the cave like a turtle, peeping at the sea outside the cave, which is lifelike.

This is the uncanny workmanship of nature. The volcanic rocks in this sea erosion stone, which are similar to sea turtles, have formed the present realistic form during the long-term scouring and tidal erosion of thousands of years.



In addition, there are many scenic spots such as 'Dead Sea Cliff', 'Platform Listening to the Tao', 'Volcanic Bomb', 'Remains of Multi-stage Volcanic Eruption' and 'Coral Sedimentary Rock'.

'Dead Sea Cliff' scenic spot,.


The scenic spot of 'listening to the waves on the platform'.


'Volcanic Bomb' scenic spot,.


Scenic spots of 'multi-stage volcanic eruption remains' and 'coral sedimentary rocks'.



Weizhou Island is an island formed by volcanic eruption. Geologically speaking, it is the youngest volcanic island in China, with landscapes such as sea erosion, marine sediments and dissolved rocks. Because of its beauty, Weizhou Island is also known as the 'Penglai Island'.

Along the 'Crocodile Bay Bay' in the 'crater', this rare spectacle of sea erosion caused by submarine volcanic lava that has erupted many times can be seen everywhere, which has created many unique scenic spots, which are very exciting.




'Catholic Church' scenic spot.  

After walking out of the 'Crocodile Mountain' scenic spot, we contacted the taxi driver who took us to the hotel in Dishui Village when we went to the island and took us to the 'Catholic Church' scenic spot on the island.

The 'Catholic Church' in Weizhou Island is located in Shengtang Village on the island, so it is also called 'Shengtang Catholic Church'. The residential buildings on the island are relatively low, so the 'Catholic Church' built in the village is quite large in scale and imposing. The top of its main entrance is the clock tower, which is towering with the Roman spire, and its architecture has its own style.

  “涠洲岛盛塘教堂”楼高21米,总建筑面积774平方米,是由法国巴黎外方传教会传教士修建的,建成于1880年。该教堂为哥特式建筑,是广西沿海地区最大的“天主教教堂”,它是 “涠洲岛 ”上著名的标志性建筑之一,历经了百年沧桑,见证了时代的变迁,为这座美丽的小岛增添了一丝异域的气息。


The 'Shengtang Church of Weizhou Island' is 21 meters high and has a total construction area of 774 square meters. It was built by missionaries of the Foreign Missionary Association of Paris, France, and was completed in 1880. This church is a Gothic building and the largest 'Catholic Church' in Guangxi coastal area. It is one of the famous landmark buildings on Weizhou Island. After a hundred years of vicissitudes, it has witnessed the changes of the times, adding a touch of exotic atmosphere to this beautiful island.

In 2001, it was listed as a national cultural relics protection unit.



A silver alloy clock cast in 1889 hangs on the top of the bell tower. When the church rang the bell (which could spread all over Weizhou Island), the believers in the village and its neighbors would consciously and quietly step into the prayer hall and listen to God's teaching regrets devoutly.

It is said that the gods of this church are very effective, and all visitors who pray in the church will be lucky and safe within one year, and avoid disasters.



After coming out of the 'Catholic Church' of Weizhou Island, some residents on the roadside sell the island's special products-conch, seashell and exquisite small coral pushed ashore by the waves as souvenirs.

Since it is not far from the 'Rainbow Beach' scenic spot, most tourists choose to walk to the 'Rainbow Beach' scenic spot.



'Rainbow Beach scenic spot'.

'Rainbow Beach Scenic Area is located on the east coast of Weizhou Island. Almost all the 1.5 km long coasts in the scenic area have sea cliffs with a height of 20-50 meters, and the cliff faces stand tall; The sea erosion platform is spread in front of the sea erosion cliff, which is flat and wide. When the tide ebbs, it can be seen that the sea erosion platform is tens of meters to hundreds of meters wide. At the junction of sea cliff and sea platform, sea caves of various shapes can be seen everywhere. ……。”



'Rainbow Beach' can't see white sand and colorful, but there are a lot of fine black sand, so its original name is also called 'Sesame Beach'. Sesame beach is particularly charming after the ebb tide. The huge volcanic rocks are distributed layer by layer, which is different from the volcanic sea erosion rocks in the 'crater' under the 'Crocodile Mountain'. If the lava in the 'crater' gives people a fierce feeling, then the volcanic rocks in 'Sesame Beach' show people a peaceful state.

There are many stalls near 'Rainbow Beach', where we and many tourists have eaten simple fast meals and snacks for lunch. There are only so many snack stalls on the beach in the seaside scenic spot on Weizhou Island. Maybe they also calculate that most tourists visit this time, just at noon.




Rainbow Beach is one of the eight famous scenic spots on Weizhou Island, and it is also a good place to watch the sunrise. Therefore, it's better to go to 'Rainbow Beach' in the morning, where you can see the sun rising from the eastern sea, which is very spectacular.

In addition to watching the sunrise, you can also see the beauty of the rising tide. At the same time, when it comes to good weather, you can also see 'Sunset Island' about 9 nautical miles away from 'Weizhou Island' from the 'Sesame Beach', which seems to be just around the corner and feels very wonderful.

At this time, 'setting sun island' has a feeling of 'just around the corner, far away'.



'Shell Beach' scenic spot.

After visiting 'Rainbow Beach', we continued to walk and play, and came to 'Shell Beach Scenic Area'.



Located on the east coast of Weizhou Island, 'Shell Beach' is the longest beach attraction along the coastline of Weizhou Island. It starts at the east coast of the island and ends at the beach where Lanqiao Wharf is located. The only roundabout road on the island runs through the seashore beach from the wharf from north to east. This is the most remote beach on the island, which is less populated and closer to the primitive, especially suitable for walking and relaxing by the sea.

We walked on the beach, enjoying the beautiful seascape, savoring the breath, affection and mind of the sea! While enjoying the beauty of the sea, breathing the air of the sea and listening to the waves of the sea, we bent down to pick up seashells, conch and coral blocks that we looked at, which made us feel childlike, as if we had returned to our childhood.



The sea sand of 'Shell Beach' is also soft. Besides the beautiful sea view, there are many seashells and conch shells on the beach, which makes the 'Shell Beach' well-deserved.

In addition, there are many beautiful coral stones here. You can also experience the pleasure of picking up shells and coral stones on the beach when you stroll along the seashore for leisure.



The harvest on 'Shell Beach' is not small. I have harvested a small pile of seashells, conch shells and exquisite chrysanthemum and white coral.

The three black balls in the lower corner of the photo are volcanic eruptions-'volcanic balls' that I picked up in the 'Crocodile Mountain Crater' scenic spot in the morning, as a memorial for our visit to the 'Weizhou Island Crater'.


There are a lot of coral residues on the beach. I picked and chose several beautiful 'chrysanthemum white corals'. I wonder if they can reach the gem level.



I was lucky enough to pick up a strange coral stone. It's strange. There are naturally occurring (non-artificially carved) figures and animal images on it.

The upper part of one side of it is an image of an athlete who is exercising sitting on the ground and stretching his legs, bowing his waist and pressing his head down as a foot-pressing action, and the toes of his feet are still on his wings. In addition, if the legs and feet are put aside, the upper part of it is like a rabbit bent over and ready to run.



The upper part of the other side is like a wild mountain pig with a sharp mouth and an open mouth. It has vivid eyeballs in its eyes, which are small coral particles naturally stuck in its eyes; The upper part of this mountain pig is also like a cheetah with branches on its head and a bent tail. It is biting its prey with its head down.

I heard that there are chickens with shells and strange stones with figures moving through hundreds of millions. Can this coral strange stone go up in gear?



After the 'Shell Beach' tour, we arrived at the Shanghai embankment, and the shore was a small road around the island. Just wait a moment, the bus will arrive, and it will return to Xijiao Wharf from Shell Beach Bus Station with only the bus fare of 2 yuan.

After Shanghai returned to Beihai Port at the West Corner Wharf of Weizhou Island, we found our car in the parking lot not far from the wharf and returned to the hotel where we stayed the day before yesterday.




(the English translation of this article comes from the Internet. Please forgive me for any shortcomings.

In this paper, several pictures and some materials are from the related network. I would like to thank the original author. If it violates your rights, please contact the author and delete it.)




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