



in this presentation the fixation of a distal humerus fracture ao

在本演示文稿中,将使用垂直钢板配置的 va lcp 肱骨远端骨板 2.7 3.5 展示肱骨远端骨折 ao

classification 1 3 c3 will be shown using va lcp distal humerus plates 2.7

分类 1 3 c3 的固定

3.5 in a perpendicular plating configuration

these plates are available in both titanium and stainless steel

这些钢板有钛和不锈钢两种 钢板上

the va lcp locking holes in the plate accept va locking screws which are

的 val lcp 锁定孔接受 va 锁定螺钉是

coloured purple locking screws and cortex screws


following this exercise you should be able to perform the surgical approach


and exposure of the fracture zone to describe the steps to attain


anatomical reduction and apply the distal humerus plate system to a 1 3 c 3

解剖复位并将肱骨远端钢板系统应用于 1 3 c 的步骤 3


to obtain sufficient exposure of the fracture the patient is placed either in

骨折 获得足够的骨折暴露 患者被

a lateral decubitus position or a prone position the prone position is the

置于侧卧位或俯卧位 俯卧位是

preferred option a short arm support is used so that the


surgeon may sit care must be taken to ensure that the


elbow can be flexed at least to an angle of between 110 and 120 degrees

肘部至少可以弯曲到110 到 120 度之间

the skin incision is marked because of the foam start higher to make

的角度 标记皮肤切口是因为 泡沫从较高处开始做

a straight incision then curve around the olecranon


and then back down the crest of the ulna


the incision is made down to the fascia of the triceps and down to the ulna


the self-holding spreaders are inserted to hold back the soft tissues

尺骨 插入自持式扩张器以阻止 软

the fracture of the distal humerus is visible

组织 肱骨远端骨折

with a proximal diaphyseal metaphyseal fragment

可见 近端骨干 干骺端

an ulnar fragment a radial fragment and an intermediate

碎片 尺骨碎片 桡骨碎片和中间

fragment the next step will be to perform an

碎片 下一步将进行

osteotomy of the proximal ulna in order to visualize the intra-articular


component spreaders are applied distally to allow

组件扩张器 向远端应用,以便

visualization of the proximal ulna the ulnar nerve is identified


it may be elevated with a sling at the ulnar epicondyle if necessary


a v-shaped or chevron osteotomy will be made

进行 V 形或 V 形

the osteotomy is marked with its center at the base of the coronoid process

截骨术 截骨术标记其中心位于尺骨的底部

where there is ample cartilage


the oscillating saw is used and the bone is cut almost completely across


the separation is completed with an osteotome to avoid a loss of substance

,分离是 c 配有骨刀以避免

at the articular level the proximal ulna is reflected to give

关节水平的物质损失 近端尺骨被反射以提供

an excellent view of the fracture and the intermediate fragment


the next step is the articular reduction the instruments needed are

的绝佳视野 下一步是关节复位所需的仪器

the 2.5 millimeter drill bit the universal drill guide 3.5

是 2.5 毫米钻头 通用钻头 指南 3.5 带点

the asymmetric reduction forceps with points


and the large reduction forceps with points


to allow an easier application of the asymmetric reduction forceps a 2.5


millimeter hole is made in the radial cortex

在桡骨皮质上打一个 2.5 毫米的孔

the radial column fragment is reduced and held temporarily with the reduction



the next step is temporary fixation of the reduced fragment using k wires

下一个 步骤是使用 k 线临时固定减少的碎片

when positioning the k wires it is imperative that the definitive position

当定位 k 线时,必须

of the plate is taken into account to avoid any conflict between the plate


position and the k-wire position

位置和 k 线

the forceps are now removed

位置之间的任何冲突 现在移除镊子

the intermediate fragment is reduced next


it is positioned into the articulation reduced anatomically to the stabilized


radial column fragment and preliminarily fixed in position with

桡骨柱片段并用 ak 线初步固定到位

a k wire

the final fragment is reduced to the already reconstructed distal humerus


the large pointed reduction forceps are applied across the fragments


a 2.5 millimeter hole is made in the ulna column for the asymmetric reduction

在尺骨柱上制作一个 2.5 毫米的孔用于不对称 复位

forceps the forceps are applied

钳 使用钳子

two k wires are inserted to hold this fragment in position

插入两根 k 线以将这个片段

the transarticular fixation k wire is inserted further

固定到位 进一步插入经关节固定 k 线

both forceps are now removed


the va lcp elbow plating system offers three main double plating configurations

移除 valcp 肘板系统在本演示文稿中为肱骨远端提供三种主要的双板配置

for the distal humerus in this presentation perpendicular


plating with lateral support will be shown


the dorso lateral plate with lateral support is used with the medial plate

带有侧向支撑的钢板 带有侧向支撑的背侧侧板与内侧板一起使用

the screws of the lateral support target the articular block


instruments to insert 3.5 millimeter cortex screws are

用于插入 3.5 毫米皮质螺钉

the 2.5 millimeter drill bit the universal drill guide 3.5

的关节块器械 2.5 毫米钻头 通用导钻器

the depth gauge for screws 2.7 to 4.0 millimeters

3.5 深度 螺丝量规 2.7 到 4.0毫米

and the small hexagonal screwdriver with sleeve


instruments to insert 2.7 millimeter variable angle locking screws are

插入 2.7 毫米可变角度锁定螺钉

the 2.0 millimeter drill bit the va lcp drill sleeve 2.7

是 2.0 毫米钻头 va lcp 钻套 2.7

the depth gauge for screws 2.7 to 4.0 millimeters

用于螺钉的深度计 2.7 到 4.0

the star drive screwdriver shaft sd8 the 1.2 newton-meter torque limiter and

毫米星形驱动螺丝刀轴sd8 1.2 牛顿- 米扭矩限制器

the handle for torque limiters


application of the dorsolateral plate with lateral support


position the dorso-lateral plate on the distal humerus

位置 肱骨远端背外侧板

use the 2.5 millimeter drill bit with the 3.5 universal drill guide to

使用 2.5 毫米钻头和 3.5 通用钻头导向器

pre-drill the bone through the dcu portion of the elongated plate hole

通过 dcu 部分预钻骨头

through both cortices to set the screws in a neutral position


press the drill guide down


determine the required length of the cortex screw using the depth gauge


after tapping if needed insert the appropriate 3.5 millimeter cortex screw

攻丝后如果需要 使用六角螺丝刀插入适当的 3.5 毫米皮质螺钉

using the hexagonal screwdriver do not fully tighten the screw

不要完全 拧紧螺钉,

insert the va lcp drill sleeve 2.7 into the central variable angle locking hole

将 va lcp 钻套 2.7插入中心变量 角度锁定孔

ensuring that the drilled sleeve tip keys into the cloverleaf portion of the


platehole use the 2.0 millimeter drill bit to

使用 2.0 毫米

drill to the desired depth the fixed angle end of the drill sleeve


ensures that the drill bit follows the normal trajectory of the locking hole


remove the drill sleeve and use the depth gauge to measure the screw length


use the star drive screwdriver shaft to insert the 2.7 millimeter variable angle

使用星形驱动螺丝刀轴插入 2.7 毫米可变角度

locking screw the 1.2 newton meter torque limiter


connected to the handle for torque limiters must be used for the last few

连接到扭矩限制器手柄的 1.2 牛顿米扭矩限制器必须用于最后

turns of the screw to avoid damaging the threads of either the screw or the plate

几圈 为避免损坏螺钉或板孔的螺纹,将


two more variable angle locking screws are inserted in the distal plate holes


and a cortex screw inserted in the most proximal plate hole


position the plate on the medial ridge slightly dorsal to the intermuscular

将板定位在内侧脊稍微背侧至 肌

septum choose a plate position that allows the


longest possible distal screws insert a 3.5 millimeter cortex screw

最长的远端螺钉插入 3.5 毫米的板位置 皮质螺钉

through the dcu portion of the elongated plate hole in the neutral position

在中立位置穿过细长板孔的 dcu 部分

take care to avoid the lateral plate and screws


place the funnel shaped end of the va lcp drill sleeve in the second most

将 valcp 钻套的漏斗形端放置在第二个最

distal plate hole and drill a hole at the desired angle to cross the fracture

远端的板孔中,并以所需的角度钻孔 穿过骨折



insert the appropriate 2.7 millimeter variable angle locking screw using the

使用标准技术插入适当的 2.7 毫米可变角度锁定螺钉

standard technique the screw must be long enough to reach


the far fragment


make sure the last turns are made by hand with the 1.2 newton meter torque

确保最后一圈是用手使用 1.2 牛顿米扭矩


a variable angle locking screw is inserted through the most distal plate

限制器 可变角度锁定螺钉通过最远端的板


a variable angle locking screw is inserted through a plate hole in the


shaft of the plate

all the k wires are now removed

所有 k 线现在已移除

use the funnel shaped end of the va lcp drill sleeve to insert variable angle

使用 valcp 钻套的漏斗形末端插入可变角度

locking screws through the plate holes in the lateral support


the screws of the lateral support target the articular block


the electron is reduced and secured with two 1.6 millimeter k wires inserted

块 电子减少并固定 d 将两根 1.6 毫米的 k 线

parallel to each other through the olecranon and into the ulna


position the plate on the dorsal aspect of the proximal ulna


the triceps tendon may need to be split in order to apply the plate


insert a 3.5 millimeter cortex screw through the dcu portion of the elongated

插入 3.5 毫米皮质螺钉

plate hole in the neutral position using standard technique

使用标准技术在中立位置穿过细长板孔的 dcu

place the funnel shaped end of the va lcp drill sleeve in one of the proximal

部分 将 valcp 钻套的漏斗形端置于近端板孔之一中,

plate holes and drill a hole at the desired angle through the olecranon and


into the ulna


insert the appropriate 2.7 millimeter variable angle locking screw

插入物 合适的 2.7 毫米可变角度锁定螺钉

make sure the last turns are made by hand with the 1.2 newton-meter torque

确保最后一圈是手工完成的 使用 1.2 牛顿米扭矩



insert a second variable angle locking screw in the proximal section of the


plate and insert a cortex screw in the most distal plate hole


remove the k wires

移除 k 根

the model shows that optimum reduction of the fracture and plate placement have

钢丝 模型显示已实现最佳骨折复位和钢板放置

been achieved

you should now be able to perform the surgical approach and exposure of the

您现在应该能够进行 改变手术方法和

fracture zone to describe the steps to attain


anatomical reduction and apply the distal humerus plate


system to a 1 3 c 3 fracture

系统应用于 1 3 c 3 骨折的步骤

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