


Look 视

Swelling, bruising and deformity may be obvious, but the important point is whether the skin is intact; if the skin is broken and the wound communicates with the fracture, the injury is ‘open’ (‘compound’). Note also the posture of the distal extremity and the colour of the skin (for tell-tale signs of nerve or vessel damage).

Feel 触

The injured part is gently palpated for localized tenderness. Some  fractures would be missed if not specifically looked for, e.g. the classical sign (indeed the only clinical sign!) of a fractured scaphoid is tenderness on pressure precisely in the anatomical snuff-box. The common and characteristic associated injuries should also be felt for, even if the patient does not complain of them. For example, an isolated fracture of the proximal fibula should always alert to the likelihood of an associated fracture or ligament injury of the ankle, and

in high-energy injuries always examine the spine and pelvis. Vascular and peripheral nerve abnormalities should be tested for both before and after treatment.

Move 动

Crepitus and abnormal movement may be present, but why inflict pain when x-rays are available? It is more important to ask if the patient can move the joints distal to the injury.

X-RAY 射线

X-ray examination is mandatory. Remember the rule of twos: 

· Two views – A fracture or a dislocation may not be seen on a single x-ray film, and at least two views (anteroposterior and lateral) must be taken.

· Two joints – In the forearm or leg, one bone may be fractured and angulated. Angulation, however, is impossible unless the other bone is also broken, or a joint dislocated. The joints above and below the fracture must both be included on the x-ray films.

· Two limbs – In children, the appearance of immature epiphyses may confuse the diagnosis of a fracture; x-rays of the uninjured limb are needed for comparison.

· Two injuries – Severe force often causes injuries at more than one level. Thus, with fractures of the calcaneum or femur it is important to also x-ray the pelvis and spine.

·Two occasions– Some fractures are notoriously difficult to detect soon after injury, but another x-ray examination a week or two later may show the lesion. Common examples are undisplaced fractures of the distal end of the clavicle, scaphoid, femoral neck and lateral malleolus, and also stress fractures and physeal injuries wherever they occur.

X-ray examination must be ‘adequate’ (a,b) Two films of the same tibia: the fracture may be ‘invisible’ in oneview and perfectly plain in a view at right angles to that. (c,d) More than one occasion: A fractured scaphoid may not be obvious on the day of injury, but clearly seen 2 weeks later. (e,f) Two joints: The first x-ray (e) did not include the elbow.This was, in fact, a Monteggia fracture the head of the radius is dislocated; (f) shows the dislocated radiohumeral joint.(g,h) Two limbs: Sometimes the abnormality can be appreciated only by comparision with the normal side; in this case there is a fracture of the lateral condyle on the left side (h).

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P693


Note also the posture of the distal extremity and the colour of the skin (for tell-tale signs of nerve or vessel damage).


extremity /ɪkˈstreməti/n. 手足(肢体);极端;绝境;非常手段;

tell-tale signs 有迹象显示

tale  /teɪl/n. 故事;传说;叙述;流言蜚语

The injured part is gently palpated for localized tenderness.轻轻触诊受伤部位,以确定局部压痛。

palpate  /pælˈpeɪt/v. 触诊


the classical sign  of a fractured scaphoid is tenderness on pressure precisely in the anatomical snuff-box.舟骨骨折的典型特征是解剖学上鼻烟壶处的压痛。 

scaphoid  /'skæfɔɪd/n. 舟状骨adj. 船状的,船形的

 anatomical /ˌænəˈtɑːmɪkl/adj. 解剖的;解剖学的;结构上的


snuff /snʌf/n. 鼻烟;烛花;灯花vt. 剪烛花;掐灭;消灭;嗅出vi. 扑灭;断气;嗅

Crepitus 捻发音;骨擦音

 inflict /ɪnˈflɪkt/vt. 造成;使遭受(损伤、痛苦等);给予(打击等)

 mandatory/ˈmændətɔːri/adj. 强制的;托管的;命令的

anteroposterior and lateral前后和侧位(正侧位)

angulated. /'æŋgjə,let/v. 使成角形;向外倾斜

epiphyses 骨骺

comparison /kəmˈpærɪsn/n. 比较;对照;比喻;比较关系

with fractures of the calcaneum or femur it is important to also x-ray the pelvis and spine.跟骨或股骨骨折时,还需要对骨盆和脊柱进行x光检查。

Two occasions两期(前后对比)

notoriously /noʊˈtɔːriəsli/adv. 众所周知地;声名狼藉地;恶名昭彰地

 lesion /ˈliːʒn/n. 损害;身体上的伤害;机能障碍

Common examples are undisplaced fractures of the distal end of the clavicle, scaphoid, femoral neck and lateral malleolus, and also stress fractures and physeal injuries wherever they occur.常见的例子有锁骨远端无移位性骨折、肩胛骨骨折、股骨颈骨折和外踝骨折,也有应力性骨折和骨骺损伤。

physeal  生长的;骨骺的

Monteggia fracture 孟氏骨折(尺骨骨折伴桡骨头脱位)

the head of the radius is dislocated;桡骨头脱位;

radiohumeral joint 肱桡关节

 lateral condyle/'lætərəl'kɔndil/ 外侧髁;外髁














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