




1、It is all around us. We breathe it to stay alive.  (air)

      (breathe  v.呼吸    stay alive  保持生命,活着


2、What do you do when you want to know something? (ask)

3、It’s what people want when they ask a question. (answer)

      (what people want 人们想要的东西,宾语从句)

4、It’s a round fruit with thin red or green skin.  (apple)

     (with  prep. 带有。带有红色或绿色薄皮的园形水果。)

5、It’s part of your body that’s between your shoulder and  your head.

    (neck)(part of your body 身体的一部分)

6、 It’s the name people call a very young child. (baby)

7、 It’s a round toy. It’s used in many games. (ball)

8、 It’s a small rubber bag. You blow air into it to make it big.

      (balloon)    (rubber  n. 橡胶)

9、 It’s a long fruit with a yellow skin.  ( banana )

       (with  prep. 带有)

10、 It’s something that you sleep on. (bed)

11、 It’s something with two wheels that you can ride on.(bike)

      (with  prep. 带有    wheel  n. 轮子。你可以骑上去的带有两个轮子的东西。)

12、 What do you do when you cut something with your teeth?        (eat)

13、 It’s part of your body that you sit on. (bottom  n.屁股)

14、 He is the boy that has the same parents as you. (brother)

       (the same … as… 和……一样)

15、It’s like a big car that carries a lot of people. (bus)

16、It’s a piece of furniture for one person to sit down on.(chair)

     (furniture  n.家具,不可数名词,一件家具用a piece of furniture)

17、 It’s a piece of furniture for many people to sit down on. (sofa)

18、 It’s a large animal that lives on a farm. The milk that people drink comes from it.    


19、What do you do when you move your whole body to the music? (dance)

       (move your body to the music 随着音乐的节奏移动身体)

20、What do you do when you go up something high? (climb)

21、It opens to let you into a room. What is it?  (door)

22、They are parts of your head. You use them to hear with. (ear)

23、They are parts of your head. You use them to see with. (eyes)

24、They are parts of your head. You use them to smell with. (nose)

25、It is an animal that swims and breathes in water. (fish)

26、It’s part of a room that you walk on.  (floor)

27、It is part of a plant. It often looks colorful and smells sweet. (flower)

28、It’s the land you stand on when you are outside. (ground)

39、It’s part of your body. You use them to pick things up. (hand)

      (pick up 拣起来)

30、What do you do when you put something where people can’t see it?  (hide)

    (put things where people can’t see it 把东西放在人们看不见的地方。

        Where people can’t see it 地点状语从句)

31、It’s a big animal that you can ride. It likes to eat grass. (horse)

32、It’s something to make you laugh. (joke)

33、What do you do if you touch someone with your lips? (kiss)

         (touch someone with your lips 用嘴唇碰某人)

34、It gives you light. You often put it on your desk, or by your bed.   (lamp)

        (by your bed 床头)

35、It’s the sound you make when you are happy.   (laugh)

36、It’s a yellow fruit that tastes sour.   (lemon  柠檬)

       (taste sour  尝起来酸的)

37、It’s part of your mouth. You use them when you kiss somebody.    (lip)

38、It’s a drink. Most of them come from cows.   (milk)

39、It’s round. You can often see it in the sky at night.  (moon)

40、It’s part of your face. You open and close it when you speak

     and eat.     (mouth)

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