


1.The boys are going to have fun _ the pictures.
  A. draw         B. to draw          C. drawing        D. drew
2. His mother is strict _____.
  A. with him            B. with he           C. in him            D. in he
3. My English teacher was angry ____ Tom.
  A. at             B. about              C. with             D. on
4. You shouldn't ____ the boy's mistakes.
  A. laugh at          B. smile            C. laugh         D. laugh down
5. There is ____ smoke in the room.
  A. much too          B. many      C. too much          D. too many
6. If you don't know the word, you can _____ in the dictionary.
  A. look it after          B. look it up       C. look for it           D. look at it
7. He often practice _____ the piano in his room.
  A. play      B. playing             C. to play            D. played
8. __ is really hard __ them to climb Mount Tai.
  A. This, to         B. It, for            C. This, for          D. It, to
9. –It's too hot. Would you mind ____ the door?
   ---_____. Please do it now.
   A. to open, OK                    B. opening, Certainly not
   C. opening, Of course             D. to open, Good idea
10. ----____ do you study English? ----By making flashcards.
   A. Why     B. How   C. What   D. When
11. You never go to the movies, ________?
   A. don't you             B. do you                 C. won't you             D. can't you
12. Maria is from France. She studies English by _____ English movies.
   A. watch         B. watching           C. to watch           D. watched
13. ---Can you solve the problem? ---Sorry, I can't. Why ___ ask the teacher ___ help?
    A. don't, for              B. not, about      C. don't, about            D. not, for
14. Thanks for ____ me _____.
    A. helping, a lot of           B. help, lot        C. helping, a lot             D. help, lots of
15. I spend some time _____ English books every morning.
    A. on reading        B. in read             C. to read         D. reading

III. 1---5 CACAC   6—10 BBBBB   11—15 BBDCD




第二部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)

  21. Michael_____ his new car, an Audi A8.

Yes, he enjoys driving it everywhere.

A. gives up    B. takes pride in    C. worries about   D. makes up

(   ) 22. My father told me he _____ me to the great wall next week.

A. will bring   B. would bring     C. would take     D. will take

(   ) 23. During the Spring Festival Chinese usually ___much time ___their relatives and friends.

A. spend, visiting   B. take, to visiting   C. cost, to visit      D. pay, to visit

(   ) 24. You should keep working hard __you have passed the exam.

A. if             B. because         C. even though      D. when

(   ) 25. My father isn’t in good health now. I think he should pay attention____ exercise.

A. to take          B. for taking       C. to taking         D. in taking

(   ) 26. He used to ____in the sun, but now he is used to ____at night.

A. read; read    B. reading; read     C. read; reading    D. reading, reading

(   )27. —How do you improve your writing skills?

—_________ .

A. I have trouble in reading        B. It’s a bit difficult

C. I like the movie best           D. By finding a pen pal

(   ) 28. —What about going to Kunming for our winter holiday

—____________ .

A. That’s all right    B. It doesn’t matter   C. Good idea   D. With pleasure

(   )29. People who are interested in football are ____all men.

A. really      B. simply     C. clearly       D. nearly

(   ) 30. —Do you think it will be sunny tomorrow?

—_______ . It hasn’t been sunny for a long time. It’s too wet.

A. I hope not   B. I’m afraid so    C. I hope so   D. I think not

(   ) 31. I think English is an important language, _______ ?

A. don’t I      B. am I      C. isn’t it      D. does it

(   )32. —It’s too hot . Would you mind my ____ the window?

—_______ . Do as you like, please!

A. open; Sorry            B. opening; Certainly not    

C. opening; Sorry         D. open; Certainly not

(   ) 33. Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. _____, some students would like to go to the moon some day.

A. After all    B. At       C. In fact       D. For example

(   ) 34. _______ a player, I’m looking forward__   _the 2012 Olympic Games.

A. For; at     B. As; to      C. With; for    D. Of; to

(   ) 35. —Did you have any problems in London ?

—Yes, I have trouble ______ Chinese food like noodles.

A. finding     B. found       C. find        D. to find

21-25 BCACC  26-30 CDCDC  31-35 CBDBA


A)单项填空 ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案涂到答题卡上。(无答案)

20In 1953, Audrey played ______ lead role of a young princess in the film Roman Holiday.

A. /                            B. a               C. one            D. the

21English is used ______ to make it the most popular language in the world.

A. widely enough              B. enough wide      C. wide enough      D. enough widely

22.— A latest English newspaper, please.

Only one copy left. Would you like to have ______, sir?

A. that                       B. one                   C. it               D. this

23Why didn’t you ______ any action to stop killing wild animals?

A. make                           B. have                 C. take           D. put

24.— He’s never stolen anything before, ______ he?

      ______. It’s his third time to be taken to police station.

A. hasn’t; Yes           B. has; Yes           C. is; Yes       D. has; No

25There are four pairs of socks to ______, but the woman doesn’t know ______ to buy.

A. choose from; what     B. choose from; which

 C. choose; which        D. choose; what

26.—Did you have ______ ready at home, Ann?

No, I still have to get some meat and vegetables.

A. everything                    B. anything            C. something       D. nothing

27It was silly ______ you to give up ______ things that we all wanted to do.

A. for; to do                     B. for; doing          C. of; to do            D. of; doing

28.— Did you watch the ______ football match last night?

Yes, I did. It was exciting.

A. live                       B. lively                C. alive                 D. living

29Do you have any other _______ to make on the subject?

A. advices                  B. information              C. suggestions        D. news

30.— Why did you paint your wall _______?

Because it can make me _______ warm.

A. to be yellow; feel   B. yellow; feel              C. as yellow; felt    D. yellow; to feel

31They ______ the train until it disappeared in the distance.

A. saw                B. watched            C. noticed              D. looked

32.— Could you tell me when ______?  

At 10:25, in ten minutes.

A. the bus will leave      B. will the bus leave                              

C. the bus has left          D. the bus had left

33.— Does your English teacher often ask you questions in class?

Yes. But sometimes he goes on quickly _______ we have time to answer.

A. as              B. since     C. until       D. before

34.— Sorry, I’m late, Jack. Can you tell me about the beginning of the film?

I’d like to, but when I got to the cinema the film ______ for five minutes.

A. had begun                  B. had been on             C. has been on           D. has begun

35.— ______ I go to the meeting at once?

No, I don't think you ______. There’s still enough time left.

A. Need; must          B. Do; need to       C. Must; have to   D. May; ought to

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