

Get Started | Marlin

Get Started with Marlin

Marlin offers a different approach. The growing Marlin community comprises a broad spectrum of interests but together they contribute to a shared objective.

What is the Marlin objective? Marlin provides the technology, the partners, and the trust services necessary to develop and deploy an interoperable platform that promotes competitive products and services for multimedia distribution systems across all networks.

How does Marlin achieve this objective? Marlin offers a range of programs designed to provide the technology and services required to develop and commercialize content distribution services. Follow the steps below to get the information you need.

Learn: Use this website to learn about Marlin.

Home makes the business case for Marlin, including its features and benefits.

Partner offers a compelling view of the technology companies that have joined the Marlin community to develop specific solutions.

Develop offers a roadmap of technology development and opportunities to contribute to it.

Deploy provides the services and licensing required for commercial deployment of Marlin-enabled products and services.

Evaluate: Prove to yourself that Marlin offers the most advanced technology. Preview Marlin specifications. Review partner component solutions or pursue partner alliances to build specific solutions.

Commercialize: Join the growing list of Marlin adopters who offer robust, compelling Marlin-enabled devices and services.

Standardize: Participate with Marlin technology development. Marlin is enhanced by the combined contribution of many entities to Marlin specifications. The result of the community source program is the creation of professionally developed and tested robust software applicable to market needs.


Join the Marlin Community

The diagram below describes Marlin programs that help you get the technology and resources you need. To see a comparison of membership privileges between Marlin partners and participants, click here.



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