

【新刊速递】第52期 | Review of International Studies,Vol.46, No.4,2020


Review of International Studies (《国际研究评论》)是由剑桥大学出版社代表英国国际研究协会出版且同行评审的国际关系学术期刊,其前身为British Journal of International Studies (1975 - 1980) 。该期刊致力于反映全球政治的性质变化和新兴的政治挑战,旨在为国际社会搭建一个可供辩论的平台用以讨论当下紧迫的全球议题。根据Journal Citation Report显示,2019年该期刊的影响因子为1.944。


【编译】许文婷 赖永祯 赵雷 施榕 扎西旺姆




1. 食品民主化:以一种审议性方法为例

Democratising food: The case for a deliberative approach

2. 东亚地区的“文明”话语塑造:亚洲价值观、多元现代性与经济发展的政治学

Performing Civilizational Narratives in East Asia: Asian Values, Multiple Modernities, and the Politics of Economic Development

3. 不说就不会做?联合国的维和行动、话语以及机构的自我合法化

No action without talk? UN peacekeeping, discourse, and institutional self-legitimation


The South, the West, and the meanings of humanitarian intervention in history


‘Solemn and just demands’: Seeking apologies in the international arena



【题目】Democratising food: The case for a deliberative approach

【作者】梅丽莎·汤普森(Merisa S. Thopmson),伯明翰大学政府学院国际发展系讲师,主要研究方向为批判发展研究(critical development studies)和女权政治经济学(feminist political economy);阿拉斯代尔·科克伦(Alasdair Cochrane),谢菲尔德大学政治学系高级讲师,主要研究方向为当代政治理论、权利理论、人权、环境伦理、动物伦理和生物伦理;贾斯塔·霍普玛(Justa Hopma),独立研究者,致力于粮食安全(food security)领域研究,主要研究兴趣为粮食系统变化、治理与策略及面向小农的低成本农业技术。


Prevailing political and ethical approaches that have been used to both critique and propose alternatives to the existing food system are lacking. Although food security, food sovereignty, food justice, and food democracy all offer something important to our reflection on the global food system, none is adequate as an alternative to the status quo. This article analyses each in order to identify the prerequisites for such an alternative approach to food governance. These include a focus on goods like nutrition and health, equitable distribution, supporting livelihoods, environmental sustainability, and social justice. However, other goods, like the interests of non-human animals, are not presently represented. Moreover, incorporating all of these goods is incredibly demanding, and some are in tension. This raises the question of how each can be appropriately accommodated and balanced. The article proposes that this ought to be done through deliberative democratic processes that incorporate the interests of all relevant parties at the local, national, regional, and global levels. In other words, the article calls for a deliberative approach to the democratisation of food. It also proposes that one promising potential for incorporating the interests of all affected parties and addressing power imbalances lies in organising the scope and remit of deliberation around food type.





【题目】Performing Civilizational Narratives in East Asia: Asian Values, Multiple Modernities, and the Politics of Economic Development

【作者】李容旭(Yong Wook Lee),高丽大学政治学与国际关系学院教授,主要研究方向为东亚区域政治、国际关系理论。

【摘要】本文试图揭示“文明政治”下,作为新自由主义模式“替代选择”的东亚经济发展范式的社会建构的规范论基础。作者试图回答的问题是,为什么东亚国家在推广其经济发展的替代模式时会诉诸价值观论述。对此,作者提出两个相关的命题。首先,作者认为,“亚洲价值观”政治可以被理解为非西方社会展示其“通往现代性”的多种方式之一。其次,从更深的层次上说,作者认为亚洲价值观的话语与叙述是“文明”政治的一部分,它主张重塑东亚在一个由“文明”与“非文明”组成的世界中的地位,而这种分野自十九世纪欧洲对外扩张以来仍然以多种方式而存在。作者据此揭示作为“文明标准”的施展性权力(performative power)——即在世界政治中,促使行为体自我认同具有时序性与层秩性文明身份等级的权力。基于本文的一些发现,作者指出了世界政治领域中,一个重塑等级观念与进步话语的东亚身份所得出的启示。

This article aims to uncover the socially constructed normative foundation for the alternative East Asian economic development paradigm to neoliberalism in the context of civilizational politics. The question I seek to address is why East Asian states make value claims when promoting their alternative method of economic development. In addressing this question, I make two interrelated arguments. First, I argue that the politics of Asian values can be understood as another case of non-Western society’s struggle to demonstrate multiple paths to modernity. Second, on a deeper level, I show that the discourse and narratives on Asian values is part of civilization politics aimed to recalibrate the place of East Asia in a world consisting of the civilized and the uncivilized, a divide that still remains today in various forms following European expansion in the nineteenth century. In so doing, I shed light on the performative power of ‘the standard of civilization’, which naturalizes the temporal and sequential hierarchy of civilizational identities in world politics. On the basis of this article’s findings, I draw out implications of a recalibrated East Asia for the ideas of hierarchy and progress in world politics.





【题目】No action without talk? UN peacekeeping, discourse, and institutional self-legitimation

【作者】Sarah von Billerbeck 英国雷丁大学副教授


In this article, I argue that much of the discourse observable within the UN constitutes neither unnecessary and unproductive ‘talk’ nor efforts to convince outside audiences of its legitimacy, but actually a form of institutional self-legitimation that is key to its ability to function. Using the case of the UN's Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), I show that because the organisation has a multifaceted organisational identity, it faces situations where it is forced to choose between multiple but equally appropriate courses of action, and it uses self-legitimation alongside other mechanisms to overcome these tensions. I specify three sets of circumstances in which this occurs, showing how DPKO uses discourse that simplifies and exceptionalises in a bid to reconcile or downplay these contradictions and reassert a cohesive and legitimate organisational identity internally. This simplification and exceptionalisation in turn serve an enabling function, allowing DPKO to continue operating in conditions of complexity by decreasing risk aversion and instilling a deep sense of professional loyalty in staff. At the same time, such discursive processes are costly and may entrench inefficient practices, rendering the effects of self-legitimising discourse paradoxical: they may enable action, but they reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of that action.





【题目】The South, the West, and the meanings of humanitarian intervention in history

【作者】Patrick Quinton-Brown,牛津大学圣安东尼学院国际关系博士生。


As it has been written, the history of humanitarian intervention is all too Whiggish and all too white. By conceptualising humanitarian intervention in the way that they do, orthodox histories should be seen as entangled in debates about the origins of human rights but also, perhaps more crucially, debates about the various formations and reinventions of human rights. Alternative codifications of rights reveal the historical possibility of a Southern practice of what we would almost certainly call ‘humanitarian intervention’. The record of a radical Third World practice to save strangers from the atrocities of colonialism and extreme racism is also a record of Western states playing staunchly sovereigntist roles, of the West’s late devotion to Westphalia. To sketch out such a counterhistory is to argue the following: at a threshold moment in the international-political life of the Responsibility to Protect, it is the terms, range, and domain of the intervention debate that must be re-formulated and re-evaluated.





【题目】‘Solemn and just demands’: Seeking apologies in the international arena

【作者】Tracy Adams,希伯来大学社会学和人类学系的博士生,研究兴趣为集体记忆及其跨国家及跨时间的传播方式;Zohar Kampf, 希伯来大学社会科学系语言与传播学副教授和博士生项目负责人, 主要研究兴趣为语言、媒体及政治间的多方面联系。

【摘要】要求道歉是当代世界政治中指出过错行为(transgression)的一种突出的修辞手段。它们将“视而不见”(seen but unnoticed)的行为转变为“有目共睹”(seen and noticed)的过错行为,并为受损关系的复原贴上价格标签。然而,与被广泛讨论的道歉行为相比,对道歉的要求却很少受到学者的关注。在本文中,我们采用行为人导向的视角,将要求道歉这一言语行为置于国家间关系的微妙管理之中。通过对1999年至2019年间不同国家行为体在不同外交场合提出的57个要求道歉的案例内容进行深入分析,作者划分出过错行为的话语建构、告知要求行为的规范脚本、寻求补救的类型及其话语后果。最后,作者讨论了指导道歉要求的规范性外交脚本,以及这些言论行为如何重构国际政治中的权力关系。

Demands for apology are a prominent rhetorical means for pointing out transgressions in contemporary world politics. They transform ‘seen but unnoticed’ conduct into ‘seen and noticed’ transgression and attach a price tag to the restoration of damaged relations. Nevertheless, compared to the widely discussed practice of apologising, demands for apologies have received scant scholarly attention. In this article we adopt an actor-oriented perspective in order to situate the speech act of demanding an apology within the delicate management of interstate relations. In-depth content analysis of 57 cases of demands made by various state actors in a variety of diplomatic contexts between 1999 and 2019 let us delineate the discursive construction of transgressions, the normative scripts that inform acts of demands, the types of sought-after remedies, and their discursive consequences. We conclude by discussing the normative diplomatic scripts that guide demands for apology and how these speech acts reconfigure power relations in international politics.



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