

用Petrel 数字化等值线 - 车网博客

用Petrel 数字化等值线

It is possible to digitize contour lines in Petrel workflow tools from bitmap images when digital grids are unavailable. Surfaces can then be created from the contours and used as input for a 3D model.
  1. Import the image to be digitized into Petrel. Right click on a folder in the input tab of the Petrel Explorer and select Import on selection.

  2. An import dialog will appear. Select the file to be loaded and specify that it is a Bitmap Image. BMP, JPG, PCX, TIFF, and TGA are the supported formats.

  3. After the image is loaded to Petrel, you will see the object listed in the Input window, but it will not have a toggle box beside it to be displayed in a 3D window. This is because the location needs to be defined. To define the XY location of the bitmap, right click on the object and select Settings. Here you will see a copy of the image. Click on Located in World, specify which corner is the origin and then enter in the coordinates for three of the corners. When that is done click OK.

  4. To begin digitizing the contours, display the image in a 3D window and go to the Make/Edit Polygons process in the Process Diagram under Utilities. All the contours in the image need to be digitized in a single polygon file. Use the functions available on the tool bar (on the right) to digitize the polygons.

  5. Click on the Start New Set of Polygons icon
    this will create a new polygon file. In the 3D window trace the first contour line. When you are done with the first line, click on the Close Selected Polygon icon
    to close the polygon.

    Then click on the Start New Polygon in Active Set icon
    to begin a new line in the same object file, and then trace the next line. Continue until all the contours have been traced.

  6. Now Z-values need to be assigned to the different contour lines. Click on the Z-Value Selector Icon.
    This will display the following toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

    When in the select/pick mode
    click on the first polygon to highlight it, and all the points in the line will become orange. Specify the Z value for that line in the toolbar at the bottom and click on the blue equals button to assign the value. Do this for all the contour lines.

  7. Next double click on the Make/Edit Surface Process under the Utilities group in the Process Diagram. Click on the Polygon Set that was just created and then click on the blue arrow next to Main Input in the Make/Edit Surface window. Then click on the Suggest Setting from Input button and select Contour Lines. Petrel will then select the best algorithm to use for this type of data. Under the Geometry tab, make sure that Automatic is selected and specify the grid increment for your surface. Then click OK.

  8. The new surface will be listed in the input window with the same name as the polygon set. The surface can now be displayed in the 3D window.


1 导入图片文件

2 确定图片四个角的xyz坐标

3 在“Process”页选取“ Utilities ”-》“ Make/Edit Polygons ”

4 选取

5 输入多边形的Z(深度)值

6  双击Process页Utilities下的 Make/Edit Polygons


到Main Input的输入框中,先点击数字化的等值线多边形,再点输入框前的蓝色箭头,输入数据;

“Suggest Setting”按钮选“Contour Lines”;

“Grid size and position”选“Automatic”;

“Grid increment”选取合适的网格间距


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