

1. 构成段落的三个部分:主题句、扩展句、结论句
2. 衡量段落的三个标准:完整性、统一性、连贯性
Every morning my nephew and I took a walk in the neighboring hills where we could enjoy the fresh air and sweet songs of the birds. In the afternoon, I mostly spent my time reading or writing, for I was shut in the house by the terrible heat. The evening was the only time we could go to swim together. I improved swimming during those two weeks and through physical exercise I became stronger. (按时间顺序)
Give students a chance to grow. Let them seek knowledge, but do not find it for them. Let them learn patience; do not force it on them. Let them take their own time to grow; do not set rigid schedules. Experience cannot be taught; it must come slowly through person search. (按归纳法次序)
2. 常见的几种连接手段:1)利用代词指代前面的名词,起到承上启下的作用;2)利用关键词或短语的重复以达到衔接;3)利用过渡连接词来显现文章内容组织的逻辑性。
As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend. We need friends to share our joy and sorrow; we consult with friends if there are problems we cannot handle alone; we go to friends for help when we are in trouble; and we sometimes confide in our friends what secret we are reluctant to reveal to our family. In a sense, friends are often more important to us than relatives.
上面段落使用了上述三种连接手段:1)使用代词one;2)重复关键词语friends,we;3)使用过渡连接词in a sense和and;几个句子通过分号连接,流畅自然地支持了我们不能没有朋友这一主题。
1. 列举法:是指先提出论点,然后列举出一系列论据进行陈述或解析的方法。列举法常用的过渡连接词语有:first, second, also, finally, one, another, still another, for one thing … for another, to begin with, on one hand … on the other hand等。
Music comes in many forms: most countries have a style of their own. Poland has its Polkas. Hungary has its czardas. Brail is famous for the boss nova. The U.S is known for jazz, a completely original type of music that has gained world-wide popularity.
2. 举例法:通过具体的事例扩展段落,阐述主题句中的主导思想。常用的过渡连接词有:to illustrate, for example/instance, in particular, such as, like, furthermore, also, besides, in addition to等。
Americans value manual labor. They have great respect for craftsmanship. Many Americans prefer craft hobbies. For example, some build small boats in their leisure time. Others make new furniture or refinish antique furniture. Still others enjoy gardening or painting. They make these things and they are proud of their manual skill. In fact some people are really very handy.
3.因果法:因果法根据事物发生的原因推理其结果,或根据结果分析原因。表示结果的常用过渡词有:therefore, as a result, accordingly, consequently, for this reason, lead to 等;表示原因的过渡词有:due to, because of, owing to, since, as, result from, on account of等。如:
It is difficult for workers to find employment this year. One reason is that industries are reducing their current staff levels because of a decline in national economic condition. Another reason is that workers who once might have considered early retirement are not staying at their jobs. Finally, other workers who used to view their jobs as optional now must keep their positions in order to meet their minimum financial responsibilities.
4. 比较对照法:通过比较两个或一个事物的两个方面的相似点或不同点来支持主题句。常用的过渡词中比较相同点的有:like, same, in the same way, similar to, similarly, both … and, in common 等;对照不同点的有:however, although, but unlike, differ from, be different from, on the other hand, in contrast, whereas等。如:
People, when you first meet them, don’t look particularly amazing and you really have no desire to spend a long time chatting with them. However, as time passes and you have had a lot of contact with him you can see him as more and more lively, a good, kind-hearted person. So your first impressions are often not reliable. This proves exactly the phrase: “Never judge a book by its cover.”
5. 分类法::通过对所叙述的事物进行分门另类来展开段落。常用的词语有:to divide … into, to classify … into, according to, in terms of, on the basis of, kinds, types, sorts, groups, categories等。
A group of people with the same color of skin, shape of head and type of hair is called a race. Scientists divided the people of the world into five different races. Most people belong to the three main ones, which are the white skinned, the black skinned and the yellow skinned races. The two smaller ones are the Australian Aborigines and the Bushmen of Southern Africa.
6. 定义法:通过阐明事物的性质和特征来发展段落, 常用于说明文、描写文和议论文。 常用的词语有:to be defined as, to refer to , the definition of, the term, to mean, to be等。如:
Ambition means the goal in our life. To have one’s ambition does not necessarily mean to become one of the chief state leaders. This is not the real sense of the word. True ambition encourages us always to look forward and not to lose hope in face of failure. Ambition differs from person to person and everyone has his own ambition. Yet not every one of us can succeed in what we desire to.
7. 综合法:以上六种段落发展的方法经常综合使用。在段落中同时交叉使用两种或以上的方法,使段落表达得更加完整有力。
1. 主题句法:开门见山,直接点出主题或亮出作者对问题的看法。
As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.
2. 问题法:用问题来引出文章内容
Is there a “success personality”---some successful combination of traits that leads almost certainly to achievement? If so, exactly what is that secret success formula, and can anyone cultivate it?
3. 数据法:引用已经证实的数据来提出问题
The fact that less than 5 percent of the British population graduate from university may seem surprising, especially when viewed beside the American percentage of over 30 percent. To understand this contract, one needs to consider social differences between the two countries, as well as differences in their theories of education.
4. 引语法:引用名言或常用的习语、谚语等作为文章的开头。
“The proper study of mankind is man.”said Alexander Pope. Most psychologists have carried this idea further than Pope would have imaged.
5. 对立法:先引出人们对某一问题的不同看法, 然后提出作者自己的看法。
When asked about what kind of career they will pursue after graduation, most of the college students say that they would choose a job which will bring them a lot of money and a comfortable life. But as for me, I prefer a career which will help realize my potential.
1. 结论性结尾:照应引言段,进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者的观点。
2. 建议性结尾:就文章讨论的问题提出解决问题的方法或建议,指明努力的方向。
3. 引语性结尾:引用名人名言、谚语来总结全文。
4. 反问式结尾:以问句的形式表明肯定的意义,具有明显的强调作用,以引起读者思考。
5. 转折性结尾:指出所讨论问题的消极一面或有可能产生的不良后果。
提纲是文章写作的计划, 也是一篇文章的基本框架。列提纲有下列好处:有助于理清和扩大思路;可以按次序排好素材;将文章分段;明确写作的中心,不至于走题。高考时间有限,学生更应注意列提纲理清思路,保证文章的条理性。如:
Thesis: New Tuition Fee Policy
引言:New tuition fee policy--- all pay for tuition
正文:Some poor students facing difficulties
a. pay or tuition, books, accommodation and other necessities of life
b. try their best but cannot bear the expenses, some get into debt, some on the edge of discontinuing schooling
结尾: the measures to lighten their family burden
a. set up scholarship
b. establish low-interest loans
c. provide more part-time jobs
1. 认真阅读下列短文,并选出最适合本文的标题。
Former American President Bill Clinton once travelled to South Korea to visit President Kim Young Sam. He repeatedly referred to the Korean president’s wife as Mrs. Kim. By mistake, President Clinton’s advisers thought that Koreans have the same naming customs as the Japanese. Clinton had not been told that, in Korea, wives keep their family names. President Kim Young Sam’s wife was named Sohn Myong Suk. Therefore, she should be addressed as Mrs. Sohn.
In addition to Koreans, some Asian husbands and wives do not share the same family names, this practice often puzzles English-speaking teachers when talking with a pupil’s parents. They become puzzled about the student’s correct last name. Placing the family name first is common among a number of Asian cultures.
Mexican naming customs are different as well. When a woman marries, she keeps her family name and adds her husband’s name after the word do (of). This affects how they fill in forms in the United States. When requested to fill in a middle name, they generally write the father’s family name. but Mexicans are addressed by the family name of the mother. This often causes puzzlement.,
Here are a few ways to deal with such difficult situations: don’t always thing that a married woman uses her husband’s last name. Remember that in many Asian cultures, the order of first and last names is reversed. Ask which name a person would prefer to use. If the name is difficult to pronounce, admit it, and ask the person to help you say it correctly.
A: How to remember a name well
B: Name Customs
C: How to call a wife in Asia
2. 认真阅读下列短文,依据A-D四个选项, 为2-5段每一节段落找出最贴切的标题;同时为全文拟一个合适的标题。
A. tears attract help from others and enable us to understand our emotions better.
B. crying also has many health advantages.
C. not crying can be bad for physical health
D. crying seems important to our emotional health.
When I was small and my grandmother died, I couldn’t understand why I had no tears. But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up, my laugh turned into crying.
So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the brain. Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so, too, does crying.
Whatever it takes for us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional health, and crying seems to work well. One study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.
Just as crying can be healthy, not crying---holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering---can be bad for physical health, Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, don't fight it. It's a natural  ---and healthy---emotional response.
①the main idea of each paragraph:
Paragraph 2.→______ Paragraph 3.→______ Paragraph 4.→______ Paragraph 5.→______
②The best tile for the passage: ____________________________________________________
3. 为下列每一段找到合适的标题,并且将段落重新排序。
A. poverty is one of the main reasons
B. no one would like to be homeless
C. many reasons for homelessness
D. many people are homeless.
E. many homeless people are treated unfairly
1. Some homeless people are mentally ill and have no one to look after them. Some are young people who, for one reason or another, have left home and have nowhere to live. Many of them have had a serious disagreement with their parents and have left home, choosing to go to a city and live on the streets. Sometimes they have taken such action because they have been unable to get on with a step-parent.
2. In many countries the standard of living enjoyed by their people has increased rapidly in recent years. Sadly, not everyone in these countries is so fortunate and many people in rich countries are homeless.
3. Some cynics(愤世嫉俗的人)declare that homeless people choose to live the life which they lead. But who would willingly choose to live in a shop doorway, under a bridge or in a cardboard box?
4. The reasons for homelessness are various, but poverty(贫穷)is undoubtedly one of the main causes. The homeless people may have become jobless and then been unable to pay their rent and so no longer have a roof over their heads. Often, the fact that unemployed people get help from the government prevents this from happening, but not always.
①the main idea of each paragraph:
Paragraph 1.→______ Paragraph 2.→______ Paragraph 3.→______ Paragraph 4.→______
②the correct order: ________________________
4. 根据文章内容理清文章的结构。
Are There Extra-Terrestrials?
(1) Many scientists today believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe—life probably much like that on our own planet. They reason in the following way.
(2) As far as astronomers can determine, the entire universe is built of the same matter. They have no reason to doubt that matter obeys the same laws in every part of the universe. Therefore, it is reasonable to guess that other stars, with their own planets, were born in the same way as our own solar system. What we know of life on earth suggests that life will arise wherever the proper conditions exist.
(3) Life requires the right amount and kind of atmosphere. This eliminates all those planets in the universe that are not about the same size and weight as the earth. A smaller planet would lose its atmosphere; a larger one would hold too much of it.
(4) Life also requires a steady supply of heat and light. This eliminates double stars, or stars that burn up suddenly. Only single stars that are steady sources of heat and light like our sun would quality. Finally, life could develop only if the planet is just the right distance from its sun. With a weaker sun than our own, the planet would have to be closer to it. With a stronger sun, it would have to be farther away.
(5) If we suppose that every star in the universe has a family of planets, then how many planets might support life? First, eliminate those stars that are not like our sun. Next, eliminate most of their planets; they are either too far from or too close to their suns. Then eliminate all those planets which are not the same size and weight as the earth. Finally, remember that the proper conditions do not necessarily mean that life actually does exist on a planet. It may not have begun yet, or it may have already died out.
(6) This process of eliminate seems to leave very few planets on which earthlike life might be found. However, even if life could exist on only one planet in a million, there are so many billions of planets that this would still leave a vast number on which life could exist.
The title __________________________________________________
The beginning paragraph _____________________________________
Topic sentence ______________________________________________
Body paragraph 1 ___________________________________________
Topic sentence ______________________________________________
Body paragraph 2 ___________________________________________
Topic sentence ______________________________________________
Body paragraph 3 ___________________________________________
Topic sentence ______________________________________________
Body paragraph 4 ___________________________________________
Topic sentence ______________________________________________
The concluding paragraph _____________________________________
Topic sentence ______________________________________________
1.  B
2.  ① BDAC
②The functions of tears
3. ① CDBA
The title:
Are There Extra-Terrestrials?
The beginning paragraph: Paragraph (1)
Many scientists today believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe—life probably much like that on our own planet. They reason in the following way.
Topic sentence:
They reason in the following way.
Body paragraph 1: Paragraph (2)
As far as astronomers can determine, the entire universe is built of the same matter. They have no reason to doubt that matter obeys the same laws in every part of the universe. Therefore, it is reasonable to guess that other stars, with their own planets, were born in the same way as our own solar system. What we know of life on earth suggests that life will arise wherever the proper conditions exist.
Topic sentence:
What we know of life on earth suggests that life will arise wherever the proper
conditions exist.
Body paragraph 2: Paragraph (3)
Life requires the right amount and kind of atmosphere. This eliminates all those planets in the universe that are not about the same size and weight as the earth. A smaller planet would lose its atmosphere; a larger one would hold too much of it.
Topic sentence:
Life requires the right amount and kind of atmosphere.
Body paragraph 3: Paragraph (4)
Life also requires a steady supply of heat and light. This eliminates double stars, or stars that burn up suddenly. Only single stars that are steady sources of heat and light like our sun would quality. Finally, life could develop only if the planet is just the right distance from its sun. With a weaker sun than our own, the planet would have to be closer to it. With a stronger sun, it would have to be farther away.
Topic sentence:
Life also requires a steady supply of heat and light.
Body paragraph 4: Paragraph (5)
If we suppose that every star in the universe has a family of planets, then how many planets might support life? First, eliminate those stars that are not like our sun. next, eliminate most of their planets; they are either too far from or too close to their suns. Then eliminate all those planets which are not the same size and weight as the earth. Finally, remember that the proper conditions do not necessarily mean that life actually does exist on a planet. It may not have begun yet, or it may have already died out.
Topic sentence:
If we suppose that every star in the universe has a family of planets, then how many planets might support life?
The concluding paragraph: Paragraph (6)
This process of eliminate seems to leave very few planets on which earthlike life might be found. However, even if life could exist on only one planet in a million, there are so many billions of planets that this would still leave a vast number on which life could exist.
Topic sentence:
There are so many billions of planets that this would still leave a vast number on which life could exist.
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