

在C/C++中使用Octave库函数 | 翟鸣的技术博客/Tech Tootoogo

以前用Matcom把matlab的程序转换成C代码,用来运行一些对速度要求较高的程序,matcom被收购后,就没有新版本出来了,而matlab越出越新,于是乎,求助于Octave了。Octave功能一样强大,不但兼容matlab语法和程序,而且原生的C函数库,很容易在C/C++下调用。在网上搜到了一个使用Octave C/C++库函数编程的教程,贴上来,以备不时之需。

Howto Use Octave Functions in

C/C++ Programs

1 Getting Started

Octave is a very nice free Matlab clone and provides many helpful mathematical func-

tions. Especially linear algebra calculations are rather easy, but Octave comes also

with lot more. For more information and to download octave see the homepage of the

project at www.gnu.org/software/octave/. To use the very powerful Octave functions

in your C/C++ programs include the main octave header file

#include <octave/oct.h>

which is mostly located in \usr\local\include\octave-version-number Mostly, it

will not be necessary to include further header files, since this file already includes most

of the octave functions. Nevertheless we will refer to the respective special headers in

the following to give you the chance to gain some further information.

To compile your C/C++ code, e.g. with g++, set the -I option of your compiler to

the location of the octave include files. For the linking process octave provides you with

a very useful make file mkoctfile. Standardly this make file is also used for translating

octave code into .oct files. It comes with the option --link-stand-alone which

produces an executable file of your C/C++ program containing octave subroutines.

The following Makefile represents a simple example to compile and link your program

called test at the end:



all: test


-rm test.o test

test: test.o

mkoctfile --link-stand-alone -o test test.o

test.o: main.cpp


-I$(OCTAVE_INCLUDE)octave -o test.o main.cpp

Please note that the spaces before the commands must be a tabulator character accord-

ing to standard rules of Makefiles. The environment variable $OCTAVE_INCLUDE should

be set to your octave include path, which could be, e.g., /usr/include/octave-2.1.73.

By using the command make all your program will be compiled and linked.

2 Complex Numbers

Octave defines its own complex data structure in the header oct-cmplx.h. The pro-

grammers propose: “By using this file instead of ‘complex.h’, we can easily avoid

buggy implementations of the standard complex data type (if needed).” Thus the

data structure is defined as

typedef std::complex<double> Complex

To define a complex number, e.g. 0.7 + 0.3i, within your program use

Complex number = Complex (0.7, 0.3);

The following useful functions are available to manipulate the above given complex

data structure.

// real part

double real (const Complex& z)

// imaginary part

double imag (const Complex& z)

// absolute value

double abs (const Complex& z)

// argument of the complex number

double arg (const Complex& z)

// complex conjugate complex number

Complex conj (const Complex& z)

// complex exponential function

Complex exp (const Complex& z)

// power n of a complex number

Complex pow (const Complex& z, int n)

// square root of a complex number

Complex sqrt (const Complex& z)

3 The Matrix Classes

There are several classes providing functianallity for matrices. The most important

classes are defined in dMatrix.h (real matrices) and in CMatrix.h (complex matrices).

The class for normal matrices is called Matrix and for complex ones ComplexMatrix.

Furthermore one can use two classes for diagonal matrices DiagMatrix and the in case

of complex matrieces ComplexDiagMatrix.

Since all classes contain a great amount of different functions, we concentrate on the

most important ones in the following. All further information can be extracted from

the header files directly or from the not very detailed octave doxygen documentation

which can be found at octave.sourceforge.net/doxygen

The two classes Matrix and ComplexMatrix provide the user with several different

constructors, we just present a usefull subset of all of those:

// standard constructor of the class Matrix

Matrix (void)

// constructor to generate an object Matrix with r rows and c columns

Matrix (int r, int c)

// constructor to generate an object Matrix with r rows and c columns

// and fill it with the real value val

Matrix (int r, int c, double val)

// standard constructor of the class ComplexMatrix

ComplexMatrix (void)

// constructor to generate a ComplexMatrix with r rows and c columns

ComplexMatrix (int r, int c)

// constructor to generate a ComplexMatrix with r rows and c columns

// filled with the Complex value val

ComplexMatrix (int r, int c, const Complex& val)

Find a simple example for the definition and initialization of a 2×2 complex matrix

in the following code.

Generate a Complex Matrix (Code)

ComplexMatrix matrix;

matrix = ComplexMatrix (2, 2);

for(int r=0; r<2; r++)


for(int c=0; c<2; c++)


matrix (r, c) = Complex (r+1, c+1);



std::cout << matrix << std::endl;

Generate a Complex Matrix (Output)

(1,1) (1,2)

(2,1) (2,2)

Note that it is very easy to put the Octave objects to the standard output as done

in the last line of the above code example. Octave defines its one output rules to the

standard output std. Each element can be put to std or into a file by using just the

standard commands, i.e., std::cout << followed by the name of the data structure.

(Note that there is a problem with using the namespace std see 6.)

Further constructors for diagonal matrices are difined as shown in the following.

Here we discuss those for real matrices only, even if the same type of expressions

excist also for all complex matrix classes.

// standard constructor of the class Matrix

DiagMatrix (void)

// constructor to generate a Matrix with r rows and c columns

DiagMatrix (int r, int c)

// constructor to generate a Matrix, RowVector first diagonal

DiagMatrix (const RowVector& a)

// constructor to generate a Matrix, ColumnVector first diagonal

DiagMatrix (const ColumnVector& a)

Objects of the two diagonal classes can be transformed into their basic class by using

// generating a Matrix from a

Matrix (const DiagMatrix &a)

// generating a ComplexMatrix from a

ComplexMatrix (const ComplexDiagMatrix &a)

After you have build an instance of any of the above introduced classes, Octave

provides you with lot of tools to manipulate those objects. To account for the size of

a matrix (normal as well as complex) one can use the member functions

// number of rows

int row (void)

// number of columns

int column (void)

The transposed and the inverse matrix can be computed using

// transpose the matrix

Matrix transpose (void)

// invert the matrix

Matrix inverse (void)

Additionally for complex matrices there is a function which conjugates each entry and

one which adjoints the matrix

// conjugate the elements

ComplexMatrix conj (const ComplexMatrix& a)

// adjoint the matrix

ComplexMatrix hermitian (void)

In the following example we show how to use some of these functions. Therefore we

define the same matrix as before in the above example.

Linear Algebra (Code)

ComplexMatrix matrix;

int r, c;


std::cout << matrix;

// dimension of the matrix

r = matrix.rows();

c = matrix.cols();

std::cout << "dimensions of the matrix:";

std::cout << r << "x" << c << endl;

// transpose matrix

std::cout << matrix.transpose();

std::cout << matrix.hermitian();

Linear Algebra (Output)

(1,1) (1,2)

(2,1) (2,2)

dimensions of the matrix: 2x2

(1,1) (2,1)

(1,2) (2,2)

(1,-1) (2,-1)

(1,-2) (2,-2)

Functions for extracting parts of a matrix:

// extract the ith row of a matrix

RowVector row (int i)

// extract the ith column of a matrix

ColumnVector column (int i)

// extract the ith row of a complex matrix

ComplexRowVector row (int i)

// extract the ith column of a complex matrix

ComplexColumnVector column (int i)

// extract the diagonal of a matrix

ColumnVector diag (void)

// extract the diagonal of a complex matrix

ComplexColumnVector diag (void)

// extract a submatrix with upper left corner at the elements

// r1 and c1 and the bottem right corner at r2 c2

ComplexMatrix extract (int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2)

// extract a submatrix with upper left corner at the elements

// r1 and c1 and nr rows and nc columns

ComplexMatrix extract_n (int r1, int c1, int nr, int nc)

Most mathematical operators +, -, *, operators as +=, -= as well as comparison

operators ==, != are defined. This means that you can mostly use these operators

without any further definition of functions and they operate intuitively. For example

Matrix a_matrix, b_matrix, c_matrix;

// definition of size and setting of entries


c_matrix = a_matrix + b_matrix;

4 Eigensystem

Very important is the EIG class, computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of all the

above defined different matrix classes. By calling the constructor

// eigensystem of Matrix a

EIG (const Matrix& a)

// eigensystem of ComplexMatrix a

EIG (const ComplexMatrix& a)

the eigensystem of the matrix will be computed and stored within the class. The two


// returns the eigenvalues as a ComplexColumnVector

ComplexColumnVector eigenvalues (void)

// returns the eigenvectors in the columns of a ComplexMatrix

ComplexMatrix eigenvectors (void)

return the eigenvalues as a ComplexColumnVector and the eigenvectors oin the columns

of a ComplexMatrix.

Eigensystem Example (Code)

#include <iostream>

#include <octave/oct.h>

int main()


// initialization of the matrix

ComplexMatrix A = ComplexMatrix(2,2);



// compute eigensystem of A

EIG eig = EIG(A);

// eigenvalues

std::cout << "eigenvalues:" << std::endl;

std::cout << eig.eigenvalues();

// eigenvectors

ComplexMatrix V = (eig.eigenvectors());

std::cout << "eigenvectors:" << std::endl;

std::cout << V;

// transformation to eigensystem of A

ComplexMatrix D = ComplexMatrix(2,2);

D = V.inverse()*A*V;

std::cout << "diagonal matrix" << std::endl;

std::cout << D;

return 0;


Eigensystem Example (Output)





(0.806694,0) (0.560642,0.186881)

(-0.560642,0.186881) (0.806694,0)

diagonal matrix

(-0.158312,-0.158312) (-5.13478e-16,2.77556e-17)

(-4.44089e-16,-3.33067e-16) (3.15831,3.15831)

5 Systems of Differential Equations

To solve ordinary differential equations (ODE), i.e. systems of differential equations

of first order Octave provides a powerful solver. The differential equations are of the


\frac{dy}{dt} = F(y,t)   //这里的微分方程我用latex的写法写的

A sub class of those ODE is a system of time-independent linear differential equation

of first order which can be written as

\frac{dy}{dt}  =Ay //这里的微分方程我用latex的写法写的

where A is a constant matrix.

The solver is based on some fortran routines but encapsulated in a C++ class

structure. The two most important classes are the class ODEFunc and the class LSODE

which is a child of the first one. To use the solver the user must provide a function

which computes the right hand side of his differential equation. This is equivalent to

what has to be done on the Octave or Matlab command line interpreter for solving

differential equations. The function computing the right hand side of the ODE has to

be of the type

ColumnVector f (const ColumnVector& y, double t)

and has to return the vector F(y, t) or Ay. After defining this function a function

pointer to it is passed to the class ODEFunc which initializes the solver. In a second step

the LSODE class is used to initialize the initial state and other important parameters

of the computation. Before presenting some useful functions of LSODE find a little

example of the solution of a linear differential equation in the following.

ODE Solver (Code)

#include <iostream>

#include <octave/config.h>

#include <octave/Matrix.h>

#include <octave/LSODE.h>

Matrix A;

// function computing the right hand side

ColumnVector f(const ColumnVector& y, double t)


// initialization of the data objects

ColumnVector dy;

int dim = A.rows();

dy = ColumnVector(dim);

// computation of dy

dy = A*y;

return dy;


int main()


// initialization of the matrix

A = Matrix(2,2);





// initial state

ColumnVector yi(2);



// vector of times at which we like to have the result

ColumnVector t(11);

for(int i=0; i<=10; i++) t(i)=0.1*i;

// container for the data

Matrix y;

Matrix dat_m(11,3);

// initialize the solver by transfering the function f

ODEFunc odef (f);

// initialize the solver with yi and the initial time

// as well as the ODEFunc object ode

LSODE ls(yi, 0.0, odef);

// compute the data

y = ls.do_integrate(t);

// put data to container together with the times



// output on std

std::cout << dat_m << std::endl;

return 0;


ODE Solver (Output)

0 0 1

0.1 0.179763 0.707037

0.2 0.318829 0.435272

0.3 0.418297 0.193126

0.4 0.480858 -0.0138417

0.5 0.510378 -0.182668

0.6 0.511514 -0.312648

0.7 0.48936 -0.404957

0.8 0.449138 -0.462258

0.9 0.395937 -0.48831

1 0.334512 -0.487604

As can be seen the main programm uses both important classes to initialize the

ODE solver. Firstly the user defined function f for the right hand side is passed to the

ODEFunc class by calling its constructor

ODEFunc (ColumnVector (*f) (const ColumnVector&, double))

Secondly the class LSODE is initialized by

LSODE (const ColumnVector yi, double t, const ODEFunc& f)

Here the initial state yi and the initial time is passsed to the solver as well as the object

of the class ODEFunc containing the pointer to our function f. The computation of sev-

eral data points is then done by the member function do_integrate(ColumnVector t).

For very large systems of linear differential equations it is useful to encapsulate the

whole computation in a class. This also avoids to define a large matrix as a global

variable. We needed this to make the matrix elements accessible from inside the

function f without changing its parameter set. Since the prototype of the function f is

already defined by the class ODEFunc its type cannot simply be changed. Furthermore

our function f cannot be simply defined as static within our class, since it uses some

non-static variables namely the matrix A. This, however, makes it impossible to define

a pointer to the function f which is against C++ rules.

In the following we will use a static wrapper function approach with a global pointer

to the present object of our class. From within the wrapper function we can call the

non-static member function f of the class object. For more information on function

pointers and how to implement a callback to a non-static member function see the

very nice tutorial at newty.de.


#ifndef _LINODE_H_

#define _LINODE_H_

#include <iostream>

#include <octave/oct.h>

#include <octave/oct-rand.h>

#include <octave/config.h>

#include <octave/Matrix.h>

#include <octave/LSODE.h>

class LinODE


Matrix A;


LinODE () {}

// constructor used to initiallize the matrix

LinODE (Matrix &matrix) {A = matrix;}

~LinODE () {}

// again the function f

ColumnVector f (const ColumnVector& y, double t);

// compute the time evolution

void compute_time_evolution (ColumnVector istate, double tint,

double tend, double deltat);

// wrapper function to pass the function f to the octave

static ColumnVector wrapper (const ColumnVector& y, double t);




#include "LinODE.h"

/// Global pointer to the present object for the wrapper function

void* pt2object;

// function computing the right hand side

ColumnVector LinODE::f(const ColumnVector& y, double t)


ColumnVector dy;

int dim = A.rows();

dy = ColumnVector(dim);

dy = A*y;

return dy;


void LinODE::compute_time_evolution (ColumnVector istate,

double tinit, double tend, double deltat)


ColumnVector t(11);

int tstep = int((tend - tinit)/deltat);

for(int i=0; i<=tstep; i++) t(i)=tinit + deltat*i;

Matrix y;

Matrix dat_m(11,3);

ODEFunc odef (wrapper);

LSODE ls (istate, tinit, odef);

y = ls.do_integrate(t);



std::cout << dat_m << std::endl;


ColumnVector LinODE::wrapper (const ColumnVector& y, double t)


// pointer to present object

LinODE* mySelf = (LinODE*) pt2object;

// return objects function f

return mySelf->f(y, t);



#include <iostream>

#include <octave/config.h>

#include <octave/Matrix.h>

#include <octave/LSODE.h>

#include "LinODE.h"

extern void* pt2object;

int main()


// initialization of the matrix

Matrix A = Matrix(2,2);





// initial state

ColumnVector yi = ColumnVector(2);



// generate object ode

LinODE ode = LinODE(A);

// initialize global pointer to this object

pt2object = (void*) &ode;

// compute the time evolution

ode.compute_time_evolution (yi,0,1,0.1);

return 0;


The result of the computation should be the same as before.

The central class LSODE is also a child of the class LSODE_options. From this one

it inherits a lot of functions as well. Let us just give some of the accessible functions


// integrate the ODE for a time t and return the state

ColumnVector do_integrate (double t)

// integrate the ODE and return a list of states

// at the times in the vector tout

Matrix do_integrate (const ColumnVector &tout)

// set the function computing the right hand side

ODEFunc & set_function (ODERHSFunc f)

You can find all other functions again in the respective header files LSODE.h, ODEFunc.h

and LSODE_options or also at the already mentioned doxygen documentary which can

be found at octave.sourceforge.net/doxygen

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