

2023.1.23-1.29 海南观鸟拍鸟活动报告

2023.01.30 中国香港


勺嘴鹬 © 麦稼 2023.1

2023 年7 天 6 晚的春节海南观鸟拍鸟活动顺利结束啦,虽然行程第二天就遇到了寒流+大雾,冷到需要穿抓绒+羽绒服的程度,鸟的密度也很低,但整体收获还是不错,目标鸟完成度很好,许多高光鸟拍得也不错详细鸟种名单在文末。

2023 年海南观鸟拍鸟活动二期时间:2.13-2.19,欢迎咨询,具体行程内容请查看以下链接:2 月中旬 | 海南观鸟活动招募

1 月行程中(Summer)王文娟拍摄鸟片设备:机身,奥林巴斯 OM-D E-M1 MARK II , 镜头,奥林巴斯 ED 300mm f4.0 IS PRO. 

麦稼老师的拍摄设备: 机身,奥林巴斯 OM-1 , 镜头,奥林巴斯 M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 150-400mm f/4.5 IS TC1.25x Pro.

以下所有照片均为王文娟和团友在 1.23-1.29 海南春节行程中拍摄:

航拍尖峰岭 © 汪阿伟 2023.1


蓝背八色鸫 © 王文娟 2023.1

淡紫䴓 © 王文娟 2023.1

淡紫䴓 © 王文娟 2023.1

塔尾树鹊 © 刘曦

纹胸鹪鹛 © 麦稼

斑颈穗鹛 © 麦稼

斑颈穗鹛 © 麦稼

塔尾树鹊 © 王文娟

塔尾树鹊 © 王文娟

塔尾树鹊 © 王文娟


海南山鹧鸪 © 麦稼

海南柳莺 © 王文娟

印支绿鹊 © 王文娟

大盘尾 © 麦稼

大盘尾 © 麦稼

领角鸮 © 刘曦

黑眉拟啄木鸟 © 王文娟

海南蓝仙鹟 © 王文娟

黑眉拟啄木鸟 © 王文娟

红头咬鹃 © 麦稼

普通翠鸟 © 麦稼

白喉矶鸫 © 王文娟

日本歌鸲 © 廖华

左到右,上到下:山皇鸠、白鹇、栗颊噪鹛、海南噪鹛、红翅鵙鹛、银胸丝冠鸟、怀氏虎鸫 © 团友们




上到下:白眉田鸡、蓝胸秧鸡、紫水鸡 © 王文娟

黄苇鳽 © 王文娟

栗树鸭 © 刘曦



勺嘴鹬 © 麦稼

勺嘴鹬 © 麦稼

草鸮 © 麦稼

仓鸮 © 王文娟

褐耳鹰 © 麦稼


白胸翡翠 © 麦稼

苍背山雀 © 麦稼

黑脸琵鹭 © 刘曦

红脚鹬 © 麦稼

黑脸琵鹭 © 汪阿伟

夜观除了找鸮,还拍到一些蛙、蛇、螃蟹、鱼和兽类。尖峰岭夜观我们一般晚上 10 点就结束了没有熬到很晚,日出时间也比较晚,不用太早起床,尖峰岭那几天相对就比较轻松。儋州夜观就比较辛苦,找得比较费劲,两个晚上都熬到凌晨一两点,好在不需要走很多路,基本都是车直接送到鸟点。

细刺水蛙 © 王文娟

小弧斑姬蛙 © 王文娟

海南非仿溪蟹 © 王文娟

乌华游蛇 © 王文娟

拟细鲫 © 王文娟

黑白飞鼠 © 麦稼

红腿长吻松鼠 © 麦稼







2023 年海南观鸟拍鸟活动二期时间:2.13-2.19,欢迎咨询,具体行程内容请查看以下链接:2 月中旬 | 海南观鸟活动招募


Summer Wong 王文娟





Summer/王文娟 带团照片

观鸟客户对 Summer/王文娟的评价



Hi Summer,

I trust it will find you well.

Even if as a local Chinese birder, especially after several short visits, I know it is never an easy trip to birding in Sichuan. Long distance travel, dense jungle and unfamiliar species have kept me from making up my mind to start a real birding trip to Sichuan, until I know you were not busy this year. Frankly, I am still impressed with the whole fantastic trip, which I believe the best trip I ever took before. It exceeded all my expectations in any way. Not only we got almost 100% targets, plus much more bonus species, but you did a fabulous job of organizing the logistics especially including varied delicious dinners and snacks. Your sharp eyes and prefect knowledge of sounds always led us to find birds/mammals successfully (You even found a Red-Panda without scopes, how did you do that!), moreover your dedication of tireless effort to search the targets eventually made all of those happened!

Anyway, thanks again for all the success and fun in the great two weeks. Certainly hope to visit with you again in near future, in China or outside China. And hope you and your business going well.

Keep safe and health.



Vinc Ong — China — Sichuan birding tour,  9-23 May 2020

Dear Summer,

My tour with you was really unforgettable!

Not only did we manage to see almost all major targets, plus some bonus species, we also had amazing views on most of them. You’re an amazing birder, with very sharp eyes. The itinerary was not 100% fixed so because of the flexibility we were able to see more than planned. You really went above and beyond to show me all the species I wanted to see, even the common ones, I guess not many people ask for the Brown-breasted Bulbul. or all the buntings, but this makes us bunting experts now.

Not only the birding was amazing, but also just travelling with you. We had a lot of fun together and I had a great time.

The food was also very good; the spicier, the better.  I think the colli flower dish at Wuyuan and the spicy breakfast near Emeifeng were some of my favourites.

Thanks again for everything…

All the best wishes!

Wouter Van Gasse — Belgium —  eastern China winter tour,  26 Nov – 11 Dec 2019 

Hi Summer,

We all arrived safe and  back in Belgium!

Many thanks once again for the perfect organization of our birding trip. As you know we thoroughly enjoyed every single day!

We were all amazed by your talent and capabilities to combine a seamless management of logistics, a tireless effort to search for every single bird species, your total care for our well-being (not in the least by ensuring we had splendid and varied gastronomic dinners) and your great sense of humour.   

Now it tastes for more adventures in China. Especially as you made the trip so enjoyable!

See you on our next trip!


Peter Boesman — Belgium — Qinghai, Xinjiang, Tibet birding tour,  4-25 July 2019

Hi Summer,

Great to hear you’re well and kicking. Many thanks for the many photos. Good fun.

We totally agree that it was a fantastic tour with you. We are already looking forward to a future trip… a mammal trip in autumn or a Yunnan trip or a northeast China spring trip… We’ll see.

Take good care. We’ll keep in touch.

Big hug,

Kathleen & Mark

Hi Summer,

we’ve tried to send you a whatsapp message, but it doesn’t look as if it works that way.

Anyway, we wanted to thank you for a terrific tour through Qinghai, Xinjiang and Tibet. You did a fabulous job , found all the birds and solved all the logistical problems easily. Added to that, you made the trip a real gastronomical delight. We’ll have a look at my missing birds and mammals and see where in China we would be able to do a nice clean up trip with you in the future.

Enjoy your time off. Take good care of yourself.

All the very best,

Kathleen & Mark Van Beirs — Belgium — Qinghai, Xinjiang, Tibet birding tour,  4-25 July 2019


Yes, I enjoyed birding with you very much too, although I admit it took me some time to adjust to the different environment.

I put the book in the post today so hopefully it will reach you before you head off to Qinghai.

I’ve also written the first part of a blog about  the Sichuan trip on my website. I’ve put a link to your own website in the blog.

Best wishes

David Diskin — from UK but he lives in HK and is an experienced birding guide in HK —  Sichuan birding tour,  1-15 June 2019

Hi Summer,

You probably thought I had forgotten all about you. 

I have sent the rest of your money today so it should be in your account very soon. I hope that all is going well with you and your business is going well.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the part of my holiday that I spent with you learning a great appreciation of China as well as meeting so many birds with you. Thank you so much for making it all so successful.

Thank you once more for a fantastic experience in Sichuan and Yunnan with the BEST Chinese bird tour and the most knowledgable tour leader!

Best regards to you,

Cynthia Jones – Australia —  Sichuan & Lijiang, north Yunnan birding tour,  25 April-13 May 2019

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