

CBM English | Andrey Ermakov: I just live on the stage

Andrey Ermakov: I just live on the stage

Nov 10th, 2015

Interview: Donita XIE
Article: Peihua AN, Alexandra ARBUZOVA, Donita XIE, Diantong YANG

Photo: Yilu CHEN, Shang GAO, XIaojing WANG, Jun HAN

Chinese Version: 安德烈·叶尔马科夫——舞台上才是真实的我

CBM Exclusive Interview with Andrey Ermakov Photo: Yilu Chen

Andrey Ermakov, first soloist with the Mariinsky Ballet. In 2013, merely a second soloist, he had taken the Chinese audience by storm with amazing high jumps and unique interpretation of the character Rothbart in “Swan Lake.” In same year, Ermakov was awarded the Spirit of the Dance prize in the category “Rising Star” by Ballet magazine, and promoted to first soloist on March of 2014.

With tall figure and handsome face, he created a heroic and formidable image on stage. However, off stage, this young man actually looked a little shy and reserved. When we expressed the high praise Chinese media had for him, he also only smiled gently. This is his third time to China with the Mariinsky Ballet, and this time he will be the leading role in “La Bayadere,” the warrior Solor in National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA). We tried to explore how he developed his distinctive acting style in various roles, yet he just told us: “No matter what character I dance - this is the real me. In the real life unfortunately I need to wear a certain mask. But on stage I don’t need to hide behind the mask. I just live on the stage.”

CBM Exclusive Interview with Andrey Ermakov Photo: Yilu Chen

China Ballet Magazine (CBM):It’s our pleasure to interview with you. And you are not unfamiliar to Chinese audience. In 2013 Mariinsky’s Chinese tour you have danced “Anna Karenina” and “Swan Lake”. You left a deep impression to audience, especially the Rothbart in “Swan Lake”. And before you dancing, we would like to know more about you, especially how you created different characters on stage.

Andrey Ermakov: Well first, I have actually been at the NCPA before, I was taking part in the opening like six or seven years ago (2008 opening of NCPA). That time I was dancing in corp de ballet. This time is not only my first time to dance one of the leading characters, but this is also my favorite ballet. And moreover I have a new partner.

It’s the first time for her to perform this repertoire with our theater, and this also her debut. (Both in NCPA and Mariinsky). So it’s double responsibility. And I have always liked challenges like this.

Nov 10th 2015, Andrey Ermakov at the backstage of NCPA Photo: Shang Gao

CBM: Okay. And, the ballet lovers, both abroad and in China, are all very familiar with your Rothbart from “Swan Lake”. In some common sense, this character is stereotype. Can you describe what are your thoughts and concern when you built up this character?

Andrey Ermakov: Actually, many times I was offered to play Prince Siegfried, as a kind and prince-like character, and every time I have to explain that it’s more difficult and more interesting to play Rothbart as you can present this character in different ways and he is not one-sided. There could be different kinds of evil: pure evil, ugly evil, but I see Rothbart as evil with honor. For example, like a dark knight. So I don’t think an evil character must be necessarily ugly, he could as well be an equal to Siegfried.

CBM: So you think it’s a versatile character and not a stereotypical villain at all?

Andrey Ermakov: Absolutely. And I also think this kind of character doesn’t lack intellect and it’s a high level evil. I actually really enjoy executing this character. The thing is that I am actually a very kind person in life, for me it’s a very nice way to show the other side. So that’s why this character is actually a good chance to show my “evil side”(Smile).

CBM: Is it because you are a Gemini?

Andrey Ermakov: Hahaha yes, I think maybe it could be the reason.

CBM Exclusive Interview with Andrey Ermakov Photo: Yilu Chen

CBM: And well, could you tell us about the situation when Mezzo has recorded the “Anna Karenina” Last year? Because we heard that it was Mr. Ratmansky who chose you from the dancers to be Count Vronsky during the recording.

Andrey Ermakov: I really cannot tell, it was a big surprise for me, but I assume, maybe because of the partner and because of the rehearsal. Before the recording, I had taken part in this ballet many times, and Mr. Ratmansky also praised me.

But, it was still a surprise for me.

CBM: And, how did you communicate with the choreographer (Mr. Ratmansky)?

Andrey Ermakov: In fact there was no communication before the decision was made. I was informed very suddenly, in the midst of my other performances. I had been playing the part many times. I knew how to do it and I’m very familiar with it. So maybe that’s the reason why, they naturally chose me.

CBM: Then how was the communication during the rehearsal?

Andrey Ermakov: During the rehearsal, the choreographer was very respectful towards me, but we didn’t have any personal communications. So, it’s hard to say. It was just based on mutual respect, and very professional. At that time, actually, during the recording of “Anna Karenina”, I was both on the list of candidates for corps de ballet and Count Vronsky. And thanks to Alexey Ratmansky, I was chosen to dance the character Vronsky.

CBM: You debut Count Albrecht in Giselle in this June. Many female audience used to consider the character a typical villain, because they thought he was cheating Giselle. But your performance turned out very thoughtful, and seemed to imply otherwise.

Andrey Ermakov: I danced Albrecht only once. And that time, exactly during that performance, I had a high fever. So I didn't really think much, I just focused on the work must be done. I think the performance went smoothly, not because I successfully portrayed the character, but because I lived the character.

CBM: I saw that touching performance in St.Petersburg.

Andrey Ermakov: Thank you, thank you.

Nov 10th 2015, Andrey Ermakov at the backstage of NCPA Photo: Shang Gao

CBM: And, tomorrow you will perform as Solor in “La Bayadère”, I saw a different dancer’s performance and your videos before, you added some unaffected emotional details. So, could you describe what kind of person Solor should be in your mind? How you imagined this character?

Andrey Ermakov: First of all, this is a ballet about two girls fight for one man—me, I really enjoy the feeling(smile). In general, heroic characters are close to me. I don’t need to try hard, because I am already close to the character. The role is really mine. I don’t play or act, it goes from the inside, my true feeling. I resonate with certain power and energy in the role. And I hope the audience would be able to understand from my performance, what I see and what I feel.

No matter what character I dance - this is the real me. In the real life unfortunately I need to wear a certain mask. But on stage I don’t need to hide behind the mask. I just live on the stage. This is how I feel.

CBM: So, how do you think about the relationship between Nikiya, Solor and Gamzatti?

Andrey Ermakov: It’s very simple in my case, because I try to stick to the scenario, to the story. So what the story says, I try to follow it. And, I in my opinion Solor actually loves Nikiya, even though he realizes it too late.

CBM: So, this is also depends on the partner?

Andrey Ermakov: For the audience maybe. As for me, I actually don’t really care who will be my partner because I have my own image of this character. As long as I have the image in my heart, I can do my part well. Every partner is different, maybe some of them are more artistic, maybe some of them pay more attention to the technical part. So if you base your character on another person’s performance, it could interfere with your dancing. In my case, I base my character on the particular image in me, this way it does not really matter who is the partner.

Nov 11th 2015, Andrey Ermakov as solor in “La Bayadère” , Photo by Xiaojing Wang

CBM: Just before this tour, “La Bayadère” changed cast quite suddenly, and how could you rehearse with Kristina Shapran in such a short time?

Andrey Ermakov: It could be easy or difficult; it is hard to say, especially because the performance is actually tomorrow. It’s just different person and different kind of energy. So, it’s just different.

CBM: Yes. And also, what about the cooperation in the techniques?

Andrey Ermakov: It’s not the first time I dance with Kristina Shapran. We danced in“legend of love”, and a couple of more other ballets, it’s just a matter of practice. The more you practice with each other, the better you can influence each other, and the better you can cooperate with each other. It is also easier to adjust to each other in case something doesn’t go as smoothly as planned. Whether you need to slow down, or speed up to follow the music. And as for our cooperation- we are working on it.

CBM: Yes, we are looking for tomorrow’s performance.

Andrey Ermakov: Me too.(Smile)

Nov 13th 2015, Andrey Ermakov with Uliana Lopatkina in 5 tangos' Photo by Jun Han

CBM: And, you’ve been the partner of Madame Lopatkina in many ballet and gala performances. You performed with her in Yale University in October. Could you describe how is the feeling of cooperate with her?

Andrey Ermakov: I think that working with Ms. Lopatkina is just a gift, a great experience. Hopefully we can go on working together as long as possible. Very soon we are going to dance in two performances here, too (In the night, 5 tangos). Then in Japan.

CBM: How does it feel working with her?

Andrey Ermakov: It’s a pure pleasure for me. Hard to put it in words.

CBM: Are you speaking from the emotional or the technical level? Or maybe both?

Andrey Ermakov: I think it’s both. Working together is pure harmony and dancing together is always a pleasure. She has given me really valuable suggestions and advice, very clear instructions; so later I can use the very same suggestions and instructions to help younger partners that I have to work with.

CBM: So she is basically a mentor for you?

Andrey Ermakov: Yes, absolutely.

CBM Exclusive Interview with Andrey Ermakov Photo: Yilu Chen

CBM: That’s really a good experience. Could you also talk about the experience in Yale University? because I think that this is the first time of you to perform in a university.

Andrey Ermakov: This was really a different experience because the stage was much smaller than usual, and most of the audience was students of the university. And the performance was being recorded and broadcasted online. And it was hard to predict the audience reaction. And of course the vibe of the place imbued me with special impetus. Each place has its own vibes, of course, but in Yale after the performance it felt like people were judging in a different way.

CBM: Why?

Andrey Ermakov: For some reason I didn’t notice any simple common people there. Everyone there was giving out the feeling of both high intellect and spirit.

CBM: What do you mean by that? What made you feel like this?

Andrey Ermakov: Maybe that is precisely because we were inside the university and were surrounded by the atmosphere, which was more scientific than artistic.

CBM: Okay. You have participated in many contemporary ballet performances these year, like “Concerto DSCH”, “infra”, “Le Parc” etc. Could you talk about how do you feel about the contemporary ballet?

Andrey Ermakov: I always feel good because I only dance what I like to dance, what I feel good about. So, these are the contemporary ballets that I felt comfortable to dance. And, every year there’s a young choreographers’ workshop at the Mariinsky. Approximately in March, next year, and I am going to take part in it too. I always take part in this kind of workshops. Already have 3 offers from choreographers . I am always eager to take part in something new, as new experience can be used to improve my skills in classical ballet. Basically I could transfer the techniques from neo-classic to classic, because they are interconnected. There is some sort of freedom that neo-classical ballet has that can be somehow implemented into a more complex classical ballet.

Personally I believe each dancer should follow his/her own kind of role. There are some so-called universal dancers nowadays, that seem good at every role, but in my opinion, it is wrong, as each person should play a certain type of characters.

CBM Exclusive Interview with Andrey Ermakov Photo: Yilu Chen

CBM: Let me ask you then what do you consider to be YOUR type of character?

Andrey Ermakov: Main character in a love story. Well, according to what I have already danced - it is just the way it is. For instance, in Carmen, most of the time I dance Jose’s part. Then I had I was offered to dance Toreador. Honestly, it’s not my kind of character. But the reason I accepted the role is that it could help me to understand my role of Jose better. Sometimes you need it.

CBM: You are a typical classical ballet dancer, are there any difficulties or special feelings when performing contemporary ballet?

Andrey Ermakov: Frankly speaking, I honestly don’t like ballets without story line. Basically it does not arouse much of emotion when you need to express the meaning of the whole ballet through your body language only. So I need to add some of my own interpretation into this kind of ballet, but this way it is going to be a very different story created by me. And then my name should be added on a program list as one of the choreographers (smile).

CBM: Maybe in the future you can be a choreographer?

Andrey Ermakov: Better not, thank you. (smile)

CBM: What’s your plan for future, especially about new roles?

Andrey Ermakov: Quite often I communicate with our director and the roles that I would love to dance are usually the ones that I have prepared for and danced on a tour already, but haven’t danced in our home theater, which is a bit strange to me. Very often I dance on tours the roles that I have not had a chance to dance in St. Petersburg yet. And in this case, dancing in St. Petersburg will still be considered my debut anyway. That is the kind of system we have here.

CBM: So how do you feel about this situation? The audience abroad is already familiar with your performance, but it won’t considered to be your official debut until you dance at the Mariinsky.

Andrey Ermakov: Let’s say I’m also a bit confused about it. It is always a great responsibility to perform at home theater in St. Petersburg. When you perform at other theaters or in Gala you feel more free and relaxed. Even though my name on the list still shows that I represent the Mariinsky on a tour. I feel as if I left my big family once we go abroad. The main reason of my confusion is that in my opinion it makes more sense to perform at home first, then to go abroad to show what you have done at home.

CMB: Sometimes I think you are more famous in China (because of 2013 tour).

Andrey Ermakov: I think... Maybe... Honestly, I cannot tell. I believe you for now(smile).

CBM: You will see it yourself, your fans in Shanghai are looking forward to watching your performance and they will wait for you outside the stage door.

Andrey Ermakov: Thank you. (smile shyly)

CBM Exclusive Interview with Andrey Ermakov Photo: Yilu Chen

Now is the Q&A:


CBM: What's your favorite character you have performed?

Andrey Ermakov: Solor in La Bayadère.

CBM: Which character do you want to perform in the future?

Andrey Ermakov: Golden Slave in “Sherazade”.

CBM: I remember you have performed it before?

Andrey Ermakov: Not at the Mariinsky Theater. I would really love to dance Golden Slave at the Mariinsky.

CBM: So why do you want dance Golden Slave?

Andrey Ermakov: Because the audience haven't seen me in this kind of role yet. I can show the character in different way and show myself in different way. I like it, and (if I don’t dance in it,) I feel something is missing. Each role gives me some kind of emotion; right now I feel the kind of emotion that could be applied in this role. I want to share with audience.

CBM: Do you have any hobby besides ballet?

Andrey Ermakov: A lot, I like swimming; communicating with friends; getting information from talking with people. Maybe watching some scientific videos, maybe audio books, but not books. I don’t read much, but sometimes. It’s not a hobby, a lot of people say their hobby is reading, for me it’s just the source of information. If I have a question, and I know I need to get the answer from a book, I will take the book to get the answer. If I miss some piece of information I know I can get from a book, I’ll get the book. It could be a book, could be a video, I always have a lot of questions, I’m a curious person.

CBM: Do you have any idols in ballet?

Andrey Ermakov: No, I don’t. Maybe myself in the mirror (jokingly).

CBM: What's your favorite style in ballet? Classical, neoclassical, dramatic, or contemporary?

Andrey Ermakov: I like everything together, ballet that has dance, story, drama, emotion and life. If I must choose one, I like dramatic ballet. In St. Petersburg there has a Drama Theater, I have watched almost all the performances there. Their way to express emotion is very real, very interesting. I have friends in Drama Theater, I watch their performances, and they watch my performances.

CBM: Do they comment on your performance? Or even give some suggestions?

Andrey Ermakov: No, they don’t understand ballet professionally (smile).

CBM: Okay, thank you so much!

Andrey Ermakov: Thank you!

Responsible Editor: Donita XIE



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