

Thu.亚娜话芭蕾| 俄罗斯的成人芭蕾培训


嗨, 大家好, 我叫亚娜。 我是来自俄罗斯的芭蕾舞迷。

Hi everyone! My name is Yana, I am from Russia and I am a fan of ballet.

我在俄中边境小城市里长大,所以对中国人文很感兴趣, 这也是我学汉语的原因。2007年我搬到中国,从此开始了我在中国漫长的旅程,到现在还在继续。

当我30岁的时候,我突然发现还有一个世界——芭蕾。 我立刻迷上了芭蕾舞并沉醉在这个无望无际的海洋中。 我希望可以跟你们一起分享芭蕾的知识, 更好地了解这门惊人的艺术。


Hi everyone! My name is Yana, I am from Russia and I am a fan of ballet.

Grown in a little town on Russian-Chinese border, I decided to learnmore about China and Chinese people, so I couldn’t have missed the chance to study Chinese.  In 2007 I moved to China and my long Chinese journey has beencontinuing till nowadays.

When I turned 30 I suddenly found out that there is a world of balletand immediately drowned in that boundless sea. I would like to share with youwhat I know about that amazing world. Let’s talk about ballet!



Russian Ballet Studios for  for adults 


之前我尝试过瑜伽、健身、莎莎和阿根廷探戈, 但是每一次都不能坚持那么长时间。我已经学了一年半的芭蕾,我在北京找到了一位毕业于莫斯科大剧院附属芭蕾舞学院的老师。 为什么芭蕾对我那么有吸引力?芭蕾综合了我最喜欢的元素:健身、身体拉伸和脑力工作。 训练让我的身体更加强大和灵活。通过芭蕾的训练我更多地了解了古典音乐、编导以及古典芭蕾历史。 

将来如果有一天我回到俄罗斯我肯定会继续芭蕾学习。幸运的是俄罗斯有很多成人芭蕾培训班。 我做了关于莫斯科成人芭蕾培训班的调查,现在来和大家分享一下我的调查结果。 

由于莫斯科是世界芭蕾舞的中心,有很多专业的芭蕾舞学校,培训班的老师都受过专业芭蕾培训。 我通过俄罗斯搜索引擎Yandex发现在莫斯科市中心有20多家成人芭蕾培训中心。当然这还不是他们的全部。 

I first enter the ballet class when I turned 30. 

Before I tried a lot of things like Yoga, Gym, Salsa and Argentinian Tango, but none of them keep my interest longer than a couple of months. For now, I’ve been taking ballet classes almost one and a half year in Beijing where I found the Russian teacher - ballerina from Moscow Academy of Choreography. 

Why ballet attracted me so much? Ballet gave me a great combo of things I love: physical training, stretching and brain work. Exercises make my body stronger and more flexible, I got to know more about classical music, choreographers, history of classical dance. 

One day I will go back to Russia and I am sure that I will continue taking ballet classes. Fortunately, there are a plenty of choice of ballet studios for adults there. I did a research about the situation with ballet studios for adults in Moscow and I want to share the results with you. 

Being one of the ballet centers of the world with the professional dancing schools, Moscow has a great number of ballet studios led by professional dancers.

I started with the internet and social networks. Russian searching system “Yandex” found 20 addresses in Moscow city center and it’s not all of them of course. 



Ballet studios on Moscow map

为了学员的方便大部分的芭蕾培训班都在地铁附近。培训班的课程基本相似,都是一周两到三次,上课时间都是晚上,每节课60到70分钟。有的培训班会有上午的课,为了给学员多一些时间的选择。 成人芭蕾课程一般有两个级别:初级和中级。如果想开办高级班的学习比较困难。我们从一个俄罗斯很有名的芭蕾论坛www.balletfriends.ru发现,在莫斯科很难找到有高级班的成人芭蕾培训班, 是因为一般成人学习很难达到全勤,所以整体提高全班的学习水平不容易。 解决这个问题有两个方法。 第一是上私教课,但是价格很贵。 还有另外一个很有趣的解决方法。在芭蕾舞论坛的网友分享一个高级班学习的秘密。 大家其实有机会进入专业的芭蕾舞团跟随他们的早功课。多难得的机会! 

莫斯科的成人芭蕾课,每节课大概在500到1300卢布(55 – 100人民币)之间。 可以买月卡,八节课的价格是4500到6500卢布(460 – 660人民币)之间。 首次试课一般是免费或者是5折。 


大部分莫斯科培训班的老师都是职业演员,毕业于著名的芭蕾舞学校。有些芭蕾舞培训班是一些知名的芭蕾舞演员开办的。 比如说莫斯科大剧院的前首席Ilze Liepa或者莫斯科大剧院前芭蕾舞团团长Gennady Yanin。 他们的工作室地段和环境特别好, 但是常规学校的价格的两倍。


Most of the studios located near metro stations which are very convenient for people to get there. The schedule is almost the same: classes are 2 - 3 times a week in the evenings, every class approximately 60 – 70 minutes. Some studios have classes early in the morning and in the evening to give people who suffer from lack of time in the big city for more choice. The adult program usually contains two levels: beginning level and intermediate level. For those who looking for professional classes, it could be a problem. People in popular Russian forum www.balletfriends.ru said that it's hard to find higher level classes for people who already have a basic technique and want to develop ballet skills. The reason is a lot of people who start to dance ballet have a slow progress as they taking classes irregularly due to the work or family issues. To solve the problem you could take private classes, but the price will be higher or there is another interesting option. People in balletfriends.ru sharing the secret that there is a chance to take classes in theatres with professional dancers who have them daily. What an option! 

The price for ballet classes in Moscow various from 500 -  1300 RUB (55 - 100 RMB) per class.  You can also buy month card. 8 classes cost 4500 – 6500 RUB (460 – 660 RMB).  The first trying class is usually free of charge or with 50% discount. 

Studios in Moscow are equipped with mirrors, barres, professional floor and dressing rooms. Some studios have a shower. 

Most of the teachers in Moscow ballet studios are professional ballet dancers graduated from Russian famous ballet schools. You can also find a studio opened by very famous Russian ballet dancers like ex-soloist of Bolshoy ballet Ilze Liepa or former ballet director of Bolshoy Gennady Yanin. Their studios have a perfect location, great facilities, but be ready to pay twice from the regular price. 

Taking classes in Russia it’s not only exercice, but variations, open classes and performances, so you can present new achievements to your family and friends let them be proud of you.  


去年,一位退役的芭蕾舞演员Maria Sokolova开设了一个“针对非专业芭蕾舞者的古典芭蕾”的项目。她将那些有愿望在知名的芭蕾舞剧中表演的业余舞者带上舞台。 我和Maria聊了一些关于她项目的内容:


去年我女儿在俄罗斯学术青年剧院演出,我在后台帮忙的时候看到我的女儿跳舞,我突然感觉非常兴奋。我在22岁的时候就结束了我的职业演员生涯,从那时之后我没有过这样的情绪。在俄罗斯,孩子们有机会上舞台, 但是成人芭蕾爱好者没有机会。 舞台、灯光、音乐、观众的热情、甚至幕布的味道都能给人一种强烈的情绪冲击。 这就是我为什么开设这个项目。 我可以帮助非职业的芭蕾爱好者梦想成真。 

- 你怎么准备演出?

看起来三个月之内完成准备工作是不可能的。 演员们每周排练三个小时。 舞者学舞,我们安排服装、舞台布景和灯光。前两周我们安排演出阵容。 之后他们进行大量的排练。 去年我们演了两场“天鹅湖”,都非常成功。 作为一个职业演员我知道在舞台上的优雅和美丽是必要的。如果我在舞台上看不到这些,我就不会继续我的项目。 首演之后我哭了,因为我看到非职业舞者们带来了一场真正的芭蕾舞演出。  


Ready to go on stage and feel like a professional ballerina? It's possible! 

Last year Maria Sokolova professional dancer graduated from Elmhurst school for dance and performing arts (UK) started her project “Classical ballet for non-professional dancers”. Maria arranges performances for those who dream about going on stage and be part of one of the famous classical ballets. I talked to Maria about her project. 

-How did you come up with the idea to start so unusual project? 

Last year my daughter performed in Russian Academic Youth Theatre and I helped behind the stage. I finished my career as a dancer when I was 22. Since then first time I felt so excited, wonderful and emotional. Being in theater, watching my daughter dancing I started to think about adults who have no chance to dance on stage as children have. Stage, spotlights, music, audience energy, a smell of stage curtains is giving people very strong emotions. That’s how I decided to start my project. The purpose of my project is immersed non-professional dancers in the world of ballet, make them a part of ballet production, show them the way on stage and make their dream come true. 

- How do you prepare the performance? 

It sounds impossible but we do it during three months. Participants rehear three times a week for 3 hours. Dancers learn choreography, we order costumes, prepare stage scenery, music, and lights. During the first two weeks, we cast dancers in the roles which depend on a level of training required and then we rehear a lot to show high-quality ballet on stage. Last year I released two ballets Swan Lake and I can say the shows were very successful. I confess, as a dancer and a lover of all beautiful if I wouldn’t see beauty and elegance on stage which are essential components of classical ballet I would never continue my project. I cried on the premiere because I saw the real ballet danced by non-professional dancers. In any case, the performance wasn’t a parody, participants looked worthily, their emotions after performance made me go on with my unique project.

This year Maria is directing “Giselle”, so you still have a chance to be a part of this great event. 


Rehearsal on Maria’s project


“Swan lake” danced by non-professionals


“我叫Natalia,55岁。 一年半前开始上芭蕾课。 很多人知道我的爱好表示很惊讶。 50岁开始我尝试健身、交谊舞,但是只有芭蕾舞课让我开心并且让我的身体更加有力量。 美丽的动作、音乐、排练让我很高兴。 我很享受演出前的紧张感。 我很喜欢我的同学和老师。 别人对我的惊讶是我继续学习的动力”。很了不起吧!

-What does let people over the 20 and 30 or even 40 years old come to ballet class? 

The lady from ballet studio leading by Olga Elanskaya shared with me her thoughts. “I am 55 years old” – sais Natalya who came to class one and a half years ago. “Many people amused to know what my hobby is. When I turned 50 I tried the gym, fitness, social dancing almost everything, but only classical ballet gave me good emotions and strength to my body. Beautiful movement, music, and rehearsals make me feel happy. And anxiety before the performance? For me, it’s like a feeling of delight. I was lucky with group mates and teacher. In a word, when people are surprised that I am a pensioner and I am dancing ballet it gives me highest incentive to practice choreography”. 


Natalia, 55-year-old, in ballet class

我跟培训班的老师、专业芭蕾舞者Olga Elanskaya聊了她培训中心的情况。Olga不仅是在教室里教课,也通过snap chat和youtube给那些不住在莫斯科或不能来教室的人提供远程学习芭蕾的机会。为了增加学员的兴趣,Olga邀请莫斯科大剧院的芭蕾舞演员给学员举办大师课。 她也邀请钢琴家让学员在现场音乐下练功。 

“近年来在俄罗斯古典芭蕾舞课越来越流行。可能是因为很多人看了美国电影“黑天鹅”(我认为这个电影根本没有介绍芭蕾世界的正式情况,只是黑公关而已),俄罗斯文化电视台的“大芭蕾”节目以及其他推广芭蕾的项目。但我还是不能说古典芭蕾舞课在俄罗斯是最流行的业余课程。 一般选择芭蕾舞课的是25到35 岁的女性。 她们主要上课的目的是寻找方法表达自己,在工作和家务中得到释放或者她们认为对女人跳芭蕾比在健身房举哑铃还是更适合的练功的方式” Olga解释。  

“我非常喜欢给成人教课。成人了解得很清楚为什么要来上课,为了达到目的她们花时间、花钱以及更多的努力, 所以老师和学员对这样的工作很感兴趣。我教课的方式,就是跟我上学的时候老师给我教科的方式一样 - 没有纵容,只有结果” Olga说。  

I talked to Olga Elanskaya, a professional ballerina who lead the studio in Moscow. Olga is teaching not only in class but provide a distance learning ballet courses via snap chat and youtube for those who don’t live in Moscow or can not come to class. She is also organizing master classes with Bolshoy ballet dancer for her students to make the learning process more interesting.  Sometimes she invites a piano player to class let the students dance with live music. 

 “Classical dance definitely has become more popular during last years. This probably happened after “Black swan” movie (which I think has nothing common with ballet, just black PR), TV show “Big ballet” on Kultura channel and after a couple of projects aimed to make ballet more popular. But I still can not say that classical ballet classes are very popular among the people in Russia. 

The primary audience who choose classical dance is women from 25 to 35 years old, who looking for a way to express themselves, to have rest from job and housework and who think that dancing classical ballet is more suitable for women rather than lifting weights in gym” , Olga explains. 

 “It’s very interesting for me to work with adults. They know what they want and why they are doing this. They spending time, money and strength to get a result, so both sides are interested in this work. I work with them as well as teachers worked with me as a child in ballet school. No indulgence, only the result”, Olga says. 


Olga with her students in class


Learning variation


Stretching class



That’s it for now, I need to run to ballet class. Come with me? ;)

Don’t hesitate to leave comments and ask questions. Tell me about the situation with adult ballet studios in China. I am interested)))


责任编辑 | 谢佩潼

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