





本文选自《华盛顿邮报》2019年3月16日文章。新西兰当地时间3月15日下午,新西兰南岛最大的城市——克赖斯特彻奇市(也称基督城)发生两起针对清真寺的重大枪击案,造成至少49人死亡、48人受伤。官方已确认凶手是28岁的澳大利亚籍Brenton Harrison Tarrant,此人已被逮捕。让人骇人听闻的是,该凶手在Twitter、YouTube、Facebook、Reddit等社交网站上直播了整个屠杀过程,并发布了长达74页的屠杀策划的声明。Brenton此前并无犯罪记录,他自称是种族主义者,痴迷于极端反移民、反穆斯林、白人至上主义意识形态的互联网亚文化,因此很多人指责这次灾难是白人至上主义蔓延的恶果。《华盛顿邮报》也对此事件做了采访和报道:




49 shot dead at New Zealand mosques

Social media spreads hate and violent images, again

Rampage is latest sign of white nationalism’s poisonous spread

Friday’s slaughter in two New Zealand mosques played out as a dystopian reality show delivered by some of America’s biggest technology companies. YouTube, Facebook, Reddit and Twitter all had roles in publicizing the violence and, by extension, the hate-filled ideology behind it.

These companies — some of the richest, most technologically advanced in the world — failed to rapidly quell the spread of troubling content as it metastasized across platforms, bringing horrific images to Internet users world-wide.

The alleged shooter, a heavily armed man identified by authorities as Brenton Harrison Tarrant, also released a 74-page manifesto denouncing Muslims and immigrants that spread widely online. He left behind a social media trail on Twitter and Facebook that amounted to footnotes to his manifesto. Over the two days before the shooting, he posted about 60 of the same links across different platforms, nearly half of which were to YouTube videos that were still active late Friday.

The gunman used Facebook to live-stream his assault on Al Noor Mosque, one of two Christchurch mosques that he attacked and the scene of most of the 49 fatalities.

The alleged shooter in the New Zealand mosque massacre was a globe-trotting young Australian and avowed racist who immersed himself in an Internet subculture of extreme anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, white supremacist ideology.

Brenton Harrison Tarrant, 28, was captured and arrested Friday in Christchurch, where he is alleged to have shot and killed 49 people in terrorist attacks on two mosques a few miles apart. He was charged with murder and appeared in court on Saturday.

Tarrant had no criminal record and was not previously known to investigators who follow extremist groups. Australia’s prime minister said authorities are investigating a detailed, lurid guide to Tarrant’s plans, ideas and inspirations, a 74-page manifesto that was left behind after the attack and on a Twitter account Tarrant created three days before the shootings. The account had zero followers until after Tarrant’s name circulated after Friday’s assault.



49 shot dead at New Zealand mosques 新西兰清真寺遭枪杀,49人死亡!

Social media spreads hate and violent images, again 社交媒体再次充当仇恨和暴力的传播者

Rampage is latest sign of white nationalism’s poisonous spread  该暴行是白人至上主义有害蔓延的最新表现

  • white nationalism:

白人民族主义,顾名思义是一种种族份子的形态意识,其主张白色人种族裔优越于其他族裔。理念是白人至上,余皆劣种。white supremacist: 白人至上主义者

Friday’s slaughter in two New Zealand mosques played out as a dystopian reality show delivered by some of America’s biggest technology companies. YouTube, Facebook, Reddit and Twitter all had roles in publicizing the violence and, by extension, the hate-filled ideology behind it.


  • play out: 播出,video play-out: 实况录像。

  • dystopian: 反面乌托邦的

  • have roles in:

发挥作用,eg. Even this region's most humorous of animals have their roles in nature's equilibrium. 即使是这个地区最有趣的动物也在自然界的平衡中发挥着作用。

The alleged shooter, a heavily armed man identified by authorities as Brenton Harrison Tarrant, also released a 74-page manifesto denouncing Muslims and immigrants that spread widely online. He left behind a social media trail on Twitter and Facebook that amounted to footnotes to his manifesto. Over the two days before the shooting, he posted about 60 of the same links across different platforms, nearly half of which were to YouTube videos that were still active late Friday.


  • manifesto: 声明

  • denounce: vt. 谴责;告发;公然抨击,denounce sth: 谴责某事。

  • amount to: 相当于,此外该词还有“总计, 等于”的意思。

The gunman used Facebook to live-stream his assault on Al Noor Mosque, one of two Christchurch mosques that he attacked and the scene of most of the 49 fatalities.

枪手在Facebook上直播了他对Al Noor清真寺的袭击,该清真寺是他袭击的Christchurch市两座清真寺之一,死亡的49人大部分是在这里丧生。

  • live-stream: 现场直播;live-streaming: 流媒体

The alleged shooter in the New Zealand mosque massacre was a globe-trotting young Australian and avowed racist who immersed himself in an Internet subculture of extreme anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, white supremacist ideology.


  • globe-trotting: 环球旅行

  • immerse oneself in: 使某人沉浸于、痴迷

  • white supremacist: 白人至上主义者

Brenton Harrison Tarrant, 28, was captured and arrested Friday in Christchurch, where he is alleged to have shot and killed 49 people in terrorist attacks on two mosques a few miles apart. He was charged with murder and appeared in court on Saturday.





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