



1997 毕业于湖北美术学院油画专业,获硕士学位

Zhao Lixian
Born in Binzhou, Shandong
1997 Graduated from Hubei Academy of Fine Arts majoring in oil painting with a master's degree
Currently lives in Wuhan, Associate Professor of the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts of Jianghan University, member of Hubei Artists Association

遇见蝴蝶  布面丙烯  2021

Meet butterflies

Acrylic on canvas




Comment on Zhao Lixian's Paintings

Zhao Lixian's oil paintings have a wide range of subjects, but mainly characters, flowers and birds. Most of her images are directly and indirectly related to Buddhism, such as young bhikkhunis wearing cassocks, lotus flowers and lotus leaves blooming in clear water.
The original intuitive impression of Zhao Lixian's works is neither realistic nor expressive. It is neither a description of a real thing at a certain time or place, nor a concrete or abstract expression of personal emotions. What it creates is an artistic conception. What is artistic conception? Meaning is the mind, the idea; state is realm and circumstances. The so-called artistic conception is not incomprehensible, but the realm constructed by the mind. The image created by Zhao Lixian is exactly an image generated by her mind. The landscape, flowers, birds and characters are all like this. They are as true as they are, but also as dreams as illusions; they are both true and false, and neither true nor false. But its artistic conception is meaningful and thought-provoking.

燕归来  综合材料  2021

Swallow Coming Back

Mixed media


休息的天使  综合材料  2021

Resting Angel

Mixed media


What kind of artistic conception do these works show? It is permeated with an extraordinary tranquility and mysterious atmosphere. Like the bright moonlight covering the distant mountains and near water, they are not noisy and commotion, but peaceful and quiet. The lotus in the water has bloomed buds, it is free, not open for anyone, nor withered for anyone. Its the character of the emerge unstained from the filth has always become a symbol of nobility and loneliness. The bird perched quietly on the head of the bhikkhuni. On the one hand, it shows that the restless bird has returned to peace and can live in harmony with people. On the other hand, it also means that the bhikshuni has surrendered to her heart, and is neither moved by foreign objects nor disturbed by her heart. There are also bhikshuni who go deep into meditation or remain silent. On the one hand, meditation is related to keeping the precepts, adhering to the precepts of Buddhism, and restraining one's desires; on the other hand, it is related to wisdom. In fact, meditation is one of the important techniques or means to achieve wisdom. The wisdom of Buddhism is called Prajna, which is a unique kind of wisdom, that is, wisdom of emptiness. It believes that everything is impermanent and selfless. The meditation of these bhikshunis is to gain access to this unique wisdom of emptiness. The images of all Zhao Lixian's works are beyond the world of daily life, but it leads people to contemplate and thinking the nature of the world of daily life in which we live. Only in extraordinary silence can people care for or see the truth of themselves and the world. This truth is impermanence or generation.

梦境与现实  综合材料  2021

Dream and reality

Mixed media


窗下共读  布面丙烯  2021

Below the window read together

Acrylic on canvas



In order to create this unique and tranquil artistic conception, Zhao Lixian explored techniques. Although she uses oil painting materials, she has fully absorbed the techniques of traditional Chinese painting and made appropriate choices. Generally speaking, Western oil painting emphasizes light, Chinese painting emphasizes spirit, but Zhao Lixian emphasizes meaning. All techniques are just for the expression and description of meaning. She doesn't pay attention to the three-dimensional depiction of the image, but flattens it to make it have the characteristics of a print. At the same time, she does not focus on realistic details and tedious portrayals, but pursues the effect of the overall image combination. In addition, in order to create a tranquil atmosphere, she has long used cool-toned high-grade gray. Even though she uses some warm and bright colors, they are very simple and not complicated. This is intended to allow people to go beyond the limits of color and experience meaning beyond color.
Zhao Lixian is a painter who can think. She is not thinking with words, but with images. I wish her to take root in the real world we live in and draw more beautiful and meaningful works.

Text / Peng Fuchun

at Wuhan University 

on January 21, 2020

春江花月夜  布面丙烯  2021

Moonlit River In Spring

Acrylic on canvas



2019 “art3f”洛桑国际艺术展,洛桑艺术中心,洛桑,瑞士

2018 叩山图,A180艺术空间 武汉,中国

2018 声闻,武汉中央文化区,湖北,中国

2018 多维景观--湖北女性艺术家作品展,湖北美术学院美术馆,湖北,中国

2018 卢森堡国际当代艺术展,卢森堡国际展览中心,卢森堡

2017 绘合,湖北美术学院美术馆,湖北,中国

2016 卡提—2016学院空间展,湖北美术馆,湖北,中国

2016 懿苏—汤湖当代油画作品展,汤湖美术馆,江苏,中国

2016 廿十绘,湖北美术学院美术馆,湖北,中国

2014 第十二届湖北省美术作品展,湖北美术学院美术馆,湖北,中国

2013 后学院艺术,湖北美术学院美术馆 ,湖北,中国

2009 第十一届全国美展湖北省展,湖北省艺术馆,湖北,中国

2008 藏不住的魅力,复兴艺术馆,新加坡

2007 临界线—当代艺术联展,先声画廊 ,北京,中国

2007 艺术北京当代艺术博览会,农业展览馆,北京,中国

2005 艺术事件,福斯特美术馆,汉诺威,德国

2005 第一届武汉美术作品展,武汉美术馆,湖北,中国

2004 第十届全国美展,广东美术馆,广州,中国

2004 第十届湖北省美术作品展,湖北省美术馆,湖北,中国

2003 第三届中国油画展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2003 湖北省高校美术作品展,湖北美术学院美术馆,湖北,中国 

Selected Exhibitions

2019“art3f” Lausanne International Art Exhibition, Lausanne Art Center, Lausanne, Switzerland

2018 Consulting The Mountains, A180 Art Space, Wuhan, China

2018 Voice-hearer, Wuhan Central Cultural District, Hubei, China

2018 Multidimensional Landscape-Hubei Female Artists Exhibition, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum, Hubei, China

2018 Luxembourg International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Luxembourg International Exhibition Center, Luxembourg

2017 Painting Together, Art Museum of Hubei Art Academy, Hubei, China

2016 Kati-2016 Academy Space Exhibition, Hubei Art Museum, Hubei, China

2016 Yisu—Tanghu Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, Tanghu Art Museum, Jiangsu, China

2016 Twenty Paintings, Art Museum of Hubei Art Academy, Hubei, China

2014 The 12th Hubei Province Art Works Exhibition, Art Museum of Hubei Art Academy, Hubei, China

2013 Post-College Art, Art Museum of Hubei Art Academy, Hubei, China

2009 Hubei Provincial Exhibition of the 11th National Art Exhibition, Hubei Provincial Art Museum, Hubei, China

2008 Charm can't hide, Renaissance Art Museum, Singapore

2007 Critical Line-Contemporary Art Group Exhibition, THE FIRST SOUND GALLERY, Beijing, China

2007 Art Beijing Contemporary Art Fair, Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China

2005 Art Event, Foster Museum, Hannover, Germany

2005 The First Wuhan Art Works Exhibition, Wuhan Art Museum, Hubei, China

2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China

2004 The 10th Hubei Provincial Art Works Exhibition, Hubei Provincial Art Museum, Hubei, China

2003 The 3rd China Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2003 Hubei Province College Art Works Exhibition, Art Museum of Hubei Art Academy, Hubei, China

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