


四月天  混合媒介  2021

April Day 

Mixed media





白俊虹的画是按色彩来分类的,她确实有很强的色彩表现能力像印象派画家—样,色彩不只是再现客观的手段,也是表达主观意志和内心感受的语言白俊虹也是把色彩看作表现的语言, 但力求用这种语言来表现一种真实与自由在她的画中,色彩当然不是唯—的手段笔触形象与色彩构成—个整体,色彩最直接地表达了感情,笔触则是色彩显现的依托, 象充满隐喻和象征

Breathe freely like life

Painting by Bai Junhong

Yi Ying

Bai Junhong has an immense ability inexpressing herself through color, and as with impressionist painting, color isnot just a means of conveying things objectively, but also a language forcommunicating one’s subjective feelings, and shestrives to use this language to offer a kind of truth and freedom.  However, this is certainly not the only artof painting well, as her brushstrokes and images are full of metaphors andsymbols which, along with color, constitute a holistic approach to her work.

美好记忆  混合媒介  2020

Good Memories 

Mixed media


对于白俊虹来说,真实与自由包含着两层意思:一个是作为自我的真实的、自由地存在另—个是追求真实与自由所需要的能力与勇气在她近乎抽象的画面上,有着潜在的叙事与象征, 似乎象征着个体生命的追求与向往白俊虹可能是从追求表现的语言开始的,即怎样才有可能按照自己的想法和能力去作画在生活中,尽可能按照个人的方式或意志去选择在艺术上这种真实却无法自由地表现,艺术的教条与规则使得艺术只是重复自身,在规则之外艺术还有广阔得多的天地生命的真实存在与艺术的自由表现在白俊虹看来是一体的艺术如果能像生命那样自由地呼吸,艺术就必定是自由的,艺术的潜能才可能极大地发挥才可能让生命融入艺术,在艺术中观照生命的真实存在白俊虹的画充满着自由的激情, 她将色彩的纯度发挥到一个极限,—切规则都失去了约束,旋风般的笔触扫过画面仿佛是一种冲破压抑与沉郁的癫狂这不是任何构思所能达到的,是生命与艺术的直接沟通,也是画家以她的方式对生命真实与艺术真实的实现

In her abstract paintings, truth andfreedom are central for Bai Junhong, which reflects the ability and courage toexist freely as an independent self along with potential narratives thatsymbolize the pursuit and yearning of individual life.  She normally begins her work with thelanguage of pursuing expression following her ideas and abilities, but not in apersonal way, as this kind of truth cannot be expressed freely, and wouldresult in art just repeating itself. In Bai Junhong’sopinion, the real existence of life and the free expression of art are anintegral whole, and if art can breathe freely like life, then art must befree.  Only then can the potential of artbe brought into full play, so that life can be integrated into art and the realexistence of life can be displayed within it, and her paintings reflect this asthey explode with passion for freedom. As a result, she brings the art of purity to the limit with all ruleshaving lost all constraints, with whirlwind brushstrokes sweeping across thecanvas as if it is a kind of madness that breaks through all the depression.This is not something that can be achieved by any artistic ideas, but through directcommunication between life and art which she expresses in all her work.

花之语  混合媒介  2020

The Language of Flowers 

Mixed media



For many other painters, there is anobsession with skilled techniques and their personalities becoming submerged inthe techniques applied, but for Bai Junhong, there is an authenticity in herwork as she applies the primitiveness of colors and images, along with herexpressiveness of brushstrokes.  As aresult, the whole picture reflects the self-conscious expression of emotion andself, and this is the success of her art.

花径  混合媒介  2020 

Flower Diameter 

Mixed media


家  混合媒介  2019


Mixed media




Run into the Lotus Pond

Painting by Bai Junhong

Wang Yang

Painting is an invisible container, in thatit exists in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concreteexistence, such as love or beauty, and contains the world and itself, and BaiJunhongs work reflects thisapproach through her abstract representation. Unlike picture-based photos, she emphasizes the characteristics ofwriting in her art, which can be poetic or full of enthusiasm, and it is preciselybecause of this freedom and agility from the heart, that her works promote thecontinuation of the visual experience while interpreting the inner perception,which in turn stimulates the objective perception.

心花  水粉  2018

Heart Flower



Bai Junhong abandons herself into her workat a leisurely pace, recalling past feelings, approaching them in a distant wayand reaching the depths of emotions. This is then transferred to canvas with floating light and shadow, softcolors and bright tones that blend into an abstract language that furthersymbolizes her unique style.  Herrecklessness of trusting the wild horse is a kind of accessibility for BaiJunhong, as landscapes, still lifes, flowers and architectures and even soft light and breeze that shepaints, ignore daily logic on the visual level, and only pay attention to themutual conversion of the language of the pictures. To effectively control therelationship between several elements is to control the accompanying perceptualorder, so that the resulting aesthetic distance will repeatedly play a role inthe visual space, and a dialogue between "the other" and"this" is established immediately.

光、华  水粉  2018 




It is said that no painter is a purepainter, and no picture is a pure picture, only an infinitely close to the purepainter or picture. From the painter's point of view, any question about art(painting) is about how to choose a perspective and how to express it. Apicture is like a mirror, the more secure it is, the clearer and moreconvincing it will be. However, the content that can be contained in thepicture is ultimately limited and focusing on the inside of the picture onlyestablishes a foothold and a starting point for the painter to fully evoke hisor her passion. The more mature the painter is, the more he or she pays attentionto the outside of the picture, and the more he or she pursues a broader, freer,and more self-explanatory artistic connotation beyond the limit.  In other words, more factors outside thescreen are the decisive and substantive factors which are the causes of all"causes". This is how Bai Junhong expanded, especially showing amental journey, a process of self-seeking, self-construction, self-improvementand self-divergence.

原野的记忆  水粉  2018
Memories of the Wilderness

Perhaps Bai Junhong is a person who isimmersed in her own dreams, while others are listening and evaluating thosedreams. And Perhaps, compared to other people who are normally sleeping whilstthey dream, she is a completely awake. It is just that she uses a colorful dream to awaken another illusorydream, and she doesn't care about the gap between illusion and reality at all.

窗外  水粉  2017
Beyond The Window


2000 毕业于鲁迅美术学院教育系

2003 结业于中央美术学院壁画研究生课程班




Bai Junhong  

2000 Graduated from lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts education department

2003 Completed murals postgraduate course in Central Academy of Fine Arts  

Currently lives Dalian, a teacher and artist 

Drawing, like life, should be simple, and conciseness is of course a high level of discipline and self-discipline  

When there is a view, sit and watch the view. When there is a flower, watch the flowers. When there is a moon, drink tea and read a book. 

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