



1972 生于安徽

1992 毕业于淮阴师范学院美术系

2013 毕业于南京艺术学院油画专业, 获学士学位

现居淮安, 职业艺术家

Hu Jiling

1972 Born in Anhui

1992 Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Huaiyin Normal College

2013 Graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts majoring in oil painting, received a bachelor's degree

Currently lives in Huaian, professional artist

再生  布面油画  2021


Oil on canvas



An Analysis of Hu Jiling's Works from Contemporary Imagism

Oil is used for water, oil color is used for ink, and the beauty of the East is drawn with ink and wash from Western painting materials. The sky and the clouds are high, the mountains and rivers are vast, and the wild and interesting family... Chinese painting takes its advantage from afar, and its quality from near, It's a picture of the world, Immediately before my eyes is the "image" of the character's scene style. It contains the meaning of the artist, expressing her "Spirit" and "wish". This is the first time to Run-in and blend after the collision of Chinese and Western paintings. It is the beginning of imagery oil painting. 
Follow the time development, and artists at a affected by global, cultural diversity and technological progress in the world of creation, such as the canvas and varied colors, the collision and fusion between crossed out all the "accidental" of change, is also the inevitable result of virtually can spy on, it also talk to again and again as the eastern and western art.  Contemporary art is a part of the cultural dialogue, which is contradictory and open. The two different contexts constantly burst forth new life in the collision, paving the only way for today's art -- contemporary imagism.  

新新人类  布面油画  2021

New Human Being

Oil on canvas


Contemporary imagism is not a new concept, but it is a young school, like a newborn baby, who is being supported by artists as new parents, filling his blood and flesh with constant dialogue, constructing and enriching his thoughts and character.  The formation and progress of this road is by no means limited to the collision of the single Oriental art system of accepting western painting, but the joint creation of both sides.  It's Chinese and it's international.  
This piece of imagery oil painting was born on the land named China. We can already see that some artists have completed technical and preliminary spiritual explorations in just ten years, pushing imagery oil painting into the stage of contemporary imageism, in terms of style and In the form of expression, the artist exerts his greatest personal style and constantly seeks breakthroughs.

打开爱情范本之一  布面油画  2021

Open The Love Template No.1

Oil on canvas


这一进程可以从胡继灵的作品中清晰看见,作为谈到中国意象油画和当代意象主义不可不提到的艺术家之一,从胡继灵的早期作品,如《龙脉》、《虚怀若谷》、《朱雀之圣地》等作品可以看见, 胡继灵作为最早一批研究意象油画的艺术家,她在早期作品中打破材料上的固有印象,跳脱出材料上的性质,与西方绘画艺术语言交流对话,以“无为”的态度不刻意摆放颜料和笔触,让油与颜料在画布上顺应自然,让它们自然而然的交融、流淌、滴淋、晕染……以景抒情,以笔写意,绘就极具中国特色的绘画作品,尝试营造新语境。
This process can be clearly seen in Hu Jiling’s works, as one of the artists who must be mentioned when talking about Chinese image oil painting and contemporary imagism, from Hu Jiling’s early works, such as "Dragon Vessel", "Be Open-minded as a Valley", "The Holy Land of Vermilion Birds" "It can be seen in works such as Hu Jiling, as one of the first artists to study imagery oil painting. In her early works, she broke the inherent impression of materials, broke away from the nature of materials, communicated with the language of Western painting and art, and adopted an attitude of “doing nothing”. Without deliberately placing paints and brushstrokes, let the oil and paint conform to nature on the canvas, allowing them to blend, flow, drip, and smudge naturally... Express emotion with scenery and freehand brushwork to paint paintings with Chinese characteristics. , Try to create a new context.
Just as Hu Jiling herself said, "Techniques are only the foundation, while thoughts are the essence". Her early image works contain the expression of "time", which is integrated into the invisible elephant of Chinese Traditional Taoism, and the color is not extreme.  However, her exploration of art and image did not stop there. Just like the development of image painting to contemporary imagism, Hu Jiling began to try to express more things, from the "return of spirit" of art to the exploration and expression of contemporary ideological and artistic language.  

打开爱情范本之二  布面油画  2021

Open The Love Template No.2

Oil on canvas


We can see these changes in hu Jiling's works from the past ten years to today.  
For example, The work“The Image of the Infinite”, we can see that Hu Jiling is best at expressing the infinite and tai Chi through image painting.  "Zhou Dunyi, a Scholar of The Song Dynasty, originally pushed the tao body for tai Chi.  If my mind is silent and all good has not been developed, it is infinite. However, if the mind has not been developed, the noumenon of free and obvious ignorance is tai Chi."  There is no end to it.  According to ancient Chinese philosophy, the origin of all things in the universe is invisible, silent, colorless, without beginning, without end, and without name.  

无极之有像  布面油画  2021

The Image of Infinite

Oil on canvas


The work "Mingde" still shows the grace and softness of China, "If the truth is immortal, then you can't afford it. The source of the six roots is as clear as the water. It is for meditation, but for life and death..." The whole work is in calm blue As the main color, two magnolia flowers are in the center of the picture, and the flowers are between the full moon; the petals are gathered or blooming, and there seems to be thin clouds floating on them, and the movement and the static are reflected in each other, and there seems to be a rhythm in it, which is infused with fresh life for the soft magnolia. From the painting, we can feel the flexible life force of the magnolia, not confined to one side, but in the vast world of the sky and the sea of clouds. The painter used four sentences "Dinghui Mingtong" in Bai Juyi's "Ding Jie" to describe the magnolia, Compare people with flowers, embody the flexibility of female power, the awakening and rise of female power. As the painter said: "Among the flowers, I especially love the magnolia, and don't compete with the fragrant flowers, but only compare the heights with the trees. It is wise and clear to be at ease."
In fact, female power has always existed in essence as a social issue. With generations of women’s self-awakening and self-voicing, the voice of women has been heard by more and more people, and was pushed into a boom in 2015. With the advent of the times, GirlPower has become a hot spot all over the world and has received widespread attention and emphasis. As an artist in the field of painting, Hu Jiling has also been committed to expressing the spirit and value of "female" in her many years of creation. As early as 2014, she created the work "Woman", conveying "woman, if you want to be a flowering tree", not to live as a clinging vine, not to be a caged bird, cat in the cage, even in the face of wind and rain, you should take the fate in your own hands. "Mingde" expresses the inherent power of women, while "Awakening Woman" is another interpretation of the artist's female power, which is to move towards a spiritual castle.

德安  布面油画  2021


Oil on canvas


"Awakening Woman"  in recent years of research, we can see that Hu Jiling's expressions in her paintings have become more bold and more contemporary: different from the creation of the previous two paintings, there is a concrete scene, as if we are really In the real world, you can see a tree full of magnolia flowers with an empty birdcage hanging on it; or one night by a stream, you can see the reflection of the moon over a stalked orchid that is shaking with the wind. Not limited to the depiction of concrete scenes, the higher-dimensional spaces such as four-dimensional and five-dimensional are displayed in front of us, breaking the limitations of time and space, and placing the scenes of multiple spaces directly in front of the viewers, unfamiliar Viewers of Hu Jiling's works may feel abrupt at first glance, but after a closer look, they will find it reasonable, and they can even taste a bit of mystery. This kind of form can often be seen in Hu Jiling's works in recent years. This kind of expression is actually a more direct interpretation of the spirit.

觉醒·女人  布面油画  2021

Awakening · Woman

Oil on canvas


The color of the whole painting of "Awakening Woman" is dreamlike. The dreamy pink purple and the green symbolizing the vitality of life together set the tone of the picture. The background of the cloud and mountain mist, the river winding among them, the pedestrians in the mountains, the boats in progress It leads us into the purple dream castle on the upper left of the screen, the palace of spirit. This is also the essence of women's awakening. We pursue fair treatment in society, let others and even allow ourselves to recognize their own value, but in the final analysis, the essence of everything is that women must first believe in themselves spiritually and recognize themselves. This is the first step to awakening, a crucial and indispensable step.

自然  布面油画  2021


Oil on canvas


In addition to the artistic expression of women's topics, the culture, time and memory of contemporary society are not only the common global themes of contemporary art, but also can be seen in Hu Jiling's creations. In "The Tree Through Pink Clouds", the painter uses trees to symbolize the spirit of life's hard work. Life circumstances are disturbed. The ups and downs are nothing but clouds, and people's life is through the pursuit of those clouds-like substances. With fame and fortune, strive to actively think of the broader universe and grow positively.

穿过粉红云朵的树  布面油画  2021

The Tree Through Pink Clouds

Oil on canvas


作品《躺平》画家采用了2021年时下热词来命名,用最简单稚拙的笔法勾勒出大地和人物轮廓,充满童真的三支花朵风车不仅将观者带入童年纯稚的时光,也是意喻抛去人境遇中的一切复杂,回归纯真本质:有人躺平是放弃,有人躺平是为了可以更好的仰望整个天空,人虽然躺下,大脑耳朵在聆听关注外界的一切信息,准备更好的站起来,躺平也许是躺赢 。
The work "Lying Flat" is named after the hot words of 2021, using the simplest and naive brushwork to outline the earth and the outline of the characters. The three flower windmills are full of innocence and not only bring the viewer into a childish childhood, but also a meaning person throws away all the complexities in the human situation and returns to the innocent nature: some people lie flat to give up, and some people lie flat to better look up at the sky. Although people lie down, their brains and ears are listening and paying attention to all the information from the outside world, ready to be more. Well, stand up and lie down, maybe lie down and win.

如法  布面油画  2021

As The Dharma 

Oil on canvas


Schrodinger's Cat symbolizes the choice made by people in their dialogue with themselves and with others and the world, and the people who have nothing in them are hidden by the clouds and mountains and forests that symbolize the world, and the forest is transparent. The deep blue symbolizes the universe and expresses the different directions that Schrödinger’s box will be opened when people make choices and face different directions under the invisible operating rules of the universe. To the left, right, backward, and when you see this work, face yourself in the painting. The characters in the painting and the viewer themselves in another dimension form four directions that are connected end to end, forming a cycle, which also implies observation, selection and rules.

薛定谔的猫猫  布面油画  2021

Schrodinger's cat

Oil on canvas


文/高明哲于佛罗伦萨 2021年

The overall tone of "Pandora's Box" is quiet, bright lights are lit in the warm-colored house, and the atmosphere seems peaceful. But when the skylight opens, it shows a living state full of game and competition. What is flooded in the house are the secret rules of marriage, life, and not being revealed on the countertop. The house is surrounded by people watching the good things of other people’s lives, and they raised their sharp ears as if they wanted to listen to something. For example, in the current information age, the distance between people seems to be far, but the privacy and sense of boundaries between people are constantly changing. Blurring. Loyalty and love are located in the lower right corner of the screen, standing next to "home", but the hands touching the dog and the parrot are getting farther and farther away from the body. Only three thousand long hair of thoughts entangled on the lamp post, In the night into the infinite struggle of sobriety and destruction.
Contemporary society is just like the work shows, maintaining the surface peace, full of chaos and uneasiness floating in the game, but is there only this in the box? What was born in it, and what was observed and expressed by us? Pandora’s box must also contain beautiful things like "hope", maintaining the balance of the entire box, and the countless symbols contained in it are also in the field of painting and art, and are in the hands of Hu Jiling and countless international artists. , Expression, and constantly constructing new symbols before placing them.
Text / Gao Mingzhe in Florence, 2021

潘多拉盒子  布面油画  2021

Pandora's Box

Oil on canvas



2017 七弦——胡继灵当下艺向作品展, 胡蝶美术馆, 淮安, 中国

2016 胡继灵意象油画展, 胡蝶美术馆, 淮安, 中国

2015 等待花开的日子——胡继灵油画个展, 胡蝶美术馆, 淮安, 中国


2017 东西方艺术相溶的N次方研讨会展, 胡蝶美术馆, 淮安, 中国

2017 走出展厅艺术展, 胡蝶美术馆, 淮安, 中国

2016 北京水墨丹青五周年拍卖会展, 天工艺苑鸣瑶厅, 杭州, 中国

2015 第四届中国创新艺术家提名展, 水立方, 北京, 中国

2015 维创金典2015年艺术家邀请展, 北京高碑店国粹苑艺术品交易中心, 北京, 中国

2015 2015艺术水立方书画大展, 水立方,北京, 中国

2012 江苏省第四届新人展, 江苏省美术馆, 南京, 中国


2014 作品《昔人回》、《光年》、《你和我之一》、《风轻云淡的日子》、《名曲系列之渔樵问答》发表于文献类书籍2014年《中国当代艺术文献》;

2015 作品《洪荒系列之六》、《不解释系列之二》、《不解释系列之三》、《盗梦空间之四》、《盗梦空间之五》发表于文献类书籍2015年《中国当代艺术文献》;

2016 作品《奔跑的痕迹》、《涅槃的根》、《七弦3》发表于文献类书籍2016年《中国当代艺术文献》;

2017 作品《色·无界之一》、《色·无界之四》、《千渡》、《一念之遥之一》发表于文献类书籍2017年《中国当代艺术文献》;

2019 作品《局观之雅趣2》、《归去来兮》、《朱雀之圣地》、《一念之遥2》、《千渡》、《七弦之三》、《扑向世界的力量之一》、《洪荒系列之一》、《听花开的声音》发表于文献类书籍《中国女性艺术》

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2017 Seven Strings—Hu Jiling's Current Art Direction Exhibition, Hu Die Art Museum, Huai'an, China

2016 Hu Jiling's Image Oil Painting Exhibition, Hu Die Art Museum, Huai'an, China

2015 The Days Waiting for Flowers to Bloom—Hu Jiling Solo Exhibition, Hu Die Art Museum, Huai'an, China

Selected Joint Exhibitions

2017 N-th Power Seminar Exhibition of the Compatibility of Eastern and Western Art, Hu Die Art Museum, Huai'an, China

2017 Out of the Exhibition Hall Art Exhibition, Hudie Art Museum, Huai'an, China

2016 Beijing 5th Anniversary Auction Exhibition of Chinese ink painting, Mingyao Hall of Tiangong Yiyuan, Hangzhou, China

2015 The 4th China Innovative Artist Nomination Exhibition, Water Cube, Beijing, China

2015 Weichuang Golden Classic 2015 Artist Invitation Exhibition, Guocuiyuan Art Exchange Center, Gaobeidian, Beijing, China

2015 2015 Art Water Cube Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Water Cube, Beijing, China

2012 The 4th New Artist Exhibition of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Art Museum, Nanjing, China

Major Publications

2014 Works "Ancient People Back", "Light Years", "You and Me No.1", "Clear Days", "Famous Songs Series: Questions and Answers on Fishers and Woods" published in the literature book "Chinese Contemporary Art Documents" in 2014;

2015 Works "The Primordial Wilderness Series No.6", "Unexplained Series No.2", "Unexplained Series No.3", "Inception of the Dream Space No.4" and "Inception of the Dream Space No.5" were published in the literature book "Chinese Contemporary Art Documents" in 2015;

2016 Works "The Traces of Running", "The Root of Nirvana" and "Seven Strings No.3" were published in the literature book "Chinese Contemporary Art Documents" in 2016;

2017 Works "Color: Unbounded No. 1", "Color: Unbounded No.4", "A Thousand Crossing", "One Thought Away No.1" were published in the literature book "Chinese Contemporary Art Documents" in 2017;

2019 Works "The Elegance of Local View No.2", "Coming Back", "The Sacred Land of Suzaku", "One Thought Away No.2", "A Thousand Crossings", "Seven Strings No.3", "The Powers Pounced on the World No.1" , "The Primordial Wilderness Series No.1", "Listen to the Sound of Flowers" published in the literature book "Chinese Female Art"

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