


2022.11.02 四川

古英语ci-单词(包括古英语时期的拉丁语借词)中的c在中古英语中要么音转为ch[kh=kʻ]、要么改写为k,中古英语的ci-单词基本上都是法语、拉丁语借词。中古英语中,源自法语的ci-单词中的c读作[s]。“中古英语时期从公元十二世纪中叶开始,到公元十五世纪中叶为止(1150-1450)。这个时期以诺曼人(Normans)征服英国(1066年)这一重大历史事件为起点。法语成为英国的官方语言,政府、法庭、学校等社会机构都必须使用法语。这种情况延续了三百年之久。一直要到十四世纪中叶以后,情况才有了改变。1362年,国会第一次正式用英语开会;同年颁布了法庭辩护法令,规定一切法庭诉讼必须用英语进行。这样,英语才恢复了它应有的地位。在此以前,英语仅是在英国使用的三种语言之一,而且还不是最受重视的一种。最受重视的语言当然是法语(包括罗曼法语和中央法语,也就是巴黎法语),这是宫廷和政府的语言。其次是拉丁文,这是教会和学术界的通用语言。再其次,才是英语,这是广大的英国老百姓的语言。在三百年间,英国的文学创作也是用上述三种不同的文字来进行的。”(李赋宁《英语史》第6-7页)法语的强势地位(官方语言、书面语言)决定了中古英语ci-中c的发音,诺曼统治者将法语ci-中的c发[s]音传播给了英语,使中古英语形成了将ci-中的c读作[s]的拼读习惯。英语将ci-中的c读作[s]的拼读习惯一直延续到当代,英语从盎格鲁诺曼语中获得的拼读习惯一直传承到当代。当代英语中的ci-单词基本上都是外来语借词,这些单词主要出自法语和拉丁语,个别出自西班牙语、意大利语等。出自法语的ci-全部都读[s],读为[ʧi]的全部出自意大利语。下面是对从《新牛津英汉双解大词典》搜索出来的ci-单词的分类描述。一、ci-读为[sɪ-]的单词字母i的本来音值是[ɪ],盎格鲁诺曼语中ci-的读音是[sɪ],英语逆袭成功后沿袭了盎格鲁诺曼语ci-的读音[sɪ]。1、cill/sɪl/“同SILL.”sill/sɪl/ (亦作【主建筑】 cill)词源:Old English syll, sylle 'horizontal beam forming a foundation', of Germanic origin; related to German Schwelle 'threshold'《培根词汇》sill(n.):Old English syll "beam, threshold, large timber serving as a foundation of a wall," from Proto-Germanic *suljo (source also of Old Norse svill, Swedish syll, Danish syld "framework of a building," Middle Low German sull, Old High German swelli, German Schwelle "sill"), perhaps from PIE root *swel- (3) "post, board" (source also of Greek selma "beam"). 2、cinder/ˈsɪndə(r)/ “炭渣; 煤渣”词源:Old English sinder 'slag', of Germanic origin; related to German Sinter. The similar but unconnected French cendre(from Latin cinis 'ashes')has influenced both the sense development and the spelling. Compare with SINTER. 《培根词汇》cinder(n.): Old English sinder "dross of iron, slag," from Proto-Germanic *sendra- "slag" (source also of Old Saxon sinder "slag, dross," Old Norse sindr, Middle Low German and Middle Dutch sinder, Dutch sintel, Old High German sintar, German Sinter), from PIE root *sendhro- "coagulating fluid" (source also of Old Church Slavonic sedra "cinder"). Initial s- changed to c- under influence of unrelated French cendre "ashes," from Latin cinerem (nominative cinis) "ashes," from or related to Greek konis "dust" (see incinerate). The Latin word was contracted to *cin'rem and the -d- inserted for ease of pronunciation (compare peindre from pingere). The French word also apparently shifted the sense of the English one to "small piece of burnt coal after a fire has gone out" (16c.).   古英语si-被写作ci-表明,中古英语ci-=si-、中古英语ci-的读音是[sɪ-]。3、Cinderella/ˌsɪndəˈrelə/“灰姑娘(许多欧洲传统童话中人物; 根据查尔斯·佩罗的版本, 她在家中听人使唤, 受尽欺压, 后遇仙女保护神让她参加王宫舞会, 她邂逅并征服了魅力王子, 但不得不在午夜时逃离, 留下一只水晶鞋, 王子靠了它才找回灰姑娘)”词源:from CINDER the diminutive suffix -ella, on the pattern of French Cendrillon, from cendre 'cinders'.《培根词汇》Cinderella(n.): pseudo-translation of French Cendrillon, from cendre "ashes" (see cinder). Used figuratively for something unappreciated or something that ends at midnight. A widespread Eurasian folk tale, the oldest known version is Chinese (c. 850 C.E.); the English version is based on Perrault's "Cendrillon" (1697), translated from French 1729 by Robert Sambler, but native versions probably existed (such as Scottish "Rashin Coatie").4、cider/ˈsaɪdə(r)/“<英>苹果酒”词源:Middle English: fromOld French sidre, via ecclesiastical Latin from ecclesiastical Greek sikera, from Hebrew šēḵār 'strong drink'.《培根词汇》cider(n.):late 13c. (in a biblical context), "strong liquor;" mid-14c., "liquor made from the juice of fruits," from Old French cidre, cire "pear or apple cider" (12c., Modern French cidre), variant of cisdre, from Late Latin sicera, Vulgate rendition of Hebrew shekhar, a word used for any strong drink (translated in Old English as beor, taken untranslated in Septuagint Greek as sikera), related to Arabic sakar "strong drink," sakira "was drunk."5、cinnabar/ˈsɪnəbɑː(r)/“朱砂, 辰砂;千里光蛾, 红棒球蝶灯蛾”词源:Middle English: from Latin cinnabaris, from Greek kinnabari, of oriental origin.6、city/ˈsɪtɪ/“城市, 都市, 市;CITY OF LONDON的简称”词源:Middle English: from Old French cite, from Latin civitas, from civis 'citizen'. Originally denoting a town, and often used as a Latin equivalent to Old English burh 'borough', the term was later applied to foreign and ancient cities and to the more important English boroughs. The connection between city and cathedral grew up under the Norman kings,as the episcopal sees(many had been established  in villages)were removed to the chief borough of the diocese.《培根词汇》city(n.): c. 1200, from Old French cite "town, city" (10c., Modern French cité), from earlier citet, from Latin civitatem (nominative civitas; in Late Latin sometimes citatem) originally "citizenship, condition or rights of a citizen, membership in the community," later "community of citizens, state, commonwealth" (used, for instance of the Gaulish tribes), from civis "townsman," from PIE root *kei- (1) "to lie," also forming words for "bed, couch," and with a secondary sense of "beloved, dear."7、citizen/ˈsɪtɪzən/“公民”词源:Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French citezein, 'alteration'(probably influenced by deinzein 'denizen')of Old French citeain, based on Latin civitas 'city'(see CITY).《培根词汇》citizen(n.):c. 1300, citisein (fem. citeseine) "inhabitant of a city or town," from Anglo-French citesein, citezein "city-dweller, town-dweller, citizen" (Old French citeien, 12c., Modern French citoyen), from cite (see city) -ain (see -ian). 8、citadel/ˈsɪtədəl/“(尤指建于高地保卫、俯视城市的)堡垒, 要塞;救世军会议厅”词源:mid 16th cent.: from French citadelle, or from Italian cittadella, based on Latin civitas 'city'(see CITY).《培根词汇》cistern(n.): "fortress commanding a city," 1580s, from French citadelle (15c.), from Italian cittadella, diminutive of Old Italian cittade "city" (Modern Italian citta), from Latin civitatem (nominative civitas; also source of Portuguese citadella, Spanish ciuadela; see city).9、citified/ˈsɪtɪfaɪd/(亦作cityfied)“<主贬>有城市风貌的; 顺应城市环境的; 城市化了的” 《培根词汇》citified(adj.):"having the manners, look, or style of city life," 1819, American English, from city past participle ending of words in -fy.  10、cistern/ˈsɪstən/“蓄水池, 蓄水箱(尤指装上龙头或阀门的水箱或抽水马桶的水箱)”词源:Middle English: from Old French cisterne, from Latin cisterna, from cista 'box'(see CIST2).《培根词汇》cistern(n.): "natural or artificial receptacle for holding wateror some other fluid," mid-13c., from Old French cisterne "cistern; dungeon, underground prison" (12c., Modern French citerne), from Latin cisterna "underground reservoir for water," from cista "chest, box," from Greek kistē "box, chest" (see chest). 11、cinque/sɪŋk/(亦作cinq)“骰子上的五点”词源:late Middle English: from Old French cinc, cink, from Latin quinque 'five'.《培根词汇》cinque(n.): "a group of five, five units treated as one," especially at cards or dice, late 14c., from French cinq, a dissimilation from Latin quinque "five," in Late Latin also cinque (from PIE root *penkwe- "five"). The Cinque Ports (late 12c. in Anglo-Latin, late 13c. in English) were Hastings, Sandwich, Dover, Romney, and Hythe, granted special privileges from the crown in return for defense of the Channel in the days before England had a navy. Cinque outposts (1640s) was an old term for the five senses.12、cinquefoil/ˈsɪŋkfɔɪl/“ 委陵菜; 【艺术】圆圈内五叶形的装饰(如用于建筑上的窗花格装饰或纹章)”词源:Middle English: from Latin quinquefolium, from quinque 'five' folium 'leaf'. 《培根词汇》cinquefoil(n.): in architecture, anornament consisting of five cuspidated divisions, late 15c., from Latin quinquefolium, from quinque (from PIE root *penkwe- "five") folium "leaf" (from PIE root *bhel- (3) "to thrive, bloom"). As the name of a plant with compound leaves of five leaflets, 1540s.《培根词汇》cinquain(n.): "collection of five," 1711, from French cinquain "bundle of five objects," from cinq "five" (from PIE root *penkwe- "five"). Originally in English of military orders of battle (five battalions drawn up in three lines); of five-lined stanzas of verse from 1882 (give a more specific form in English than usual in French).13、cinereous/sɪˈnɪərɪəs/“(尤指头发、羽毛)灰色的”词源:late Middle English: from Latin cinereus 'similar to ashes'(fromcinis, ciner- 'ashes') -OUS.14、civil/ˈsɪvəl/“1.公民的; 市民的; 国民的; 民用的(区别于军事、宗教事务的)2.客气的, 有礼貌的。3.(时间度量, 时间点)习俗规定的; 历法规定的(而非自然的或天文的)”词源:late Middle English: via Old French from Latin civilis, from civis 'citizen'.《培根词汇》civil(adj.): late 14c., "relating to civil law or life; pertaining to the internal affairs of a state," from Old French civil "civil, relating to civil law" (13c.) and directly from Latin civilis "relating to a society, pertaining to public life, relating to the civic order, befitting a citizen," hence by extension "popular, affable, courteous;" alternative adjectival derivative of civis "townsman" (see city).15、civilian/sɪˈvɪljən/“平民, 老百姓(区别于军、警)”词源:late Middle English(denoting a practitioner of civil law):from Old French civilien, in the phrase droit civilien 'civil law'. The current sense arose in the early 19th cent.16、civic/ˈsɪvɪk/“城镇的, 市政的, 市府的”词源:mid 16thcent.: from French civique or Latin civicus, from civis citizen'. The original use was in civic garland, crown, etc., translating Latin corona civica, denoting a garland of oak leaves and acorns given in ancient Rome to a person who saved a fellow citizen's life.《培根词汇》civic(adj.): 1540s, "pertaining to a city or citizenship," originally  in civic crown (Latin corona civica), a chaplet of oak leaves awarded to one who saved the life of a fellow citizen in battle, from Latin civicus "of a citizen," adjectival derivative of civis "townsman" (see city). 17、civvy/ˈsɪvɪ/“平民, 百姓(区别于警察、军人)”18、civilianize/sɪˈvɪljənaɪz/ (亦作-ise)“使转为民用”19、civics/ˈsɪvɪks/“公民学”20、citrine/ˈsɪtriːn/“黄水晶; 茶晶”词源:late Middle English:from Old French citrin 'lemon-coloured', from medieval Latin citrinus, from Latin citrus 'citron tree'. 《培根词汇》citrine(adj.):"lemon-colored, yellow or greenish-yellow," late 14c., from French citrin, from Latin citrus (see citrus). From 1879 as a color name.21、cinnamon/ˈsɪnəmən/“肉桂, 桂皮;(产桂皮的)樟属树木。”词源:late Middle English: from Old French cinnamome(from Greek kinnamōmon), and Latin cinnamon(from Greek kinnamon), both from a Semitic language and perhaps based on Malay.《培根词汇》cinnamon(n.): spice obtained from the dried inner bark of atree in the avocado family, late 14c., from Old French cinnamone (13c.), from Latin cinnamum, cinnamomum "cinnamon" (also used as a term of endearment), from Greek kinnamomon, from a Phoenician word akin to Hebrew qinnamon (with ending altered in Greek by folk-etymology). Ceylon cinnamon, the true cinnamon, is used in Britain, but American cinnamon is almost always from the related cassia tree of Southeast Asia and is stronger and sweeter. As an adjective, "of the color of cinnamon, light reddish-brown," 1680s. cinnamon的词根cinna即梵语Cīna。22、civility/sɪˈvɪlətɪ/“客气, 礼貌”词源:late Middle English: from Old French civilite, from Latin civilitas, from civilis 'relating to citizens'(see CIVIL). In early use the term denoted the state  of being a citizen and hence good citizenship or orderly behaviour. The sense 'politeness' arose in the mid 16th cent.《培根词汇》civility(n.): late 14c., "status of a citizen," from Old French civilite (14c.),from Latin civilis "relating to a citizen, relating to public life, befitting a citizen; popular, affable, courteous" (see civil). 23、citron/ˈsɪtrən/“枸橼, 香橼”词源:early 16th cent.(denoting the fruit): from French, from Latin citrus 'citron tree', on the pattern of limon 'lemon'.《培根词汇》citron(n.):"large, thick-rinded, lemon-like citrus fruit," late 14c., also citrine (early 15c.), from Old French citron "citron, lemon" (14c.), possibly from Old Provençal citron, from Latin citrus "citron-tree," and influenced by lemon; or else from augmentative of Latin citreum (malum) "citron (apple);" see citrus.24、cicada/sɪˈkɑːdə/“蝉”词源:late Middle English: from Latin cicada, cicala.《培根词汇》cicada(n.): popular name of many insects which make a rhythmic chirping or creaking noise, late 14c., from Latin cicada "cicada, tree cricket," not a native Latin word; perhaps a loan-word from a Mediterranean substrate language.25、citole/sɪˈtəʊl/“齐特尔琴(中世纪弦乐器, 似半梨形的琉特琴, 西特琴的前身)”词源:late Middle English: from OldFrench, based on Latin cithara(see CITTERN).26、cicatrix/ˈsɪkətrɪks/(亦作cicatrice/ˈsɪkətrɪs/)“瘢痕, 伤疤”词源:late Middle English(as cicatrice): from Latin cicatrixor Old French cicatrice.27、cicatrize/ˈsɪkətraɪz/(亦作-ise)“ (伤口)结疤愈合”词源:late Middle English: from Old French cicatriser, from cicatrice 'scar'(see CICATRIX).《培根词汇》cicatrix(n.):"a scar or scar-like mark," 1640s, from Latin cicatrix (accusative cicatricem ) "a scar," which is of unknown origin. Earlier in English as cicatrice (mid-15c.). 28、civet/ˈsɪvɪt/“香猫, 麝猫, 灵猫;<美>蓬尾浣熊; 环尾猫熊”词源:mid 16th cent.: from French civette, from Italian zibetto,from medieval Latin zibethum, from Arabic zabād, denoting the perfume.《培根词汇》civet(n.): 1530s, "cat-like quadruped of northern Africa," from French civette (15c.), ultimately (with Italian zibetto, Medieval Latin zibethum, Medieval Greek zapetion) via lost intermediate forms from Arabic zabad "civet," which is said to be related to zabad "foam, froth," zubd "cream," but perhaps this is folk-etymology of an African name. As "secretion of the anal glands of a civet-cat," one popular in perfumes, from 1550s. 29、ciborium/ˈsɪˈbɔːrɪəm/“基督教有盖圣餐杯,圣体盒; 四柱祭坛天盖”词源:mid 16th cent.: via medieval Latin from Greekkibōrion 'seed vessel of the water lily or a cup made from it'. Sense 1 is probably influenced by Latin cibus 'food'.30、cisalpine/sɪsˈælpaɪn/“在阿尔卑斯山脉南侧的”词源:mid 16th cent.: from Latin cisalpinus.31、cis-/sɪs/“表示'在这一边’, '在离说话者较近这一边’;【化】表示'(分子取代基)顺式的’”词源:from Latin cis 'on this side of'.《培根词汇》cis-: word-forming element meaning "on the near side of, on this side," from Latin preposition cis "on this side" (in reference to place or time), related to citra (adv.) "on this side," from PIE *ki-s, suffixed form of root *ko-, the stem of demonstrative pronoun meaning "this." Opposed to trans- or ultra-. 32、cis/sɪs/“【化】同侧的, 顺式的”词源:independent usage of cis-.33、cispontine/sɪˈspɒntaɪn/“<古>伦敦泰晤士河上桥的北侧的(原为较著名一侧)”词源:mid 19th cent.: from CIS- 'on this side' Latin pons, pont- 'bridge'.34、cistron/ˈsɪstrɒn/“【生化】顺反子”词源:1950s: from cis-(in sense 2) TRANS-(because of the possibility of two genesbeing on the same or different chromosomes) -ON.35、cisplatin/sɪsˈplætɪn/“【医】顺铂, 顺氯氨铂”词源:late 20th cent.: from CIS-(in sense 2) PLATINUM.36、cisatlantic/ˌsɪsətˈlæntɪk/“ (就说话人的位置而言)在大西洋这一边的”37、cislunar/sɪsˈljuːnə(r)/ “位于地球和月球之间的, 地月的” 38、cittern/ˈsɪtɜːn/“西特琴(弦乐器, 似半梨形琉特琴, 背部扁平, 金属丝弦, 见于16,17世纪欧洲)。”词源:mid 16th cent.:from Latin cithara, from Greek kithara, denoting a kind of harp. The spelling has been influenced by GITTERN.39、Cingalese/ˌsɪŋgəˈliːz/“<古>同SINHALESE.”词源:late 16th cent.: from French Cinghalais, from Sanskrit Simhala 'Sri Lanka' -ESE. Sinhalese/sɪŋhəˈliːz/ (亦作Singhalese, Sinhala/ˈsɪnhələ/)“僧伽罗人(原先来自印度北部, 现构成斯里兰卡人口的大多数);僧伽罗语(僧伽罗人所使用的一种印度语支语言, 起源于梵语, 约有1,300万人使用)”词源:from Sanskrit Siṇhala 'Sri Lanka' -ESE.40、Cimmerian/sɪˈmɪərɪən/“辛梅里安人的(古代游牧民族, 于公元前7世纪大量出没于小亚细亚地区);【希腊神话】(神话中永居于地府附近黑暗潮湿地带的)辛梅里安人的”词源:via Latin from Greek Kimmerios -AN.《培根词汇》Cimmerian(adj.): late 16c., "pertaining to the Cimmerii," an ancient nomadicpeople who, according to Herodotus, inhabited the region around the Crimea, and who, according to Assyrian sources, overran Asia Minor 7c. B.C.E.; from Latin Cimmerius, from Greek Kimmerios. Homer described their land as a place of perpetual mist and darkness beyond the ocean, but whether he had in mind the same people Herodotus did, or any real place, is unclear.41、cilice/ˈsɪlɪs/“粗硬毛布”词源:late 16th cent.: from French,from Latin cilicium, from Greek kilikion, from Kilikia, the Greek name for CILICIA in Asia Minor(because the cloth was originally made of Cicilian goats' hair).《培根词汇》cilice(n.):"haircloth shirt worn next to the skin by monks and others to mortify the flesh," Old English cilic, from Latin cilicium "a covering," a type of coarse garment (used especially by soldiers and sailors), originally one of Cilician goat hair, from Greek kilikion "coarse cloth," from Kilikia "Cilicia" in Asia Minor. By tradition in Greek mythology the place was named for Cilix, a son of the Phoenician king Agenor.42、cicely/ˈsɪsəlɪ/“欧洲没药, 香根芹; 雪维菜”词源:late 16th cent.: from Latin seselis, from Greek. The spelling change was due to association with the given name Cicely.《培根词汇》Cicely(n.): fem. proper name, an alteration or nativization ofCecilia. The popular plant name (late 16c.) is a corruption (by influence of the proper name) of Latin seselis, from Greek seselis, a foreign word, perhaps from Egyptian.43、cincture/ˈsɪŋktʃə(r)/“<诗/文>束带,腰带;【建筑】(柱身两端的)环带”词源:late 16th cent. (in the sense 'encircling orenclosure'): from Latin cinctura, from cinct-'encircled', from the verb cingere.《培根词汇》cincture(nj.): "belt, girdle, or band wornround the body," 1580s, from Latin cinctura "a girdle," from cinctus, past participle of cingere "to surround, encircle" (see cinch (n.)). 44、cingulum/ˈsɪŋgjʊləm/“ 【剖】带环状结构”词源:mid 19th cent.: from Latin, 'belt', from cingere 'gird'. 45、civilize/ˈsɪvɪlaɪz/(亦作-ise)“使(地方, 人)文明, 开化”词源:early 17th cent.: from French civiliser, from civil 'civil'.《培根词汇》civilize(n.): c. 1600, "to bring out of barbarism, introduce order and civil organization among, refine and enlighten," from French civiliser, verb from Old French civil (adj.), from Latin civilis "relating to a citizen, relating to public life, befitting a citizen; popular, affable, courteous," alternative adjectival derivative of civis "townsman" (see city). 46、Cistercian/sɪˈstɜːʃjən/(英语sj>ːʃj音转)“西多会修士; 西多会修女(西多会成立于1098年, 系本笃会分支, 其教义更严格, 修行者现分为两派, 分别为严格派和普通派, 前者信徒为广为大众所知的特拉普派修道士, 后者较为宽松)”词源:from French cistercien, from Cistercium, the Latin name of Cîteaux near Dijon in France, where the order was founded.《培根词汇》Cistercian(adj.): c. 1600, "pertaining to the Cistercian order ofmonks," with -an Medieval Latin Cistercium (French Cîteaux), near Dijon, site of an abbey where the monastic order was founded 1098 by Robert of Molesme. As a noun, "monk of the Cistercian order," from 1610s.47、citril/ˈsɪtrɪl/“橘黄丝雀”词源:late 17th cent.: apparentlyfrom Italian citrinella, diminutive of citrina 'citrine-coloured(bird)'.48、Cibber/ˈsɪbə(r)/“西伯, 科利(1671-1757, 英格兰喜剧演员, 剧作家, 剧场经理; 他的第一部喜剧《爱情的最后一着》[1696]为他赢得剧作家的声誉, 1730年当选桂冠诗人, 因此成为笑柄, 在此之后他写了自传《聊作科利·西伯传》[1740])”49、cinerarium/ˌsɪnəˈreərɪəm/“骨灰存放所”词源:late 19th cent.: from late Latin, neuter(used as a noun)of cinerarius 'of ashes'.《培根词汇》cineration(n.): "reduction of anything toashes," 1708, from Latin ciner-, stem of cinis "ashes"(see incinerate).50、cigar/sɪˈgɑː(r)/“雪茄烟, 叶卷烟”词源:early 18th cent.:from French cigare, or from Spanish cigarro, probably from Mayan sik'ar 'smoking'.51、cigarillo/ˌsɪgəˈrɪləʊ/“小雪茄”词源:mid 19th cent.: from Spanish, diminutive of cigarro(see CIGAR).52、cigarette/ˌsɪgəˈret/ (<美>亦作cigaret)“纸烟, 香烟, 卷烟”词源:mid 19th cent.: from French, diminutive of cigare(see CIGAR).53、cig/sɪg/“informal a cigarette or cigar <非正式>纸烟, 香烟, 卷烟; 雪茄烟, 叶卷烟。”54、ciggy/ˈsɪgɪ/“informal a cigarette <非正式>纸烟, 香烟, 卷烟” 55、cirrus/ˈsɪrəs/“卷云(高海拔[常为5至13公里, 即16,500至45,000英尺]处的云形成一绺绺细丝呈簇条状云, 或称'驴尾’);【动】触毛, 触须; 【植】卷须”词源:early 18th cent.(in the sense 'tendril'): from Latin, literally 'a curl'.《培根词汇》cirrus(n.): 1708, "curl-like fringe or tuft," from Latin cirrus "a lock of hair, tendril, curl, ringlet of hair; the fringe of a garment." In meteorology, in reference to light, fleecy clouds, attested from 1803; so called from fancied resemblance of shape.56、cirrocumulus/ˌsɪrəʊˈkjuːmjʊləs/“卷积云(高海拔[常为5至13公里, 即16,500至45,000英尺]处的云形成小块蓬松云断层, 表面多为波纹或粗糙呈颗粒状[如鱼鳞天])。”《培根词汇》cirrocumulus(n.): also cirro-cumulus, type of cloud having thecharacteristics of both cirrus and cumulus clouds, 1803, from combining form of cirrus cumulus.57、cirrostratus/ˌsɪrəʊˈstrɑːtəs/“卷层云(高海拔[常为5至13公里, 即16,500至45,000英尺]处的云形成的稀薄但大致均匀的半透明云层)。”58、Cirripedia/ˌsɪrɪˈpiːdɪə/“【动】蔓足纲(包括藤壶的甲壳动物)”词源:modern Latin(plural), from Latin cirrus 'a curl'(because of the form of the legs) pes, ped- 'foot'.59、cirrhosis/sɪˈrəʊsɪs/“肝硬化”词源:early 19th cent.: modernLatin, from Greek kirrhos 'tawny'(because this is the colour of the liver in many cases). 《培根词汇》cirrhosis(n.):"chronic inflammation of connective tissue," originally and especially of the liver, 1827, coined in Modern Latin by French physician René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec with -osis and Greek kirros "red-yellow, yellow-brown, tawny," which is of unknown origin. The form is erroneous, presuming Greek *kirrhos. So called for the orange-yellow appearance of the diseased liver. Related: Cirrhotic. 60、cilia/ˈsɪlɪə/“ CILIUM的复数”cilium/ˈsɪlɪəm/“【生, 剖】纤毛”词源:early 18th cent.(in the sense 'eyelash'): from Latin.《培根词汇》cilia(n.): "the eyelashes, hairs which grow from themargins of the eyelid," 1715, from Latin cilia, plural of cilium "eyelid, eyelash," perhaps related to celare "to cover, hide," from PIE root *kel- (1) "to cover, conceal, save," but words for this part of the face can be tricky (see brow).61、ciliary/ˈsɪlɪərɪ/“【生】(与)纤毛(有关)的; 涉及纤毛的;【剖】(与)睫毛(有关)的;(与)眼睑(有关)的”62、ciliate/ˈsɪlɪɪt/“【动】纤毛虫” 63、cinchona/sɪŋˈkəʊnə/“金鸡纳树; 金鸡纳灌木”词源:mid 18th cent.: modern Latin, named after the Countess of Chinchón(died 1641), who introduced the drug into Spain.64、cipolin/ˈsɪpəlɪn/“云母大理石”词源:late 18th cent.: fromFrench, from Italian cipollino, from cipolla 'onion'(because its structure, having thin veins of other minerals, resembles onion skin).65、citric/ˈsɪtrɪk/“采自柠檬或柑橘的; 与柠檬或柑橘有关的”词源:late 18th cent.: from Latin citrus 'citron tree' -IC.《培根词汇》citric(adj.): "pertaining to or derived from citrons or lemons," 1800, from Modern Latin citricum (in acidum citricum "citric acid," discovered by German chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1784); see citrus -ic. 66、citral/ˈsɪtrəl/“【化】柠檬醛”67、citrus/ˈsɪtrəs/“柑橘属植物”词源:Latin, 'citron tree, thuja'.《培根词汇》citrus(adj.): any tree of the genus Citrus, or its fruit, 1825, from the Modern Latin genus name, from Latin citrus "citron tree," the name of an African tree with aromatic wood and lemon-like fruit, the first citrus fruit to become available in the West. The name, like the tree, is probably of Asiatic origin [OED] or from a lost non-IE Mediterranean language [de Vaan]. But Klein and others trace it to Greek kedros "cedar," perhaps via Etruscan (a suggested by the change of -dr- to -tr-).68、cithara/ˈsɪθərə/“西塔拉琴(古希腊和古罗马的一种类似里拉琴的弦乐器)”词源:late 18th cent.: Latin, from Greekkithara. Compare with CITTERN.《培根词汇》cithara(n.):ancient stringed musical instrument, 1789, from Latinized form of Greek kithara (see guitar).《培根词汇》guitar(n.): lute-like musical instrument,1620s, from French guitare, which was altered by Spanish and Provençal forms from Old French guiterre, earlier guiterne, from Latin cithara, from Greek kithara "cithara," a triangular seven-stringed musical instrument related to the lyre, perhaps from Persian sihtar (see sitar). 《培根词汇》sitar(n.): 1845, from Hindi sitar, from Persian sitar "three-stringed," from si "three" (Old Persian thri-; see three) tar "string," from PIE root *ten- "to stretch."69、cist1/sɪst/ (亦作kist/kɪst/)“【考古】石棺; 石墓室; 树棺; 树窖”词源:Welsh, literally 'chest'. chest/tʃest/“胸膛;(尤指用于存物或运货的)箱”词源:Old English cest, cyst, related toDutch kist and German Kiste, based on Greek kistē 'box'. 《培根词汇》chest(n.): Old English cest "box, coffer, casket," usuallylarge and with a hinged lid, from Proto-Germanic *kista (source also of Old Norse and Old High German kista, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch, German kiste, Dutch kist), an early borrowing from Latin cista "chest, box," from Greek kistē "a box, basket," from PIE *kista "woven container" (Beekes compares Middle Irish cess "basket, causeway of wickerwork, bee-hive," Old Welsh cest).    kist/kɪst/“1.同CIST1.2.<南非 >(放置衣物的)箱子。”词源:Middle English: northern English form of CHEST.《培根词汇》kist(n.): "chest," c. 1300, from Old Norse kista "chest," from Latin cista (see chest).cist2/sɪst/“(古希腊的)圣器箱”词源:mid 19th cent.: from Latin cista, from Greek kistē 'box'.《培根词汇》cist(n.):1804, in British archaeology, "sepulchral chest or chamber;" 1847, in Greek history, "small receptacle for sacred utensils in a procession;" in the second sense from Latin cista "wickerwork basket, box," from Greek kistē "box, chest" (see chest); in the first sense from Welsh cist in cist faen "stone coffin," the first element of which is from the Latin word.70、cisco/ˈsɪskəʊ/“加拿大白鲑(湖鲱), 大口白鲑”词源:mid 19th cent.: of unknown origin.71、citronella/ˌsɪtrəˈnelə/“香茅油;枫茅, 亚香茅”词源:mid 19th cent.: modern Latin, from CITRON the diminutive suffix -ella.《培根词汇》citronella(n.): 1858 in reference to a typeof fragrant grass, and especially to the oil it yields, from French citronelle "lemon liquor," from citron (see citrus).72、cinch/sɪntʃ/“<非正式>极其容易做的事情;<主北美>(主要用于墨西哥, 美国西部的)一种类型的西部马鞍肚带”词源:mid 19th cent.(in sense 2 of the noun): from Spanish cincha 'girth'73、ciguatera/ˌsɪgwəˈteərə/“鱼肉毒”词源:mid 19th cent.: from American Spanish, from cigua 'sea snail'.74、cimbalom/ˈsɪmbələm/“钦巴龙, 杜西玛琴(匈牙利乐器)”词源:late 19th cent.: from Hungarian, from Italian cembalo,cimbalo, from Latin cymbalum(see CYMBAL).cymbal/ˈsɪmbəl/“钹”词源:Old English, from Latin cymbalum, from Greek kumbalon, from kumbē 'cup'; readopted in Middle English from Old French cymbale.《培根词汇》cymbal(n.):"one of a pair of plates of brass or bronze which, when struck together, produce a sharp, ringing sound," mid-15c., from Old English cimbal and from Old French cymbale (13c.), both from Latin cymbalum, from Greek kymbalon "a cymbal," from kymbē "bowl, drinking cup." This previously has been connected with Sanskrit kumbha-, Avestan xumba- "pot;" Middle Irish comm, cummal. Beekes writes that, for structural reasons, "the word cannot be inherited. It is rather a 'Wanderwort', which fits a vessel term very well."75、cissing/ˈsɪsɪŋ/“(有时发生)最上层漆面的开裂”词源:late 19th cent.: of unknown origin.76、cichlid/ˈsɪklɪd/“【动】丽鱼, 丽鱼科鱼”词源:late 19thcent.: from modern Latin Cichlidae(plural), from Greek kikhlē, denoting a kind of fish.77、cinematography/ˌsɪnəməˈtɒgrəfɪ/“电影制片术,电影制片学;电影摄影术,电影摄影学”《培根词汇》cinematography(n.):1896, with -y (4) cinematograph "device for projecting a series of photographs in rapid succession so as to produce the illusion of movement" (1896), which has been displaced in English by its shortened form, cinema (q.v.). 78、cinema/ˈsɪnəmə/“<主英>电影院”词源:early 20th cent.:from French cinéma, abbreviation of cinématographe(see CINEMATOGRAPH).《培根词汇》cinema(n.):1899, "a movie hall," from French cinéma, shortened from cinématographe "device for projecting a series of photographs in rapid succession so as to produce the illusion of movement," coined 1890s by Lumiere brothers, who invented the technology, from Latinized form of Greek kinemat-, combining form of kinema "movement," from kinein "to move" (from PIE root *keie- "to set in motion") graphein "to write" (see -graphy).79、cinematic/ˌsɪnɪˈmætɪk/“(与)电影院(有关)的”《培根词汇》cinematic(adj.): 1914, "of or pertaining to movies," from French cinématique (by 1902), from cinéma (see cinema). Earlier (1883) it was a variant form of kinematic (see kinematics). 80、cineaste/ˈsɪnɪæst/(亦作cinéaste或cineast)“电影制片人”词源:1920s: from French cinéaste, from ciné(from cinéma), on the pattern of enthousiaste 'enthusiast'.81、ciné-vérité/sɪˈneɪveɪrɪˈteɪ,<法>sineveʀite/“同CINÉMA-VÉRITÉ.”82、cinéma-vérité/ˌsɪneɪˈmɑːveɪrɪˈteɪ,<法 >sinemaveʀite/“实录电影风格, 实况纪录片风格(常为纪录片风格, 避免人为和艺术效果, 通常以简单设备摄制)”词源:French, literally 'cinema truth'.83、cine-/ˈsɪnɪ/“表示'电影摄影的’(见CINEMATOGRAPHY)。”84、cine/ˈsɪnɪ/“电影摄影学的; 电影摄影术的”《培根词汇》cine(n.): abbreviation of cinema used in compounds or as a stand-alone, 1928, perhaps partly from French ciné (1917).85、cinephile/ˈsɪnɪfaɪl/“电影爱好者, 影迷”86、cineplex/ˈsɪnəpleks/“<商标, 主北美>多放映厅电影(影剧)院”词源:1970s: blend of CINEMA and COMPLEX. 87、cissy/ˈsɪsɪ/“同SISSY.”《培根词汇》cissy(n.): by 1915,chiefly British English variant of sissy (q.v.)sissy/ˈsɪsɪ/ (亦作cissy)“柔弱(或怯懦)的人”词源:mid 19th cent. (in the sense 'sister'): from SIS1 -Y2. 《培根词汇》sissy(n.):1846, "sister," extended form of sis (q.v.). sis1/sɪs/“informal a person's sister (often used as a form of address) <非正式>姐姐; 妹妹(常用于直接称呼)”88、cilantro/sɪˈlɑːntrəʊ/“ (尤指墨西哥烹饪中用作调味或饰菜的)芫荽叶”词源:1920s: from Spanish, from Latin coliandrum 'coriander'.89、ciré/sɪˈreɪ/“蜡光织物”词源:1920s: French, literally 'waxed'. 《培根词汇》cire(adj.):“having a smooth, polished,surface," 1921, from French ciré, literally "waxed" (12c.), from Latin cera "wax" (see cere (n.))《培根词汇》cere(n.):"wax," late 15c., from French cire "wax" (12c.), from Latin cera "wax, wax seal, wax writing tablet," related to Greek kēros "beeswax," which is of unknown origin, perhaps a non-IE word. As a verb, "to wax, cover with wax" (cloth, for waterproofing), late 14c., from Latin cerare, from cera.90、cicadabird/sɪˈkɑːdəˌbɜːd/“鹃鵙”91、cinchonine/ˈsɪŋkəniːn/“【化】辛可宁, 金鸡纳宁”92、cissus/ˈsɪsəs/“白粉藤属”词源:modern Latin: from Greek kissos 'ivy'.93、cistus/ˈsɪstəs/“岩蔷薇属植物”词源:modern Latin, fromGreek kistos.94、cisticola/sɪsˈtɪkələ/“扇尾莺”词源:modern Latin, fromGreek kistos 'flowering shrub' Latin -col- 'dwelling in'(from the verb colere).95、Cilicia/sɪˈlɪʃə/“西利西亚(古时小亚细亚东南沿海地区, 现为土耳其阿达纳省)”《培根词汇》Cilicia(n.): ancient countryon the southeastern coast of Asia Minor, from Latinized form of Greek Kilikia. At its east end was the pass through Mount Amanus into Syria known as the Cicilian Gates.96、Cicero/ˈsɪsərəʊ/“Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106-43 BC)西塞罗, 马库斯·图利乌斯(公元前106- 前43, 罗马政治家, 雄辩家, 作家; 作为雄辩家和作家, 西塞罗为拉丁语散文确立了典范, 存世作品包括演说、辩术论文, 哲学著作和信件; 他支持庞培反对尤利乌斯·凯撒, 在《反腓力辞》[公元前43年]中抨击马克·安东尼, 为后者处死)”97、Ciceronian/ˌsɪsəˈrəʊnjən/“西塞罗作品、思想特有的”98、Cid, El/elˈsɪd, <西>el ˈθið, ˈsið/ (亦作the Cid)“熙德, 维瓦尔伯爵(约1043-1099, 西班牙军人, 出生名罗德里戈·迪亚斯·德·维瓦尔; 反对摩尔人的基督教斗士, 1094年占领巴伦西亚, 后成为该地方统领; 在西班牙的《熙德之歌》[12世纪] 和高乃依的戏剧《熙德》[1637]中名垂千古)”99、Citlaltépetl/sɪˌtlɑːlˈteɪpetl/“锡特拉尔特佩特火山(墨西哥最高峰, 位于墨西哥东部, 奥里萨巴城北部; 高5,699米, 即18,503英尺, 为一死火山; 西班牙名PICO DE ORIZABA)”词源:Aztec, literally 'star mountain'.100、Cintra/ˈsɪntrə/“同SINTRA.”Sintra/ˈsiːntrə/ (亦作Cintra)“辛特拉(葡萄牙西部的小城镇, 位于里斯本西北的多山地区; 2009年估计人口28,400)”101、Cincinnati/ˌsɪnsɪˈnætɪ/“辛辛那提(俄亥俄州工业城市, 临俄亥俄河, 2008年估计人口333,336)”102、Ciskei/sɪsˈkaɪ/“西斯凯(原为科萨人在南非建立的居住区, 现属东开普省)” ci-devant/ˌsiːdəˈvɒŋ,<法>sidvã/“[用于表示某人、某物曾有但现已丧失的某种特性]以前的”词源:French, 'heretofore'.《培根词汇》ci-devant(adj.): "former, late, ex-," applied to a personwith reference to an office or position he no longer occupies, 1790, from French, properly an adverb, "formerly, before," from ci, contracted from ici "here," devant, from Old French davant, properly d'avant, from de "of" avant "before" (see avant). 二、ci-读为[saɪ-]的单词英语字母Ii的当代读音是[aɪ],ci-先音转为si-、i再音转为ai即产生读音[saɪ-]。[saɪ-]实为[sɪ]的音转音。1、citation/saɪˈteɪʃən/“1.(尤指学术作品中对书、论文、作家的)引文, 引证; 引用, 引述。2.【律】< 主北美>传讯, 传唤, 传票”词源:Middle English(in sense 2): from Old French, from Latin citatio(n-), from citare 'cite'. 《培根词汇》citation(n.):c. 1300, "summons, written notice to appear," from Old French citation or directly from Latin citationem (nominative citatio) "a command," noun of action from past participle stem of citare "to summon, urge, call; put in sudden motion, call forward; rouse, excite" (see cite).   中古英语的ci-读音是si-。 2、cion/ˈsaɪən/“<美>同SCION(义项1)”scion/ˈsaɪən/“1.(<美>亦作cion) 接穗。”词源:Middle English:from Old French ciun 'shoot, twig', of unknown origin.中古英语的ci-读音是si-。3、cipher/ˈsaɪfə(r)/(亦作cypher)“1.密码.2.<旧>零; 数字0. 3.交织字母, 花押字”词源:late Middle English(in the senses 'symbol for zero' and 'arabic numeral'): from Old French cifre, based on Arabic sifr 'zero'.《培根词汇》cipher(n.):late 14c., "arithmetical symbol for zero," from Old French cifre "nought, zero," Medieval Latin cifra, which, with Spanish and Italian cifra, ultimately is from Arabic sifr "zero," literally "empty, nothing," from safara "to be empty;" a loan-translation of Sanskrit sunya-s "empty." Klein says Modern French chiffre is from Italian cifra. 中古英语的ci-读音是si-。cipher2/ˈsaɪfə(r)/“ (管风琴音管因机械故障发出的)连响。”词源:late 18th cent.: perhaps from CIPHER1.4、cite/saɪt/“ (尤指在学术作品中)引用(文章, 书本, 作家)以作为论据或说明之证, 引证;【律】传讯, 传唤”词源:late Middle English(in sense 2, originally with reference to a courtof ecclesiastical law): from Old French citer, from Latin citare, from ciere, cire 'to call'. 《培根词汇》cite(v.):mid-15c., "to summon, call upon officially," from Old French citer "to summon" (14c.), from Latin citare "to summon, urge, call; put in sudden motion, call forward; rouse, excite," frequentative of ciere "to move, set in motion, stir, rouse, call, invite" from PIE root *keie- "to set in motion, to move to and fro."中古英语的ci-读音是si-。5、cimetidine/saɪˈmetɪdiːn/“【医】西咪替丁, 甲氰咪胍, 甲腈咪胍, 甲腈咪胺”词源:1970s: from ci-(alteration of cy- in cyano-) met(hyl) -IDE -INE4.6、Cirencester/ˈsaɪrənˌsestə/“赛伦塞斯特(英格兰格洛斯特郡城镇, 1981年人口16,500; 曾是罗马时期英国的主要城镇, 那时被称作科里尼厄姆多布诺鲁姆)”7、-cide/saɪd/“表示'杀者’、'杀灭剂’;表示'杀’”词源:via French; sense 1 from Latin -cida; sense 2 from Latin -cidium, both from caedere 'kill'. 《培根词汇》-cide: word-forming elementmeaning "killer," from French -cide, from Latin -cida "cutter, killer, slayer," from -cidere, combining form of caedere "to strike down, chop, beat, hew, fell, slay," from Proto-Italic kaid-o-, from PIE root *kae-id- "to strike." For Latin vowel change, see acquisition. The element also can represent "killing," from French -cide, from Latin -cidium "a cutting, a killing."   ci-读为[saɪ-]的单词远远少于ci-读为[sɪ-]的单词,在ci-单词中i的本来读音[i]仍占据绝对优势。 三、cir读为[sɜː]的单词cir作为首音节时,除了在cirr-[cirrus、cirrhosis、Cirripedia、cirrocumulus、cirrostratus]中cir读为[sɪ]、在circuitous、circumfluent、circumjacent、circumference中cir读为[sə]外,其余cir的读音全部标写为作[sɜː]。1、circle/ˈsɜːkl/(读如'赛渴’,“百度翻译”译作'圆圈’英[ˈsɜːkl]读如'色渴’、美[ˈsɜːrkl]读如'色狗’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkl]读如'色可’、美音[ˈsɚkəl]读如'色儿苟’; [ɜː]即色se中之e(四川话读为入声'额’),在英语中又读如[aɪ]、[a];美音的[ɜːr]=[ɚ],即有ir>er[ɚ],现代汉拼的er正是[ɚ])“圆;(具有共同职业、利益、熟人的)圈子, 集团”词源:Old English, from Old French cercle, from Latin circulus 'small ring', diminutive of circus 'ring'.《培根词汇》circle(n.):c. 1300, "figure of a circle, a plane figure whose periphery is everywhere equidistant from its center point," from Old French cercle "circle, ring (for the finger); hoop of a helmet or barrel" (12c.), from Latin circulus "circular figure; small ring, hoop; circular orbit" (also source of Italian cerchio), diminutive of circus "ring" (see circus).Replaced Old English trendel and hring. Late Old English used circul, from Latin, but only in an astronomical sense. 2、circumcise/ˈsɜːkəmsaɪz/(读如'色肯赛日’,“百度翻译”英[ˈsɜːkəmsaɪz]读如'腮肯赛日’、美[ˈsɜːrkəmsaɪz]读如'腮肯赛日’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkəmsaɪz]读如'色肯赛日’、美音[ˈsɚkəmˎsaɪz]读如'色儿肯赛日’)“割除(男童, 男青年, 尤指男婴)的包皮(宗教仪式, 尤盛行于犹太教, 伊斯兰教); 对…进行环切(割)术(医疗手段)”词源:Middle English: from Old French circonciser, or from Latin circumcis- 'cut around', from the verb circumcidere, from circum 'around, about' caedere 'to cut'. 《培根词汇》circumcise(v.):mid-13c., "to cut off the foreskin," from Old French circoncisier "circumcise" (12c., Modern French circoncire) and directly from Latin circumcisus, past participle of circumcidere "to cut round, to cut, trim, prune off," from circum "around" (see circum-) caedere "to cut" (from PIE root *kae-id- "to strike."). Related: Circumcised; circumcising.3、circus/ˈsɜːkəs/(读如'赛克斯’,“百度翻译”译作'马戏团’英[ˈsɜːkəs]读如'噻克斯’、美[ˈsɜːrkəs]读如'色儿格似’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkəs]读如'色克斯’、美音[ˈsɚkəs]读如'色儿格似’)“马戏团;(古罗马)竞技场(圆形或椭圆形, 环有一排排座位, 用于马术等运动、竞赛)”词源:late Middle English(with reference to the arena of Roman antiquity): from Latin, 'ring or circus'. The sense 'travelling company of performers' dates from the late 18th cent.《培根词汇》circus(n.):late 14c., in reference to the large, oblong, unroofed enclosures used for races, etc., in ancient Rome, from Latin circus "ring, circular line," which was applied by Romans to circular arenas for performances and contests and oval courses for racing (especially the Circus Maximus), from or cognate with Greek kirkos "a circle, a ring," perhaps from PIE *kikro-, reduplicated form of root *sker- (2) "to turn, bend." The adjective form is circensian.4、circuit/ˈsɜːkɪt/(读如'撒克特’,“百度翻译”译作'电力’英[ˈsɜːkɪt]读如'色克特’、美[ˈsɜːrkɪt]读如'色儿格特’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkɪt]读如'撒克特’、美音[ˈsɚkɪt]读如'色儿克特’) “1.环线; 环道; 环行。2.巡回活动; 巡回活动集会地(尤指巡回公演剧场)”词源:late Middle English: via Old French from Latin circuitus, from circuire, variant of circumire 'go round', from circum 'around' ire 'go'.《培根词汇》circuit(n.): late 14c., "a circumference; a periphery, a line going around (an area), whether circular or not; a circular or circuitous course," from Old French circuit (14c.) "a circuit; a journey (around something)," from Latin circuitus "a going around," from stem of circuire, circumire "go around," from circum "round" (see circum-) ire "to go" (from PIE root *ei- "to go").5、circular/ˈsɜːkjʊlə(r)/ (读如'撒克拉’,“百度翻译”译作'圆形的’英[ˈsɜːkjʊlə(r)]读如'色克拉’、美[ˈsɜːrkjʊlər]读如'色克拉儿’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkjələ(r)]读如'撒克拉’、美音[ˈsɚkjəlɚ]读如'招儿克拉儿’) “(活动, 旅行)循环的, 环绕一圈的;【逻】(论点)因包含待证假设因而是谬误的,(使用)循环论证的;(信件, 广告)供流传的”词源:late Middle English: from Old French circulier, from late Latin circularis, from Latin circulus 'small ring'(see CIRCLE).《培根词汇》circular(adj.): late 14c., "round, having the form of a circle," fromAnglo-French circuler, Old French circuler "circular" (14c., Modern French circulaire), from Latin circularis, from circulus "small ring" (see circle (n.)). Meaning "intended for circulation" is from 1650s. 6、circlet/ˈsɜːklɪt/(读如'撒克莱特’,“百度翻译”英[ˈsɜːklɪt]读如'腮克莱特’、美[ˈsɜːrklɪt]读如'腮克莱特’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːklət]读如'色克莱特’、美音[ˈsɚklɪt]读如'色儿府特’)“ (尤指由贵金属制成作为头饰的)箍圈”词源:late Middle English: from CIRCLE -ET1, perhaps reinforced by archaic French cerclet.《培根词汇》circlet(n.):"a small circle," late 15c., from French cerclet, diminutive of cercle (see circle (n.)).7、circumstance/ˈsɜːkəmstəns/(读如'撒肯似等似’,“百度翻译”译作'环境’英[ˈsɜːkəmstəns]读如'色肯似等似’、美[ˈsɜːrkəmstæns]读如'色肯似胆似’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkəmstəns]读如'色肯似疼似’、美音[ˈsɚkəmˎstæns]读如'色肯似胆似’)“情况, 条件, 形势, 环境;经济状况; 物质条件”词源:Middle English: from Old French circonstance or Latin circumstantia, from circumstare 'encircle, encompass', from circum 'around' stare 'stand'.8、circum-/ˈsɜːkəm/(读如'色亘’,“百度翻译”-;“听力课堂·在线翻译”-)“表示'绕’; '周’(在circumambulate等词中起副词作用, 在circumpolar等词中起介词作用)”词源:from Latin circum 'round'.《培根词汇》circum-: word-formingelement meaning "around, round about, all around, on all sides," from Latin adverb and preposition circum "around, round about," literally "in a circle," probably accusative form of circus "ring" (see circus)9、circumspect/ˈsɜːkəmspekt/(读如'色肯似摆特’,“百度翻译”译作'谨慎的’英[ˈsɜːkəmspekt]读如'色肯似板克特’、美[ˈsɜːrkəmspekt]读如'色肯似板克特’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkəmˎspekt]读如'腮肯似摆克特’、美音[ˈsɜːkəmˎspɛkt]读如'色儿肯似把克特’) “谨慎小心的; 不愿冒风险的”词源:late Middle English: from Latin circumspectus, from circumspicere 'look around', from circum 'around, about' specere 'look'. 10、circumvent/ˌsɜːkəmˈvent/(读如'色肯碗特’,“百度翻译”译作'规避’英[ˌsɜːkəmˈvent]读如'腮肯碗特’、美[ˌsɜːrkəmˈvent]读如'赛肯碗特’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˌsɜːkəmˈvent]读如'色肯碗特’、美音[ˌsɜːkəmˈvɛnt]读如'色儿肯碗特’)“围绕, 包围(障碍物)”词源:late Middle English: from Latin cirumvent- 'skirted around', from the verb circumvenire, from circum 'around' venire 'come'.11、circumflex/ˈsɜːkəmfleks/(读如'撒肯府莱克似’,“百度翻译”-;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkəmfleks]读如'撒肯府莱克似’、美音[ˈsɚkəmflɛks]读如'撒儿肯府剌克似’)“n.(某些语言中附加在元音上表示缩约、音长或其他特性的)声调符号(ˆ)。v.【剖】卷绕的; 弯曲的”词源:late 16th cent.: fromLatin circumflexus(from circum 'around, about' flectere 'to bend'), translating Greek perispōmenos 'drawn around'.12、circumfuse/ˌsɜːkəmˈfjuːz/(读如'赛肯fiu日’,“百度翻译”读如'腮康fiu日’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˌsɜːkəmˈfjuːz]读如'腮康viu日’、美音[ˌsɜːkəmˈfjuːz]读如'腮康viu日’)“<古>灌(液体)使环流”词源:late 16th cent.: from Latin circumfus-  'poured around', from the verb circumfundere, from circum 'around' fundere 'pour'.13、circumlunar/ˌsɜːkəmˈljuːnə(r)/ (读如'撒扣搂拿’,“百度翻译”读如'赛肯鲁讷’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˌsɜːkəmˈluːnə]读如'色肯鲁讷’、美音[ˌsɜːkəmˈluːnə]读如'色肯鲁讷儿’) “绕月的, 环月的; 近月球的”14、circumpolar/ˌsɜːkəmˈpəʊlə(r)/ (读如'赛肯剖辣’,“百度翻译”读如'赛肯剖辣’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˌsɜːkəmˈpəʊlə]读如'赛肯剖辣’、美音[ˌsɜːkəmˈpoʊlə]读如'赛肯剖辣儿’) “极地附近的;,极地的;【天文】(恒星或运行)拱极的”15、circumsolar/ˌsɜːkəmˈsəʊlə(r)/ (读如'撒肯守剌’,“百度翻译”读如'撒肯守剌儿’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”-)“绕太阳运行的; 围绕太阳的; 近太阳的” 16、circulation/ˌsɜːkjʊˈleɪʃən/(读如'撒克来信’,“百度翻译”译作'循环’英[ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃn]读如'赛克来信’、美[ˌsɜːrkjəˈleɪʃn]读如'赛克来信’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃn]读如'赛克来信’、美音[ˌsɚkjəˈleʃən]读如'赛儿克勒信’)“(尤指在封闭系统内液体)来回运行,循环、环流;流传, 传播”词源:late Middle English(denoting continuous distillation of a liquid): from Latin circulatio(n-), from the verb  circulare(see CIRCULATE).《培根词汇》circulation(n.):mid-15c., circulacioun, in alchemy, "process of changing something from one element into another," from Latin circulationem (nominative circulatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of circulare "to form a circle," from circulus "small ring" (see circle (n.)).17、circulate/ˈsɜːkjʊleɪt/(读如'撒克莱特’,“百度翻译”译作'循环’英[ˈsɜːkjəleɪt]读如'赛克莱特’、美[ˈsɜːrkjəleɪt]读如'赛克莱特’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkjəleɪt]读如'撒克莱特’、美音[ˈsɚkjəˎlet]读如'撒儿克莱特’) “(使)循环,(使)环流; (在人与人或地点与地点之间)(使)流通”词源:late 15th cent. (as an alchemical term meaning 'distil somethingin a closed container, allowing condensed vapour to return to the original liquid'): from Latin circulat- 'moved in a circular path', from the verb circulare, from circulus. 《培根词汇》circulate(v.):1540s as a chemical term in reference to alternating vaporization and condensation, from Latin circulatus, past participle of circulare "to form a circle," from circulus "small ring" (see circle (n.)). 18、circulatory/ˌsɜːkjʊˈleɪtərɪ/(读如'撒克垒退瑞’,“百度翻译”英[ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪtərɪ]读如'赛克来翠’、美[ˌsɜːrkjəˈlətɔːrɪ]读如'赛克来驼瑞’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkjələˌtɔːriː,-ˌtəʊriː]读如'腮克来驼瑞’、美音[ˈsɜːkjələˌtɔriː,-ˌtori]读如'腮儿克来驼瑞’) “(与)血液循环(有关)的;(与)树液流动(有关)的”《培根词汇》circulatory(adj.): "moving through acircuit," c. 1600, of blood, from French circulatoire or directly from Latin circulatorius, from circulator, agent noun from circulare "form a circle," from circulus (see circle (n.)).19、cirque/sɜːk/(读如'撒克’,“百度翻译”英[sɜːk]读如'色克’、美[sɜːrk]读如'色儿克’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[sɜːk]读如'撒克’、美音[sɚk]读如'撒儿克’) “1.【地质】冰斗(位于山谷顶部或山腰处的圆形凹地, 形成于冰侵蚀)。亦称CORRIE或 CWM.2.<诗/文>环; 小圈; 圆圈”词源:late 17th cent.(in sense 2): from French, from Latin circus.《培根词汇》cirque(n.): c. 1600, "a circus," from French cirque (14c.), from Latincircus (see circus). Compare Italian and Spanish circo.20、circinate/ˈsɜːsɪneɪt/(读如'色似讷特’,“百度翻译”译作读如'c似讷特’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːsˎneɪt]读如'色似讷特’、美音[ˈsɜːsənˎeɪt]读如'色儿似讷特’) “【植】拳卷的, 旋卷的(如蕨类植物的嫩叶)”词源:early 19th cent.:from Latin circinatus, past participle of circinare 'make round', from circinus 'pair of compasses'.21、circa/ˈsɜːkə/(读如'撒喀’,“百度翻译”英[ˈsɜːkə]读如'撒喀’、美[ˈsɜːrkə]读如'撒儿喀’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkə]读如'沙喀’、美音[ˈsɚkə]读如'撒儿喀’) “约(常加于日期前)”词源:mid 19th cent.: Latin.《培根词汇》circa(adv.): "about, at or near (a given date)" when the exact time isunknown, 1856, from Latin circa (adv., prep.) "around, round about, near; in the region of; about the time of," alternative form of circum "round about" (see circum-).22、circlip/ˈsɜːklɪp/(读如'色可来婆’,“百度翻译”读如'赛可来婆’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”-)“<英>(嵌入杆、棒的狭缝、沟、槽内用以固定物品的金属圈)簧环, 弹性挡圈”词源:early 20th cent.: blend of CIRCLE or CIRCULAR and CLIP1.23、circuitry/ˈsɜːkɪtrɪ/(读如'撒客翠’,“百度翻译”英[ˈsɜːkɪtrɪ]读如'色客翠’、美[ˈsɜːrkɪtrɪ]读如'色客嘴’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkɪtrɪ]读如'撒客翠’、美音[ˈsɚkɪtrɪ]读如'撒儿客翠’) “电路系统”《培根词汇》circuitry(n.): "plan or system of electrical circuits," 1946, from circuit (n.) -ry.24、circadian/sɜːˈkeɪdɪən/(读如'擞k定’,“百度翻译”英[sɜːˈkeɪdɪən]读如'擞k定’、美[sɜːrˈkeɪdɪən]读如'切k定’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[sɜːˈkeɪdɪən]读如'色k定’、美音[sɜːrˈkeɪdɪən]读如'色儿k定’) “【生理】(生物作用)昼夜的”词源:1950s: formed irregularly from Latin circa 'about' dies 'day'.《培根词汇》circadian(adj.): coined 1959 by German-bornbiologist Franz Halberg, from Latin circa "about" (alternative form of circum "round about;" see circum-) diem, accusative singular of dies "day" (from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine"). The original use is in circadian rhythm.25、circs/sɜːks/(读如'色克似’,“百度翻译”读如'撒ə克似’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[sɜːks]读如'色克似’、美音[sɜːks]读如'色儿克似’)“ <英, 非正式>情况”26、circularize/ˈsɜːkjʊləraɪz/(读如'守克罗来日’,“百度翻译”读如'叟克来ruai日’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːkjʊləraɪz]读如'腮克来ruai日’、美音[ˈsɜːkjələˎraɪz]读如'腮克来ruai日’) “给(一群人)发放大量信函(或传单、问卷)(做广告或征询意见);【生化】将(一段DNA)弄成环状”27、Circe/ˈsɜːsɪ/(读如'撒c’,“百度翻译”读如'色似’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˈsɜːsɪ]读如'撒c’、美音[ˈsɚsɪ]读如'色儿c’)“ 【希腊神话】喀耳刻(埃埃亚岛上与野兽共同生活的女巫。奥德修斯来到该岛, 同伴被女巫的药水变成猪, 他受神药摩利草保护, 并迫使女巫将同伴恢复原形)”词源:via Latin from Greek Kirkē.28、Circinus/ˈsɜːsɪnəs/(读如'撒似讷似’,“百度翻译”读如'色似讷似’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”-'’) “【天文】圆规星座。”词源:Latin.29、Circassian/sɜːˈkæsɪən/(读如'赛客c嗯’,“百度翻译”读如'c喀c嗯’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[sɜːˈkæsɪən]读如'赛客c嗯’、美音[sɚˈkæʃən,- kæʃɪən]读如'什么犒腥’)“(与)切尔克斯人(有关)的(主要是逊尼派穆斯林的一部分人, 居于高加索西北部)”词源:from Circassia, Latinized form of RussianCherkes, denoting a district in the northern Caucasus.Cherkess/tʃəˈkes/“同CIRCASSIAN.”三、cir读为[sə]的单词兒(日支)ŋje(汝移)、(疑齐)ŋee(五稽),中古汉语*ðe、*ŋee,金尼阁nî、ûl,无名氏eulh,威妥玛êrh2,越南语nhi,普通话ér、er、rén;龙果夫:古汉语ńźi、古官话ži、八思巴字ži[ri] 。中古汉语儿ðe >元代官话ži[ri]、明代官话ûl=威妥玛êrh2=现代普通话ér。在《回回馆杂字》与《回回馆译语》中译者以汉语儿(现代读音ér、er、rén)对译伊朗语r(164例)[日母在现代汉拼中作r]、ri(4例)、ra(4例)、rr(1例)、l(1例)、ru(1例)。道润梯步《简注<蒙古秘史>》第7页第31页:速勒迭儿[suldər suld]。龙果夫古官话、八思巴字'儿’的读音ži 不是[zi]([ði])而是[ri],它向er[ɚ]的音转可能是受到迭儿dər之类的影响,是蒙古音素[ə]引进到汉语后所导致的语音变化。而(日之)njɯ(如之),中古汉语ðii,金尼阁ûl,威妥玛êrh2、3,越南语nhi;龙果夫:古汉语ńźi、古官话ži、八思巴字ži[ri]。中古汉语而ðii>元代官话[ri]>明代官话ûl=威妥玛êrh2=现代普通话ér。爾(日支)njel?(兒氏),中古汉语ðe?,八思巴字ži[ri]。中古汉语而ðe?>元代官话[ri]>明代官话ùl=威妥玛êrh3=现代普通话ěr。迩(日支)njel?(兒氏),中古汉语ðe?,金尼阁ùl,威妥玛êrh3,越南语di[zi<ði]、nhĩ,普通话ěr;龙果夫:八思巴字ži[ri]。中古汉语迩ðe?>元代官话[ri]>明代官话ùl=威妥玛êrh3=现代普通话ěr。越南汉字迩的读音di[zi<ði]所反映的是地道的汉语读音,nhĩ应是当地语言音转后的读音;也就是说在汉语的特有音素ð(日母)传播进越南语之前,越南语以nh对转汉语的日母ð。二(日脂)njis(而至),中古汉语ðis;八思巴字ži。贰(日脂)njis(而至),中古汉语ðis,金尼阁 úl,威妥玛êrh4,越南语nhị,普通话èr;龙果夫:古汉语ńźi、古官话ži、八思巴字ži[ri]。PIE root *dwo'two’>*du>*ðu(s)>中古汉语二*ði(s)>元代官话[ri]>明代官话úl=威妥玛êrh4=普通话èr。ir音转为[ə]与元代官话[ri](儿而尔迩二)音变为[ɚ]相类似。蒙古语特有音素[ə]传入英语中当在蒙古人第二次西征之后。1、circumjacent/ˌsəkəmˈdʒeɪsənt/(读如'撒肯解森’,“百度翻译”读如'撒渴解森特’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[ˌsɜːkəmˈdʒeɪsənt]读如'撒渴解森特’、美音[ˌsɜːkəmˈdʒeɪsənt]读如'赛康姆解森特’) “<古>周围的, 围绕的”词源:late 15th cent.: from Latin circumjacent- 'lying round about, bordering upon', from the verb circumjacere, from circum 'around' jacere 'to lie'.2、circuitous/səˈkjuːɪtəs/(读如'色k微特似’,“百度翻译”译作'迂回的’英[səˈkjuːɪtəs]读如'色k微特似’、美[sərˈkjuːɪtəs]读如'择k微特似’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[səˈkjuːɪtəs]读如'色k微特似’、美音[[sɚˈkjuɪtəs]]读如'色k微特’)“(路线, 旅途)迂回的, 绕行的”词源:mid 17th cent.: from medievalLatin circuitosus, from circuitus 'a way around'(see CIRCUIT). 《培根词汇》circuitous(adj.): "going round in a circuit, indirect," 1660s,from Medieval Latin circuitus "full of roundabout ways," from Latin circuitus "a going round" (see circuit (n.)). Related: Circuitously; circuitousness.3、circumfluent/səˈkʌmflʊənt/(读如'色康普鲁文特’,“百度翻译”读如'c康普鲁文特’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[səˈkʌmflʊənt]读如'色康普鲁文特’、美音[səˈkʌmflʊrnt]读如'色康府鲁文特’)“环流的, 周流的; 围绕的。”词源:late 16th cent.:from Latin circumfluent- 'flowing around', from the verb circumfluere, from circum 'around, about' fluere 'to flow'. 《培根词汇》circumfluent(adj.): "flowing around, surrounding as a fluid," 1570s, from Latin circumfluentem (nominative circumfluens), present participle of circumfluere "to flow around," from circum "around, round about" (see circum-) fluere (see fluent). Related: Circumfluence. 4、circumference/səˈkʌmfərəns/(读如'色康富润茨’,“百度翻译”译作'圆周’英[səˈkʌmfərəns]读如'似康富润茨’、美[sərˈkʌmfərəns]读如'吃康富润茨’;“听力课堂·在线翻译”英音[səˈkʌmfərəns]读如'色康富润茨’、美音[sɚˈkʌmfərəns]读如'色儿康富润茨’) “周线(尤指圆周线)。”词源:late MiddleEnglish: from Old French circonference, from Latin circumferentia, from circum 'around, about' ferre 'carry, bear'. 《培根词汇》 circumference(n.): "line that bounds a circle" (loosely, "any  boundary line"), late 14c., from Latin circumferentia, neuter plural of circumferens, present participle of circumferre "to lead around, take around, carry around," from circum "around" (see circum-) ferre "to carry," from PIE root *bher- (1) "to carry," also "to bear children." A loan-translation of Greek periphereia "periphery, the line round a circular body," literally "a carrying round" (see periphery). Related: Circumferential.四、ci-读为[tʃɪ-]的单词   意大利语ci-读为[tʃɪ-]是受汉语çi-读[tʃɪ-]的影响,意大利语ci-读[tʃɪ-]不可能早于利玛窦的《西字奇迹》(1605年)。1、cinquecento/ˌtʃɪŋkwɪˈtʃentəʊ/“(意大利文艺、建筑或文学复古的)16世纪”词源:Italian, literally '500'(shortened frommilcinquecento '1500')used with reference to the years 1500- 99.《培根词汇》cinquecento(n.): also cinque-cento, "the sixteenthcentury" (in reference to Italian art and literature), 1760, from Italian cinquecento, literally "500," short for mil cinquecento "1500." See cinque hundred, and compare quattrocento. Also as an adjective.2、cicisbeo/ˌtʃɪtʃɪzˈbeɪəʊ/“(有夫之妇的)情夫”词源:early 18th cent.: Italian, of unknown origin.3、cicerone/ˌtʃɪtʃəˈrəʊnɪ/“(名胜古迹的)导游, 向导”词源:early 18th cent.: from Italian, from Latin Cicero, Ciceron-(see CICERO), apparently alluding humorously to his eloquence and learning.4、ciao/tʃaʊ/“<非正式>(见面或分别时致意用语)你好!再见!”词源:1920s: Italian, dialect alteration of schiavo '(I am your)slave', from medieval Latin sclavus 'slave'./tʃɪa-/的拼合音和/tʃa-/没有多大差别,只要不刻意强调或拉长i的读音,它们间的差别可以忽略不计。5、Cinzano/tʃɪnˈzɑːnəʊ/“<商标>(意大利产)沁扎诺牌(苦艾酒), 沁扎诺酒”6、ciabatta/tʃəˈbɑːtə/“一种用橄榄油烘制的意大利扁平面包(质地松软, 外皮上撒粉)”词源:Italian, literally 'slipper'(from its shape). 
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