

双语对照 - 你的电子垃圾去了何处?



by NPR Staff
December 21, 2010
Many people will receive a new computer or cell phone this holiday season — and throw out their old equipment. And when old TVs and computers end up in landfills, the toxic metals and flame retardants they contain can cause environmental problems.


Yet even recycling your e-waste, as it's called, does not always mean you're doing the right thing.


"The dirty little secret is that when you take [your electronic waste] to a recycler, instead of throwing it in a trashcan, about 80 percent of that material, very quickly, finds itself on a container ship going to a country like China, Nigeria, India, Vietnam, Pakistan — where very dirty things happen to it," says Jim Puckett, the executive director of the Basel Action Network, which works to keep toxic waste out of the environment.

Recyclers can make money from selling scavenged metal from electronic equipment, says Puckett, but the process to retrieve usable metals is typically extremely toxic. Workers who remove the metals often have no protective equipment and breathe in high levels of toxic chemicals, which are then released into the atmosphere. And most of the countries where the processing takes place — China, India, Ghana, Pakistan — do not have regulations in place to protect workers or prevent the primitive recycling operations.

Basel Action Network 公司是从事清除有毒废品工作的公司。Jim Puckett 是公司的执行董事,他说:“有一个肮脏的小秘密,当你把你的电子垃圾送给回收商而不是扔到垃圾箱里时,非常快,大约有80%的这类材料就会被装上集装箱船,他们将被运到像中国、尼日利亚、印度、越南、巴基斯坦,在那里,将会发生非常肮脏的事情。”

Puckett 说,回收商销售从电子设备中清除出的金属而从中获利,但是找出有用的金属的工艺过程是非常有害的。工人经常是在没有保护设施的情况下做清除金属的工作,吸进高度有毒的化学物质,这些化学物质又被排放到空气中。这些过程大多数是在中国、印度、加纳、巴基斯坦等国,这些国家没有法规保护工人或者阻止原始落后的回收利用工作。

Puckett describes a trip he took, to Guiya, China, in December 2001 as a "cyber-age nightmare."

Puckett 描述他于2001年到中国Guiya (译者注:也许是湖南的桂阳或者贵州的贵阳)的一次旅行,像一场“网络时代的噩梦”。

"It's the only part of the world where you'll go and see thousands of women on any given day that are sitting ... basically cooking printed circuit boards," he says. "As a result, they're breathing all of the brominated flame retardants and the lead and tin that are being heated up. You smell it in the air. You get headaches as soon as you enter this area. It really is quite sad."


What You Should Do With Your Old Electronics


So how does your computer or handheld electronic device end up in developing countries, where people remove usable metals by hand?


The answer, says Puckett, is that electronic recycling is a very lucrative business.

答案是,Puckett 说,电子设备回收利用是一项非常有利可图的生意。

"A recycler can be a recycler in name only," he says. "These so-called recyclers have found that that they can make a lot more money just exporting this material, because the U.S. laws completely allow it to happen. And they're able to externalize the real costs of doing things in an environmentally responsible way."


Hundreds of containers leave North America every day full of electronic waste, says Puckett.

据Puckett 说,每一天都有成百的集装箱装满电子垃圾离开北美。

"It's a massive trade and what has happened is, we've passed laws to make recycling become the password. And unfortunately, it's the password to a lot of very sad results," he says.


But there are ways to assure that your old electronic equipment is handled by a reputable recycler, says Puckett. Check to see if your recycler is first looking to see if old equipment can be reused.

Puckett 说,但是,有些方法可以保证你的旧电子设备是由有信誉的回收商来处理的。要搞清楚你的回收商是否首先检查旧的电子设备是否还能再利用。

"Reuse is always more environmentally sound," says Puckett. "If you can give that an extra life — an extra couple years — and so refurbishing is really what you want your recycler to do."


If refurbishment is not an option, reputable recyclers will use mechanical shredding and a high-tech separation device to take out the usable metals, which can then be sent to a smelter.


"There are about half a dozen smelters on the planet who are good environmental smelters," he says. "There's a whole lot of them that aren't. ... But that's how it's done, when you don't dump it off-shore. You very carefully take those metals, take those plastics and try to recycle each one of them separately."


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