

双语对照 - 创新界的十大传奇公司(上)
1. Microsoft

1 微软


Credit where credit is due. Microsoft (MSFT) is back in the game.

Yes, we know, Windows Phone 7 manufacturers have only "sold" 1.5 million devices in six weeks—roughly equal to the number of Android phones activated every seven days. Yes, we know it's been more than a year since the launch of Windows 7 and that there's still no market for the Zune. But anyone remotely associated with the video game industry knows that Microsoft is no longer playing around with its Xbox and Xbox Live stable of products.

First off, after slimming its Xbox 360 hardware and just about eliminating the "red circle of death" failures that cost gamers hundreds of dollars in console investment, Microsoft snagged the console sales lead from Nintendo's Wii and has held it for months. Also, after years of taking a back seat to the Wii's fun little motion controllers and Miis and getting beaten to market by Sony's (SNE) PlayStation Move motion device, Microsoft sold 1 million versions of its $150 controller-free Kinect motion-capture device within 10 days of its Nov. 4 release and 2.5 million before the end of November. By all accounts, that should have been a tough sell, considering the console itself goes for as little as $199, but a good concept and great third-party partner products such as Viacom's (VIA) infectious Dance Central remind us what Microsoft is capable of when its back is to the wall.

没错,win7手机销售欠佳是不争的事实,平均每六周卖出150万台的纪录勉强跟Android 手机每周的销售量打个平手。


但,有个消息,即使很少玩游戏的人也知道的,微软将不再纠结于xbox以及xbox live(微软为xbox所提供的网络服务)的产品和服务了。




Adding ESPN to Xbox Live and putting it all on Windows 7 Phones may be for naught if nobody buys the handsets, but it may have been enough to engage Sony, whose rumored PlayStation phone has appeared in photos on gamer blogs as a tease to a potential Consumer Electronics Show debut in January. Way to change the game, Microsoft.

对于没有买手柄的玩家来说,也许把espn加入xbox live,并把这些都放进win7手机并没多大价值,但这足以把索尼拉下水,据传索尼的游戏手机的照片已经出现在玩家的博客里,旨在吸引潜在用户关注该游戏手机在1月的电子展上的亮相。

2. Apple

2 苹果

When your product is left in a bar, completely torn down by Gizmodo, completely revealed to the world two weeks before launch, plagued with bad press over antenna problems immediately afterward and more than 14 million people still want one, that's the sign of a great innovator. Oddly, the iPhone 4 and its insanely high-resolution "Retina display," HD camera, FaceTime video conferencing, new version of iOS with AirPlay and AirPrint wireless functions weren't even Apple's (AAPL) biggest leap forward this year.


怪异的是,iphone4和它的令人难以置信的高级“视网膜显示屏”、高清相机、“脸时”视频会议、有无线音乐整合方案airplay和无线打印AirPrint 功能的新版ios,都算不上是今年苹果的大创新。



For all of their smartphone, monitor and Mac advances this year, this will be remembered as the year iPad made people ask "What's a netbook?" and "Why do we need an eReader?" as they snapped up 7.5 million iPads in six months en route to a record $20.4 billion fourth quarter and a nearly 53% share price increase for Apple. With the rest of the tech world playing tablet catchup, Steve Jobs had good reason to smirk from his Infinite Loop stage this yea
3. Google

3 谷歌

Say what you will about Google's (GOOG) recent performance in the market and in monetizing its various products, but as far as innovation is concerned, there are still few who can match Cupertino. Google's Android OS, which Gartner says had a roughly 2% share of the global market, has a nearly 20% share today and more than 100,000 applications.


早些时候,分析机构加纳认为,谷歌Android 系统很难到2%的市场份额,但如今,Android 系统已经占领大约20%的市场份额,拥有超过10个应用程序。

Android has also surged to first place among operating systems in numbers of smarphones sold during the past two quarters, according to NPD Group, while iSuppli forecasts that Android will take the lead in U.S. market share by 2013. The Google TV Internet television initiative and its partnership with Sony may not be setting the world afire in sales, but—like AppleTV before it—it represents an important incremental step in the merger of Internet content and home entertainment and a huge leap toward greater integration. For every Google Buzz that lands with a thud, there are 25 acquisitions building up Google strengths, such as online video, photo, search and advertising. If only the kids at the Googleplex could inch that share price up a bit.

根据NPD集团的数据,在过去的两个季度,Android 已经占领了手机操作系统销量的第一位。 iSuppli 公司则预测说,Android 将在2013年成为美国市场的霸主。


正如同每一条Google Buzz (谷歌发布的新型社交网络)一样的掷地有声,目前有25项收购在逐步壮大谷歌的实力,这些收购涉及在线游戏、照片分享、搜索和广告方面。要是googleplex(谷歌总部)的小孩子们能让股价升一点就好了。




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