

专题18 词汇运用 考点3 按照首字母提示完成句子-2022年中考英语真题分项汇编 (全国通用)(解析版)


考点3 按照首字母提示完成句子

12022·江苏苏州·中考真题)The doctor’s advice on keeping healthy is w_________ taking.




句意:医生关于保持健康的建议值得采纳。根据“The doctor’s advice on keeping healthy is w...taking.”可知,医生的建议值得采纳,此处是be worth doing sth.“值得做某事,故填(w)orth

22022·江苏苏州·中考真题)Kate has p_________ her bedroom blue because the colour brings peace to her mind and body.




句意:凯特把卧室漆成蓝色,因为这种颜色能给她的身心带来平静。根据“Kate has …her bedroom blue”及首字母可知,把卧室漆成了蓝色,paint“上油漆has与过去分词构成现在完成时结构,故此空应填过去分词,故填(p)ainted

32022·江苏苏州·中考真题)You can’t make much progress in study without m_________ your time well.




句意:如果你不能很好地管理你的时间,你就不能在学习上取得很大的进步。 根据“You can’t make much progress in study without … your time well.”及首字母可知,不能很好地管理自己的时间,就不能取得进步,manage“管理without是介词,后接动名词,故填(m)anaging

42022·新疆·中考真题)Cartoon characters like Monkey King are still p_________ in China.




句意:像孙悟空这样的卡通人物在中国仍然很受欢迎。根据“Cartoon characters like Monkey King are still p...”可知,表示卡通人物在中国仍然很受欢迎,popular“受欢迎的,形容词,在句中作表语。故填(p)opular

52022·新疆·中考真题)It is reported that the h_________ of Qomolangma is more than 8844.43 meters.




句意:据报道,珠穆朗玛峰的高度超过8844.43米。根据“more than 8844.43 meters”可知此处指珠穆朗玛峰的高度,height“高度,不可数名词。故填(h)eight

62022·新疆·中考真题)They are such interesting books that we all enjoy r_________ them.




句意:这些书很有趣,我们都喜欢读。根据“They are such interesting books”可知,此处指喜欢阅读这些有趣的书,read“阅读,动词;enjoy doing“喜欢做某事,故空格处为动名词“reading”。故填(r)eading

72022·新疆·中考真题)Learning to s_________ problems is very important.




句意:学习解决问题非常重要。根据“problems”和首字母可知,此处指学习解决问题很重要,slove“解决learn to do sth“学习做某事,空格处应为动词原形,与to构成动词不定式。故填(s)olve

82022·新疆·中考真题)She is fifteen, and next year she is going to celebrate her s_________ birthday.




句意:她十五岁了,明年她将庆祝她十六岁的生日。根据“birthday”可知此处用序数词表顺序,结合“She is fifteen”可知现在十五岁,明年庆祝十六岁生日,第十六”sixteenth。故填(s)ixteenth

92022·湖北随州·中考真题)The Beijing Winter Olympic Games opened on F________ 4th, 2022.





102022·湖北随州·中考真题)I usually go to bed at half p________ ten.




句意:我通常十点半上床睡觉。根据“I usually go to bed at half p...ten.”可知,此处是half past ten短语,意为十点半,故填(p)ast

112022·湖北随州·中考真题)My alarm didn’t go o________ so I woke up late.




句意:我的闹钟没有响,所以我起晚了。根据“My alarm didn’t go o...so I woke up late.”可知,起晚了,因为闹钟没响,go off“发出声响,故填(o)ff

122022·江苏宿迁·中考真题)Though Judy has a real g__________ for Physics, she still works hard on it.




句意:虽然朱迪在物理方面有天赋,但她仍在努力学习。根据“...for Physics, she still works hard on it.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是gift“天赋,空前有a修饰,名词用单数形式,故填(g)ift

132022·江苏宿迁·中考真题)When I have difficulty in making a choice, Mr Wu will o__________ me some suggestions.




句意:当我难以做出选择时,吴先生会给我一些建议。根据“When I have difficulty in making a choice...me some suggestions”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是offer“提供,给予will后接动词原形,故填(o)ffer

142022·山东泰安·中考真题)There are 5 people waiting for Nucleic Acid Testing(核酸检测)in front of me. I am the s________ one.




句意:我面前有5个人在等核酸检测。我是第六个。根据“There are 5 people waiting for Nucleic Acid Testing(核酸检测)in front of me.”可知,前面有五个人,所以自己是第六个,sixth“第六,故填(s)ixth

152022·山东泰安·中考真题)To make the villagers’ lives easier, our government will build a b________ over the river.




句意:为了方便村民的生活,我们的政府将在这条河上建一座桥。 根据“build a …over the river.”及首字母可知,在河上建一座桥,bridge“,根据a可知,此空应填单数名词,故填(b)ridge

162022·四川成都·中考真题)Jiangnan, a famous area in China, has long been m_______ in many Chinese poems for its beautiful style.




句意:江南,中国的一个著名地区,一直以来都以其优美的风格出现在许多中国诗歌中。根据“in many Chinese poems”可知是在诗歌中被提到,mention“提到,谈到be动词后接其过去分词形式mentionedhas been mentioned是现在完成时的被动语态。故填(m)entioned

172022·四川成都·中考真题)The Chengdu Plain belongs to the country’s double-planting area. This means wheat(小麦)and rice are planted in the same f_______.




句意:成都平原属于全国复种区。这意味着小麦和水稻种植在相同的区域。根据“The Chengdu Plain belongs to the country’s double-planting area. This means wheat and rice are planted in the same f...”可知,小麦和水稻种植在相同的田地,field“领域,田地,此处表示单数或复数含义均可,故填(f)ield(s)

182022·四川成都·中考真题)Animal r_______ have discovered the number of endangered animals in Yunnan Province is increasing.




句意:动物研究人员发现,云南省濒危动物的数量正在增加。根据“the number of endangered animals in Yunnan Province is increasing”结合首字母r可推出这是动物研究人员发现的事实,researcher“研究人员,结合“have”可知用复数。故填(r)esearchers

192022·四川成都·中考真题)School education offers chances for p_______ development to help each of us realize our dream.




句意:学校教育为个人发展提供机会,帮助我们每个人实现梦想。根据“development to help each of us realize our dream”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是personal“个人的,是形容词,修饰其后的名词,故填(p)ersonal

202022·四川成都·中考真题)China’s railway network has grown to c________ most cities and the government is looking to build on it further.




句意:中国的铁路网已经发展到连接/覆盖大多数城市,政府正在寻求进一步发展。根据“most cities”及首字母提示及常识可知,铁路网连接/覆盖大多数城市,cover“覆盖connect“连接,空前有to,此处动词用原形,故填(c)over/(c)onnect

212022·四川德阳·中考真题)F__________ is the sixth day of a week.




句意:星期五是一周的第六天。结合常识及“the sixth day of a week”可知,周五是一周的第六天,Friday“星期五,是专有名词,首字母要大写,故填Friday

222022·四川德阳·中考真题)Please get up e______, or you will be late.




句意:请早点起床,否则你会迟到。根据“Please get up…, or you will be late”以及首字母提示可知,此处指早点起床,early“早地,副词修饰动词短语get up,故填(e)arly

232022·四川德阳·中考真题)We students must follow the r______ of our school.




句意:我们学生必须遵守学校的规定。根据“We students must follow the...of our school.”以及首字母可知学生要遵守学校的规则,rule“规则,且有很多规则,此处用名词复数。故填(r)ules

242022·四川德阳·中考真题)A true friend reaches for your hand and t________ your heart.




句意:一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你的心。根据“your heart”和首字母提示可知,此处表示触动,可用touch表示,主语“A true friend”表单数,所以用其动词三单形式,故填touches

252022·四川德阳·中考真题)Bruce jumps f______ than most of the students in his class.




句意:布鲁斯比他班上的大多数学生跳得都远。 根据“Bruce jumps … than most of the students in his class.”可知,他跳得更远,根据“than”可知,此空应填比较级farther表示距离上的远,故填(f)arther

262022·四川德阳·中考真题)Be quiet! Your father is s________. He stayed up late last night.




句意:安静点!你爸爸在睡觉。 他昨晚熬夜了。根据“He stayed up late last night”及首字母可知,爸爸现在在睡觉,sleep“睡觉is与现在分词构成现在进行时结构,故填(s)leeping

272022·四川德阳·中考真题)The doctor said, “You must walk s________ because of your leg wound.”




句意:医生说:你的腿受伤了,你必须慢慢走。根据“You must walk...because of your leg wound”以及首字母可知腿受伤了要慢慢走,修饰动词walk用副词slowly“慢慢地。故填(s)lowly

282022·四川德阳·中考真题)Jack hasn’t had anything for a whole day and he is very h______ now.




句意:杰克已经一整天没吃东西了,他现在很饿。根据“Jack hasn’t had anything for a whole day”以及首字母可知一天没有吃东西会很饿,作be动词的表语用形容词hungry“饿的。故填(h)ungry

292022·四川德阳·中考真题)—Have you h______ that Wang Qiang won a game yesterday?

—Yes, it’s a piece of good news.




句意:——你听说昨天王强赢了一场比赛吗?——是的,这是一个好消息。根据“that Wang Qiang won a game yesterday”以及首字母可知是听说这个消息,hear“听说,此处用过去分词和have构成现在完成时。故填(h)eard

302022·四川乐山·中考真题)Beijing is now the first city to hold both the Summer and the W________ Olympics.




句意:北京是第一个举办夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会的城市。 根据“Beijing is now the first city to hold both the Summer and the … Olympics”及首字母可知,此处指冬奥会,Winter Olympics“冬奥会,专有名词首字母要大写,故填(W)inter

312022·四川乐山·中考真题)Bing Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩) waves its left hand to say h________ to the world.




句意:冰墩墩挥手向世界问好。 根据“waves its left hand to say … to the world”及首字母可知,此处指挥手问好,hello/hey/hi“你好,故填(h)ello/(h)ey/(h)i

322022·四川乐山·中考真题)Lucy is a small woman but she wears a l________ pair of black glasses.




句意:露西是个身材矮小的女人,但她戴着一副大大的黑眼镜。 根据“Lucy is a small woman”but可知,此空应填入一个与small相反的形容词,结合首字母l可知,此空应填large表示大的,故填(l)arge

332022·四川眉山·中考真题)—Mary, do you know which sweater is Lily’s?

—The red one is h________.




句意:——Mary,你知道哪件毛衣是Lily的吗?——红色的是她的。根据“The red one is h...”可知,红色的是玛丽的毛衣,hers“她的,代替her sweater,故填(h)ers

34.(2022·四川眉山·中考真题)The young man is new here and he has few friends. So sometimes he feels l________.




句意:这个年轻人是新来的,他几乎没有朋友。 所以有时他感到孤独。根据“he has few friends”可知,没什么朋友,所以感到孤独,lonely“孤独的,在句中作表语,故填(l)onely

352022·四川眉山·中考真题)Some wild animals need our protection, because they are in great d________ now.




句意: 一些野生动物需要我们的保护,因为他们现在处于极大的危险中。 根据“Some wild animals need our protection”“because they are in great … now”可知,一些野生动物处于极大的危险,所以需要我们的保护,danger“危险in danger“处于危险之中,故填(d)anger

362022·四川眉山·中考真题)—Could you please come to my office? I have s________ important to tell you.

—Of course. I will come soon.




句意: ——你能到我办公室来一下吗?我有重要的事情要告诉你。——当然可以。我马上就来。根据“Could you please come to my office? I have s...important to tell you.”可知,有重要的事情要说,something“某事,在动词后作宾语,故填(s)omething

372022·四川眉山·中考真题)The telephone was i________ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.




句意:电话是亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔在1876年发明的。根据常识,电话是由亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明的,invent“发明,主语“telephone”与动词“invent”之间是被动关系,此处用被动语态be done的结构,故此空应填过去分词,故填invented

382022·四川眉山·中考真题)—Congratulations! You have just passed the driving test.

—Wow, thank you. I am so e________ to hear the good news.




句意:——祝贺你!你刚刚通过了驾驶考试。——哇,谢谢你。听到这个好消息我很兴奋。根据“I am so e...to hear the good news.”可知,这个好消息令人兴奋,excited“兴奋的,在句中作表语修饰人,故填(e)xcited

392022·四川眉山·中考真题)You will get into a good university i________ you keep studying hard in senior high school.




句意:如果你在高中继续努力学习,你会进入一所好大学。“you keep studying hard in senior high school.”“You will get into a good university”的条件,用if引导条件状语从句,故填(i)f

402022·四川眉山·中考真题)Amy used to read books before going to bed, but now she g________ used to listening to music.




句意:艾米过去常常在睡觉前看书,但现在她习惯了听音乐。根据“Amy used to read books before going to bed, but now she g...used to listening to music.”可知,现在习惯听音乐,get used to doing sth“习惯于做某事,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单,故填(g)ets

412022·四川眉山·中考真题)My grandpa put on his glasses, but he still couldn’t see the small-size words c________ in this newspaper.




句意:我爷爷戴上眼镜,但他仍然看不清报纸上的小字。根据“My grandpa put on his glasses, but he still couldn’t see the small-size words c...in this newspaper.”可知,戴眼镜也看不清字,clearly“清晰地,清楚地,在句中修饰动词,故填(c)learly

422022·四川眉山·中考真题)Taking n________ in class is a good way to help you review what you have learned.




句意:课堂上做笔记是帮助你复习所学知识的好方法。根据“Taking n...in class is a good way to help you review what you have learned.”可知,做笔记是帮助你复习所学知识的好方法,take notes“做笔记,固定短语,故填(n)otes

432022·四川自贡·中考真题)Tree Planting Day is on M________ 12 every year.




句意:植树节在每天的312日。根据“Tree Planting Day is on … 12 every year”及常识可知,植树节是在3月份,March“三月,故填(M)arch

442022·四川自贡·中考真题)If you can’t understand a new word, you can look it up in a d________.




句意:如果你不能理解一个新单词,你可以查字典。根据“If you can’t understand a new word, you can look it up in a”以及首字母可知遇到不认识的词可以查字典,不定冠词a后加名词单数dictionary“字典。故填(d)ictionary

452022·四川自贡·中考真题It’s only a joke—don’t take it s________.




句意:这只是个玩笑——别当真。根据“It’s only a joke—don’t take it ”可知,此处指不要认真对待这个玩笑,take sth seriously“认真对待,故填(s)eriously

462022·四川自贡·中考真题)We must follow the school rules and we should w________ uniforms at school.




句意:我们必须遵守校规,我们应该在学校穿校服。 根据“uniforms at school”及首字母可知,此处指穿校服,wear“穿should后接动词原形,故填(w)ear

472022·四川自贡·中考真题)Mary lost the speech competition and she is unhappy. Let’s go to c________ her up.




句意:玛丽在演讲比赛中失利了,她很不高兴。 我们去让她高兴起来吧。 根据“Mary lost the speech competition and she is unhappy”及首字母可知,此处建议让她振作起来,cheer sb up“让某人振作起来,动词不定式符号to后接动词原形,故填(c)heer

482022·四川自贡·中考真题)In the exam, the more careful you are, the fewer m________ you will make.




句意:在考试中,你越认真,你犯的错误就越少。根据“the more careful you are, the fewer...you will make”以及首字母可知越认真,错误越少,mistake“错误fewer后加可数名词复数。故填(m)istakes

492022·四川自贡·中考真题)Wild animals are our friends. It’s our duty to p________ them, for we can’t live without them.




句意:野生动物是我们的朋友。 保护他们是我们的责任,因为我们不能没有他们。 根据“Wild animals are our friends. It’s our duty to … them”及首字母可知,要保护野生动物,protect“保护,动词不定式符号to后接动词原形,故填(p)rotect

50.(2022·四川自贡·中考真题)We must pay much attention to our s________, so don’t go swimming alone in the river.




句意:我们必须非常注意自己的安全,所以不要一个人在河里游泳。根据“We must pay much attention to our...so don’t go swimming alone in the river.”以及首字母可知不要独自去游泳,因为要注意安全,our后加名词safety“安全,不可数名词。故填(s)afety

512022·四川自贡·中考真题)Don’t eat junk food. It’s h________ to your health.




句意:不要吃垃圾食品。 这对你的健康有害。 is后接形容词作表语,根据“Don’t eat junk food. It’s …to your health”可知,垃圾食品对健康有害,be harmful to“……有害,故填(h)armful

522022·四川自贡·中考真题)After he thought twice, he d________ to become a teacher in a poor village after college.




句意:他再三思考之后,决定大学毕业后到一个贫穷的村子当老师。根据“After he thought twice, he...to become a teacher”以及首字母可知这是他再三思考之后决定的事情,decide“决定,动作发生在过去,用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(d)ecided

532022·四川德阳·中考真题)—Can I go shopping with John, mom? He just got his driver’s license.

—No way! I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be a________ to drive.




句意:——妈妈,我可以跟John去购物吗?他刚拿到驾照。——没门!我认为十六岁的孩子不应该被允许开车。 根据“I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be … to drive”及首字母可知,此处指认为十六岁的孩子不应该被允许开车,be allowed to do sth“被允许做某事,故填(a)llowed

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