

2024年高考英语一轮复习(新人教版) 第1部分 教材知识解读 选择性必修第四册 Unit 5 Launching Your Career
1.aptitude n.天资;天赋
2.scenario n.设想;方案;预测
3.assemble vt.组装;装配 vi.& vt.收集;聚集;集合
4.a chest of drawers 抽屉柜
5.hydrogen n.氢;氢气
6.radium n.镭
7.wrist n.手腕;腕关节
8.bridegroom n.新郎
9.geometry n.几何学;几何图形
10.code n.代码;密码 vt.编码;把……译成密码
11.orient vt.使适应;使面对;确定方向
12.graphic n.图表;图形;图画 adj.绘画的;图案的
13.estate n.庄园;住宅区;工业区
14.(real) estate agent 房地产经纪人
15.entrepreneur n.创业者;企业家
16.communist adj.共产主义的 n.共产主义者
17.CV(NAmE résumé)n.简历;履历
18.fox n.狐狸;狡猾的人
19.council n.委员会;市政服务机构
20.canal n.运河;灌溉渠
21.supervise vt.& vi.主管;指导;监督
22.disk n.磁盘;盘
23.knit vt.& vi.编织;针织;(使)紧密结合 n.编织的衣服;针织衫
24.intermediate adj.中级的;中等的;中间的
25.proficiency n.熟练;娴熟;精通
26.flea collar灭蚤颈圈
1.bounce vi.& vt.(使)弹起;上下晃动 n.弹性;弹跳;活力
2.drawer n.抽屉
3.breast n.乳房;胸部
4.debt n.债务;欠款
5.profile n.简介;概述;侧面轮廓 vt.扼要介绍;概述;写简介
6.spy n.密探;间谍 vi.从事间谍活动 vt.突然看见;发现
7.justice n.公平;公正;合理
8.accuse vt.控告;控诉;谴责
9.greedy adj.贪婪的;贪心的
10.handwriting n.书法;书写;笔迹
11.parking n.停车位;停车
12.camel n.骆驼
13.fry n.油煎的食物 vt.& vi.油炸;油炒;油煎
14.purse n.钱包;皮夹子(尤指女用)
15.sew vi.& vt.(sewed,sewn/sewed)缝制;缝;做针线活
16.cage n.笼子 vt.关在笼子里
17.collar n.(动物)颈圈;衣领
18.receipt n.收据;接收
19.certificate n.合格证书;证明
20.desert n.沙漠;荒漠
21.acquire vt.获得;购得
1.lawyer n.律师→lawn.法律
2.categorise vt.把……分类(加以归类)→categoryn.种类;范畴
3.participant n.参与者;参加者→participatevi.参加;参与→participationn.参加;参与
4.detective n.侦探;警探→detectvt.侦察出;发现
5.accountant n.会计;会计师→accountn.账目;账户;叙述 v.导致;解释
6.receptionist n.接待员→receptionn.接待;欢迎;招待会→receive vt.收到;接纳
7.socialist adj.社会主义的 n.社会主义者→socialadj.社会的;社交的→society n.社会;协会
8.dedicate vt.把……奉献给→dedicated adj.献身的;专心致志的→dedicationn.献身;奉献
9.wool n.毛;毛线;毛料→woolen(=woollen) adj.羊毛制的;毛线的
10.priority n.优先事项;首要的事;优先→prioradj.先前的;优先的
11.finance n.资金;财政;金融 vt.提供资金→financial adj.财政的;金融的→financiallyadv.财政上;金融上
12.employer n.雇主;老板→employvt.雇用;运用→employeen.受雇者;雇员→employment n.雇用;聘用
1.sacred adj.神的;神圣的;受崇敬的
2.shallow adj.浅的;不深的;肤浅的
3.simplify vt.简化
4.stream n.小河;溪流
5.subjective adj.主观的;主语的
6.substitute vt.代替
7.tentative adj.不确定的;暂定的
8.transparent adj.透明的;显然的
1.bounce around 蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去
2.head start 起步前的优势
3.come to a conclusion 得出结论
4.attend to 关怀;照料;处理
5.make choices做出选择
6.provide sb with sth 提供给某人某物
7.be used to do sth 被用来做某事
8.be based on基于;以……为基础
9.in conclusion总之
10.focus on集中于;聚焦于
11.think about考虑
12.a variety of各种各样的
1.This,however,is not always easy.(部分否定)
2.You don’twant to look back in years to come and say,“I wish I had thought moreabout what I really wanted to do.”(wish的虚拟语气)
3.The secret to a good careeris finding something that you are passionate about.(动名词短语作表语)
4.The first time I observed the processof water being split into oxygen and hydrogen,I was deeply attracted by the charmof chemistry.(the first time引导时间状语从句)
5.I have been captain ofmy school table tennis team for two years,so I know how to lead and decideon priorities.(疑问词+不定式)
Tom lived ina grand estate and he was employed as an accountant.His employerwas a greedy entrepreneur who often 1.supervised him and spiedon him like a detective.Tom also served as a receptionist,helping attend tomany urgent affairs.Though Tom 2.dedicated himself to his work which wasalways given his first priority to,he was still 3.accused.Withoutany justice,Tomgradually came to a conclusion that he had to change a job.With a lawyerqualification certificate in hand,he planned to be a lawyer.He alsoshowed an aptitude for handwriting and acquired an intermediatelevel of English,whichwere a head start to be a good teacher.He once helped manage financesand receipts.Being good at geometry,he could categorise differentgraphics.All these scenarios 4.bounced around in his head.Thus,Tom 5.assembledhis stuff in a chest of drawers and then wrote a resume with a CVattached to another company.Tom strongly believed that he would 6.orienthimself to a new job.
 debt n.债务;欠款
in debt负债
out of debt不欠债
pay off one’s debt还清某人的欠款或债务
(1)The real estateagent wasdedicated to working day and nightso that he could pay off his debt as soon as possible.
The fact that my familywas in debt occurred to me,so I dropped my favorite toy and ran towards my home,hoping that my hard-earnedmoney could help my father stay out of debt.
 accuse vt.控告;控诉;谴责
accuse sb of (doing) sth/charge sb with (doing) sth 控告/指责某人(做)某事
(1)The teenager wasaccused of stealing the woman’s gold ring and he stood there withhis head down.(accuse)
(2)The teenager wascharged with stealing the woman’s gold ring and he stood there withhis head down.(charge)
 greedy adj.贪婪的;贪心的;贪吃的
be greedy for sth 对……贪婪/渴望
be greedy to do sth 渴望做某事
(1)The lawyer was greedy forknowledge and his English was at an intermediate level.
I am greedy to sign upfor the courseso that I can learn more about first aid.
 attend to关怀;照料;处理;注意,专心于(attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加attendance n.出席;参加;到场)
attend school/class上学/上课
(1)Nowadays we need changesin the law governing school attendance(attend).
I hold the firm beliefthat you are bound to succeed as long as you attend class on time on a dailybasis.
I am writing to offer yousome suggestions on how to attend to the conflicts between you and your classmates.
用法点拨 “照看/照顾某人”的多种表达:attend (to) sb/care forsb/take care of sb/look after sb。
 wish宾语从句中的虚拟语气Youdon’t want to look back in years to comeand say,“I wish I had thought more about whatI really wanted to do.”你也不希望多年之后回顾过去时才说:“我真希望当年能再多想想自己真正想要做什么。”
With several scenarios bouncing around in my head,I do wish that I decidedon one now.
I stood there,shedding tears of regretin silence and I wished that I hadn’ t said such sharp wordsto my father.
He stood up,hugged his parents tightly and forced a smile,saying,“Ido wish that I would leave for my university.”
1.Though not known to usetools in the wild,thebirds have proved skilful at tool use while kept in the cage.(2022·全国甲)
2.I began a second drawerfor more general discoveries:newcave system discovered with dozens of nameless species,four hundred species of bacteria foundin the human stomach.(2020·江苏)
3.As the summer months rollin,our Georgiancountry estate makes the perfect setting for an outdoor fitness session.(2021·新高考全国Ⅱ)
4.At this year’sI/O Conference,acompany showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-soundingvoice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservationwithout detection.(2019·北京)
5.Campers learn technicalskills of roasting,frying and cutting,as well as some recipesthat they can take home and share with their families.(2020·新高考全国Ⅱ)
1.attend to
(1)Excuse me,sir.Are you being attendedto? C
(2)Nurses are busy attendingto the wounded.  A
(3)I can’tjoin you in the game,forI have something important to attend to.  B
(1)Those who desertpets will get fined.遗弃;抛弃
(2)He is greedyto become a politician.渴望的
1.The famous detective hasacquired(acquire) much experience by trial and error lately.
2.I pray that my son can attend tothe accidental matter in a proper manner.
3.After he resigned from the post,he was dedicated to helping(help)the disabled.
4.He is greedy to become(become)an accountant,sohe often consults reference books in the library.
5.I must relay to you that I have come toa reasonable conclusion(conclude) based on relevant criteria.
6.A teacher of a secondary school was accused oftreating students unfairly.
7.Lately he has been indebt because of gambling,sohe doesn’t deserveour sympathy.
8.The government should givetop priority(prior) to building a few more secondary high schools.
9.Unexpectedly,the boy was being spiedon,whichmade him sweat on the forehead.
10.The employer was employed(employ)in signing an important contractwith an international firm yesterday.
I can’talways get along well with my parents,so I can’tconcentrate on my study.
What I like most is readingbooks about space exploration in the city library.
But my parents always accuseme of not devoting myself to my studies.
4.我渴望获得父母的理解和支持。(be greedy to do...)
I am greedy to get my parents’understanding and support.
I do wish that you couldoffer me some suggestions.
greedy adj.贪婪的;贪心的
dedicate vt.把……奉献给
bounce vi.& vt.(使)弹起;上下晃动
bounce back恢复信心;重整旗鼓
accuse vt.控告;控诉;谴责
desert vt.遗弃;放弃
acquire vt.获得;购得
participant n.参与者;参加者→participatevi.参加;参与
employer n.雇主;老板→employvt.雇用;运用;使忙于
attend to关怀;照料;处理
Our headteacherwas dedicated to his work tirelessly.He was greedyto acquire various skills,so he often participated ina range of activities.Even if he faced lots of setbacks,he always seemed to bounceback pretty quickly.He was employed in helping us attendto all kinds of problems.Whatever happened,he wouldn’t desert us.Ourheadteacher would always be the strong shield behind us.
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