




1.         is a fact         quite a few people in China are growing rich on their hard work.

A. It, that    B. It, which                  C. This, that     D. That, that

2.         leaves the lab last should turn of the lights and lock the door.

A. Anybody   B. The one               C. Whoever     D. Who

3. It is generally considered unwise to give a child         he or she wants.

A. however   B. whatever              C. whichever   D. whenever

4.  For some reason, the cinema caught fire last night.

It so happened         nobody was in at that time.

A. which    B. what                            C. that   D. who

5.         will give us the lecture on modern science?

A. Who you think                              B. Do you think who

C. Who do you think                         D. Whom do you think

6.  Tom failed in the exam again.

That is         he didn’t follow the teacher’s advice.

A. why     B. how   C. for           D. because

7. The reason why he has always been successful is         he never gives up.

A. because  B. what                       C. that       D. when

8. The police thought         strange         Mr Baker didn’t come back as usual.

A. that, that                                B. it, that    C. what, that     D. it, which

9.         worried her a lot         her son often stayed away from school and played computer games.

A. What, that  B. This, why             C. It, that   D. It, what

10.         we can’t get seems better than         we have.

A. What, what  B. What, that         C. That, that    D. That, what

11.         hasn’t been decided         we’ll go camping at the weekend.

A. That, whether               B .It, whether  C. What, if    D. This, if

12. What a pity         is         you didn’t arrive on time.

A. there, because                 B. that, for  C. it, that       D. this, when

13. The fire destroyed         was in the museum. There was nothing valuable left.

A. that                                B. all       C. which  D. what

14. I know nothing about the visitors except         they are from Canada.

A. how   B. that  C. what             D. which

15.  Any news about Mary?

        is said to be studying somewhere in USA.

A. She   B. It  C. What                 D. That

16. The doctors and nurses did         they could         the dying man.

A. that, save  B. that, to save        C. what, save  D. what, to save

17.         goes against nature will be punished.

A. No matter who  B. Who             C. Whoever     D. Anybody

18.         you don’t like your job in the company is none of my business.

A. Whether  B. If                 C. That    D. What

19. It was         he worked hard         he succeeded.

A. because, that  B. what, why  C. that, because      D. why, what

20. My car broke down.         now was to walk to the nearest telephone.

A. That I could do                             B. What I could do

C. I could do that                              D. I could do what




1. A       2. C       3. B       4. C       5. C       6. D       7. C       8. B       9. C       10. A

11. B     12. C     13. D    14. B     15. A     16. D     17. C     18. C    19. A     20. B


1. A        [ 注释:为了保持句子平衡,经常用”it”作为形式主语,放在句首,而把真正的主语从句放到后面。]

2. C        [ 注释:不可选AB,因为它们是代词,不能引出从句。需在其后用who,语法才正确。]

4. C        [ 注释:It (so) happened that…句中happen的意思是“碰巧”,此句式应译为“真巧,……”。]

8. B       [ 注释:“it”在此是形式宾语,真正的宾语是that引出的从句。]

10. A     [ 注释:what在名词性从句中既担任句子成分又有含义;而that只引出从句。本句中,what作从句的宾语。]

13. D      [ 注释:what担任从句的主语。]

15. A     [ 注释:本句的另外一种表达方式是It’s said that she is studying …]

16. D    [ 注释:宾语从句what they could中,为避免重复而省去了doto save …表目的,它不属于从句。]

17. C    [ 注释:AC的中文意思相同,但A只能引导状语从句。]

21As far as I remember, it was four days ago _____ the tall engineer came here to check the air conditioner.

A. when                             B. that                   C. until                 D. since

22—What do you think of the news _____ that young man provided?

—It is a big lie. He did so just to be able to show up in TV.

A. what                 B. which               C. whom               D. when

23 It is not certain _____ effect the medicine have on the disease.

A. how    B. what                        C. which          D. whose

24 The central government made a wise and historical decision _____ they decided to develop the vast west of China.

A. that          B. which               C. whether                   D. if

 25The boys in her class are so naughty that the new teacher just does not know _____ she should deal with them?

A. why        B. how         C. where               D. what

26Are you certain _____ the young girl has said is true?

A. that that    B. that what       C. of which                  D. about what

1.B it was ...that 是强调句 强调four days ago

2. B 这是道定语从句的题 因为 the news provided的宾语 故用which 记住:同位语从句一般不能用which引导。

3.B。是what引导的主语从句 it是形式主语。全句的意思是:这种药对这种疾病有什么效果还不确定。

4.A 同位语从句 解释a wise and historical decision

5.B.不知道她应该怎样对付他们 意思最通 引导的是宾语从句

6.BAre you certain {that [what the young girl has said ]is true}?


that引导{}中的宾语从句 what引导[]中的宾语从句中的主语从句。 what的意思是:。。。的话

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