

唐河易错题剑桥英语作文It's 78 yuan.
唐河易错题剑桥英语作文It's 78 yuan.
(2022三上·九台期中)      阅读理解
My name is Ben. I'm a boy. I am 11 years old. There are six people in my family. It's Sunday today. We are all at home. My grandpa is reading a book. My father and mother are watching TV. My sister is doing her homework. I am playing chess with my brother.    (1)    Ben is ________years old.       A . 9    B . 10    C . 11                 (2)    Ben's father is ________.       A . watching TV    B . reading a book    C . playing chess                 (3)    How many people in Ben's family?       A . six    B . seven    C . eight                 (4)    What's Ben's grandpa doing?       A . He is watching TV.    B . He is reading a book.    C . He is playing chess.                 (5)    Is Ben playing chess?       A . Yes, he is.    B . No, he isn't.    C . Yes, they are.                        【考点】
类似题1.       (2022四下·龙岗期中)      根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确。
sun and the moon rise in the east (东方) and go down in the west (西方). At noon, the sun is high in the sky, the shadow is short. In the
morning and evening, the sun is low (低的), the shadow is
long. When (当.....的时候) the sun
rises, it is daytime (白天). When the sun goes down, it
is night. At night, sometimes (有时候) you can see the
round moon in the clear sky. Many Chinese people like the moon. Many poets (诗人) write poems (诗) about the moon. Now the
Chang'e-4 Lunar Probe (嫦娥四号月球探测器) is on the moon. It
tells us many things about the moon. People can learn a lot about the moon.    (1)    The sun rises in the east and the moon rises in the west.       (2)    When the sun is high in the sky, the shadow is short.       (3)    The sun is low in the morning and evening.       (4)    You can see the round moon in the sky every (每个) night.       (5)    The Chang'e4 Lunar Probe can tell us many things about the moon and
the sun.                              2.     读一读,匹配图片。    This is Mary's family. After dinner, Mary's mother talks on the phone. Mary's father watches TV. Mary's grandfather reads books. Mary's brother draws a picture. Mary plays with her teddy bear. They are a happy family.⑴Mary's mother           A. ⑵Mary's father            B. ⑶Mary's grandfather       C. ⑷Mary's brother          D. ⑸Mary                  E.                            3.       (2022四下·微山期中)      阅读短文,判断正误。
    I'm Jack.
I'm a boy. I'm from London. Now I'm in Jinan. I'm a new student here. Today,
the weather is sunny and warm. I come to my new school. It is big and
beautiful. My new classroom is big, too. It's on the second floor. It's next to
the teachers' office. I like my new school.    (1)    Jack is from the London.       (2)    Jack is a new student in Jinan.       (3)    It's sunny and warm today.       (4)    His new school is small and beautiful.       (5)    His classroom is on the first floor.                       
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