

Cotton farmers in some Indian villages are busily buying Coca Cola and Pepsi, believing that the sugar in the fizzy  (有泡沫的)  drinks kills pests.
Farmers say scientists advised them to mix pesticides with a sugary juice to control pests, and they found the mixture cheaper and more effective than pure chemicals —  although soft drink makers and scientists dismissed the remarks. N. Hamunayya, who has become a famous person in his village in the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh, said his crop survived an attack of pests which had resisted other pesticides. “We found that all the colas had uniform effect on pests. The pests became dead and fell to the ground,” he said. He said the drinks had all the elements they needed: they were cheaper, sticky, fizzy, and attracted ants, which ate the young of the pests. But Thinupathi Reddy, assistant director of the Regional Agri Research Station, Guntur, says tests had proved such results wrong. “We conducted some field trials on cotton crop at our research station. There was no obvious productivity or destruction of pests,” he says.
Statements from Pepsi and Coca Cola said there was  “no scientific basis” for this_practice. But their dealers are enjoying increasing sales. Mantan Wall, who sells soft drinks in 17 villages in the region, said sales rose up, thanks to the farmers. “For the 10 days between August and September I had successful business. Instead of just 30 cases  (each containing a dozen one litre bottles) of cola, I started selling almost 200 cases,” he said. “We expected the sales to drop after the news over pesticide residues (残留) in the cola drinks. Now I have to keep extra supply for the cotton farmers,” he said.
In February, an Indian environment group made a report saying drinks made by Coca Cola and Pepsi contained pesticides and called for tougher safety standards. The US firms strongly rejected the findings of the New Delhi­based Centre for Science and Environment and said their products were safe.
【小题1】Some Indian farmers think the  drinks can kill pests because ________.A.there is some pesticide left in themB.they are sticky and fizzyC.they have elements that kill pestsD.they made the pesticide more effective【小题2】The underlined part   “this practice”  in Para. 3   probably refers to “________”.A.testing the mixtureB.selling more drinks in IndiaC.mixing the drinks with the pesticideD.attracting ants to eat the young pests【小题3】The drink makers would not accept the fact that their drinks could kill pests because they ________.A.thought it went against scienceB.believed that the farmers didn't tell the truthC.might fear that it could bring harm to their businessD.insisted that no poison was left in their products【小题4】The writer's purpose of writing this passage is to ________.A.tell an interesting incidentB.warn people that some drinks might be dangerous to healthC.suggest using Coca Cola to kill pestsD.announce a new discovery of Coca Cola
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