

Would you believe that the tallest bridge in France reaches higher than the Eiffel Tower?Each of the projects mentioned here has set at least one world record for its height,scale or ingenuity(独创性).Here are four amazing engineering wonders of the modern world.
Venice,Italy:The Venice Tide Barrier Project will be the largest flood prevention project in the world.The project has been debated in one form or another for over 40 years as a way to protect this historical city-on-the-water for future generations.With Venice slowly sinking,and the water around it slowly rising,and floods always a fear,Italians have known for a long time that something needs to be done.Finally,the Prime Minister of Italy approved the second phase of the plan,including 80 hinged barriers(用铰链连接的壁垒),each approximately 6,500 square feet.
Millau,France:The Millau Viaduct(米洛高架桥)is the highest bridge in the world.At 1,125 feet high(slightly taller than the Eiffel Tower,1,063 feet)and over 8,000 feet long,it sometimes sits above the cloud line.The engineered wonder of the bridge itself is nearly as amazing as the view of the valley below.
Zhangjiajie,China:The Bailong Elevator is the world’s largest outside elevator.At about 1,070 feet high,this elevator looms(隐约出现) high midway up a cliff overlooking a valley far below.Moreover,the elevator is mostly made of glass,affording passengers a dizzying view to the depths below.There is some concern,however,about the elevator’s long-term impact on the surrounding natural environment.
Norway to Britain:The Langeled Pipeline extends(延伸)from Nyhamna,Norway,to Easington in the UK.It is about 1,200 km long and before the completion of the Nord Stream pipeline,it was the longest underwater gas pipeline in the world.Gas is exported(出口)from the Ormen Lange field,situated at a depth of 1,000 metres and located 100 km northwest of the Norwegian coast to Nyhamna.From there the Langeled Pipeline runs to Easington in the UK via the Sleipner Riser Platform in the North Sea.It will eventually supply 20% of Britain’s gas needs.
【小题1】In the first paragraph,the author began with a question in order to    .A.introduce the topicB.amaze readersC.show the height of the Eiffel TowerD.ask readers to answer it【小题2】From Paragraph 2,we can learn that    .A.the project is designed to store waterB.all people agree with the project at firstC.floods are a fear to VeniceD.the hinged barriers are 6,500 square feet in all【小题3】What do the Bailong Elevator and the Millau Viaduct have in common?A.They are in the same country.B.They are both made of glass.C.Both of them are taller than the Eiffel Tower.D.Both of them have a bad effect on the environment.【小题4】We can learn from the passage that the Ormen Lange field is in    .A.BritainB.NorwayC.France D.Italy
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