

Unseen Art wants to give the Mona Lisa and other world-famous artworks the 3D treatment so that they can be touched, making them accessible to the blind and visually impaired(受损的). “There are many people in the world who have heard of classical artworks their whole lives but are unable to see them,” say Marc Dillon, advocate for the project. “Now they can experience them for the first time and create their own impressions and opinions.”
The project is currently crowd-funding(大众筹资) on Indiegogo, offering 3D prints of the Mona Lisa for backers, which can be kept or donated to an organization serving the blind and visually impaired community. The money raised will be used to fund an online platform where the 3D files will be down-loadable for free, making 3D printable art available worldwide, anywhere there is a 3D printer.
The project strikes a personal chord(引起共鸣) with Dillon. “I was born with one arm shorter than the other. All my life, I continually had to prove that I was able to do everything I wanted to, from playing guitar and riding motorcycles to life-guarding and weightlifting. I also had an uncle who worked as a mechanic(技工) and became blind in adulthood. I saw he was able to continue to do almost anything a seeing person could do.”
To test the concept, Dillon took the first 3D print to the Blind Institute of Finland, “They were very excited to touch the Mona Lisa!”says Dillon. In a video for the project, one can see a blind woman experiencing da Vinci’s masterpiece through touch. Just like countless others throughout history, she is interested in Mona Lisa’s mysterious expression.“It’s a little bit… mysterious,” she says happily. “She wasn’t exactly a classical beauty!”
【小题1】World-famous artworks are printed with 3D technology to ________ .A.allow the disabled to experience by themselvesB.raise money for an online platformC.keep those works for future generationD.make money for themselves【小题2】How can the money raised be used?A.For any printing office.B.Other similar projects.C.For an online platform.D.Other famous artworks.【小题3】According to paragraph 3, we can know that ________ .A.Dillon became blind in childhoodB.Dillon’s uncle was disabled too.C.Dillon tried to become a mechanicD.Dillon’s uncle created 3-D technology【小题4】After a blind woman experienced the printed works, she felt ________ .A.disappointedB.worriedC.unsatisfiedD.excited
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