



1 The headmaster hurried to the concert hall only _________ the speaker_________

【译文】 校长匆匆来到音乐大厅,结果发现演讲者早已走了。

  A. to find; left   B. to find; gone   C. finding; left   D. finding; gone

【答案及简析】 B 不定式表结果时,常指出人意料的结果。第二个考察点是find+宾语+形容词(补语),表状态。

2 —I failed again. I wish I _________ harder.—But you _________.

【译文】 ——我又失败了。我真该努力学习。——但是你没有哇。

  A. had worked; hadn’t   B. worked; don’t  C. had worked; didn’t   D. worked; didn’t

【答案及简析】 C 第一空表达与过去事实相反的愿望,所以用过去完成时态表虚拟语气。第二空说明过去的事实,用一般过去时态。

3 —Why not go out for a walk before breakfast? —Ohyes. _________ is my favorite time of day.

【译文】 ——早饭前你为什么不出去散步呢? ——嗯。是的。那是我一天最美好的时光。

  A. In the early morning  B. Early morning  C. The early of morning  D. The early morning that

【答案及简析】 B 空处缺少一主语,而非状语。

4 It was not until liberation that _________ to his hometown.

【译文】 直到解放他才回到家乡。

  A. did he return   B. was he returned  C. he did return   D. he returned

【答案及简析】 D 此句为强调结构: It is/was…that…强调之前的句子为: He didn’t returnedto his hometown until liberation.要注意not…until…句型变成强调句后的not的位置

5 —Id like a pen which _________ well.—Will this one _________?

【译文】 ——我很想又一只好写的笔。 ——这只笔如何?

  A. writes; do   B. writes; work  C. is written; do   D. is writtenwork

【答案及简析】 A 此处write作不及物动词,表事物的性质,类似词: sellwash等。第二句用do来代替上句的write well

6 --Can you finish the writing on time?  --_________.

【译文】 -- 你能按时完成你的协作么?  --没问题。

  A. Never mind   B. With pleasure   C. No problem   D. All right

【答案及简析】 C No problem表示"没问题"

7 --When _______ we meet again?  --_______ it any time you like.

【译文】 -- 我们什么时候再相聚? --你喜欢何时见面都可以。

  A. will; Do   B. will; Make   C. shall; Do   D. shall; Make

【答案及简析】 D "完全可以"。其他不合题意。

8 Look! There are lots of ________ birds flying over the trees.

【译文】 看!树上有许多好看的红色小鸟。

  A. funny red little   B. funny little red  C. little funny red   D. little red funny

【答案及简析】 B shall用于第一

9 They couldn’t eat in a restaurant because ______ of them had _______ money on them.

【译文】 他们不可能在餐厅吃饭,因为谁都没带钱。

  A. all; no   B. any; no   C. none; any   D. no one; any

【答案及简析】 C 三人称,在问句中表示征求对方意见。

10 --Shall we meet right now?--Sorry. I’m too busy to _______ for the moment.

【译文】 --我们可以马上见面吗?   --对不起,此刻我忙得抽不开身。

  A. get through   B. get away     C. get off   D. get together

【答案及简析】 B 只要你记住"限数描大形,新色国材名"这句话,此题就迎刃而解。

11 _________ is known to allgood friends _________ happiness and value to life.

【译文】 众所周知,好朋友给说增添快乐和价值。

  A. It; add   B. As; add    C. It; add up   D. As; add to

【答案及简析】 B as引导的定语从句修饰整个主句; add to sth."使增加,使增强"; add sth to sth. "……加到……里边"; add up to"总计是……"。因句中已有介词to,所以只能选B

12 Mr. Green left _________ suddenly _________ he came.

【译文】 先生离开像来时一样突然。

  A. so; that   B. so; as   C. as; that   D. as; as

【答案及简析】 D 此句为as…as…结构。

13 Good foodnot _________that’s how one gets fat.

【译文】 食物好,锻炼少,这就是一个人长胖的原因。

  A. enough exercises   B. exercises enough      C. enough exercise   D. exercise enough

【答案及简析】 C enough修饰名词时只能放在其修饰的名词前,而修饰形容词时要放在后"锻炼"之意;用作复数名词时为"体操""运动"。而这里应该是"锻炼"的意思。面。exercise作不可数名词时为"训练"

14 It was the very place _________ the soldiers fought over sixty years ago.

【译文】 这就是战士们60多年前战斗过的地方。

  A. that   B. which     C. where   D. there

【答案及简析】 C 定语从句。the very place 在从句中充当地点状语。

15 ——What about _________ job? ——Its too difficult _________ job for me.

【译文】 ——这个工作如何?   ——对我来说太难了。

  A. the; a   B. the; the  C. a; the   D. a; a

【答案及简析】 A 前面是特指,后面是泛指。

16 It’s what he did _________ what he said that moved us.

【译文】 是我们感动的是他所做的事而不是他所说的话。

  A. except for   B. but so     C. instead   D. rather than

【答案及简析】 D 考查强调句型。rather than"而不是"

17 -Have you seen _________ watch? I left it here this morning.-I think I saw one somewhere. Is it _________ new one?


  A. a/   B. athe    C. thea   D. aa

【答案及简析】 D 考查冠词的使用。不定冠词表示泛指。

18 -You must be excited about going to Japan for schooling. -_________but I’m afraid I can’t do well because my Japanese is poor.

【译文】 到日本去读书,你一定很激动。 ——喔,我应该激动。但日语不好,我会担心做不好的。

  A. Never mind   B. WellI ought to   C. I don’t know yet   D. Certainly not

【答案及简析】 B 应为I ought to be excited about…Never mind用来回答道歉语,Certainly not用来回答别人的请求和询问等。

19 The new machineif _________ properlywill work at least ten years.

【译文】 如果是用得当,这太新机器会使用10年的。

  A. use   B. using    C. being used   D. used

【答案及简析】 D 本题考查分词与主语之间的关系。"if the new machine is used properly…"

20 -Do you think we can get there on time? -Yes_______ the truck doesn’t break down.


  A. even if   B. unless   C. until   D. so long as

【答案及简析】 D so long as=ifunless"除非"…unless the truck breaks down.

21 Exercise is ______ as any other to lose unwanted weight.

【译文】 锻炼和其他减肥的方法一样好。

  A. so useful a way   B. as a useful way   C. as useful a way   D. such useful way

【答案及简析】 C 本题考查as…as比较结构,另: assotoohow +adj.+a+单数可数名词。

22 -What do you do yesterday afternoon?-I went to the bookstore___ some books and visited my uncle.

【译文】 ——昨天下午你在干吗?  ——我去书店了,买了几本书然后去看了我的叔叔。

  A. to buy   B. bought  C. Buy   D. buying

【答案及简析】 B wentboughtvisited是几个连续发生的动作。

23 The stone on the river bank rolled under her feet; she was _____into the riverand she called out for help.

【译文】 河岸的石头滚到她的脚下;把她推到了河里,于是喊救命。

  A. being jumped   B. jumped   C. pulled   D. being pulled

【答案及简析】 D was being pulled是过去进行时的被动形式。

24 The Browns held _____ they called"family day"once each year.

【译文】 布朗夫妇每年举行一次他们称之为家庭日的活动。

  A. that   B. what  C. which   D. when

【答案及简析】 B what既作连词又在宾语从句中作called的宾语。

25 -What shall we have for dinner tonight? -OhI don’t care. ____. It’s your job to come up with the menuso get on with it.

【译文】 ——今天晚上我们吃什么好呢?  ——喔,我不介意,什么都行。

  A. Anything will do                       B. I won’t have lessons tomorrow

  C. I needn’t to talk about it with someone    D. What a nice meal

【答案及简析】 A do为不及物动词,"合适",""

26 I hate ______ their complains all day. one of these days I’ll tell them what I really think.

【译文】 我讨厌他们整天的抱怨。哪天我会告诉他们我的真实想法的。

  A. paying attention to   B. to talk about     C. listening to   D. to have heard

【答案及简析】 C 从意思上推断只能用Chate可以加不定式或动名词作宾语。

27 Don’t be joking. It’s time to ______ your business.

【译文】 不要开玩笑了,是干活的时候了。

  A. set out   B. take up   C. go on   D. get down

【答案及简析】 A set out"着手""开始"; set out your business"开始干活儿"; take up"占用"; go on后不能直接接名词; get down to business"开始干正事"

28 -Everyone says you are a good student. You are never late for schoolare you?  -_______.

【译文】 ——大家都说你是一个好学生。你从不迟到,是吗?——不,我有时迟到。

  A. Nosometimes   B. Yessometimes    C. YesI did   D. NoI do

【答案及简析】 B 肯定回答: YesI am late sometimes.否定回答: NoI am never late.

29 _____ all the inventions have in common is ______ they have succeeded.

【译文】 所有发明共有的特点是他们成功了。

  A. What; what   B. That; what    C. What; that   D. That; that

【答案及简析】 C 第一空既是主语从句的(谓语have)宾语,又是主句的主语,所以应该填what;第二空用that来引导表语从句。

30 -Are you pleased with what he has done? -Not in the least. It couldn’t be ____.

【译文】 ——你对他所做的工作满意吗?  ——一点也不满意。没有比这个更糟的了。

  A. so bad   B. much better  C. any worse   D. the best

【答案及简析】 C 否定词与比较级连用表最高级含义。

31 -We want someone to design the new art museum for us.-_____ the young fellow have a try?

【译文】 ——我们想找人为我们设计一个新的艺术博物馆。——是不是让这位年轻小伙子试一试?

  A. May   B. Shall  C. Will   D. Need

【答案及简析】 B shall作为情态动词,用于二三人称,表示"询问""警告""允诺""命令""决心""强制"等语气。will作为情态动词,用于主语是各种人称的陈述句中,表示"意愿""倾向"。用于第二人称的疑问句中,表"请求"

32 When he was a little boyhe ______ on the farm.

【译文】 但他是一个小孩时,常常在农场里劳动。

  A. used to working   B. used to work  C. got used to work   D. was used to work

【答案及简析】 B used to do sth.意为"过去经常做某事"be used to do sth.意为"被用来做某事"be/get used to doing sth."习惯于做某事"

33 I’ll give the prize to _______ finishes the work first.

【译文】 我将把奖品给最先完成工作的人。

  A. whomever   B. whoever     C. who   D. anyone

【答案及简析】 B 名词性从句中的救从不救主原则首选原则

34 In the 16-19 age group32 of women smoke ______ 28 of men.

【译文】 16-19年龄组里,女性和男性抽烟的比例是32:28

  A. comparing to   B. comparing with     C. compared to   D. compare with

【答案及简析】 C 与。。。相比较。

35 How pleasant the picture is to _______

【译文】 这幅画看起来很不错!

  A. be looked   B. for looking at      C. looking at   D. look at

【答案及简析】 D It is peasant to look at the picture。故不定式用主动形式。

36 It was five o’clock in the afternoon _____ they climbed up to the top of the mountain.

【译文】 他们爬上山顶的时候是下午5点钟。

  A. since   B. when      C. That   D. until

【答案及简析】 B 此句为一主从复合句。"when"引导状语从句;若看作强调结构,应在five前加at

37 -What did you think of ______ president?-I didn’t care for him at firstbut after ____ time I get to like him.

【译文】 ——你认为这位总统如何?  ——起初我一点也不喜欢他。但过了一段时间,我却逐渐喜欢他了。

  A. the; a   B. /; the   C. the; the   D. /; a

【答案及简析】 A the president特指"那个人",并非表"职衔""职务"

38 Last term our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem _____ none of us worked out.

【译文】 上学期数学老师考试出题太难,没有一个人能解出来。

  A. that   B. as   C. so that   D. which

【答案及简析】 B as引导定语从句修饰"examination problem",在从句中作宾语,因其先行词前有限定词so。若看作"so…that…"结构,结果状语从句应加宾语,"worked it out"

39 How pleased the detective was _____ what his customer told him!

【译文】 侦探听到他的客户所讲的事很是高兴!

  A. hearing   B. heard    C. to hearing   D. to hear

【答案及简析】 D "be pleased to do sth."为固定结构,不定式表原因。此感叹句的陈述句形式为: The detective was pleased to hear what his customer told him.

40 Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had _____ went wrong again.

【译文】 布朗太太看她修好的洗衣机又坏了很失望。

  A. it repaired   B. to be repaired  C. to repair   D. repaired

【答案及简析】 D 考查"have sth. done"结构,原句含定语从句"…the washing machine that s he had repaired…"

41 -Has Tommy finished his homework yet?-I have no idea; he ____ it this morning.

【译文】 ——汤米完成了他的作业了吗?  —— 我不知道,今天上午他在做呢。

  A. was doing   B. had been doing  C. has done   D. did

【答案及简析】 A 表示今天上午一直在做作业。

42 -If you have time tonightI’d like to invite you to a ball. -That’s very nice of youbut are you ____?

【译文】 ——如果你今晚有时间,我想邀你去跳舞。  ——太好了,是真的吗?

  A. free   B. careful  C. serious   D. true

【答案及简析】 C serious:严肃的;认真的。"你是当真吗?"

43 -You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me. -______.

【译文】 ——你再不能选出比这更好的礼物了。——_______.

  A. OhI’d choose a better one for you next time. B. You’ve had a gift for musichaven’t you?

  C. I’m glad that you like it so much.              D. Sorrybut don’t blame medear.

【答案及简析】 C 本句意为"你再不能选出比这更好的礼物了。"意即"这是最好的礼物。"

44 -My mathematics is very poor. -Don’t worry. I’ll help you ______ I can.

【译文】 ——我的数学很差。  ——不要着急。我将尽力帮助你。

  A. as far as   B. as soon as     C. as quickly as   D. as possible as

【答案及简析】 A as far as"……""……程度",表范围。D项应为"as…as possible"

45 -Did your uncle fly to Paris directly? -Nohe travelled from Hong Kong _____ London.

【译文】 ——你叔叔直接飞巴黎去了?     ——不,他从香港出发取道伦敦飞抵巴黎。

  A. through   B. by way of    C. across   D. on way of

【答案及简析】 B by way of意为"途经""经由""取道"

46 CanadaAustralia and New Zealand are all ____ countries.

【译文】 加拿大,澳大利亚和新西兰都是讲英语的国家。

  A. spokenEnglish    B. Englishspoken

  C. speakingEnglish   D. Englishspeaking

【答案及简析】 D spokenEnglish的意思是:口头英语。Englishspeaking countries:讲英语的国家。

47 He ____ me to keep away from cigarette and take more exercise.

【译文】 他答应我不抽烟并且参加锻炼。

  A. agreed   B. suggested  C. promised   D. hoped

【答案及简析】 C promise sb. to do sth.的用法。还可根据句义排除A

48 The Beatles (一乐队名)________ many of you are old enough to remembercame from Liverpool.

【译文】 Beatles乐队,正如你们能记住的那样,来自利物浦。

  A. for   B. though   C. As   D. since

【答案及简析】 C D两项,Csuggest不能接不定式。

49 We used to work in the same office and we _________ have coffee together.

【译文】 我们过去在同一个办公室上班,常常一起喝咖啡。

  A. would   B. should     C. which   D. might

【答案及简析】 A as引导的非限制性定语从句,as代替整个主句。

50 Is it Shakespeare Theatre _______ you are going to watch the play The Merchant of Venice?

【译文】 这就是你看威力斯商人的那个莎士比亚剧院吗?

  A. swheres   B. that      C. which   D. as

【答案及简析】 A would do sth.表示过去常常做某事(不涉及现在的情况)used to do sth.过去常常做某事(现在已经不发出该动作了)

51 I _____ to take a holiday this summer, but I had to change my plan .

【译文】 我原打算今年暑假休假,但我不得不改变主意。

  A. would hope   B. was hoping  C. had been hoped   D. had hoped

【答案及简析】 D hope动作发生在had to change动作之前,"过去的过去",故用过去完成时。

52 -I heard Back Street would sing at the New Theater.-Where did you _____?

【译文】 ——我听说Back Street将在新戏院演唱。  ——你从何处得到这个消息的?

  A. pick that up   B. put that up     C. make that up   D. take that up

【答案及简析】 A pick up"获悉或打听到消息"之意。

53 -Are you satisfied with her answer?-Not at all. It couldn’t have been _____.

【译文】 ——你满意他的回答么?   ——一点也不满意。不应该这样的糟。

  A. worse   B. so bad  C. better   D. the worse

【答案及简析】 A can’t/couldn’t与比较级连用时表示"再也没有更……的了"

54 I will give the book to _____ wants to read it.

【译文】 我将把这本书给那些想读它的人。

  A. whoever   B. whomever   C. who   D. whom

【答案及简析】 A whoever在引导的名词性从句中作主语,整个从句做介词to的宾语。此处可用anyone who来替换。

55 -Thank you very much. -You are welcome. I was _____ glad to help.

【译文】 ——非常感谢你。    ——欢迎你。我很高兴能帮助你。

  A. too much   B. only too  C. not so   D. very much

【答案及简析】 B too…to…前面有only时表示肯定含义。

56 If _____ the same treatment again, he’s sure to get well.

【译文】 如果再进行同样的治疗,他肯定会好的。

  A. giving   B. give  C. given   D. being given

【答案及简析】 C 在条件状语从句中,如果其主语和主句的主语一致,那么可以把条件句中的主语和系动词be同时省略。此题中即是在If后省略了he is

57 His best known work that is _____ all praise can be seen in the museum.

【译文】 在博物馆将会看到他那令人赞叹不已的最出名的作品。

  A. with   B. beyond  C. without   D. within

【答案及简析】 B 此处beyond意为"超出(……的范围)"

58 -What do you think of the book? -Oh, excellent. It is worth _____ second time.

【译文】 ——你认为这本书如何?   ——喔,不错!只得再看一遍。

  A. to read a   B. to read the  C. reading a   D. being read the

【答案及简析】 C be worth doing本身就表示被动含义,"值得做某事"a second time表示不确定的"第二次",实为"又一次",并非特定,故不用the

59 Let us hope we can settle the matter without _____ more trouble.

【译文】 让我们希望解决这个问题没有任何麻烦。

  A. any   B. a little   C. some   D. little

【答案及简析】 A any一般用在具有否定意义的短语或句子当中。

60 Charles did what he could _____ the servant, although he himself was in danger.

【译文】 尽管他自己也在危险中,Charles尽了他的一切努力救助他的仆人。

  A. rescue   B. rescued     C. to rescue   D. rescuing

【答案及简析】 C 此题中could后省略了do,而不定式to rescue是目的状语。

61 -When ____ you return the dictionary to me?-Only when I ____ you next Sunday.

【译文】 ——何时还我的词典?    ——只有下个星期天我见着你的时候。

  A. willsee   B. dowill see  C. willwill see   D. dosee

【答案及简析】 A if, when, before, as soon as等引导的条件句和时间状语从句通常用一般时态表示将来。

62 -Mary, would you like to come to my birthday party? -_____.

【译文】 ——玛丽,你能来参加我的生日聚会吗? ——肯定要来。

  A. Of course, you could   B. Sure. Go ahead  C. Sorry, you may not   D. No, you mustn’t

【答案及简析】 B 根据问句,答句应当表明""的想法。

63 -What’s the old man standing there? -He is _____, a new comer.

【译文】 ——站在那边的那个老人是干什么的?   ——他是新来的工程师。

  A. Mr. White   B. an engineer  C. Joe   D. Joe’s brother

【答案及简析】 B 根据问句可知询问人的职业。

64 If you carry on working like this, you will _____ sooner or later.

【译文】 如果你继续像这样工作,你迟早会病倒的。

  A. give off   B. get down  C. break down   D. hold on

【答案及简析】 C break down意为"不支","病倒","衰弱"

65 -Have you got your test result? -Not yet. The papers _____.

【译文】 ——你知道你的考试结果了吗?   ——没有。试卷正在评改。

  A. are still being corrected       B. are not correcting

  C. have already been corrected   D. have not corrected

【答案及简析】 A 根据题意应选用被动语态的选项, B

66 If you keep on, you’ll succeed _____. Wish you success in the examinations.

【译文】 如果你继续努力,你早晚会成功的。祝你考试成功。

  A. in time   B. at one time    C. for the same time   D. sometimes

【答案及简析】 A in time此处意为"sooner or later""早晚","终究"in time另外的一个意义是"及时"

67 -When are you leaving? -My plane _____ at six.

【译文】 ——你什么时候出发?  ——飞机6点起飞。

  A. took off   B. is about to take off      C. takes off   D. will take off

【答案及简析】 C 因为主语是飞机并非"",所以此句只是说明"飞机6点起飞"这个事实。

68 I need some red ink badly, but there’s _____ at hand.

【译文】 我急需一些红墨水,但手头一点也没有。

  A. nothing   B. a little  C. none   D. not

【答案及简析】 C none这儿指的是没有红墨水。

69 Is there a cinema around _____ I can see a movie?

【译文】 附近有能看电影的电影院吗?

  A. that   B. which   C. where   D. what

【答案及简析】 C where引导定语从句修饰cinema

70 You can go out _____ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.

【译文】 只要你保证在11点前回家,你可以出去。

  A. so that   B. as far as  C. so long as   D. in case

【答案及简析】 C as/so long as在此表示"只要"

71 There are forty five students in our class, and they are _____ interested in football.

【译文】 我们班上有45个学生,大家几乎都对足球感兴趣。

  A. most   B. almost   C. nearly   D. mostly

【答案及简析】 D most常用来修饰形容词和副词;nearly, almost表示"几乎"

72 -The girls in blue are our new classmates. -I know _____.

【译文】 ——穿蓝色衣服女孩是新来的同学。   —— 我知道。

  A. these   B. so  C. such   D. that

【答案及简析】 D "差一点",用在本题意思不通顺;mostly意为"主要的""几乎全部(almost all)",本句意思是"我们班有45名同学,他们大部分对足球感兴趣。"

73 It is too early in the _____ to expect many visitors to the city.

【译文】 对这个城市来说,现在还不是旅游旺季。

  A. time   B. hour  C. season   D. term

【答案及简析】 C that用来指已说过的人和事。so常跟在某些词,think, hope, believe, expect , imagine, suppose等之后,替代肯定结构。

74 Don’t _____ to correct me if I made a mistake.

【译文】 如果我有什么错误的话请毫不犹豫地改正过来。

  A. pause   B. stop  C. mind   D. hesitate

【答案及简析】 D 本句考查too..to...结构。

75 -You must call them every week. -Yes, I _____.

【译文】 ——你得周周叫他们。  —— 我会的。

  A. must   B. should  C. have to   D. will

【答案及简析】 D mind意为"介意"

76 I am glad that the Olympic Games will be held in 2008 in China, _______ ?

【译文】 我很高兴2008年奥运会将在北京举行,是吧?

  A. shall we   B. aren’t I  C. won’t it   D. won’t they

【答案及简析】 D 在这种句式中,如果主句的主语为第一人称(we, I),反意疑问则根据从句确定。如Im sure, I think/believe/suppose/expect等。如果主语为第二

77 -Wouldn’t be ___ wonderful world, if all nations live in ____ peace with one another?  -What _____ pleasure to live in _______ world!

【译文】 ——如果所有的国家都和平相处,不是一个美好的世界么? ——居住在这样的一个世界该多好呀!

  A. the; the; the; such   B. the; a; /; such  C. a; /; a; such a   D. a; a; /; such a

【答案及简析】 C 三人称,反意疑问句则根据主句确定。the Olympic Games作为复数来看待,故不选C

78 _______ a mobile phone can you ring _______ you want to talk with anywhere .

【译文】 只有用移动电话你才能够打给任何你想讲话的人。

  A. Using; whoever   B. Only on; whomever  C. By; whomever   D. With; whoever

【答案及简析】 B a wonderful world"一个美好的世界"; in peace / at war为固定搭配。

79 ____ was known to them all that Bob had broken his promise ____ he would give them a rise.

【译文】 众所周知,Bob违背了他要给我们涨工资的许诺。

  A. As; which   B. What; that  C. It; that   D. It; which

【答案及简析】 C 此题的关键在题干中的倒装: only+副词/介词短语/状语从句置于句首时,主句要倒装。另外, whoever是主格, whomever是宾格,此处作介词with的宾语。

80 -I expect everything will turn out as you wish.-_______.

【译文】 ——我祝您万事如意!   ——谢谢!你也一样。

  A. The same to you?   B. All right  C. I’d like to   D. Certainly

【答案及简析】 A 此处It为形式主语,第一个that引导主语从句,第二个that引导同位语从句。

81 -Are there any English Story books for us students in the library?  -There are only a few, _____.

【译文】 ——图书馆里有适合我们学生的英语书吗?   ——如果有的话,也是不多。

  A. if any   B. if there  C. if some   D. if has

【答案及简析】 A any以及它的合成词一般用于疑问句

82 Jack _______ yet last night, otherwise he _______ me.

【译文】 Jack不可能昨天晚上到达,如果他来了,他会给我打电话的。

  A. mustn’t have arrived; must have phoned   B. can’t have arrived; would have phoned

  C. may have arrived; need have phoned      D. shouldn’t have arrived; can have phoned

【答案及简析】 B 否定句和条件句。if any=if there are any English story books.

83 _______ we call the First Aid Centre, the doctors _______ by and by.

【译文】 只要我们拨打急救中心,医生马上就回来。

  A. No sooner; would come   B. Soon after; would come

  C. Shortly; are coming      D. Immediately; will come

【答案及简析】 D 否定推测要用can’t/couldn’t+…;与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,条件句用过去完成时态,主句用过去将来完成时态,would/should/could/might+have+p.p.

84 Betty’s English is _______ than _______ in the class.

【译文】 Betty的英语比班上其他同学的好得多。

  A. much better; anyone else   B. far better; anyone else’s

  C. a lot better; anyone’s else   D. a great deal better; anyone’s else’s

【答案及简析】 B immediately可以作连词使用,相当于as soon as, the moment, the instant (…………),同时还考查了时态:从句用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时态。

85 _______ she is not so healthy _______ she used to be?

【译文】 为什么她不像原来那样健康?

  A. It was why; that’s what    B. Is it why that; as

  C. Why is it that; as         D. Why it is that; that

【答案及简析】 C 本题主要考查"疑问词/不定代词+elses"这一所有格形式,顺便考查修饰比较级的词或短语,选项中的much, far, a lot, a great deal修饰比较级时,都是""的意思,even, still修饰比较级时则表示""的意思。

86 Computer cannot remember who _______; it simply does what _______.

【译文】 电脑不可能记住谁用过它;它只能按照指令执行。

  A. has used it; it is told   B. will used it; it was told

  C. uses it; it has told     D. has used it; it told

【答案及简析】 A 第一个空上可用现在完成时或一般现在时;第二个空上则必须用两者的被动式。

87 _______ we know, hurricane is _______ to come.

【译文】 就我所知,飓风很可能要来。

  A. As soon as; possible   B. As long as; probable

  C. As far as; likely      D. As well as; perhaps

【答案及简析】 C as/so far as we/I know,…是一个句型;第二个空考查likely的用法。

88 _______ Sunday, rather than _______ at home, I preferred _______.

【译文】 由于是星期天,呆在家里不如出去旅游。

  A. It being; stay; to travel      B. Being; to stay; to travel

  C. shavings been; stay; travel   D. It was; to stay; travelling

【答案及简析】 A It being Sunday是独立主格结构,相当于Because it was Sunday作原因状语;后两空考查prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.的倒装结构。另外,此处独立主格结构中的it作逻辑主语不可以省略。

89 -I’d rather have some wine, if you don’t mind.  -_______.

【译文】 ——你如果不介意的话,我想来点酒。   ——不介意的,你想干嘛干嘛。

  A. No, you’d better not      B. Not at all, anything you want

  C. Thank you all the same    D. Yes, but not good

【答案及简析】 B 情景英语。实际情况为不介意。

90 Historically, _______ main material for making tables has been wood, but ______ metal and stone have also been used.

【译文】 历史地说,做桌子的的原料一直是木料,但是金属和石料也可以用了。

  A. the; /   B. /; /  C. the; the   D. /; the

【答案及简析】 A 第一个为特指;第二个空不填是因为meta, stone不可数名词表示种类。

91 -_______ I tell the head teacher all that has happened? -No, you _______! Mr. Xin would be terribly angry.

【译文】 ——我该不该把一切都告诉班主任?  ——不行!你绝不能告诉他,老师会特生气的。

  A. Will; needn’t     B. Would; can      C. Should; mustn’t   D. Must; don’t have to

【答案及简析】 C 由第二个空后"!"得知此句语气非常强硬须用mustn’t

92 So far, several ships have been reported missing _______ the coast of Bermuda Island.

【译文】 据报道,到目前为止,好几艘船在Bermuda Island附近失踪了。

  A. off   B. along C. on   D. around

【答案及简析】 A 此处off为介词,表示"……有一定距离"

93 Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often _______ or better than an actual performance.

【译文】 你喜欢听录音机吗?我发现录音带常常和原声唱效果一样好,或者更好一些。

  A. as good as   B. as good  C. as well as   D. good as

【答案及简析】 A 意为"……一样好"

94 The sun was shining brightly, _______ everything there _______ more beautiful.

【译文】 阳光灿烂,那儿的一切看起来都那么美丽。

  A. making; look        B. to make; looked

  C. and made; looking   D. and making; be looked

【答案及简析】 A 分词作结果状语;另外考查句型make…do…

95 -How can I use this washing machine? -Well, just refer to the _______.

【译文】 ——我如何使用这台洗衣机?  ——参考说明书。

  A. explanations   B. expressions    C. introductions   D. directions

【答案及简析】 D directions此处意为指示;用法;说明书。

96 Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed _____, for which his classmates spoke _______ of him.

【译文】 尽管他在十岁时就残疾了,然而他目标很高,他的同学对此评价很高。

  A. high; high   B. highly; highly     C. highly; high   D. high; highly

【答案及简析】 D high表示具体高度; highly则表示抽象意义,此处二者均为副词。

97 We’ll continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school, we must _______ learn how to study in the school now.

【译文】 我们毕业后将继续自学,但最要的是学会在校如何学习。

  A. in all   B. after all     C. above all   D. at all

【答案及简析】 C above all表示"首先,即最重要"

98 Mr. Green drove slowly on the way home until he reached the high way, ______ the speed limit was 60 miles per hour.

【译文】 Mr. Green在回家路上一直开的很慢,直到上了高速公路,这里限制速度是每小时60英里。

  A. because   B. which    C. where   D. that

【答案及简析】 C where引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the high way

99 t will be quite a long time _______ she is back again, so don’t be too cross with her.

【译文】 要过很久她才会回来,所以不要生她的气。

  A. that   B. since  C. before   D. until

【答案及简析】 C "It+be+time+ before…"

100 Henry can’t attend the party _______ at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _______ at Marie’s house tomorrow.

【译文】 Henry不可能出席今天在汤姆家举行的舞会,因为她在准备明天在 Marie家舞会上的演讲。

  A. held; being held   B. to be held; to be held   C. to be held; heldD. being held; to be held

【答案及简析】 D此题考查现在分词的被动式和不定式的被动式作定语的情况;前者表示正在进行,后者表示还未发生。

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