

【口琴汇-经典专访】Brendan Power 与 Leah Roseman 的音乐家对话

2022.06.11 北京

Brendan Power Conversations with Musicians with Leah Roseman

@BrendanPowerMusic Brendan Power is famous internationally as a phenomenal harmonica player in many genres and also as an instrument innovator. He’s invented many unique harmonicas to increase the expressiveness and range possibilities of the instrument family, and is constantly experimenting. Brendan also has a fascinating personal story in that he discovered the harmonica in his university years, and  changed his life in order to master it. He is completely self-taught and you may have heard his playing on albums with Sting, Kate Bush, Van Morrison, movies like Shanghai Noon and Atonement, or over 20 of his solo albums. I was thrilled to have this opportunity to speak with him, but unfortunately we had some really big internet delays, which you may notice as a few instances of unavoidably choppy editing. During the episode Brendan demonstrates a few of his harmonicas in different styles, and I’ve added timestamps below. As well, this episode is available as a podcast, and the transcript will soon be published as well: https://www.leahroseman.com/episodes/...Brendan's website: https://www.brendan-power.com/


00:00 Intro

02:12 Amazing Grace on the AsiaBend harmonica

03:15 Discussion of the AsiaBend harmonica and different musical traditions, including Indianization of different instruments

07:58 Bulgarian music

10:10 How Brendan started developing different tunings

10:58 Brendan’s start in music, hearing Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee

12:56 Brendan’s family influences, early playing opportunities in New Zealand

15:27 how Brendan learned by ear, understanding of harmony

18:32 Brendan early years in England, winning the All-Ireland

21:39 getting hired by Sting for the Ten Summoner’s Tales videos, playing with David Sanchez, Vinnie Colaiuta

24:04 Internet history: a CD of Ten Summoner’s Tales sold in 1994 was the first secure transaction on the internet

24:59 Lucy Randall

25:26 Irish music Corner House jig into a reel

28:01 retuning harmonicas, developing different harmonicas

29:45 History of the harmonica

31:27 using iPad for music effects, MIDI, Akai EWI, SWAM Audio Modeling

35:43 Richter tuning, development of bending notes in the Blues, Paddy Richter tuning

38:10 the number of harmonicas most serious players have

41:38 pros and cons of the chromatic harmonica

43:46 how to alter a chromatic harmonica for more expressive possibilities

45:54 discussion of the SlipSlider and new innovations 49:07 pros and cons of MIDI harmonicas

51:21 Brendan’s early years learning on his own

@BrendanPowerMusic Brendan Power 作为许多流派的非凡口琴演奏家和乐器创新者而享誉国际。他发明了许多独特的口琴,以增加乐器系列的表现力和音域可能性,并不断进行试验。Brendan 还有一个引人入胜的个人故事,他在大学期间发现了口琴,并改变了自己的生活以掌握它。他完全是自学成才的,你可能已经听过他在与 Sting、Kate Bush、Van Morrison 的专辑、上海正午和赎罪等电影的专辑中演奏,或者他的 20 多张个人专辑。我很高兴有机会与他交谈,但不幸的是,我们遇到了一些非常严重的互联网延迟,您可能会注意到一些不可避免的断断续续的编辑实例。在这一集中,Brendan 展示了他的一些不同风格的口琴,我在下面添加了时间戳。同样,这一集可作为播客提供,并且成绩单也将很快发布:https://www.leahroseman.com/episodes/...Brendan 的网站:



00:00 介绍

02:12 AsiaBend 口琴上的奇异恩典

03:15 讨论 AsiaBend 口琴和不同的音乐传统,包括印度化


07:58 保加利亚音乐

10:10 Brendan 如何开始开发不同的调音

10:58 布伦丹开始音乐,聆听桑尼·特里和布朗尼·麦吉

12:56 Brendan 的家庭影响,新西兰的早期比赛机会

15:27 Brendan 如何通过耳朵学习,理解和声

18:32 Brendan早年在英格兰,夺得全爱尔兰冠军

21:39 被 Sting 聘用为十个召唤师的故事视频,与 David Sanchez、Vinnie Colaiuta 一起玩

24:04 互联网历史:1994 年销售的十个召唤师故事 CD 是互联网上的第一笔安全交易

24:59 露西·兰德尔

25:26 爱尔兰音乐 Corner House 跳进卷轴

28:01 重调口琴,发展不同的口琴

29:45 口琴的历史

31:27 使用 iPad 进行音乐效果、MIDI、Akai EWI、SWAM 音频建模

35:43 里希特调音,布鲁斯中弯曲音符的发展,帕迪里希特调音

38:10 最认真的演奏家拥有的口琴数量

41:38 半音阶口琴的优缺点

43:46 如何改变半音阶口琴以获得更具表现力的可能性

45:54 讨论 SlipSlider 和新的创新

49:07 MIDI 口琴的利弊

51:21 布伦丹早年自学

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