

Fiona讲她自己的故事 #EachforEqual 【In Chinese and English 中英双语】
Fiona tells the story of herself

Fiona in hands-out equal pose

The story in Chinese as well as the photos are all provided by Fiona. And with her consent, the campaign organiser Hermione translated each paragraph and edited the content for reading via phone. It ends with Hermione's comment.

Hi there,
I am Fiona, 21 years old. Like this ubiquitous name, I am one of the millions of ordinary girls longing for the metropolis.
Born in a small city without McDonald's, the occlusion and backwardness of this small city is the origin of magical realism I then feel: menstrual shame silences and represses with a black plastic bag for sanitary pads, slut shaming by looking at how a girl walks to judge she is "virgin" or not, and people who never learn to speak softly because of poverty ...
I used to pray every night: Let me leave here, I want to go to big cities, and my life needs beauty.
At the age of 19, I came to a university in Shanghai through higher education entrance examination. My life has been completely opened from September 2017.

Me, just arrived in Shanghai in early September 2017

I started from scratch to get involved in drama as a freshman, and next year became the youngest president of the school drama club in the last five years. During my sophomore summer vacation, I participated in learning and performing at the Shanghai Drama Art Centre.

A group photo when I acted as an actor at the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center in August 2019 (I'm the yellow-haired girl behind the male in the first row in red shoes)

A poster when I performed as an actor in a school drama club in September 2019 (I am the girl with a printed flower dress in the lower right corner)

I started to spend time in visiting museums and art galleries from scratch. I have been in Shanghai's major art galleries. Now I have seen more than 30 exhibitions a year, and I have visited the Shanghai Museum 10 times.
Of course, it is also hard. The problems to overcome range from financial support to the sense of class gap. Fortunately, after three years, even it was not a rebirth, but I have changed a lot.
When I met friends and relatives through video this year, I was praised the most "a person who really lives in big cities." It is with great emotion to hear such praise.
If it is not the clear desire for beauty when I was young; if it is not the universities I chose three years ago, I only aimed at the first-tier cities; if I did not dream about the big city almost every night... Anything changed, I will not be the person I am today.
Now, the 21-year-old Fiona wants to stay in Shanghai.
Wish me luck. And I also wish that all the girls who are looking forward to the metropolis, like me, good luck will always be with you.

Hermione's feelings:

Reading Fiona's story is like time-travelling to know the younger me as we both grew up in a small place and now living a big city. My hometown did not have McDonald's until my secondary school. For international readers' information, KFC and McDonald's are kind of a symbol for the development and size of Chinese cities. Looking at their distributions and expansion, to some extent, can quickly tell the economy and the place's openness to foreign investment.

We both get our English from books we read. For me, it is Hermione from Harry Potter who always considers equality for all, including promoting the welfare of house elves. For her, it is Fiona who grew up in a small place and find her place in a big city. It seems like self-fulfilling prophecy is taking place on both of us. Hope this will work on her future life in Shanghai (even not, maybe she will find a better place than Shanghai as she experiences more).

I am so happy to know that Fiona in her early twenties can also feel that she find a life which suits her better. I am not saying urban lifestyle is superior than rural, because it cannot be that easily judged. But people do have preferences. Like what Fiona indicated, girls and women would prefer a place that they can live and dress the way they like, walk without being judged, talk about periods and do not feel ashamed. 

It is a fact that many people live in the countryside (not just China, also in India like the film Padman, and maybe also in many other countries, and perhaps not just rural as we have seen the news about the 'room' in South Korea recently) do not give female the choice to be a human. I would argue that is why I consider this campaign is still meaningful after the International Women's Day 2020, as our throats have not been held by others, we should speak for ourselves, to say what we mean.

Personally I also like the museums and galleries Fiona mentioned. It is a pity tha now in UK I cannot go anywhere unessential, but if possible, I would like to remind anyone who share our common interest, follow the social media of these museums and galleries, their staff are trying the best to get some exhibitions online at bitesize with intriguing words. My recent favourite is TATE at their instagram account. 


When our body is trapped somewhere, it is better that we do not put our mind in a cell too.

Finally, I hope after the pandemic, Fiona and everyone who appreciate the beauty in the world, all have the opportunities to visit London for plays, exhibitions and parks, or do anything you prefer at any place you like. Before then, we all need to take care of ourselves and try our best to live and let others live too.

A TED talk on periods:
截图源自  screenshot source:

#每个人的平等 同主题更多中英双语推送:
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