

珍妮说了她名字的故事,并提出了一个问题 #EachforEqual 【In Chinese and English 中英双语】

Zhenni tells the story of her name and asks a question

Jenny in hands-out equal pose

The story in Chinese and English as well as this drawing are all provided by Zhenni (Jenny). And with her consent, the campaign organiser Hermione posts her story and writes back to her.


我在写 each for equal,写了好多却怎么也写不成一个故事,有个疑问点想问问你,我相信人们生来是平等的,但是不知道原因和由头是什么,这个怎么去思考呢......




Dear Hermione, 

I wrote a lot on #each for equal but I couldn’t write a story. I believe that people are born equal, but I don’t know why and how this belief came yet. 

My name is Jenny,born after 1995. At that time  there still was a patriarchal view at my hometown. Compared to the birth boys, the birth of girls is disappointing. In that concept, women are considered to have an established fate simply because of their gender identity. They are identified to be weaker than men, to be dependent and troublesome. 

My family gave me the name ZHENNI(Jenny). ZHEN is cherish, Ni is girl, the meaning of ZHENNI is “to cherish girl". I seem to be a lucky girl who doesn’t  need to suffer prejudice directly, and even empowered by my name, which seems to be born against patriarch.

I believe in equality in dual concepts, but not hoping for symmetry.

Hermione's feelings:












Hi Zhenni(Jenny),

I like the meaning that your parents put in your name, and I think that's the story. You made it. I bet there are many readers like me, feeling it is quite warm and touching. Because not only your parent cherish you as their child, but also the atmosphere that your family has repsected female.

The fact that you realise your fortune to grow up in a family that cherish you as a child (without considering the gender) can be a proof that you already notice male and female may face inequality since their birth. It seems to be in conflict with your belief that "people are born equal".

I also have thought about this, here are my thoughts. Sharing with you does not mean my opinions are right, just some personal viewpoints. I hope that we can have more time to think and discuss, not jumping to the conclusion.

The gender discrimination phenomena you see and the "people are born equal" you believe are from two worlds: the former is the world both you and me, and others live in, no matter we like it or not, still exists; the latter lives in your spiritual world, everyone can build a personalised verison according to one's preference.

When you are pondering over the causes and origin, actually this process is like tracing the beginning of why you hold this belief. To an individual, I would argue that this can be related to significant personal experience. From my perspective, when someone has a strong identity to some opinion, this opnion can be their belief. Different forms of education can be related to this, family, school, church, social rules, laws, personal reflection can all play a role in forging one's belief. I would rather not to say one factor is undoubtedly the source of everything. Sometimes even the person cannot articulate the root, as a human being can always develop understandings of oneself and the world.

So I can talk about my current understandings. I actually think not just everyone is equal, all the earthlings are equal. But as I do not have a belief yet, I would not use born equal. I am more inclined to say that "each for equal" is a good wish and attitude choice when human beings have been trying to sustain.

I choose to pursue and advocate "each for equal" is because this campaign fits in what I identify as the virtue of human. Although this may not be a common belief accepted by everyone, nor will it be a fact in my life, but still, I would like to run for the future I am looking forward to. Instead of accept the reality, let me try to do something for the change I want to see first. This is why I organise this campaign, it is because I think this is something I think is good for me, for more women, for more human beings. I do this, not necessarily can get recognition from others, and I am not doing this for recognition.

So the #EachforEqual I say is not to say everyone is equal at everything, I insist that in public sector, such as law, careerpath, no one should be discriminated due to their sex/gender. In private sector, I also hope that no one is treated differently because of their sex/gender. As far as I am involved, gender difference is not the bias I would have in making a new friend or starting a relationship. Of course I do have my standards in choosing a friend, but not related to gender. I guess most people will not say everyone is welcome. Because as we become friends, or family, the relationship is closer. It is difficult to say I treat everyone equal so everyone in my life will get the same timd and same care. Equality is not the point, life is short, so there will be differences in how you deal with your personal life.

The last paragraph I want to make it clear that human and the context one lives in needs to be taken consideration when discussing these abstract concepts. My thoughts always starts from my personal feelings, as long as what I do is not against the law or ethics, I treat people as human beings like me, with my heart. I therefore adovcate #EachforEqual as I percieve what it means: do not first consider this is a man or woman or transgender, first see the common feature, the person is also a human being, like you. Of course when you treat people equally and sincerely, does not mean they treat you the same way, if someone makes you uncomfortable or hurt you, after you express yourself, you also need to realise you are not wrong. However, you come to this world and live this life, is not to change someone or save someone, it is better if you spent your limited time on things that you think are worthwhile and people who cherish you.

I sincerely hope that the name your parents give you will help you to meet more people who will also cherish you.

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