

Using the SDK Headers
Using the SDK Headers
2011-08-19 09:36
Using   the   SDK   Headers 

This   version   of   the   Microsoft®   Platform   SDK   enables   you   to   create   applications   that   run   on   Microsoft   Windows®   95,   Microsoft   Windows   NT®   4.0,   Windows®   98,   Windows   Millennium   Edition   (Windows   Me),   Windows   2000,   Windows   XP,   and   Windows   .NET   Server   2003   family.   You   can   also   create   64-bit   applications.   The   header   files   use   data   types   that   allow   you   to   build   both   32-   and   64-bit   versions   of   your   application   from   a   single   source   code   base.   For   more   information,   see   Getting   Ready   for   64-bit   Windows. 

Microsoft®   Visual   C++®   includes   content   from   the   edition   of   the   Platform   SDK   that   was   current   at   the   time   Visual   C++   was   released.   Therefore,   if   you   install   the   latest   Platform   SDK,   you   may   end   up   with   multiple   versions   of   the   same   header   files   on   your   computer.   To   ensure   that   you   are   using   the   latest   version   of   the   SDK   header   files,   follow   the   directions   included   in   Installing   the   Platform   SDK   with   Visual   Studio.   Otherwise,   you   will   receive   the   following   error   when   compiling   code   that   uses   features   that   were   introduced   after   Visual   C++   was   released:   error   C2065:   undeclared   identifier. 

Certain   functions   that   depend   on   a   particular   version   of   Windows   are   declared   using   conditional   code.   This   enables   you   to   use   the   compiler   to   detect   whether   your   application   uses   functions   that   are   not   supported   on   its   target   version(s)   of   Windows.   To   compile   an   application   that   uses   these   functions,   you   must   define   the   appropriate   macros.   Otherwise,   you   will   receive   the   C2065   error   message.   The   following   table   indicates   the   macros   you   must   define   to   target   each   system. 

Minimum   system   required   Macros   to   define   
Windows   .NET   Server   2003   family   _WIN32_WINNT> =0x0502   
Windows   XP   _WIN32_WINNT> =0x0501   
Windows   2000   _WIN32_WINNT> =0x0500   
Windows   NT   4.0   _WIN32_WINNT> =0x0400   
Windows   Me   _WIN32_WINDOWS=0x0490   
Windows   98   _WIN32_WINDOWS> =0x0410   
Internet   Explorer   6.0   _WIN32_IE> =0x0600   
Internet   Explorer   5.01,   5.5   _WIN32_IE> =0x0501   
Internet   Explorer   5.0,   5.0a,   5.0b   _WIN32_IE> =0x0500   
Internet   Explorer   4.01   _WIN32_IE> =0x0401   
Internet   Explorer   4.0   _WIN32_IE> =0x0400   
Internet   Explorer   3.0,   3.01,   3.02   _WIN32_IE> =0x0300   

For   example,   to   use   the   features   specifically   marked   for   Windows   2000   in   the   header   files,   you   need   to   explicitly   define   _WIN32_WINNT   as   0x0500   or   greater.   You   can   define   the   symbols   using   the   #define   statement   in   each   source   file,   or   by   specifying   the   /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500   compiler   option   supported   by   Visual   C++. 

Visual   C++   6.0:     To   specify   compiler   options,   go   to   the   Projects   menu   and   click   Settings,   then   select   the   C/C++   tab. 

Visual   C++   7.0:     To   specify   compiler   options,   go   to   the   Projects   menu   and   click   Properties. 

The   macros   in   Win32.mak   can   help   you   define   the   correct   macros.   The   value   of   _WIN32_WINNT   depends   on   the   platform   you   choose   to   target.   For   more   information,   see   Building   Applications   Using   Win32.mak. 
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