



1.变一般疑问句时,若句中含有be(am is are was were)或情态动词can could may must will would shall should及助动词have has had时直接将其提到句子首位并大写第一个字母其余照抄不变,肯定句中有some,就把some变成any, I改为you 

2. 变一般疑问句时,肯定句中有had better,就把Had提到句首。

3.变一般疑问句时,肯定句中有used to ,就把Used提到句首;也可以在句首前面加Did,而把used,变为 use

4. 变一般疑问句时,肯定句中有肯定句中有实义动词时,首先要看主语和时态如果主语为第一.二人称或复数人称时且时态又为一般现在时,就直接在句首加Do,其余照抄不变,句中有some,就把some变成any, I改为you 

5. 变一般疑问句时,肯定句中有实义动词且时态又是一般现在时并且主语又为第三人称单数时,就在句首加Does, 实义动词三单形式变回实义动词原型,句中有some,就把some变成any, I改为you 

6. 变一般疑问句时,肯定句中有实义动词过去式,就在句首加Did, 实义动词过去式变回实义动词原型。

7. 变一般疑问句时,肯定句是I am… ,就把I am…变成Are you…

8. 变一般疑问句时,肯定句I was…,就把I was…变成Were you…

1. She is doing some cleaning.

_____ she doing ________ cleaning?

2. They were watching TV at this time yesterday.

_____ they ________ TV at this time yesterday?

3. She goes bicycling twice a week.

______ she  _____ bicycling twice a week?

4. She has to clean the classroom every day.

_____ she _____ to clean the classroom every day?

5. She does morning exercises every day.

_____ she _____do morning exercises every day?

6. We did morning exercises yesterday.

_____ you _____ morning exercises yesterday?

*7. Jim used to be a policeman.

______ Jim _____ be a policeman?

8. I am from Canada.

    _____  _____ from Canada?

9. She is looking for her dog.

     _____ she __________ for her dog?

10. They are some knives.

     ______ they ______ knives?

11. There were some birds in the tree two days ago.

   ______ there ______ birds in the tree two days ago?

12. I would like to go with you.

    ______ you ______ to go with me?

13. Maria does sports every day.

    _____ Maria _____ sports every day?

14. Youd better go home at once.

  _______ you _______ go home at once


1.变否定句时,若句中含有be(am is are was were)或情态动词can could may must will would shall should及助动词have has had时直接其后加not,肯定句中有some,就把some变成any,

2.变否定句时,肯定句中有had better,就把had better后加not.

3. 变否定句时,肯定句中有肯定句中有实义动词时,首先要看主语和时态如果主语为第一.二人称或复数人称时且时态又为一般现在时,就直接在原动词前加don’t,其余照抄不变,句中有some,就把some变成any

4. 变否定句时,肯定句中有实义动词且时态又是一般现在时并且主语又为第三人称单数时,就在原动词前加doesn’t, 实义动词三单形式变回实义动词原型,句中有some,就把some变成any

5. 变否定句时,肯定句中有实义动词过去式,就在原动词前加didn’t, 实义动词过去式变回实义动词原型。肯定句中有some,就要把some变成any



1. I am Marias friend.

    I _____ ______ Marias friend.

2. He was reading a novel in the study.

    He ________ _________ a novel in the study.

3. Steve was doing some cleaning at this time yesterday.

Steve ______ doing ______ cleaning at this time yesterday.

4. He minds it.

    He _______ ______ it.

5. Be quick.

    ______ ______ quick.

6. Michael can speak some French..

    Michael ______ speak ______ French.

*7. I used to walk to school before.

    I _________ ______ walk to school before.


1. What




4)对表示职业的名词(a doctor, a teacher )提问。

2. What do…do ?对动词原形提问。

3. What does…do? 对动词三单现提问。

4. What did…do? 对动词过去式提问。

5. What …doing? 对动词现在分词(v.ing)提问。

6. What …be the weather like…?How …be the weather?对表示天气状况

adj(如 sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, foggy, snowy等)提问。

7. What color 对做表语、宾语的颜色提问。

8. What day 对星期几,节日,生日提问。

9. What date 对几月几日提问。

10. What time 对做表语、状语的时间点(如630 at 7:00PM等)提问。

11.What class/row/grade/school等对诸如:Class Four, Row Three,

Grade Seven, No. 8 Middle School 的短语提问。

12. Who 对表示人的名词提问。

13. Why because +句子(because从句)提问。

14. How

1) 对表示程度的副词及副词词组(well, very much, much, very hard)提问;        

2) 对做表语的表示身体状况的形容词及形容词词组提问。(fine, well, all right, ill, sick)

3) 对对方式状语提问。(on foot, by bike/bus/car…, on a plane等)

4)表示天气状况的adj(如 sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, foggy, snowy等),以及表天气状况的动词及短语(如:rain, snow heavily,)提问。

15. How many对可数名词前的数词、数名短语提问,可数名词的复数形式必须紧

跟在How many之后提到句首。(five books, three baskets of apples

16. How much 1) 对表示价格的数名短语提问。(five yuan, 40 dollars

2) 对不可数名词前数名短语提问,不可数名词必须紧跟在How much之后提到句首.

17.How often对频度副词、频度短语提问。

never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always

every day (week, month), every three weeks (days, months, terms, years ),

three (four, five …) times a day (week, month, term, year …)

three days (weeks, months, years…) a week (month, years century…)

18. How soonsoon以及in +时间段提问。

19. How long 对时间段two hours, for three days)提问。

20. when对时间段及时间点提问。(in June, at 6:30

21. Where对表示地点的副词(here, there)、介词短语提问


1. Im feeling very well today.

______ ______ you feeling today?

2. Jim took the pills twice a day.

How ______ _____ Jim take the pills ?

3. The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed.

______ was the boy _______ when the UFO landed?

4. I used to listen to pop music .

______ _______ you to do?

5. Ann spends at least an hour in the gym every day.

_____ ______ does Ann spend in the gym every day?

6. I watched a soccer game on TV last night.

______ ______ you watch a soccer game on TV?

7. I was born in Chengdu.

_______ ______ you born?

1 You should eat something. ( 变为否定句)

You __________  eat ___________.  You _________ eat ___________.

2. She goes bicycling twice a week.(变为一般疑问句)

________ she ________ bicycling twice a week?

3. Ann spends at least an hour in gym every day. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ does she spend in the gym every day?

4. There are many subways in Beijing now.(now改为  in 2008)

There _________ ________ many subways in Beijing in 2008.

5. He likes singing better than dancing. (变为同义句)

He __________ singing ________ dancing

6. Reading books is a good habit. (变为同义句)

It ________ good ______ read books.

7. You must take good care of your mother. (变为同义句)

You must ______ _________ your mother well.

8. I will be there soon. ( 变为否定句)     I ________ _______ there soon.

9. Will you visit the stadium? (做肯定回答)       ______, I ______.

10. They are playing the guitar. (will改写)   

They ______ ______ the guitar.

11. The food taste delicious. (改为感叹句)    ______ _________ the food taste!

12. They will go shopping for one hour.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ will they go shopping?

13. You’d better get up early. (变反意疑问句)

You’d better get up early, ______ _______?

14. We’re going to have a meeting. (变为同义句)  We ______ ______ a meeting.

15. David is good at swimming. (变为同义句) David _____ _____ in swimming.

16. He always gets up early. (变为同义句)    He ________ gets up _______.

17. I’m the first one to reach school.

I’m the first one to _________ _________________ _________school.

18. We must park near the school buildings. ( 变为否定句)

We ________ ________ near the school buildings.

19. Were you at school yesterday? (做肯定回答)             ________, I ________.

20. I read a book last night.(last night改为this time yesterday)

I ________ ________ a book this time yesterday.

21. Our city is very beautiful. (改为感叹句) _______ _________ our city is!

22. She             goes to school late. (变反意疑问句)

She never goes to school late, _______ _______?

23. Dan goes to bicycling twice a week. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ does Dan go bicycling ?

24. I always get to school early. (变为同义句)   I _______ get to school _______.

25. People can live with water. (变为同义句)   People ______ live _______ water.

26. There was a heavy snow last night. (变为同义句)

It ________ _______/ ________ last night.

27. Eating too little is bad for your health.

Eating too little ________ ________ for your health.

28. Does she have to clean the classroom every day? (做肯定回答) _____, she _____.

29. I think I will learn quite a lot here. ( 变为否定句)

I _______ think I ________ learn quite a lot here

30. She often come to school late. (often改为yesterday)

She ________ to school late ___________.

31. Lucy is a clever girl. (改为感叹句)   _______ a _______ girl Lucy is!

32. I watched a soccer game on TV  last night. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ you watch a soccer game on TV?

33. You saw the Summer Palace yesterday. (变反意疑问句)

You saw the summer Palace yesterday, _______ _______?

34. The kitchen fan doesn’t work. (变为同义句) The kitchen fan ______ ________.

35. Could you please do me a favor? (变为同义句) Could you please ______ _____.

36. What’s wrong with you? (变为同义句)   ___________ the ________ with you?

37. He likes singing better than dancing. (变为同义句)

He ________ singing _______ dancing.

38. You should  eat something. ( 变为否定句) You ________ eat _________.

39. Must I finish my homework here? (做肯定回答) ________, you ________.

40 He is putting on his clothes now. (often改为yesterday)

He ________ _________ on his clothes this time yesterday.

41. The mountain is very high. (改为感叹句)   _____ _______ the mountain is!

42. You’d better stay in bed and have a good rest. (变反意疑问句)

Youd better stay in bed and have a good rest, _________ __________?

43. I was born in Chengdu. (对划线部分提问)   _______ _______ you born?

44. You must take good care of yourself. (变同义句)

You must _______ _______ yourself well.

45. Reading books is a good habit. (变同义句)

It ____ good _____ read books.

46. Could you please help me? (变同义句)

Could you please _______ / _________ me a ________/ ________?

47. What do you think of the TV play? (变同义句)

_______ do you _______ the TV play?

48. His sister likes bananas very much. ( 变为否定句)

His sister ________ like  bananas  at ________.

49. Sam does morning exercises every day? (做肯定回答) ______, _____ does.

50. My father often goes to Shanghai for vacations. (often改为yesterday)

My father _______ ______ to Shanghai for vacation next week.

51. It is a very interesting book. (改为感叹句) _________ ________ interesting book it is!

52. I used to listen to pop music. (对划线部分提问)

What ______ you use to _______?

53. Mr. Yao plays basketball well. (变反意疑问句)

Mr. Yao plays basketball well, _______ _______?

54. You should look after yourself well. (变同义句)

You should _______ ________ care of yourself.

55. Im sure he will win the game. (变同义句) He is ________ ____  win the game.

56. It seems that she is always sad. (变同义句) She always _______ _______.

57. He was sleeping. Just at that time, his mother came in. (变同义句)

He was sleeping ______ his mother _______ in.

58. Miss Zhang taught us math a year ago. ( 变为否定句)

Miss Zhang _________ ________ us math a year ago.

59. Were you at home last night? (做肯定回答) ________, I __________.

60. She read a book last week. (last week改为this time yesterday)

She ________ _________ a book this time yesterday.

61. You looked quite tired. (改为感叹句)  ______ ________ you looked !

62. Shes going to give the concert tonight. (对划线部分提问)

_________ is she going to _______ tonight?

64. He ate           for breakfast this morning. (变反意疑问句)

He ate little for breakfast this morning, ________ _______?

65. It seems that he is always happy. (变同义句) He always ______ ________.

66. Marry isn’t an American. I think. (变同义句)

I _______ ________ Marry is an American.

67. He was sleeping. Just at that time, his uncle came to see him. (变同义句)

He was sleeping ________ his uncle ________ to see him.

68. He was too young to look after himself. (变同义句)

He wasnt __________ _________ look after himself. 

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