

第一部分  选择题(共95分)
1. Which bag has the man bought?
2. What was the weather like on the afternoon of 15 August?
3. What was the date the day before yesterday?
4. Who are the man and the woman?
5. Where are the two speakers?
A. On a boat    B. On a plane     C. On a train[来源:学科网]
6. What does the wo man think about the man’s hat?
A. It’s very nice.
B. It doesn’t go well with his suit.
C. She likes the style of the hat.
7.Who i s the woman looking for?
A. Carl    B. Bob.    C. Her son.
8. What does Julia need to find for her hiking trip?
A. A map.    B. Food.    C. A mobile phone.
9. How does the boy feel about the next Maths exam?
A. Worried.    B. Stressed.(有压力的)    C. Confident.(自信的)
10. What do you learn from the dialogue?
A. The man and the woman are talking on the No.6 bus.
B. The No.6 bus runs every thirty minutes.
C. The man is unlucky because the last bus has already left.
11. What good qualities(才能)does Wu Jun have?
A. He is hard-working and kind.
B. He is hard-working and clever.
C. He is helpful and clever.
12. Who would be suitable to be the new chairperson of the Students’ Union?
A. Only Li Ping.    B. Only Wu Jun.    C. Either(两者之一)of them.
Wendy’s day
She gets up at 7.30.
She takes   13   and then a bus to go to work.
She   14   .
She has a rest at home.
She goes to bed   15   .
13. A. the underground    B. a taxi    C.a train
14. A. visits other companies    B. writes reports    C. has meetings
15. A. at 11.30 p.m.    B. before 11 p.m.    C. later than 11.30 p.m.
16. Where was the first International Friendship Camp held?
A. In China.    B. In Italy.    C. In the USA.
17. How many teenagers stayed with local families in Beijing last year?
A. About 50.    B. About 15.    C. About 40.
18. How long did the International Friendship Camp last in Beijing?
A. Ten days.    B. Two weeks.    C. A month.
19. Why did Antonio say Chinese teenagers are a lot like Italian teenagers?
A. Because they are all active(积极的)and outgoing.(外向的)
B. Because they are all serious and hard-working.
C. Because t hey are all careful and kind.
20. How would Shirley describe some members of her host family?
A. Patient.    B. Clever.    C. Kind.
21. In my mind, no such_______ thing in our country as_______ Great Wall can represent the
image and culture of China.
A. a; the    B. a; /    C. /; the    D. /; /
22. Mike _________ English, but now he is better at it than _________ in his class.
A. is used to hate; any student                    B. used to hate; the other students
C. is used to hating; all the other students           D. used to hate; all the students
23. How nervous we are ________ the coming high school entrance exams _______ June 15th.
A. thinking of ; on    B. to think of; on    C. thinking of ; in    D. to think of; in
24. —Why don’t you drive to work today?
—Sometimes riding is even         than driving during the busy traffic time.
A. later    B. faster     C. slower    D. more slowly
25. —I called you but you didn’t reply to me.
—Oh, sorry, I ________ the 3-D film HOBBIT(《霍比特人》)at the cinema.
A. watched    B. have watched    C. was watching    D. had watched
26. A: My mother doesn’t like going shopping in Hongkong at all.
B: Well, shopping there isn’t liked by          .
A. anyone    B. nobody    C. everybody    D. somebody
27. What did he ________ you to ________ at the meeting?
A. advise speak    B. insist talk    C. tell say    D. remind  tell
28. — You must _________ your son. [来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K]
— Oh, I see. He must make mistakes at school again.
A. be angry with    B. be kind of     C. be strict with    D. be pleased with
29. You may easily lose your way in the rain forest _________ you have a map or a guide.
A. until    B. unless    C. though    D. if
30. Not only Jim but also my parents and I ______ a few places of interest since we came to China.
A. has visited    B. will visit    C. have visited    D. visited
31. Amy improved her way of study. _________, she has made great progress.
A. As a result    B. As usual    C. In other words   D. In all
32.—Shall we play football this afternoon? —_______
A. Yes, that’s right.                                           B. OK, I’ll be free then.
C. What’s the matter?                                       D. Of course, you may.
33. It’s an international school ,_____of the students _____ from foreign countries.
A. two-third; are    B. second-thirds; is    C. two-thirds; are    D. two-three; is
34. There was going to _____ a struggle between her two friends. She doesn’t know ______ to deal with it.
A. be, how    B. have, what    C. be, what    D. have, how
35. Could you tell me_____________?
A. what she had done with the camera.           B. how we can call this lady
C. what is wrong with the watch                        D. which city we should go
36. The girl in black trousers _____often noticed       the teachers’ office.
A. are; entering into    B. are; entering    C. is; to enter into    D. is; to enter
37. —I like the dress, but I’m ______ I haven’t got enough money.
—Don’t worry. I don’t mind ______ you some if you like.
A. afraid; lending    B. sure; to lend    C. afraid; borrowing    D. sure; to borrow
38. —        great fun it is to go hiking in this season! Really?
—Yeah, you cannot imagine ______interesting it is if you don’t experience it yourself.
A. What a; how    B. What; how    C. How a ;what    D. How; what a
39. His aunt wanted to have him _______ the radio, but he had had it ________ already.
A. repair, repair    B. to repair, repair    C. repaired, to repair    D. repair, repaired
40. It was silly ________ you to devote all the time he had________ the garden of the city.
A. for, to develop    B. for, developing    C. of, to developing    D. of, develop
Dad lost his job after arguing with the boss, and when Christmas came that year, we had no money  41   . On Christmas Eve, Dad took me out into the park. I had a blanket wrapped around me, so I  42   to share it with Dad, but he said no thanks. We   43   at the sky. Those shining stars were one of the   44   treats for people like us who lived out in the wildness. Rich city people, he’d say, live in   45   flats, but their air was so polluted that they   46   not even see the stars.
“   47   your favorite star.” Dad said that night. He told me I could have it for keeping. He said it was my Christmas   48   . “You can’t give me a star,” I said, “   49   owns the stars.”
“That’s right,” Dad said, “But you can suppose it is yours. And when you do that, it is yours.”
I   50   my head, looked at the stars, and tried to figure out which was the best one. Then, I found one.
“I want that one.” I said.
Dad smiled. “That’s Venus(金星),” he said, “Venus was only a planet. She looked bigger and brighter because she was much   51   than the stars. Poor old Venus didn’t even make her   52   light. She shone only from reflected(反射)light.”
“I like it anyway,” I said, “I had loved Venus even   53   that Christmas. You could see it in the early evening, and if you got up early, you could still see it in the morning, after all the stars had disappeared.”
Dad said, “Ok, it’s Christmas. I   54   your decision. You can have it if you want.” And he gave me Venus.
We all laughed about the kids who believed in the Santa myth(圣诞传说)and got nothing for Christmas but a bunch of cheap plastic toys. “Many years later, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten,” Dad said, “you will   55   have your star.
41. A. at first                   B. at once                     C. at all                       D. at least
42. A. asked                            B. provided                  C. required                  D. offered
43. A. looked up           B. looked for            C. look out                  D. look after
44. A. strange                   B. special                            C. important                 D. impossible
45. A. fantastic                 B. ugly                         C. old                         D. poor
46. A. needed                   B. could                       C. should                      D. had better
47. A. pick up                  B. take out                    C. put out                            D. pick out
48. A. dinner                  B. card                      C. party                     D. present
49. A. Everybody         B. Somebody              C. Anybody              D. Nobody
50. A. lowed                    B. put                          C. raised                       D. rose
51. A. slower                  B. farther                            C. closer                       D. higher
52. A. alone                            B. lonely                      C. strong                      D. own
53. A. when                     B. before                      C. after                        D. until
54. A. dislike                  B. refuse                    C. accept                     D. consider
55. A. even                    B. never                     C. already                  D. still
Wildwood School Library Guide
This will offer you some information about our school library. You can use this guide to help your kids use our library.
Service hours:
3:00 pm-5:30 pm on school days; 8:30 am-11:00 am on weekends. On school days, your kids may borrow or return books during opening
hours only when his classroom teacher allows him to. At the weekend, our library is open to both
you and your kids.
Each student can borrow one or two books at a time. More books can be borrowed only for class reading activities and school research.
Books borrowed from the library can be kept for 15 school days. The books must be
returned before the due (到期的)date or the kid can not borrow other books.
Damaged(受损的)or Lost Books:
When a book is returned in a damaged condition, the kid will have to pay three dollars for
the damage. Full price must be paid if a book is lost. We encourage students to carry their library books in plastic bags to protect them from rainy weather.
Please call us at 3362-1323 for more information.
56. Students can borrow more than two books at a time__________.
A. for sending exams                          B. to do school research
C. for after-school activities                    D. to read together with their parents
57. ________must be paid when a student loses the book he b orrows.
A. Three dollars                              B. Half the price of the book
C. Full price of the book                     D. Twice the price of the book
58. The students are advised to _________to prevent rain.
A. carry their library books in plastic bags     B. cover their library books with raincoats
C. put their library books into their pockets    D. keep their library books in their classroom
59. This library guide is for_______.
A. teachers from Wildwood                    B. workers in Wildwood School Library
C. visitors to Wildwood School                  D. parents of the Wildwood School students
60. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The library is open for two and a half hours every day.
B. Students’ parents can go to the school library on weekends.
C. Students can go to the library during opening hours as they like.
D. Students can keep the books that they borrow for fifteen school days.
Qi Haoran, a Junior Grade One student at a High School Attached to Harbin Institute of Technology, was quite busy over the past winter holiday – and not just with homework. Qi, together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(光盘行动).
These students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food. “Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to eat? Please don’t waste food.” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.
The Clean Your Plate Campaign began on the Internet in January. It calls on people to reduce food waste. China in recent years has experienced serious problems with wasted food. CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.
Chinese people are well-known for being hospitable(好客的)and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.
Luckily, the campaign has got a lot of support. In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner gives the guests who have eaten up all that they ordered a sticker. People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers home.
To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. It’s important that everyone does their bit, just like Qi. Did you finish your meals today?
61. _________ students from Qi’s High School volunteered to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.
A. Nine    B. Ten    C. Eleven    D. Twelve
62. The Clean Your Plate Campaign started __________ in January.
A. in a big restaurant                                 B. in a CCTV programme
C. in a high school                                    D. on the Internet
63. According to the CCTV report in January, the food we waste every year can _________.
A. get rid of very serious problems           B. stop people from going to the restaurants
C. feed 200, 000, 000 people                      D. make us become hospitable and generous
64. The restaurant owner in Xinjiang __________ to support the campaign.
A. gave the guests a sticker if they ate up the food
B. offered the guests 10 stickers if they ordered a lot
C. offered smaller dishes to the guests
D. encouraged customers to take leftovers home
65. You can probably read this passage _________.
A. in a science book   B. in a newspaper   C. in a tourist guide   D. in an advertisement
When you watch TV and play video games you make global(全球的)warming worse! It may seem hard to believe, but when electricity is made, so are greenhouse gases(温室气体). This means that every time you use electricity you help make global warming worse!
Cars are also making global warming worse. They burn fossil fuels(化石燃料)in their engines, and send lots of greenhouse gases into the air.
Global warming may be a big problem, but we can all help stop it. People can try to drive their cars less. Or even get ones that run on sunlight! You can also help. Let’s try one of these top ideas:
(1)Try to use less electricity. Turn off lights, your television, and your computer when you’ve stopped using them. To make electricity, fossil fuels are burned in big factories. But burning fossil fuels also makes greenhouse gases. You sh ould also try to watch less TV.
(2)Plant tree s. Not only is it a fun thing to do, but it is also a great way to lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air when they grow.
(3)Don’t throw away your rubbish, try to recycle it. If rubbish is not recycled, it is put in the ground. There it rots(腐烂)and makes a greenhouse gas called methane(甲烷).So try to recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers. It’ll make you feel great! And it’ll help the Earth.
66.If we _____, we may make global warming worse.
A. use less electricity                                    B. drive a car on sunlight
C. plant trees                                          D. throw aw ay rubbish
67. We may use more electricity by______.
A. turning off lights                                   B. shutting down computers
C. turning up CD players                               D. turning off TV
68. ______ will make global warming worse.
A. Methane    B. Cans    C. Newspapers     D. Bottles
69. Using less electricity does good to global warming because_______.
A. the less electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are produced
B. the more electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are produced
C. more electricity is used, less greenhouse gases are produced
D. less electricity is used, more greenhouse gases are produced
70. Which is the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Driving cars on sunlight helps to stop global warming.
B. When cars burn fossil fuels, they produce greenhouse gases.
C. When trees grow, they send carbon dioxide into the air.
D. By planting more trees, we can lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air.
Empathy(同情心)lets us feel another person’s pain and drivers us to help. Do any other animals feel empathy? Scientists recently found that rats do, too.
Most people don’t like rats. In many people’s eyes, rats are only bad. But Jean Decety and his partners at the University of Chicago did an experiment. It showed that rats are kind, warm-hearted animals. They can feel each other’s pain.
Scientists placed pairs of rats in plastic cages for two weeks. During this time they got to know each other. Then they put one of the rats from each pair into a small container(容器)in the cages. The small container had a door. It was rigged to fall to the side when the free rat touched it. Many of the trapped rats squeaked(吱吱叫)t o express their discomfort. The other rats of the pairs could see their suffering friends clearly.
In most pairs, the free rats would become very worried about their friends. They kept trying to save their friends again and again throughout the month. Scientists put the rats’ favorite chocolate in the cages, but the rats didn’t eat it until they had saved their friends successfully. Scientists also found that female rats tended to act more empathetic than male rats.
“The results are the first to show that rats take action in response to another’s trouble,” Decety said. “Monkeys and chimpanzees(黑猩猩)have similar behavior. But unlike those animals, rats can be ready used in laboratory studies. They will help us to learn which parts of the brain lead to empathy and helping behavior and whether empathy is natural.”
71. A person with empathy is often _________.
A. kind-hearted    B. clever    C. active    D. strong
72. Why didn’t the free rats eat the chocolate at first?
A. Because they were not hungry at that time.
B. Because chocolate was not their favorite food.
C. Because they wanted to save the trapped rats first.
D. Because they were afraid that the chocolate was bad.
73. Which of the following animals were NOT mentioned in the article?
A. Monkeys.    B. Chimpanzees.    C. Rats.    D. Cats.
74. What does the word ‘discomfort’ in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. happiness    B. illness    C. uneasiness    D. anger
75. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A. Rats can feel other animals’ pain.
B. Chocolate is rats’ favorite food.
C. Rats are empathetic and can feel each other’s pain.
D. Female rats are more empathetic than male rats.
第二部分  非选择题(共55分)
Birth, marriage and death, they are the greatest events of human life. ① In our life, many events good or bad may happen to us. But there are three days which are usually marked by some kinds of special ceremony(仪式): the day we are born , the day we get married , and the day we die . These are the three main events in life. We only have a choice in the second on the three: we can only choose to or not to marry. We have no choice in birth and death.
Almost all human beings---②______ the most primitive(原始的)_____ the most civilized(文明的)---are affected by these three events. The only thing that differs in each society is the way these things are celebrated. In fact, all societies(社会) share some common characteristics. Birth is a joyful event. The proud parents receive congratulations and presents from their relatives and friends because of the new-born. Marriage is also a delightful event. The young couple(夫妇) go through a special wedding ceremony; receive presents and set up their new home.
Death causes much sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning. The dates of all these three things are usually remembered.
1. 将①句译成汉语。
2. 在②句的空白处分别填入一个适当的单词使句意完整、上下文通顺。
__________________   __________________.
3. 回答问题:Why do the proud parents receive congratulations and presents from their relatives and friends?
4. 找出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子。
We don’t choose the day we are born and the day we die.
5. 找出或写出文中最能表达短文主题的句子。
1. Forests __________(destroy)to build roads in the past. Now they have stopped doing so.
2. It seems to be               (hope)to get into the amusement park. Let’s go back home.
3. Our English teacher often uses different activities to keep us __________(interest)in class.
4. The youth worker’s job is             (help)the teenagers solve the problems.
5. We think the life we are used to           (change)a lot over the years.
6. Who do you think is _____________(strict)with you among these teachers?
7. My classmates and I often buy ____________(we)healthy food at the supermarket.
8. What great fun we had __________(make)snowmen!
9. __________(get)enough sleep or you’ll feel ill.
10. The reporter            the important conference between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. yesterday. (cover)
11. The scientist died in his ____________(forty). What a pity! He should be taken good care of.
12. Would you please help us describe one of the most famous ____________(direct) appearance in English?
13. More than one thief ______________(catch)since last month.
14. There is a risk of being killed here, so we will move to another place for          (safe).
15. As an excellent teacher, she devoted most of her time to          (teach)her students.
Travel can teach kids more than a textbook. Travelling with kids is good f   1   them. They can find new interests. Travel makes information alive for kids, and makes it much more exciting than studying textbooks or d   2   experiments in the laboratory. While travelling, they learn
h   3   to deal with new situations, and communicate with other people. They learn patience, because sometimes i   4   takes a long time to get to some exciting or interesting places.
I’ve been travelling since I was seven years old. For me, to stop travelling would be like taking something a   5   from my soul(灵魂). I can’t live without travelling. Some people think it’s
d   6    to travel after having kids. But in my opinion, when people become parents, it doesn’t
m   7   they can’t travel any more. My children have been travelling since they were three weeks old.
Bringing a new life into the world comes with many responsibilities(责任)and I’d love to be a good mother. One of my d   8   is to educate my children. I’m so thankful that my parents took me on family trips when I was y   9   . I’ve learned that the outside world is more colorful than the little one I was living in. Of course, I want to pass these travel e   10   on to my children.
I value the memories I have travelling with my children. I’m sure they will always remember them in their lives.
1.              2.              3.              4.              5.
6.              7.              8.              9.              10.
1. 中学生应遵守校规,尊敬师长,团结友爱;
2. 中学生应积极参加校园内外各种志愿者活动;
3. 最近,泰州出现雾霾天气,给人们的日常生活带来很大伤害,中学生应该注意保护环境;比如……(请例举两例)
4. 中学生应安排好自己的时间,学会搞好学习和爱好之间的平衡
5. 中学生应学会感恩,包括……
As we all know, a beautiful, peaceful and harmonious school is very important for all of us to grow up healthily……
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