

DROPS Cardigan with long or short sleeves in Safran ~ DROPS Design -横织-镂空下摆背心+开衫
DROPS 77-26 by DROPS Design
DROPS 77-26

DROPS Cardigan with long or short sleeves in Safran

DROPS 77-26

DROPS 77-26

DROPS Cardigan with long or short sleeves in Safran


DROPS 77-26

DROPS 77-26


Sizes: S - M - L - XL - XXL

Finished bust measurements:

82-92-102-112-122 cm

Materials: DROPS SAFRAN from Garnstudio

Short sleeve: 250-250-300-300-350 gr nr 17, white.

Long sleeve: 350-350-400-400-450 gr nr 17, white.

Narrow white ribbon: approx. 90-100-110-120-130 cm long

9 DROPS Pearl shell buttons nr 521

DROPS 2.5 mm and 3 mm  circular and double-pointed needles, or sizes needed to obtain correct gauge.



Sizes: S - M - L - XL - XXL

Finished bust measurements:

76-86-96-106-116 cm

Materials: DROPS SAFRAN from Garnstudio

150-200-200-200-250 gr nr 17, white.

Narrow white ribbon: approx. 85-95-105-115-125 cm long.

DROPS 2.5 mm and 3 mm  circular needles, or sizes needed to obtain correct gauge.

(Continue to pattern...)

See deals and shadecard for: DROPS Safran

Comments (10)

Yarn type


    2.20 GBP

DROPS Autumn & Winter 2015/16

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NOTE: This pattern is written in British English. All measurements in charts are in cm. For conversion from cm to inch - click here.
There are different terms for crocheting in British and American English. If this pattern includes crochet, click for "crochet terms" here.



Stockinette st: 24 sts x 32 rows on larger needles = 10 x 10 cm.

Pattern 1: 24 sts on smaller needles = 10 cm wide

Pattern: See chart. The pattern is seen from the right side.

Garter st, when knitting flat: Knit all sts, all rows.


Make buttonholes on right buttonband as follows (from wrong side): knit until 4 sts remain, K 1, yo, K 3. Knit the next row as follows (from right side): K 1, K 2 tog, K the yo from previous row, K 1.

Make buttonholes when the piece measures:

Make the last buttonhole when there are 2 rows garter st remaining in neck shaping.

Size S: 2, 7, 12, 17, 21, 26, 31, 36 and 41 cm

Size M: 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37 and 42 cm

Size L: 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 33, 38 and 43 cm

Size XL: 2, 7, 13, 18, 23, 28, 34, 39 and 44 cm

Size XXL: 2, 7, 13, 18, 24, 29, 34, 40 and 45cm

Body: Cast on 203-227-251-275-299 sts on smaller circular needles. Knit Pattern 1 (row 1 = wrong side, begin pattern with P 3), keeping 4 sts in garter st at each side for buttonbands - make buttonholes on right buttonband - see instructions above. When the piece measures 22 cm change to larger circular needles and knit Pattern 2 to finished measurements. When the piece measures 34-35-36-37-38 cm knit the next row as follows (right side row): 50-56-62-68-74 sts (= right front), bind off 7 sts for armhole, 89-101-113-125-137 sts (= back), bind off 7 sts for armhole), 50-56-62-68-74 sts (= left front). Knit each piece separately.

Left front: = 50-56-62-68-74 sts. Bind off for armhole at the side every other row: 3 sts 0-0-1-2-3 times, 2 sts 0-1-2-3-4 times and 1 st 1-4-4-4-4 times = 49-50-51-52-53 sts. When the piece measures 42-43-44-45-46 cm put the 10 sts at the center front edge on a st holder for the neck. Then bind off at neck edge every other row: 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 10 times = 24-25-26-27-28 sts remain on shoulder. Bind off the remaining sts when the piece measures 52-54-56-58-60 cm.

Right front: = 50-56-62-68-74 sts. Knit the same as the left, reversing shaping - continue to make buttonholes.

Back: = 89-101-113-125-137 sts. Bind off for armholes at each side as on front = 87-89-91-93-95 sts remain. When the piece measures 50-52-54-56-58 cm bind off the center 35 sts for the neck. Then dec 1 st at each neck edge every other row 2 times = 24-25-26-27-28 sts remain on each shoulder. Bind off when the piece measures 52-54-56-58-60 cm.

Short sleeve: Cast on 72-78-78-84-90 sts on smaller double-pointed needles; join and place a marker at the join. Knit Pattern 1 one time, change to larger double pointed needles and knit Pattern 2 to finished measurements. After Pattern 1 inc 1 st each side of marker (make incs 1 st in from marker) every 6-8-3-3-4 rows a total of 3-2-4-4-3 times = 78-82-86-92-96 sts - purl the increased sts. When the piece measures 7-6-5-5-5 cm bind off 7 sts at marker (3 before and 4 after). Then bind off for sleeve cap at each side every other row: 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 2-1-0-0-0 times, 1 st 5-10-15-18-21 times, then bind off 3 sts at each side until the piece measures 14-15-16-18-20 cm. Bind off the remaining sts.

Long sleeve: Cast on 54-54-60-60-60 sts on smaller double-pointed needles; join and place a marker at the join. Knit Pattern 1 one time, change to larger double pointed needles and knit Pattern 2 to finished measurements. At the same time when the piece measures 8-8-8-7-7 cm inc 1 st each side of marker (make incs 1 st in from marker) every 11-9-9-7-6 rows a total of 12-14-13-16-18 times = 78-82-86-92-96 sts - purl the increased sts. When the piece measures 49-47-45-43-41 cm bind off 7 sts at marker (3 sts before and 4 sts after). Then bind off for sleeve cap at each side every other row: 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 2-1-0-0-0 times, 1 st 5-10-15-18-21 times, then bind off 3 sts at each side until the piece measures 56 cm. Bind off the remaining sts.

Assembly: Sew shoulder seams.

Neckband: Pick up approx. 110-120 sts (incl. sts on st holders) around the neck on smaller circular needles. Knit 3 rows garter st, then bind off.

Sew in sleeves and buttons. Thread ribbon through the top row of holes in Pattern 1.




Stockinette st: 24 sts x 32 rows on larger needles = 10 x 10 cm.

Pattern 1: 24 sts on smaller needles = approx. 10 cm wide.

Pattern: See chart. The pattern is seen from the right side.

Rib: * P 1, K 1 *, repeat from * - *.

Garter st, when knitting flat: Knit all sts, all rows.

Knitting tips (for armhole):

All decs are made from right side. Dec inside 5 edge sts knit as follows from edge (seen from the right side): K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), K 1, P 1, K 1, P 1. Dec 1 st as follows:After 5 edge sts: Slip 1 st as if to knit, K 1, psso.

Before 5 edge sts: K 2 tog.

Note: on wrong side rows P the 6th st from edge.


Cast on 180-204-228-252-276 sts on smaller circular needles; join and place a marker at the join. Knit Pattern 1 for 20 cm, change to larger circular needles and knit Pattern 2 to finished measurements. Put a marker in one of the knit sts at each side (there will be P 5 on each side of each marker and 89-101-113-125-137 sts between markers). When the piece measures 30-31-32-33-34 cm knit 3 rows rib - see instructions above - over 15-15-23-23-31 sts at each side (7-7-11-11-15 sts at each side of marked sts) - start and end rib with P 1 (knit the remaining sts in Pattern 2 as before). Then bind off 5-5-13-13-21 sts at each side for armhole and knit each piece separately.

Front: = 85-97-101-113-117 sts.

Read the entire section before knitting:

Armhole: Dec 1 st at each side every other row 2-7-8-13-14 times - see knitting tips. Then continue with the 6 outermost sts knit as follows from edge: K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), K 1, P 1, K 1, P 1, K 1) to finished measurements.

Neckband: At the same time when the piece measures 35-37-38-40-41 cm bind off the center 13 sts for the neck. Then bind off at each neck edge every other row: 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 2 times and 1 st 8 times. After all armhole and neck shaping is complete 19-20-21-22-23 sts remain on each shoulder. Bind off when the piece measures 48-50-52-54-56 cm.

Back: = 85-97-101-113-117 sts. Bind off for armhole as on front = 81-83-85-87-89 sts. When the piece measures 46-48-50-52-54 cm bind off the center 39 sts for the neck. Then dec 1 st at each neck edge every other row 2 times = 19-20-21-22-23 sts remain on each shoulder. Bind off when the piece measures 48-50-52-54-56 cm.

Assembly: Sew shoulder seams.

Neckband: Pick up approx. 120-130 sts around the neck on smaller circular needles. P 1 row, K 1 row, P 1 row, and then bind off with a knit row. Thread ribbon through the top row of holes in Pattern 1.



knit from RS, purl from WS


purl from RS, knit from WS




from right side: slip 1 as if to knit, K 2 tog, psso.

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