

DROPS Ribbed Pullover in Safran ~ DROPS Design - 浅咖色插肩毛衣
DROPS 74-7 by DROPS Design


"Beautiful and elegant"

DROPS Ribbed Pullover in Safran


DROPS 74-7

Sizes: S - M - L - XL

Finished measurements: 88-98-108-118 cm

On account of the rib pattern the pullover will initially be somewhat smaller than indicated on the diagram.

Materials: DROPS SAFRAN, from Garnstudio

300-350-400-400 gr nr 22, brown.

DROPS 3 mm straight and double-pointed needles, or sizes needed to obtain correct gauge.

(Continue to pattern...)

See deals and shadecard for: DROPS Safran

Comments (12)

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    2.20 GBP

DROPS Autumn & Winter 2015/16

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Need help with this pattern? Take a look at the list of Tutorial Videos available on the video tab to the right of the photo, or take a look at our FAQ!

NOTE: This pattern is written in British English. All measurements in charts are in cm. For conversion from cm to inch - click here.
There are different terms for crocheting in British and American English. If this pattern includes crochet, click for "crochet terms" here.

Gauge: 24 sts x 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm in stockinette st.

Pattern: See charts. The pattern is seen from the right side.

Rib-1: * K 2, P 2 *, repeat from * - *.

Rib-2: * K 2, P 4 * , repeat from * - *.

Knitting tips for decreasing (for raglan shaping on Body): Dec 1 st for raglan shaping inside 5 sts knit as follows from edge: K 1 (edge st), P 1, K 2 and P 1.

On right side rows:

After 5 sts: P 2 tog.

Before 5 sts: Slip 2, return to left needle 1 by 1, twisting each st, P 2 tog.

On wrong side rows: After 5 sts: Slip 1 st as if to knit, K 1, psso.

Before 5 sts: K 2 tog.

Tucked Ridges on sleeves:

Knit first row as follows (right side row): * K 1, yo *, repeat from * - *, finish with K 1. Knit 4 rows stockinette st, letting yo loops drop on 1st row (long sts).

Knit the next row (wrong side row) as follows: * pull up the top of sts from rows with long sts. Put loop on right needle, P 1, pull loop over purled st so that the loop binds the st off *, repeat from * - *.


Front: Cast on 108-120-132-144 sts. Establish pattern on the first row as follows:

Rib-1 over 24-30-36-42 sts:

Sizes S and L: start with P 2

Sizes M and XL: start with K 2

then (all sizes): Pattern 1 (30 sts), Pattern 2 (30 sts), and Rib-1 over 24-30-36-42 sts (starting with K 2). Continue in pattern as established until all the rows of Pattern 1 and Pattern 2 are complete – these sts are now in Rib-2. Continue until the piece measures 33-34-35-36 cm, then bind off 6 sts at each side for armhole = 96-108-120-132 sts.

Read the entire next section before knitting:

Raglan shaping: Dec for raglan inside 5 sts at each side - see knitting tips. Dec 1 st every other row 30-28-25-22 times and then 1 st every row until the neck shaping overlaps raglan shaping - NOTE: for size S the neck shaping will overlap the raglan while still decreasing every other row, so that you will not need to dec every row.

Neck shaping: When the piece measures 38-39-41-42 cm purl and bind off the 2 center sts for the neck. Put left side on a st holder.

Right side: Dec 1 st for the neck every other row until all sts are bound off - the neck shaping will overlap the raglan shaping. when all sts are bound off the piece measures approx. 51-53-55-57 cm.

Left side: Put sts on st holder back on needles and knit the same as the right side, reversing all shaping - knit the 1st row from center front on wrong side row - start by picking up 1 st in the first bound-off st and knit together with 1st st on needles.

Back: Cast on and knit the same as the front, but instead of yo in the pattern, inc by pulling up a st from the previous row (see ?Pattern? symbol description). Shape raglan as on front as follows: dec 1 st every other row 30-28-25-22 times and then 1 st every row 0-8-17-26 times. Put the remaining 36 sts on a st holder, the piece measures approx. 51-53-55-57 cm.

Sleeve: Cast on loosely 62-62-72-72 sts. Knit 1 row (wrong side row), on the next row begin Pattern 3, keeping 1 st at each edge in garter st throughout. Repeat pattern 3 times total. The piece measures approx. 13 cm. Knit 2 rows stockinette st. Then knit 1 tucked ridge - see instructions above, then 2 rows stockinette st, then knit 1 tucked ridge. The piece measures approx. 15 cm, continue with stockinette st to finished measurements.

At the same time (after tucked ridges) inc 1 st at each side 16-18-15-18 times every 7-6-7-6 rows = 94-98-102-108 sts.

When the piece measures 50 cm bind off 3 sts at each side for sleeve cap = 88-92-96-102 sts. Then dec 1 st at each edge every other row 25-26-27-27 times and then every row 7-8-9-12 times.

Now dec 1 st every row at the side which will be seamed to the back 4 times and at the same time bind off 8 sts every other row 2 times at the side which will be seamed to the front, bind off remaining sts. Sleeve measures approx. 69-70-71-72 cm.

Assembly: Sew raglan seams using edge sts as seam allowance (there will be 2 stockinette st sts at the raglan transition). Sew sleeve and side seams using edge sts as a seam allowance.

Neckband: The neckband is knit in the round from center front. Pick up from center front, approx. 116-132 sts (divisible by 4) around the neck. K 1 row on wrong side row. Then knit rib-1 keeping 1 st in garter st + K 2 at each side at the center front. When neckband measures 2 cm bind off all sts in rib. Lay one side over the other at center front and stitch down.



stockinette st/knit (as seen from the right side)


reverse stockinette st/purl (as seen from the right side)


P 2 tog


Slip 2 sts, return to left hand needle 1 by 1, twisting each, then P 2 tog


K 2 tog


Slip 1 as if to knit, K 1, psso.


Slip 1 as if to knit, K 2 tog, psso.


on front and sleeves: yo on back: inc 1 st by pulling up a st from previous row and purl

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