

我的第一R包- 生信配置文件大全

大家好,我是李剑峰,生信技能树论坛的VIP小编,目前在上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院进行研究生阶段的学习,主要研究方向是生物信息学、医学信息学、大数据综合分析、临床诊断数据分析、DNA-seq, RNA-seq数据分析。很高兴又和读者朋友见面啦,有心的同学应该还记得我的上一篇教程:

Pecan Data Portal 系列教程(一)



configr 是我上传到CRAN的第一个R包,主要功能是解析和生成配置文件(json/ini/yaml/toml),分别用到了jsonlite,ini, yaml和RcppTOML。





  1. {

  2.  "default": {

  3.    "debug": "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  4.  },

  5.  "comments": {

  6.    "version": "0.2.3"

  7.  }

  8. }

参考:json.org, json examples, json-wiki


  1. [default]

  2. debug = {{debug}} {{debug2}}

  3. [comments]

  4. version = 0.2.3



  1. default:

  2.  debug: '{{debug}} {{debug2}}'


  4.  version: 0.2.3

参考:yaml.org, yaml-wiki


  1. # This is a TOML document. Jianfeng.

  2. title = "TOML Example"

  3. [default]

  4. debug = "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  5. [comments]

  6. version = "0.2.3"

  7. [comments.ljf]

  8. content = "Hello World!"

参考:toml-github, toml-wiki


  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

  2. <!--  Copyright w3school.com.cn -->

  3. <note>

  4.    <to>George</to>

  5.    <from>John</from>

  6.    <heading>Reminder</heading>

  7.    <body>Don't forget the meeting!</body>

  8. </note>



configr选择支持了json, ini, yaml, toml四种配置文件格式,下面将主要讲一下configr的基本用法,主要分为一下几块内容:配置文件格式识别、配置文件读取、配置文件的格式转换、配置文件扩展解析


  1. # 获取R包configr中内置的四种配置文件

  2. library(configr)

  3. config.json <- system.file("extdata", "config.json", package = "configr")

  4. config.ini <- system.file("extdata", "config.ini", package = "configr")

  5. config.yaml <- system.file("extdata", "config.yaml", package = "configr")

  6. config.toml <- system.file("extdata", "config.toml", package = "configr")

  7. # 配置文件格式识别相关函数

  8. is.json.file(config.json)

  1. ## [1] TRUE

  1. is.toml.file(config.toml)

  1. ## [1] TRUE

  1. is.ini.file(config.ini)

  1. ## [1] TRUE

  1. is.yaml.file(config.yaml)

  1. ## [1] TRUE

  1. get.config.type(config.json)

  1. ## [1] "json"

  1. get.config.type(config.yaml)

  1. ## [1] "yaml"

  1. get.config.type(config.ini)

  1. ## [1] "ini"

  1. get.config.type(config.toml)

  1. ## [1] "toml"


  1. # 获取配置文件中主键名称

  2. eval.config.sections(config.ini)

  1. ## [1] "default"            "comments"          

  2. ## [3] "extra_list_parse"   "other_config_parse"

  3. ## [5] "rcmd_parse"         "bash_parse"        

  4. ## [7] "mulitple_parse"     "glue_parse"

  1. eval.config.sections(config.toml)

  1. ## [1] "bash_parse"         "comments"          

  2. ## [3] "default"            "extra_list_parse"  

  3. ## [5] "glue_parse"         "mulitple_parse"    

  4. ## [7] "other_config_parse" "title"

  1. # 读取配置文件生成R中的列表

  2. # 注意:可以直接传递fromJSON/read.ini/readLines/yaml.load相关参数给read.config

  3. read.config(file = config.toml)

  1. ## List of 8

  2. ##  $ bash_parse        :List of 2

  3. ##   ..$ parsed: chr "bash"

  4. ##   ..$ raw   : chr "#>#echo bash#<#"

  5. ##  $ comments          :List of 1

  6. ##   ..$ version: chr "0.2.3"

  7. ##  $ default           :List of 1

  8. ##   ..$ debug: chr "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  9. ##  $ extra_list_parse  :List of 2

  10. ##   ..$ parsed: chr "1"

  11. ##   ..$ raw   : chr "{{yes}}"

  12. ##  $ glue_parse        :List of 4

  13. ##   ..$ parsed_1: chr [1:10] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...

  14. ##   ..$ parsed_2: int [1:10] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  15. ##   ..$ raw_1   : chr "!!glue {1:10}"

  16. ##   ..$ raw_2   : chr "!!glue_numeric {1:10}"

  17. ##  $ mulitple_parse    :List of 2

  18. ##   ..$ parsed: chr "configr, configr, yes, 1, config, config, no, 0"

  19. ##   ..$ raw   : chr "@>@str_replace('config','g$','gr')@<@, #>#echo configr#<#, {{key:yes_flag}}, {{yes}}, @>@str_replace('configr',"| __truncated__

  20. ##  $ other_config_parse:List of 2

  21. ##   ..$ parsed: chr "yes no"

  22. ##   ..$ raw   : chr "{{key:yes_flag}} {{key:no_flag}}"

  23. ##  $ title             : chr "TOML Example"

  1. # Get the same obj with config package, only get the 'default

  2. # or R_CONFIG_ACTIVE config sets' in config.cfg or


  4. eval.config(file = config.yaml)

  1. ## $debug

  2. ## [1] "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  3. ##

  4. ## attr(,"config")

  5. ## [1] "default"

  6. ## attr(,"configtype")

  7. ## [1] "yaml"

  8. ## attr(,"file")

  9. ## [1] "/home/ljf/Rlibrary/configr/extdata/config.yaml"

  1. # Read designated section

  2. eval.config(file = config.json, config = "comments")

  1. ## $version

  2. ## [1] "0.2.3"

  3. ##

  4. ## attr(,"config")

  5. ## [1] "comments"

  6. ## attr(,"configtype")

  7. ## [1] "json"

  8. ## attr(,"file")

  9. ## [1] "/home/ljf/Rlibrary/configr/extdata/config.json"

  1. # Read designated section with its one value

  2. eval.config(file = config.ini, config = "comments", value = "version")

  1. ## [1] "0.2.3"

  1. # eval.config.merge 可以合并几个主键并减少配置文件的层数

  2. eval.config.merge(file = config.json, sections = c("default",

  3.  "comments"))

  1. ## $debug

  2. ## [1] "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  3. ##

  4. ## $version

  5. ## [1] "0.2.3"

  6. ##

  7. ## attr(,"config")

  8. ## [1] "default"  "comments"

  9. ## attr(,"configtype")

  10. ## [1] "json"

  11. ## attr(,"file")

  12. ## [1] "/home/ljf/Rlibrary/configr/extdata/config.json"

  1. eval.config.merge(file = config.toml, sections = c("default",

  2.  "comments"))

  1. ## $debug

  2. ## [1] "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  3. ##

  4. ## $version

  5. ## [1] "0.2.3"

  6. ##

  7. ## attr(,"config")

  8. ## [1] "default"  "comments"

  9. ## attr(,"configtype")

  10. ## [1] "toml"

  11. ## attr(,"file")

  12. ## [1] "/home/ljf/Rlibrary/configr/extdata/config.toml"

  1. # fetch.config可以导入http:// ftp://以及本地文件,

  2. # 它会将这些文件进行收集和读取,然后生成一个合并的R列表对象

  3. links <- c("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JhuangLab/BioInstaller/master/inst/extdata/config/db/db_annovar.toml",

  4.  "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JhuangLab/BioInstaller/master/inst/extdata/config/db/db_main.toml",

  5.  system.file("extdata", "config.toml", package = "configr"))

  6. x <- fetch.config(links)

  7. x[c(1:5, length(x))]

  1. ## $db_annovar_1000g

  2. ## $db_annovar_1000g$buildver_available

  3. ## $db_annovar_1000g$buildver_available$`1000g`

  4. ## [1] "hg18"

  5. ##

  6. ## $db_annovar_1000g$buildver_available$`1000g2010`

  7. ## [1] "hg18"

  8. ##

  9. ## $db_annovar_1000g$buildver_available$`1000g2012apr`

  10. ## [1] "hg19" "hg18"

  11. ##

  12. ## $db_annovar_1000g$buildver_available$`1000g2012jul`

  13. ## [1] "hg18"

  14. ##

  15. ## $db_annovar_1000g$buildver_available$`1000g2014oct`

  16. ## [1] "hg38" "hg19" "hg18"

  17. ##

  18. ## $db_annovar_1000g$buildver_available$`1000g2015aug`

  19. ## [1] "hg38" "hg19"

  20. ##

  21. ## $db_annovar_1000g$buildver_available$other

  22. ## [1] "hg19"

  23. ##

  24. ##

  25. ## $db_annovar_1000g$description

  26. ## [1] "alternative allele frequency data in 1000 Genomes Project"

  27. ##

  28. ## $db_annovar_1000g$source_url

  29. ## [1] "http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download/{{buildver}}_{{version}}.zip"

  30. ##

  31. ## $db_annovar_1000g$version_available

  32. ##  [1] "1000g2015aug" "1000g2014oct" "1000g2014sep"

  33. ##  [4] "1000g2014aug" "1000g2012apr" "1000g2012feb"

  34. ##  [7] "1000g2011may" "1000g2010nov" "1000g2012apr"

  35. ## [10] "1000g2010jul" "1000g2010"    "1000g"      

  36. ##

  37. ## $db_annovar_1000g$version_newest

  38. ## [1] "1000g2015aug"

  39. ##

  40. ##

  41. ## $db_annovar_1000g_sqlite

  42. ## $db_annovar_1000g_sqlite$buildver_available

  43. ## [1] "hg19"

  44. ##

  45. ## $db_annovar_1000g_sqlite$install

  46. ## [1] "#R#for(i in c('all', 'afr', 'eas', 'eur', 'sas', 'amr')) {\\n  x <- set.1000g.db(sprintf('{{version}}_%s', i), '{{buildver}}', \\\"sql\\\");\\n  params <- list(sql.file = x, sqlite.path = str_replace(x, '.sql$', ''));\\n  do.call(sql2sqlite, params)\\n}\\n#R#"

  47. ##

  48. ## $db_annovar_1000g_sqlite$source_url

  49. ## [1] "http://bioinfo.rjh.com.cn/download/annovarR/humandb/{{buildver}}_{{version}}.tar.gz"

  50. ##

  51. ## $db_annovar_1000g_sqlite$version_available

  52. ## [1] "1000g2015aug"

  53. ##

  54. ## $db_annovar_1000g_sqlite$version_newest

  55. ## [1] "1000g2015aug"

  56. ##

  57. ##

  58. ## $db_annovar_avsift

  59. ## $db_annovar_avsift$buildver_available

  60. ## [1] "hg19" "hg18"

  61. ##

  62. ## $db_annovar_avsift$decompress

  63. ## [1] TRUE TRUE

  64. ##

  65. ## $db_annovar_avsift$description

  66. ## [1] "whole-exome SIFT scores for non-synonymous variants (obselete and should not be uesd any more)"

  67. ##

  68. ## $db_annovar_avsift$source_url

  69. ## [1] "http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download/{{buildver}}_{{version}}.txt.gz"    

  70. ## [2] "http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download/{{buildver}}_{{version}}.txt.idx.gz"

  71. ##

  72. ## $db_annovar_avsift$version_available

  73. ## [1] "avsift"

  74. ##

  75. ## $db_annovar_avsift$version_newest

  76. ## [1] "avsift"

  77. ##

  78. ##

  79. ## $db_annovar_avsnp

  80. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$buildver_available

  81. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$buildver_available$avsnp138

  82. ## [1] "hg19"

  83. ##

  84. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$buildver_available$avsnp142

  85. ## [1] "hg38" "hg19"

  86. ##

  87. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$buildver_available$avsnp144

  88. ## [1] "hg38" "hg19"

  89. ##

  90. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$buildver_available$avsnp147

  91. ## [1] "hg38" "hg19"

  92. ##

  93. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$buildver_available$avsnp150

  94. ## [1] "hg38" "hg19"

  95. ##

  96. ##

  97. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$decompress

  98. ## [1] TRUE TRUE

  99. ##

  100. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$description

  101. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$description$avsnp138

  102. ## [1] "dbSNP138 with allelic splitting and left-normalization"

  103. ##

  104. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$description$avsnp142

  105. ## [1] "dbSNP142 with allelic splitting and left-normalization"

  106. ##

  107. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$description$avsnp144

  108. ## [1] "dbSNP144 with allelic splitting and left-normalization (http://annovar.openbioinformatics.org/en/latest/articles/dbSNP/#additional-discussions)"

  109. ##

  110. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$description$avsnp147

  111. ## [1] "dbSNP147 with allelic splitting and left-normalization"

  112. ##

  113. ##

  114. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$source_url

  115. ## [1] "http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download/{{buildver}}_{{version}}.txt.gz"    

  116. ## [2] "http://www.openbioinformatics.org/annovar/download/{{buildver}}_{{version}}.txt.idx.gz"

  117. ##

  118. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$version_available

  119. ## [1] "avsnp150" "avsnp147" "avsnp144" "avsnp142" "avsnp138"

  120. ##

  121. ## $db_annovar_avsnp$version_newest

  122. ## [1] "avsnp150"

  123. ##

  124. ##

  125. ## $db_annovar_avsnp_sqlite

  126. ## $db_annovar_avsnp_sqlite$buildver_available

  127. ## [1] "hg19"

  128. ##

  129. ## $db_annovar_avsnp_sqlite$install

  130. ## [1] "#R#sql2sqlite('{{buildver}}_{{version}}.sqlite.sql', sqlite.path = '{{buildver}}_{{version}}.sqlite')#R#"

  131. ##

  132. ## $db_annovar_avsnp_sqlite$source_url

  133. ## [1] "http://bioinfo.rjh.com.cn/download/annovarR/humandb/{{buildver}}_{{version}}.sqlite.sql.gz"

  134. ##

  135. ## $db_annovar_avsnp_sqlite$version_available

  136. ## [1] "avsnp147"        "avsnp147.common" "avsnp144"      

  137. ## [4] "avsnp142"        "avsnp138"      

  138. ##

  139. ## $db_annovar_avsnp_sqlite$version_newest

  140. ## [1] "avsnp147"

  141. ##

  142. ##

  143. ## $title

  144. ## [1] "TOML Example"


  1. # Convert YAML configuration file to JSON format

  2. out.json <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")

  3. convert.config(file = config.yaml, out.file = out.json, convert.to = "JSON")

  1. ## [1] TRUE

  1. get.config.type(out.json)

  1. ## [1] "json"

  1. # Generate a JSON format configuration file

  2. list.test <- list(a = c(123, 456))

  3. out.fn <- sprintf("%s/test.json", tempdir())

  4. write.config(config.dat = list.test, file.path = out.fn, write.type = "json")

  1. ## [1] TRUE

  1. get.config.type(out.fn)

  1. ## [1] "json"

  1. # Generate a YAML format configuration file with defined

  2. # indent

  3. write.config(config.dat = list.test, file.path = out.fn, write.type = "yaml",

  4.  indent = 4)

  1. ## [1] TRUE

  1. get.config.type(out.fn)

  1. ## [1] "yaml"



  • extra.list可以用来替换配置文件中两个大括号括起来的值,比如 {{debug}}会被替换为 extra.list = list(debug = 'self')中的 self

  • other.config可以被用来联系两个配置文件,如果你设置 other.config =system.file('extdata', 'config.other.yaml', package='configr'),它会在config.other.yaml中读取 key并且获取 yes_flag的值然后替换解析的配置文件中对应的 {{key:yes_flag}}值。

  • rcmd.parse可以被用来解析 @>@str_replace('config','g$','gr')@<@,它可以将这一部分替换为R命令运行的结果。

  • bash.parse可以被用来解析 #>#echo bash#<#,它可以将这一部分替换为系统终端的命令运行结果.

  • glue.parse使用了R包glue进行相关解析,它会替换 !!glue {1:5}变为["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]; !!glue_numeric {1:5}变为 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


  1. other.config <- system.file("extdata", "config.other.yaml", package = "configr")

  2. read.config(file = other.config)

  1. ## $key

  2. ## $key$test_parse

  3. ## [1] 123

  4. ##

  5. ## $key$test_parse2

  6. ## [1] 234

  7. ##

  8. ## $key$yes_flag

  9. ## [1] "yes"

  10. ##

  11. ## $key$no_flag

  12. ## [1] "no"

  13. ##

  14. ##

  15. ## $`samtools@1.3.1`

  16. ## $`samtools@1.3.1`$source_dir

  17. ## [1] "/tmp"

  1. config.1 <- read.config(file = config.json)

  2. config.1$default

  1. ## $debug

  2. ## [1] "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  1. read.config(file = config.json, extra.list = list(debug = "self",

  2.  debug2 = "self2"))$default

  1. ## $debug

  2. ## [1] "self self2"

  1. sections <- c("default", "other_config_parse")

  2. config.1[sections]

  1. ## $default

  2. ## $default$debug

  3. ## [1] "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  4. ##

  5. ##

  6. ## $other_config_parse

  7. ## $other_config_parse$raw

  8. ## [1] "{{key:yes_flag}} {{key:no_flag}}"

  9. ##

  10. ## $other_config_parse$parsed

  11. ## [1] "yes no"

  1. read.config(file = config.json, extra.list = list(debug = "self",

  2.  debug2 = "self2"), other.config = other.config)[sections]

  1. ## $default

  2. ## $default$debug

  3. ## [1] "self self2"

  4. ##

  5. ##

  6. ## $other_config_parse

  7. ## $other_config_parse$raw

  8. ## [1] "yes no"

  9. ##

  10. ## $other_config_parse$parsed

  11. ## [1] "yes no"

  1. sections <- c("default", "other_config_parse", "rcmd_parse")

  2. # The followed two line command will return the same value

  3. config.1[sections]

  1. ## $default

  2. ## $default$debug

  3. ## [1] "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  4. ##

  5. ##

  6. ## $other_config_parse

  7. ## $other_config_parse$raw

  8. ## [1] "{{key:yes_flag}} {{key:no_flag}}"

  9. ##

  10. ## $other_config_parse$parsed

  11. ## [1] "yes no"

  12. ##

  13. ##

  14. ## $rcmd_parse

  15. ## $rcmd_parse$raw

  16. ## [1] "@>@ Sys.Date() @<@"

  1. read.config(file = config.json, extra.list = list(debug = "self",

  2.  debug2 = "self2"), other.config = other.config, rcmd.parse = T)[sections]

  1. ## $default

  2. ## $default$debug

  3. ## [1] "self self2"

  4. ##

  5. ##

  6. ## $other_config_parse

  7. ## $other_config_parse$raw

  8. ## [1] "yes no"

  9. ##

  10. ## $other_config_parse$parsed

  11. ## [1] "yes no"

  12. ##

  13. ##

  14. ## $rcmd_parse

  15. ## $rcmd_parse$raw

  16. ## [1] "2017-11-26"

  1. parse.extra(config.1, extra.list = list(debug = "self", debug2 = "self2"),

  2.  other.config = other.config, rcmd.parse = T)[sections]

  1. ## $default

  2. ## $default$debug

  3. ## [1] "self self2"

  4. ##

  5. ##

  6. ## $other_config_parse

  7. ## $other_config_parse$raw

  8. ## [1] "yes no"

  9. ##

  10. ## $other_config_parse$parsed

  11. ## [1] "yes no"

  12. ##

  13. ##

  14. ## $rcmd_parse

  15. ## $rcmd_parse$raw

  16. ## [1] "2017-11-26"

  1. sections <- c("default", "other_config_parse", "rcmd_parse",

  2.  "mulitple_parse")

  3. config.1[sections]

  1. ## $default

  2. ## $default$debug

  3. ## [1] "{{debug}} {{debug2}}"

  4. ##

  5. ##

  6. ## $other_config_parse

  7. ## $other_config_parse$raw

  8. ## [1] "{{key:yes_flag}} {{key:no_flag}}"

  9. ##

  10. ## $other_config_parse$parsed

  11. ## [1] "yes no"

  12. ##

  13. ##

  14. ## $rcmd_parse

  15. ## $rcmd_parse$raw

  16. ## [1] "@>@ Sys.Date() @<@"

  17. ##

  18. ##

  19. ## $mulitple_parse

  20. ## $mulitple_parse$raw

  21. ## [1] "@>@str_replace('config','g$','gr')@<@, #>#echo configr#<#, {{key:yes_flag}}, {{yes}}, @>@str_replace('configr','r','')@<@, #># echo config#<#, {{key:no_flag}}, {{no}}"

  22. ##

  23. ## $mulitple_parse$parsed

  24. ## [1] "configr, configr, yes, 1, config, config, no, 0"

  1. parse.extra(config.1, extra.list = list(debug = "self", debug2 = "self2",

  2.  yes = "1", no = "0"), other.config = other.config, rcmd.parse = T,

  3.  bash.parse = F)[sections]

  1. ## $default

  2. ## $default$debug

  3. ## [1] "self self2"

  4. ##

  5. ##

  6. ## $other_config_parse

  7. ## $other_config_parse$raw

  8. ## [1] "yes no"

  9. ##

  10. ## $other_config_parse$parsed

  11. ## [1] "yes no"

  12. ##

  13. ##

  14. ## $rcmd_parse

  15. ## $rcmd_parse$raw

  16. ## [1] "2017-11-26"

  17. ##

  18. ##

  19. ## $mulitple_parse

  20. ## $mulitple_parse$raw

  21. ## [1] "configr, #>#echo configr#<#, yes, 1, config, #># echo config#<#, no, 0"

  22. ##

  23. ## $mulitple_parse$parsed

  24. ## [1] "configr, configr, yes, 1, config, config, no, 0"

  1. # glue parse

  2. raw <- c("a", "!!glue{1:5}", "c")

  3. list.raw <- list(glue = raw, nochange = 1:10)

  4. list.raw

  1. ## $glue

  2. ## [1] "a"           "!!glue{1:5}" "c"          

  3. ##

  4. ## $nochange

  5. ##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

  1. expect.parsed.1 <- c("a", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "c")

  2. expect.parsed.2 <- list(glue = expect.parsed.1, nochange = 1:10)

  3. parse.extra(list.raw, glue.parse = TRUE, glue.flag = "!!glue")

  1. ## $glue

  2. ## [1] "a" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "c"

  3. ##

  4. ## $nochange

  5. ##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

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