

【挑战常用短语1000个】Part 1 A 开头的形容词短语

2023.10.11 江苏



  1. a bottle of - 一瓶的意思,表示一瓶某种液体或饮料
    例子:a bottle of water (一瓶水)、a bottle of wine (一瓶葡萄酒)
  2. a bundle of - 一捆的意思,表示一捆或一束某物
    例子:a bundle of flowers (一束花)、a bundle of sticks (一捆木棍)
  3. a couple of - 一对的意思,表示两个或一对某物
    例子:a couple of friends (两个朋友)、a couple of shoes (一双鞋)
  4. a crowd of - 一群的意思,表示一群人或动物
    例子:a crowd of people (一群人)、a crowd of birds (一群鸟)
  5. a drop of - 一滴的意思,表示一滴液体
    例子:a drop of water (一滴水)、a drop of blood (一滴血)
  6. a few - 几个的意思,表示一些但不多的数量
    例子:a few books (几本书)、a few apples (几个苹果)
  7. a flood of - 一大批的意思,表示大量涌入或涌出的事物
    例子:a flood of tears (一阵泪水)、a flood of messages (一大批信息)
  8. a glass of - 一杯的意思,表示一杯饮料或液体
    例子:a glass of milk (一杯牛奶)、a glass of wine (一杯葡萄酒)
  9. a good many - 很多的意思,表示大量或相当多的数量
    例子:a good many people (很多人)、a good many books (相当多的书)
  10. a great deal of - 大量的意思,表示很多或相当多的数量
    例子:a great deal of money (大量的钱)、a great deal of work (很多工作)
  11. a handful of - 一把的意思,表示一小撮或一小部分
    例子:a handful of nuts (一把坚果)、a handful of sand (一把沙子)
  12. a heap of - 一堆的意思,表示一大堆或一堆某物
    例子:a heap of clothes (一堆衣服)、a heap of leaves (一堆树叶)
  13. a herd of - 一群的意思,表示一群动物
    例子:a herd of cows (一群牛)、a herd of sheep (一群羊)
  14. a kind of - 一种的意思,表示一种或某种特定的事物
    例子:a kind of fruit (一种水果)、a kind of flower (一种花)
  15. a lot of - 很多的意思,表示大量或许多的数量
    例子:a lot of people (很多人)、a lot of books (很多书)
  16. a majority of - 大多数的意思,表示占多数或大部分的数量
    例子:a majority of voters (大多数选民)、a majority of students (大部分学生)
  17. a piece of - 一块的意思,表示一块或一片某物
    例子:a piece of cake (一块蛋糕)、a piece of paper (一张纸)
  18. a pair of - 一双的意思,表示一双或一对某物
    例子:a pair of shoes (一双鞋)、a pair of gloves (一双手套)
  19. a pile of - 一堆的意思,表示一大堆或一堆某物
    例子:a pile of books (一堆书)、a pile of clothes (一堆衣服)
  20. a series of - 一系列的意思,表示一连串或一系列的事物
    例子:a series of events (一系列事件)、a series of lectures (一连串的讲座)
  21. a set of - 一套的意思,表示一套或一组某物
    例子:a set of dishes (一套餐具)、a set of tools (一套工具)
  22. a variety of - 各种各样的意思,表示多种多样的事物
    例子:a variety of fruits (各种各样的水果)、a variety of colors (各种各样的颜色)

a bottle of

  • I bought a bottle of water.
  • I need to get a bottle of milk from the store.
  • She opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate.
  • 我买了一瓶水。
  • 我需要去商店买一瓶牛奶。
  • 她打开了一瓶香槟来庆祝

a bundle of

  • He carried a bundle of firewood on his back.
  • The florist tied a beautiful bundle of flowers together.
  • She received a bundle of letters in the mail.
  • 他背着一捆柴火。
  • 花店把一束美丽的花束绑在一起。
  • 她收到一捆信件。

a couple of

  • We invited a couple of friends over for dinner.
  • I bought a couple of new books to read.
  • They adopted a couple of kittens from the animal shelter.
  • 我们邀请了几个朋友来家里吃饭。
  • 我买了几本新书来阅读。
  • 他们从动物收容所领养了一对小猫咪。

a crowd of

  • There was a crowd of people waiting outside the concert venue.
  • A crowd of protesters gathered in the city center.
  • The stadium was filled with a crowd of cheering fans.
  • 演唱会场外聚集了一群人。
  • 市中心聚集了一群抗议者。
  • 体育场内挤满了一群欢呼的球迷。

a drop of

  • He added a drop of lemon juice to his tea.
  • She put a drop of perfume on her wrist.
  • The doctor put a drop of medicine in the patient's eye.
  • 他在茶里加了一滴柠檬汁。
  • 她在手腕上涂了一滴香水。
  • 医生在病人的眼睛里滴了一滴药。

a few

  • I have a few apples left in the fridge.
  • She only needs a few minutes to finish her work.
  • I have a few friends coming over for dinner tonight.
  • 冰箱里还剩下几个苹果。
  • 她只需要几分钟就能完成工作。
  • 今晚我有几个朋友来吃饭。

a flood of

  • There was a flood of tears when they announced the winner.
  • The heavy rain caused a flood of water in the streets.
  • The store experienced a flood of customers during the sale.
  • 当他们宣布获胜者时,涌出了泪水。
  • 暴雨导致街道上涌现了一股洪水。
  • 在促销期间,商店迎来了大量顾客。

a glass of

  • Can I have a glass of orange juice, please?
  • She poured herself a glass of wine after a long day.
  • He drank a glass of water to quench his thirst.
  • 请给我一杯橙汁好吗?
  • 她在漫长的一天后给自己倒了一杯葡萄酒。
  • 他喝了一杯水来解渴。

a good many

  • They have a good many books in their library.
  • She has a good many friends from different countries.
  • The teacher assigned a good many assignments for the weekend.
  • 他们的图书馆里有很多书。
  • 她有很多来自不同国家的朋友。
  • 老师布置了很多周末作业。

a great deal of

  • He has a great deal of knowledge about history.
  • The company invested a great deal of money in research and development.
  • She has a great deal of experience in the field.
  • 他有丰富的历史知识。
  • 公司在研发上投入了大量的资金。
  • 她在这个领域有很丰富的经验。

a handful of

  • He grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl.
  • She collected a handful of seashells from the beach.
  • The teacher gave each student a handful of candies.
  • 他从碗里抓了一把爆米花。
  • 她从海滩上收集了一把贝壳。
  • 老师给每个学生发了一把糖果。

a heap of

  • There was a heap of clothes on the floor of her room.
  • He piled a heap of books on the table.
  • The construction workers cleared a heap of rubble from the site.
  • 她房间的地板上堆满了一堆衣服。
  • 他在桌子上堆了一堆书。
  • 建筑工人清理了工地上的一堆瓦砾。

a herd of

  • We saw a herd of elephants at the wildlife sanctuary.
  • The shepherd guided his herd of sheep across the field.
  • A herd of deer grazed peacefully in the meadow.
  • 我们在野生动物保护区看到了一群大象。
  • 牧羊人引导他的一群羊穿过田野。
  • 一群鹿在草地上平静地吃草。

a kind of

  • Apples are a kind of fruit.
  • She has a kind of charm that attracts people.
  • That movie is a kind of comedy.
  • 苹果是一种水果。
  • 她有一种吸引人的魅力。
  • 那部电影是一种喜剧。

a lot of

  • I have a lot of work to do today.
  • They have a lot of money saved for their vacation.
  • She received a lot of gifts on her birthday.
  • 我今天有很多工作要做。
  • 他们为了度假存了很多钱。
  • 她生日时收到了很多礼物。

a majority of

  • The majority of voters supported the new candidate.
  • A majority of students prefer studying in the library.
  • The majority of the team agreed on the new strategy.
  • 大多数选民支持新候选人。
  • 大多数学生更喜欢在图书馆学习。
  • 团队的大多数成员都同意新战略。

a piece of

  • Can I have a piece of cake, please?
  • He tore off a piece of paper from the notebook.
  • She bought a beautiful piece of jewelry.
  • 请给我一块蛋糕好吗?
  • 他从笔记本上撕下一张纸。
  • 她买了一件漂亮的珠宝。

a pair of

  • She bought a pair of running shoes for her marathon.
  • He wore a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes.
  • They gifted her a pair of diamond earrings.
  • 她为马拉松比赛买了一双跑鞋。
  • 他戴着一副太阳镜来保护眼睛。
  • 他们送给她一对钻石耳环。

a pile of

  • There was a pile of books on the desk.
  • He sorted through a pile of papers to find the important ones.
  • The kids built a pile of sand at the beach.

a series of

  • The TV show consists of a series of episodes.
  • She gave a series of lectures on climate change.
  • The artist painted a series of landscapes.
  • 桌子上有一堆书。
  • 他整理了一堆文件,找到了重要的文件。
  • 孩子们在海滩上堆了一堆沙子。

a set of

  • She received a set of new kitchen utensils as a wedding gift.
  • He bought a set of tools for his woodworking projects.
  • They played a set of tennis matches.
  • 她收到了一套新的厨房用具作为婚礼礼物。
  • 他为他的木工项目购买了一套工具。
  • 他们进行了一套网球比赛。

a variety of

  • The supermarket offers a variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • The museum displays a variety of artwork from different time periods.
  • She enjoys trying a variety of cuisines from around the world.
  • 超市提供各种各样的水果和蔬菜。
  • 博物馆展示了来自不同时期的各种艺术品。
  • 她喜欢尝试来自世界各地的各种美食。
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